Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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849 iblwvlu kI vwr mhlw 4 (849-1)bilaaval kee vaar mehlaa 4 Vaar Of Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: <> siqgur pRswid ] (849-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: slok mÚ 4 ] (849-2)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir auqmu hir pRBu gwivAw kir nwdu iblwvlu rwgu ] (849-2)har utam har parabh gaavi-aa kar naad bilaaval raag. I sing of the sublime Lord, the Lord God, in the melody of Raag Bilaaval. aupdysu gurU suix mMinAw Duir msqik pUrw Bwgu ] (849-2)updays guroo sun mani-aa Dhur mastak pooraa bhaag. Hearing the Guru's Teachings, I obey them; this is the pre-ordained destiny written upon my forehead. sB idnsu rYix gux aucrY hir hir hir auir ilv lwgu ] (849-3)sabh dinas rain gun uchrai har har har ur liv laag. All day and night, I chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har; within my heart, I am lovingly attuned to Him. sBu qnu mnu hirAw hoieAw mnu iKiVAw hirAw bwgu ] (849-3)sabh tan man hari-aa ho-i-aa man khirhi-aa hari-aa baag. My body and mind are totally rejuvenated, and the garden of my mind has blossomed forth in lush abundance. AigAwnu AMDyrw imit gieAw gur cwnxu igAwnu crwgu ] (849-4)agi-aan anDhayraa mit ga-i-aa gur chaanan gi-aan charaag. The darkness of ignorance has been dispelled, with the light of the lamp of the Guru's wisdom. Servant Nanak lives by beholding the Lord. jnu nwnku jIvY dyiK hir iek inmK GVI muiK lwgu ]1] (849-5)jan naanak jeevai daykh har ik nimakh gharhee mukh laag. ||1|| Let me behold Your face, for a moment, even an instant! ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (849-5)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: iblwvlu qb hI kIjIAY jb muiK hovY nwmu ] (849-5)bilaaval tab hee keejee-ai jab mukh hovai naam. Be happy and sing in Bilaaval, when the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is in your mouth. rwg nwd sbid sohxy jw lwgY shij iDAwnu ] (849-6)raag naad sabad sohnay jaa laagai sahj Dhi-aan. The melody and music, and the Word of the Shabad are beautiful, when one focuses his meditation on the celestial Lord. rwg nwd Coif hir syvIAY qw drgh pweIAY mwnu ] (849-6)raag naad chhod har sayvee-ai taa dargeh paa-ee-ai maan. So leave behind the melody and music, and serve the Lord; then, you shall obtain honor in the Court of the Lord. nwnk gurmuiK bRhmu bIcwrIAY cUkY min AiBmwnu ]2] (849-7)naanak gurmukh barahm beechaaree-ai chookai man abhimaan. ||2|| O Nanak, as Gurmukh, contemplate God, and rid your mind of egotistical pride. ||2|| pauVI ] (849-7)pa-orhee. Pauree: qU hir pRBu Awip AgMmu hY siB quDu aupwieAw ] (849-8)too har parabh aap agamm hai sabh tuDh upaa-i-aa. O Lord God, You Yourself are inaccessible; You formed everything. qU Awpy Awip vrqdw sBu jgqu sbwieAw ] (849-8)too aapay aap varatdaa sabh jagat sabaa-i-aa. You Yourself are totally permeating and pervading the entire universe. quDu Awpy qwVI lweIAY Awpy gux gwieAw ] (849-8)tuDh aapay taarhee laa-ee-ai aapay gun gaa-i-aa. You Yourself are absorbed in the state of deep meditation; You Yourself sing Your Glorious Praises. hir iDAwvhu Bgqhu idnsu rwiq AMiq ley CfwieAw ] (849-9)har Dhi-aavahu bhagtahu dinas raat ant la-ay chhadaa-i-aa. Meditate on the Lord, O devotees, day and night; He shall deliver you in the end. ijin syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw hir nwim smwieAw ]1] (849-10)jin sayvi-aa tin sukh paa-i-aa har naam samaa-i-aa. ||1|| Those who serve the Lord, find peace; they are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||1|| slok mÚ 3 ] (849-10)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: dUjY Bwie iblwvlu n hoveI mnmuiK Qwie n pwie ] (849-10)doojai bhaa-ay bilaaval na hova-ee manmukh thaa-ay na paa-ay. In the love of duality, the happiness of Bilaaval does not come; the self-willed manmukh finds no place of rest. pwKMif Bgiq n hoveI pwrbRhmu n pwieAw jwie ] (849-11)pakhand bhagat na hova-ee paarbarahm na paa-i-aa jaa-ay. Through hypocrisy, devotional worship does not come, and the Supreme Lord God is not found. mnhiT krm kmwvxy Qwie n koeI pwie ] (849-11)manhath karam kamaavnay thaa-ay na ko-ee paa-ay. By stubborn-mindedly performing religious rituals, no one obtains the approval of the Lord. nwnk gurmuiK Awpu bIcwrIAY ivchu Awpu gvwie ] (849-12)naanak gurmukh aap beechaaree-ai vichahu aap gavaa-ay. O Nanak, the Gurmukh understands himself, and eradicates self-conceit from within. Awpy Awip pwrbRhmu hY pwrbRhmu visAw min Awie ] (849-12)aapay aap paarbarahm hai paarbarahm vasi-aa man aa-ay. He Himself is the Supreme Lord God; the Supreme Lord God comes to dwell in his mind. jMmxu mrxw kitAw joqI joiq imlwie ]1] (849-13)jaman marnaa kati-aa jotee jot milaa-ay. ||1|| Birth and death are erased, and his light blends with the Light. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (849-13)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: iblwvlu kirhu qum@ ipAwirho eyksu isau ilv lwie ] (849-14)bilaaval karihu tumH pi-aariho aykas si-o liv laa-ay. Be happy in Bilaaval, O my beloveds, and embrace love for the One Lord. jnm mrx duKu ktIAY scy rhY smwie ] (849-14)janam maran dukh katee-ai sachay rahai samaa-ay. The pains of birth and death shall be eradicated, and you shall remain absorbed in the True Lord. sdw iblwvlu Anµdu hY jy clih siqgur Bwie ] (849-15)sadaa bilaaval anand hai jay chaleh satgur bhaa-ay. You shall be blissful forever in Bilaaval, if you walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. sqsMgqI bih Bwau kir sdw hir ky gux gwie ] (849-15)satsangtee bahi bhaa-o kar sadaa har kay gun gaa-ay. Sitting in the Saints' Congregation, sing with love the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever. nwnk sy jn sohxy ij gurmuiK myil imlwie ]2] (849-16)naanak say jan sohnay je gurmukh mayl milaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, beautiful are those humble beings, who, as Gurmukh, are united in the Lord's Union. ||2|| pauVI ] (849-16)pa-orhee. Pauree: sBnw jIAw ivic hir Awip so Bgqw kw imqu hir ] (849-16)sabhnaa jee-aa vich har aap so bhagtaa kaa mit har. The Lord Himself is within all beings. The Lord is the friend of His devotees. sBu koeI hir kY vis Bgqw kY Anµdu Gir ] (849-17)sabh ko-ee har kai vas bhagtaa kai anand ghar. Everyone is under the Lord's control; in the home of the devotees there is bliss. hir Bgqw kw mylI srbq sau insul jn tMg Dir ] (849-17)har bhagtaa kaa maylee sarbat sa-o nisul jan tang Dhar. The Lord is the friend and companion of His devotees; all His humble servants stretch out and sleep in peace. hir sBnw kw hY Ksmu so Bgq jn iciq kir ] (849-18)har sabhnaa kaa hai khasam so bhagat jan chit kar. The Lord is the Lord and Master of all; O humble devotee, remember Him. quDu ApiV koie n skY sB JiK JiK pvY JiV ]2] (849-18)tuDh aparh ko-ay na sakai sabh jhakh jhakh pavai jharh. ||2|| No one can equal You, Lord. Those who try, struggle and die in frustration. ||2|| |
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