Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mnmuK AigAwnI AMDuly jnim mrih iPir AwvY jwey ] (851-1)
manmukh agi-aanee anDhulay janam mareh fir aavai jaa-ay.
The ignorant self-willed manmukhs are blind. They are born, only to die again, and continue coming and going.

kwrj isiD n hovnI AMiq gieAw pCuqwey ] (851-2)
kaaraj siDh na hovnee ant ga-i-aa pachhutaa-ay.
Their affairs are not resolved, and in the end, they depart, regretting and repenting.

ijsu krmu hovY iqsu siqguru imlY so hir hir nwmu iDAwey ] (851-2)
jis karam hovai tis satgur milai so har har naam Dhi-aa-ay.
One who is blessed with the Lord's Grace, meets the True Guru; he alone meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

nwim rqy jn sdw suKu pwiein@ jn nwnk iqn bil jwey ]1] (851-3)
naam ratay jan sadaa sukh paa-iniH jan naanak tin bal jaa-ay. ||1||
Imbued with the Naam, the humble servants of the Lord find a lasting peace; servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (851-3)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

Awsw mnsw jig mohxI ijin moihAw sMswru ] (851-3)
aasaa mansaa jag mohnee jin mohi-aa sansaar.
Hope and desire entice the world; they entice the whole universe.

sBu ko jm ky cIry ivic hY jyqw sBu Awkwru ] (851-4)
sabh ko jam kay cheeray vich hai jaytaa sabh aakaar.
Everyone, and all that has been created, is under the domination of Death.

hukmI hI jmu lgdw so aubrY ijsu bKsY krqwru ] (851-4)
hukmee hee jam lagdaa so ubrai jis bakhsai kartaar.
By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, Death seizes the mortal; he alone is saved, whom the Creator Lord forgives.

nwnk gur prswdI eyhu mnu qW qrY jw CofY AhMkwru ] (851-5)
naanak gur parsaadee ayhu man taaN tarai jaa chhodai ahaNkaar.
O Nanak, by Guru's Grace, this mortal swims across, if he abandons his ego.

Awsw mnsw mwry inrwsu hoie gur sbdI vIcwru ]2] (851-5)
aasaa mansaa maaray niraas ho-ay gur sabdee veechaar. ||2||
Conquer hope and desire, and remain unattached; contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||

pauVI ] (851-6)

ijQY jweIAY jgq mih iqQY hir sweI ] (851-6)
jithai jaa-ee-ai jagat meh tithai har saa-ee.
Wherever I go in this world, I see the Lord there.

AgY sBu Awpy vrqdw hir scw inAweI ] (851-7)
agai sabh aapay varatdaa har sachaa ni-aa-ee.
In the world hereafter as well, the Lord, the True Judge Himself, is pervading and permeating everywhere.

kUiVAwrw ky muh iPtkIAih scu Bgiq vifAweI ] (851-7)
koorhi-aaraa kay muh fitkee-ah sach bhagat vadi-aa-ee.
The faces of the false are cursed, while the true devotees are blessed with glorious greatness.

scu swihbu scw inAwau hY isir inMdk CweI ] (851-7)
sach saahib sachaa ni-aa-o hai sir nindak chhaa-ee.
True is the Lord and Master, and true is His justice. The heads of the slanderers are covered with ashes.

jn nwnk scu ArwiDAw gurmuiK suKu pweI ]5] (851-8)
jan naanak sach araaDhi-aa gurmukh sukh paa-ee. ||5||
Servant Nanak worships the True Lord in adoration; as Gurmukh, he finds peace. ||5||

slok mÚ 3 ] (851-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

pUrY Bwig siqguru pweIAY jy hir pRBu bKs kryie ] (851-9)
poorai bhaag satgur paa-ee-ai jay har parabh bakhas karay-i.
By perfect destiny, one finds the True Guru, if the Lord God grants forgiveness.

Epwvw isir Epwau hY nwau prwpiq hoie ] (851-9)
opaavaa sir opaa-o hai naa-o paraapat ho-ay.
Of all efforts, the best effort is to attain the Lord's Name.

AMdru sIqlu sWiq hY ihrdY sdw suKu hoie ] (851-10)
andar seetal saaNt hai hirdai sadaa sukh ho-ay.
It brings a cooling, soothing tranquility deep within the heart, and eternal peace.

AMimRqu Kwxw pYn@xw nwnk nwie vifAweI hoie ]1] (851-10)
amrit khaanaa painHnaa naanak naa-ay vadi-aa-ee ho-ay. ||1||
Then, one eats and wears the Ambrosial Nectar; O Nanak, through the Name, comes glorious greatness. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (851-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ey mn gur kI isK suix pwieih guxI inDwnu ] (851-11)
ay man gur kee sikh sun paa-ihi gunee niDhaan.
O mind, listening to the Guru's Teachings, you shall obtain the treasure of virtue.

suKdwqw qyrY min vsY haumY jwie AiBmwnu ] (851-11)
sukh-daata tayrai man vasai ha-umai jaa-ay abhimaan.
The Giver of peace shall dwell in your mind; you shall be rid of egotism and pride.

nwnk ndrI pweIAY AMimRqu guxI inDwnu ]2] (851-12)
naanak nadree paa-ee-ai amrit gunee niDhaan. ||2||
O Nanak, by His Grace, one is blessed with the Ambrosial Nectar of the treasure of virtue. ||2||

pauVI ] (851-12)

ijqny pwiqswh swh rwjy Kwn aumrwv iskdwr hih iqqny siB hir ky kIey ] (851-12)
jitnay paatisaah saah raajay khaan umraav sikdaar heh titnay sabh har kay kee-ay.
The kings, emperors, rulers, lords, nobles and chiefs, are all created by the Lord.

jo ikCu hir krwvY su Eie krih siB hir ky ArQIey ] (851-13)
jo kichh har karaavai so o-ay karahi sabh har kay arthee-ay.
Whatever the Lord causes them to do, they do; they are all beggars, dependent on the Lord.

so AYsw hir sBnw kw pRBu siqgur kY vil hY iqin siB vrn cwry KwxI sB isRsit goly kir siqgur AgY kwr kmwvx kau dIey ] (851-14)
so aisaa har sabhnaa kaa parabh satgur kai val hai tin sabh varan chaaray khaanee sabh sarisat golay kar satgur agai kaar kamaavan ka-o dee-ay.
Such is God, the Lord of all; He is on the True Guru's side. All castes and social classes, the four sources of creation, and the whole universe are slaves of the True Guru; God makes them work for Him.

hir syvy kI AYsI vifAweI dyKhu hir sMqhu ijin ivchu kwieAw ngrI dusmn dUq siB mwir kFIey ] (851-15)
har sayvay kee aisee vadi-aa-ee daykhhu har santahu jin vichahu kaa-i-aa nagree dusman doot sabh maar kadhee-ay.
See the glorious greatness of serving the Lord, O Saints of the Lord; He has conquered and driven all the enemies and evil-doers out of the body-village.

hir hir ikrpwlu hoAw Bgq jnw aupir hir AwpxI ikrpw kir hir Awip riK lIey ]6] (851-16)
har har kirpaal ho-aa bhagat janaa upar har aapnee kirpaa kar har aap rakh lee-ay. ||6||
The Lord, Har, Har, is Merciful to His humble devotees; granting His Grace, the Lord Himself protects and preserves them. ||6||

slok mÚ 3 ] (851-17)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

AMdir kptu sdw duKu hY mnmuK iDAwnu n lwgY ] (851-17)
andar kapat sadaa dukh hai manmukh Dhi-aan na laagai.
Fraud and hypocrisy within bring constant pain; the self-willed manmukh does not practice meditation.

duK ivic kwr kmwvxI duKu vrqY duKu AwgY ] (851-18)
dukh vich kaar kamaavnee dukh vartai dukh aagai.
Suffering in pain, he does his deeds; he is immersed in pain, and he shall suffer in pain hereafter.

krmI siqguru BytIAY qw sic nwim ilv lwgY ] (851-18)
karmee satgur bhaytee-ai taa sach naam liv laagai.
By his karma, he meets the True Guru, and then, he is lovingly attuned to the True Name.

nwnk shjy suKu hoie AMdrhu BRmu Bau BwgY ]1] (851-19)
naanak sehjay sukh ho-ay andrahu bharam bha-o bhaagai. ||1||
O Nanak, he is naturally at peace; doubt and fear run away and leave him. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (851-19)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

gurmuiK sdw hir rMgu hY hir kw nwau min BwieAw ] (851-19)
gurmukh sadaa har rang hai har kaa naa-o man bhaa-i-aa.
The Gurmukh is in love with the Lord forever. The Name of the Lord is pleasing to his mind.