Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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850 slok mÚ 3 ] (850-1)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: bRhmu ibMdih qy bRwhmxw jy clih siqgur Bwie ] (850-1)barahm bindeh tay barahmanaa jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay. He alone knows God, and he alone is a Brahmin, who walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. ijn kY ihrdY hir vsY haumY rogu gvwie ] (850-1)jin kai hirdai har vasai ha-umai rog gavaa-ay. One whose heart is filled with the Lord, is freed of egotism and disease. gux rvih gux sMgRhih joqI joiq imlwie ] (850-2)gun raveh gun sangar-hahi jotee jot milaa-ay. He chants the Lord's Praises, gathers virtue, and his light merges into the Light. iesu jug mih ivrly bRwhmx bRhmu ibMdih icqu lwie ] (850-2)is jug meh virlay baraahman barahm bindeh chit laa-ay. How rare are those Brahmins who, in this age, come to know God, by lovingly focusing their consciousness on Him. nwnk ijn@ kau ndir kry hir scw sy nwim rhy ilv lwie ]1] (850-3)naanak jinH ka-o nadar karay har sachaa say naam rahay liv laa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, those who are blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace, remain lovingly attuned to the Name of the True Lord. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (850-4)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: siqgur kI syv n kIqIAw sbid n lgo Bwau ] (850-4)satgur kee sayv na keetee-aa sabad na lago bhaa-o. One who does not serve the True Guru, and who does not love the Word of the Shabad, haumY rogu kmwvxw Aiq dIrGu bhu suAwau ] (850-4)ha-umai rog kamaavanaa at deeragh baho su-aa-o. earns the very painful disease of egotism; he is so very selfish. mnhiT krm kmwvxy iPir iPir jonI pwie ] (850-5)manhath karam kamaavnay fir fir jonee paa-ay. Acting stubborn-mindedly, he is reincarnated over and over again. gurmuiK jnmu sPlu hY ijs no Awpy ley imlwie ] (850-5)gurmukh janam safal hai jis no aapay la-ay milaa-ay. The birth of the Gurmukh is fruitful and auspicious. The Lord unites him with Himself. nwnk ndrI ndir kry qw nwm Dnu plY pwie ]2] (850-6)naanak nadree nadar karay taa naam Dhan palai paa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, when the Merciful Lord grants His Mercy, one obtains the wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (850-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: sB vifAweIAw hir nwm ivic hir gurmuiK iDAweIAY ] (850-6)sabh vadi-aa-ee-aa har naam vich har gurmukh Dhi-aa-ee-ai. All glorious greatness is in the Name of the Lord; as Gurmukh, meditate on the Lord. ij vsqu mMgIAY sweI pweIAY jy nwim icqu lweIAY ] (850-7)je vasat mangee-ai saa-ee paa-ee-ai jay naam chit laa-ee-ai. One obtains all that he asks for, if he keeps his consciousness focused on the Lord. guhj gl jIA kI kIcY siqgurU pwis qw srb suKu pweIAY ] (850-8)guhaj gal jee-a kee keechai satguroo paas taa sarab sukh paa-ee-ai. If he tells the secrets of his soul to the True Guru, then he finds absolute peace. guru pUrw hir aupdysu dyie sB BuK lih jweIAY ] (850-8)gur pooraa har updays day-ay sabh bhukh leh jaa-ee-ai. When the Perfect Guru bestows the Lord's Teachings, then all hunger departs. ijsu pUrib hovY iliKAw so hir gux gweIAY ]3] (850-9)jis poorab hovai likhi-aa so har gun gaa-ee-ai. ||3|| One who is blessed with such pre-ordained destiny, sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3|| slok mÚ 3 ] (850-9)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: siqgur qy KwlI ko nhI myrY pRiB myil imlwey ] (850-9)satgur tay khaalee ko nahee mayrai parabh mayl milaa-ay. No one goes away empty-handed from the True Guru; He unites me in Union with my God. siqgur kw drsnu sPlu hY jyhw ko ieCy qyhw Plu pwey ] (850-10)satgur kaa darsan safal hai jayhaa ko ichhay tayhaa fal paa-ay. Fruitful is the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the True Guru; through it, one obtains whatever fruitful rewards he desires. gur kw sbdu AMimRqu hY sB iqRsnw BuK gvwey ] (850-10)gur kaa sabad amrit hai sabh tarisnaa bhukh gavaa-ay. The Word of the Guru's Shabad is Ambrosial Nectar. It banishes all hunger and thirst. hir rsu pI sMqoKu hoAw scu visAw min Awey ] (850-11)har ras pee santokh ho-aa sach vasi-aa man aa-ay. Drinking in the sublime essence of the Lord brings contentment; the True Lord comes to dwell in the mind. scu iDAwie Amrw pdu pwieAw Anhd sbd vjwey ] (850-11)sach Dhi-aa-ay amraa pad paa-i-aa anhad sabad vajaa-ay. Meditating on the True Lord, the status of immortality is obtained; the Unstruck Word of the Shabad vibrates and resounds. sco dh idis psirAw gur kY shij suBwey ] (850-12)sacho dah dis pasri-aa gur kai sahj subhaa-ay. The True Lord is pervading in the ten directions; through the Guru, this is intuitively known. nwnk ijn AMdir scu hY sy jn Cpih n iksY dy Cpwey ]1] (850-13)naanak jin andar sach hai say jan chhapeh na kisai day chhapaa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, those humble beings who have the Truth deep within, are never hidden, even if others try to hide them. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (850-13)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: gur syvw qy hir pweIAY jw kau ndir kryie ] (850-13)gur sayvaa tay har paa-ee-ai jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. Serving the Guru, one finds the Lord, when the Lord blesses him with His Glance of Grace. mwns qy dyvqy Bey scI Bgiq ijsu dyie ] (850-14)maanas tay dayvtay bha-ay sachee bhagat jis day-ay. Human beings become angels, when the Lord blesses them with true devotional worship. haumY mwir imlwieAnu gur kY sbid sucyie ] (850-14)ha-umai maar milaa-i-an gur kai sabad suchay-ay. Conquering egotism, they are blended with the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are purified. nwnk shjy imil rhy nwmu vifAweI dyie ]2] (850-15)naanak sehjay mil rahay naam vadi-aa-ee day-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, they remain merged with the Lord; they are blessed with the glorious greatness of the Naam. ||2|| pauVI ] (850-15)pa-orhee. Pauree: gur siqgur ivic nwvY kI vfI vifAweI hir krqY Awip vDweI ] (850-15)gur satgur vich naavai kee vadee vadi-aa-ee har kartai aap vaDhaa-ee. Within the Guru, the True Guru, is the glorious greatness of the Name. The Creator Lord Himself has magnified it. syvk isK siB vyiK vyiK jIvin@ En@w AMdir ihrdY BweI ] (850-16)sayvak sikh sabh vaykh vaykh jeevniH onHaa andar hirdai bhaa-ee. All His servants and Sikhs live by gazing, gazing upon it. It is pleasing to their hearts deep within. inMdk dust vifAweI vyiK n skin En@w prwieAw Blw n suKweI ] (850-17)nindak dusat vadi-aa-ee vaykh na sakan onHaa paraa-i-aa bhalaa na sukhaa-ee. The slanderers and evil-doers cannot see this glorious greatness; they do not appreciate the goodness of others. ikAw hovY iks hI kI JK mwrI jw scy isau bix AweI ] (850-17)ki-aa hovai kis hee kee jhakh maaree jaa sachay si-o ban aa-ee. What can be achieved by anyone babbling? The Guru is in love with the True Lord. ij gl krqy BwvY sw inq inq cVY svweI sB JiK JiK mrY lokweI ]4] (850-18)je gal kartay bhaavai saa nit nit charhai savaa-ee sabh jhakh jhakh marai lokaa-ee. ||4|| That which is pleasing to the Creator Lord, increases day by day, while all the people babble uselessly. ||4|| slok mÚ 3 ] (850-19)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: iDRgu eyh Awsw dUjy Bwv kI jo moih mwieAw icqu lwey ] (850-19)Dharig ayh aasaa doojay bhaav kee jo mohi maa-i-aa chit laa-ay. Cursed are the hopes in the love of duality; they tie the consciousness to love and attachment to Maya. hir suKu pl@ir iqAwigAw nwmu ivswir duKu pwey ] (850-19)har sukh palHar ti-aagi-aa naam visaar dukh paa-ay. One who forsakes the peace of the Lord in exchange for straw, and forgets the Naam, suffers in pain. |
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