Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


so itkw so bYhxw soeI dIbwxu ] (968-1)
so tikaa so baihnaa so-ee deebaan.
The same mark on the forehead, the same throne, and the same Royal Court.

ipXU dwdy jyivhw poqw prvwxu ] (968-1)
piyoo daaday jayvihaa potaa parvaan.
Just like the father and grandfather, the son is approved.

ijin bwsku nyqRY GiqAw kir nyhI qwxu ] ijin smuMdu ivroilAw kir myru mDwxu ] (968-2)
jin baasak naytrai ghati-aa kar nayhee taan. jin samund viroli-aa kar mayr maDhaan.
He took the thousand-headed serpent as his churning string, and with the force of devotional love, he churned the ocean of the world with his churning stick, the Sumayr mountain.

caudh rqn inkwilAnu kIqonu cwnwxu ] (968-2)
cha-odah ratan nikaali-an keeton chaanaan.
He extracted the fourteen jewels, and brought forth the Divine Light.

GoVw kIqo shj dw jqu kIE plwxu ] (968-3)
ghorhaa keeto sahj daa jat kee-o palaan.
He made intuition his horse, and chastity his saddle.

DxKu cVwieE sq dw js hMdw bwxu ] (968-3)
Dhanakh charhaa-i-o sat daa jas handaa baan.
He placed the arrow of the Lord's Praise in the bow of Truth.

kil ivic DU AMDwru sw ciVAw rY Bwxu ] (968-4)
kal vich Dhoo anDhaar saa charhi-aa rai bhaan.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, there was only pitch darkness. Then, He rose like the sun to illuminate the darkness.

sqhu Kyqu jmwieE sqhu Cwvwxu ] (968-4)
satahu khayt jamaa-i-o satahu chhaavaan.
He farms the field of Truth, and spreads out the canopy of Truth.

inq rsoeI qyrIAY iGau mYdw Kwxu ] (968-4)
nit raso-ee tayree-ai ghi-o maidaa khaan.
Your kitchen always has ghee and flour to eat.

cwry kuMfW suJIEsu mn mih sbdu prvwxu ] (968-5)
chaaray kundaaN sujhee-os man meh sabad parvaan.
You understand the four corners of the universe; in your mind, the Word of the Shabad is approved and supreme.

Awvw gauxu invwirE kir ndir nIswxu ] (968-5)
aavaa ga-on nivaari-o kar nadar neesaan.
You eliminate the comings and goings of reincarnation, and bestow the insignia of Your Glance of Grace.

AauqirAw Aauqwru lY so purKu sujwxu ] (968-6)
a-utri-aa a-utaar lai so purakh sujaan.
You are the Avataar, the Incarnation of the all-knowing Primal Lord.

JKiV vwau n foleI prbqu myrwxu ] (968-6)
jhakharh vaa-o na dol-ee parbat mayraan.
You are not pushed or shaken by the storm and the wind; you are like the Sumayr Mountain.

jwxY ibrQw jIA kI jwxI hU jwxu ] (968-7)
jaanai birthaa jee-a kee jaanee hoo jaan.
You know the inner state of the soul; You are the Knower of knowers.

ikAw swlwhI scy pwiqswh jW qU suGVu sujwxu ] (968-7)
ki-aa saalaahee sachay paatisaah jaaN too sugharh sujaan.
How can I praise You, O True Supreme King, when You are so wise and all-knowing?

dwnu ij siqgur BwvsI so sqy dwxu ] (968-7)
daan je satgur bhaavsee so satay daan.
Those blessings granted by the Pleasure of the True Guru - please bless Satta with those gifts.

nwnk hMdw CqRü isir aumiq hYrwxu ] (968-8)
naanak handaa chhatar sir umat hairaan.
Seeing Nanak's canopy waving over Your head, everyone was astonished.

so itkw so bYhxw soeI dIbwxu ] (968-8)
so tikaa so baihnaa so-ee deebaan.
The same mark on the forehead, the same throne, and the same Royal Court.

ipXU dwdy jyivhw poqRw prvwxu ]6] (968-9)
piyoo daaday jayvihaa potraa parvaan. ||6||
Just like the father and grandfather, the son is approved. ||6||

DMnu DMnu rwmdws guru ijin isirAw iqnY svwirAw ] (968-9)
Dhan Dhan raamdaas gur jin siri-aa tinai savaari-aa.
Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas; He who created You, has also exalted You.

pUrI hoeI krwmwiq Awip isrjxhwrY DwirAw ] (968-9)
pooree ho-ee karaamaat aap sirjanhaarai Dhaari-aa.
Perfect is Your miracle; the Creator Lord Himself has installed You on the throne.

isKI AqY sMgqI pwrbRhmu kir nmskwirAw ] (968-10)
sikhee atai sangtee paarbarahm kar namaskaari-aa.
The Sikhs and all the Congregation recognize You as the Supreme Lord God, and bow down to You.

Atlu AQwhu Aqolu qU qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwirAw ] (968-10)
atal athaahu atol too tayraa ant na paaraavaari-aa.
You are unchanging, unfathomable and immeasurable; You have no end or limitation.

ijn@I qUM syivAw Bwau kir sy quDu pwir auqwirAw ] (968-11)
jinHee tooN sayvi-aa bhaa-o kar say tuDh paar utaari-aa.
Those who serve You with love - You carry them across.

lbu loBu kwmu k®oDu mohu mwir kFy quDu sprvwirAw ] (968-11)
lab lobh kaam kroDh moh maar kadhay tuDh saparvaari-aa.
Greed, envy, sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment - You have beaten them and driven them out.

DMnu su qyrw Qwnu hY scu qyrw pYskwirAw ] (968-12)
Dhan so tayraa thaan hai sach tayraa paiskaari-aa.
Blessed is Your place, and True is Your magnificent glory.

nwnku qU lhxw qUhY guru Amru qU vIcwirAw ] (968-12)
naanak too lahnaa toohai gur amar too veechaari-aa.
You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas; so do I recognize You.

guru ifTw qW mnu swDwirAw ]7] (968-13)
gur dithaa taaN man saaDhaari-aa. ||7||
When I saw the Guru, then my mind was comforted and consoled. ||7||

cwry jwgy chu jugI pMcwiexu Awpy hoAw ] (968-13)
chaaray jaagay chahu jugee panchaa-in aapay ho-aa.
The four Gurus enlightened the four ages; the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form.

AwpIn@Y Awpu swijEnu Awpy hI QMim@ KloAw ] (968-14)
aapeenHai aap saaji-on aapay hee thamiH khalo-aa.
He created Himself, and He Himself is the supporting pillar.

Awpy ptI klm Awip Awip ilKxhwrw hoAw ] (968-14)
aapay patee kalam aap aap likhanhaaraa ho-aa.
He Himself is the paper, He Himself is the pen, and He Himself is the writer.

sB aumiq Awvx jwvxI Awpy hI nvw inroAw ] (968-15)
sabh umat aavan jaavnee aapay hee navaa niro-aa.
All His followers come and go; He alone is fresh and new.

qKiq bYTw Arjn gurU siqgur kw iKvY cMdoAw ] (968-15)
takhat baithaa arjan guroo satgur kaa khivai chando-aa.
Guru Arjun sits on the throne; the royal canopy waves over the True Guru.

augvxhu qY AwQvxhu chu ckI kIAnu loAw ] (968-16)
ugavnahu tai aathavnahu chahu chakee kee-an lo-aa.
From east to west, He illuminates the four directions.

ijn@I gurU n syivE mnmuKw pieAw moAw ] (968-16)
jinHee guroo na sayvi-o manmukhaa pa-i-aa mo-aa.
Those self-willed manmukhs who do not serve the Guru die in shame.

dUxI cauxI krwmwiq scy kw scw FoAw ] (968-17)
doonee cha-unee karaamaat sachay kaa sachaa dho-aa.
Your miracles increase two-fold, even four-fold; this is the True Lord's true blessing.

cwry jwgy chu jugI pMcwiexu Awpy hoAw ]8]1] (968-17)
chaaray jaagay chahu jugee panchaa-in aapay ho-aa. ||8||1||
The four Gurus enlightened the four ages; the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form. ||8||1||

rwmklI bwxI Bgqw kI ] (968-19)
raamkalee banee bhagtaa kee.
Raamkalee, The Word Of The Devotees.

kbIr jIau (968-19)
kabeer jee-o
Kabeer Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (968-19)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kwieAw klwlin lwhin mylau gur kw sbdu guVu kInu ry ] (968-19)
kaa-i-aa kalaalan laahan mayla-o gur kaa sabad gurh keen ray.
Make your body the vat, and mix in the yeast. Let the Word of the Guru's Shabad be the molasses.