Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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972 jb nK isK iehu mnu cIn@w ] (972-1)jab nakh sikh ih man cheenHaa. When I came to understand this mind, from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head, qb AMqir mjnu kIn@w ]1] (972-1)tab antar majan keenHaa. ||1|| then I took my cleansing bath, deep within my self. ||1|| pvnpiq aunmin rhnu Krw ] (972-1)pavanpat unman rahan kharaa. The mind, the master of the breath, abides in the state of supreme bliss. nhI imrqu n jnmu jrw ]1] rhwau ] (972-2)nahee mirat na janam jaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. There is no death, no re-birth, and no aging for me now. ||1||Pause|| aultI ly skiq shwrM ] (972-2)ultee lay sakat sahaaraN. Turning away from materialism, I have found intuitive support. pYsIly ggn mJwrM ] (972-2)paiseelay gagan majhaaraN. I have entered into the sky of the mind, and opened the Tenth Gate. byDIAly ck® BuAMgw ] (972-3)bayDhee-alay chakar bhuangaa. The chakras of the coiled Kundalini energy have been opened, BytIAly rwie insMgw ]2] (972-3)bhaytee-alay raa-ay nisangaa. ||2|| and I have met my Sovereign Lord King without fear. ||2|| cUkIAly moh mieAwsw ] (972-3)chookee-alay moh ma-i-aasaa. My attachment to Maya has been eradicated; sis kIno sUr igrwsw ] (972-4)sas keeno soor giraasaa. the moon energy has devoured the sun energy. jb kuMBku Birpuir lIxw ] (972-4)jab kumbhak bharipur leenaa. When I was focused and merged into the all-pervading Lord, qh bwjy Anhd bIxw ]3] (972-4)tah baajay anhad beenaa. ||3|| then the unstruck sound current began to vibrate. ||3|| bkqY bik sbdu sunwieAw ] (972-4)baktai bak sabad sunaa-i-aa. The Speaker has spoken, and proclaimed the Word of the Shabad. sunqY suin mMin bswieAw ] (972-5)suntai sun man basaa-i-aa. The hearer has heard, and enshrined it in the mind. kir krqw auqris pwrM ] (972-5)kar kartaa utras paaraN. Chanting to the Creator, one crosses over. khY kbIrw swrM ]4]1]10] (972-5)kahai kabeeraa saaraN. ||4||1||10|| Says Kabeer, this is the essence. ||4||1||10|| cMdu sUrju duie joiq srUpu ] (972-6)chand sooraj du-ay jot saroop. The moon and the sun are both the embodiment of light. joqI AMqir bRhmu AnUpu ]1] (972-6)jotee antar barahm anoop. ||1|| Within their light, is God, the incomparable. ||1|| kru ry igAwnI bRhm bIcwru ] (972-6)kar ray gi-aanee barahm beechaar. O spiritual teacher, contemplate God. joqI AMqir DirAw pswru ]1] rhwau ] (972-6)jotee antar Dhari-aa pasaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. In this light is contained the expanse of the created universe. ||1||Pause|| hIrw dyiK hIry krau Awdysu ] (972-7)heeraa daykh heeray kara-o aadays. Gazing upon the diamond, I humbly salute this diamond. khY kbIru inrMjn AlyKu ]2]2]11] (972-7)kahai kabeer niranjan alaykh. ||2||2||11|| Says Kabeer, the Immaculate Lord is indescribable. ||2||2||11|| dunIAw husIAwr bydwr jwgq musIAq hau ry BweI ] (972-8)dunee-aa husee-aar baydaar jaagat musee-at ha-o ray bhaa-ee. People of the world, remain awake and aware. Even though you are awake, you are being robbed, O Siblings of Destiny. ingm husIAwr phrUAw dyKq jmu ly jweI ]1] rhwau ] (972-8)nigam husee-aar pahroo-aa daykhat jam lay jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. While the Vedas stand guard watching, the Messenger of Death carries you away. ||1||Pause|| nµØIbu BieE AWbu AWbu BieE nµØIbw kylw pwkw Jwir ] (972-9)neemb bha-i-o aaNb aaNb bha-i-o neembaa kaylaa paakaa jhaar. He thinks that the bitter nimm fruit is a mango, and the mango is a bitter nimm. He imagines the ripe banana on the thorny bush. nwlIeyr Plu sybir pwkw mUrK mugD gvwr ]1] (972-10)naalee-ayr fal saybar paakaa moorakh mugaDh gavaar. ||1|| He thinks that the ripe coconut hangs on the barren simmal tree; what a stupid, idiotic fool he is! ||1|| hir BieE KWfu ryqu mih ibKirE hsqMØI cuinE n jweI ] (972-10)har bha-i-o khaaNd rayt meh bikhri-o hasteeN chuni-o na jaa-ee. The Lord is like sugar, spilled onto the sand; the elephant cannot pick it up. kih kmIr kul jwiq pWiq qij cItI hoie cuin KweI ]2]3]12] (972-11)kahi kameer kul jaat paaNt taj cheetee ho-ay chun khaa-ee. ||2||3||12|| Says Kabeer, give up your ancestry, social status and honor; be like the tiny ant - pick up and eat the sugar. ||2||3||12|| bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI rwmklI Gru 1 (972-12)banee naamday-o jee-o kee raamkalee ghar 1 The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, Raamkalee, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (972-12)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: AwnIly kwgdu kwtIly gUfI Awkws mDy BrmIAly ] (972-13)aaneelay kaagad kaateelay goodee aakaas maDhay bharmee-alay. The boy takes paper, cuts it and makes a kite, and flies it in the sky. pMc jnw isau bwq bqaUAw cIqu su forI rwKIAly ]1] (972-13)panch janaa si-o baat bata-oo-aa cheet so doree raakhee-alay. ||1|| Talking with his friends, he still keeps his attention on the kite string. ||1|| mnu rwm nwmw byDIAly ] (972-14)man raam naamaa bayDhee-alay. My mind has been pierced by the Name of the Lord, jYsy kink klw icqu mWfIAly ]1] rhwau ] (972-14)jaisay kanik kalaa chit maaNdee-alay. ||1|| rahaa-o. like the goldsmith, whose attention is held by his work. ||1||Pause|| AwnIly kuMBu BrweIly aUdk rwj kuAwir purMdrIey ] (972-14)aaneelay kumbh bharaa-eelay oodak raaj ku-aar purandree-ay. The young girl in the city takes a pitcher, and fills it with water. hsq ibnod bIcwr krqI hY cIqu su gwgir rwKIAly ]2] (972-15)hasat binod beechaar kartee hai cheet so gaagar raakhee-alay. ||2|| She laughs, and plays, and talks with her friends, but she keeps her attention focused on the pitcher of water. ||2|| mMdru eyku duAwr ds jw ky gaU crwvn CwfIAly ] (972-16)mandar ayk du-aar das jaa kay ga-oo charaavan chhaadee-alay. The cow is let loose, out of the mansion of the ten gates, to graze in the field. pWc kos pr gaU crwvq cIqu su bCrw rwKIAly ]3] (972-16)paaNch kos par ga-oo charaavat cheet so bachhraa raakhee-alay. ||3|| It grazes up to five miles away, but keeps its attention focused on its calf. ||3|| khq nwmdyau sunhu iqlocn bwlku pwln pauFIAly ] (972-17)kahat naamday-o sunhu tilochan baalak paalan pa-udhee-alay. Says Naam Dayv, listen, O Trilochan: the child is laid down in the cradle. AMqir bwhir kwj ibrUDI cIqu su bwirk rwKIAly ]4]1] (972-17)antar baahar kaaj birooDhee cheet so baarik raakhee-alay. ||4||1|| Its mother is at work, inside and outside, but she holds her child in her thoughts. ||4||1|| byd purwn swsqR Awnµqw gIq kibq n gwvaugo ] (972-18)bayd puraan saastar aanantaa geet kabit na gaav-ogo. There are countless Vedas, Puraanas and Shaastras; I do not sing their songs and hymns. |
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