Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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848 suK swgr pRB ByitAY nwnk suKI hoq iehu jIau ]1] (848-1)sukh saagar parabh bhayti-ai naanak sukhee hot ih jee-o. ||1|| Meeting with God, the Ocean of Peace, O Nanak, this soul becomes happy. ||1|| CMq ] (848-1)chhant. Chhant: suK swgr pRBu pweIAY jb hovY Bwgo rwm ] (848-2)sukh saagar parabh paa-ee-ai jab hovai bhaago raam. One finds God, the Ocean of Peace, when destiny is activated. mwnin mwnu v\weIAY hir crxI lwgo rwm ] (848-2)maanan maan vanjaa-ee-ai har charnee laago raam. Abandoning the distinctions of honor and dishonor, grasp the Feet of the Lord. Coif isAwnp cwqurI durmiq buiD iqAwgo rwm ] (848-2)chhod si-aanap chaaturee durmat buDh ti-aago raam. Renounce cleverness and trickery, and forsake your evil-minded intellect. nwnk pau srxweI rwm rwie iQru hoie suhwgo rwm ]1] (848-3)naanak pa-o sarnaa-ee raam raa-ay thir ho-ay suhaago raam. ||1|| O Nanak, seek the Sanctuary of the Sovereign Lord, Your King, and your marriage will be permanent and stable. ||1|| so pRBu qij kq lwgIAY ijsu ibnu mir jweIAY rwm ] (848-4)so parabh taj kat laagee-ai jis bin mar jaa-ee-ai raam. Why forsake God, and attach yourself to another? Without the Lord, you cannot even live. lwj n AwvY AigAwn mqI durjn ibrmweIAY rwm ] (848-4)laaj na aavai agi-aan matee durjan birmaa-ee-ai raam. The ignorant fool does not feel any shame; the evil man wanders around deluded. piqq pwvn pRBu iqAwig kry khu kq ThrweIAY rwm ] (848-5)patit paavan parabh ti-aag karay kaho kat thehraa-ee-ai raam. God is the Purifier of sinners; if he forsakes God, tell me, where he can find a place of rest? nwnk Bgiq Bwau kir dieAwl kI jIvn pdu pweIAY rwm ]2] (848-5)naanak bhagat bhaa-o kar da-i-aal kee jeevan pad paa-ee-ai raam. ||2|| O Nanak, by loving devotional worship of the Merciful Lord, he attains the state of eternal life. ||2|| sRI gopwlu n aucrih bil geIey duhcwrix rsnw rwm ] (848-6)saree gopaal na uchrahi bal ga-ee-ay duhchaaran rasnaa raam. May that vicious tongue that does not chant the Name of the Great Lord of the World, be burnt. pRBu Bgiq vClu nh syvhI kwieAw kwk gRsnw rwm ] (848-7)parabh bhagat vachhal nah sayvhee kaa-i-aa kaak garsanaa raam. One who does not serve God, the Lover of His devotees, shall have his body eaten by crows. BRim mohI dUK n jwxhI koit jonI bsnw rwm ] (848-7)bharam mohee dookh na jaanhee kot jonee basnaa raam. Enticed by doubt, he does not understand the pain it brings; he wanders through millions of incarnations. nwnk ibnu hir Avru ij cwhnw ibstw ik®m Bsmw rwm ]3] (848-8)naanak bin har avar je chaahnaa bistaa kiram bhasmaa raam. ||3|| O Nanak, if you desire anything other than the Lord, you shall be consumed, like a maggot in manure. ||3|| lwie ibrhu BgvMq sMgy hoie imlu bYrwgin rwm ] (848-8)laa-ay birahu bhagvant sangay ho-ay mil bairaagan raam. Embrace love for the Lord God, and in detachment, unite with Him. cMdn cIr sugMD rsw haumY ibKu iqAwgin rwm ] (848-9)chandan cheer suganDh rasaa ha-umai bikh ti-aagan raam. Give up your sandalwood oil, expensive clothes, perfumes, tasty flavors and the poison of egotism. eIq aUq nh folIAY hir syvw jwgin rwm ] (848-10)eet oot nah dolee-ai har sayvaa jaagan raam. Do not waver this way or that, but remain wakeful in the service of the Lord. nwnk ijin pRBu pwieAw Awpxw sw Atl suhwgin rwm ]4]1]4] (848-10)naanak jin parabh paa-i-aa aapnaa saa atal suhaagan raam. ||4||1||4|| O Nanak, she who has obtained her God, is a happy soul-bride forever. ||4||1||4|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (848-11)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: hir Kojhu vfBwgIho imil swDU sMgy rwm ] (848-11)har khojahu vadbhaageeho mil saaDhoo sangay raam. Seek the Lord, O fortunate ones, and join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. gun goivd sd gweIAih pwrbRhm kY rMgy rwm ] (848-11)gun govid sad gaa-ee-ah paarbarahm kai rangay raam. Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe forever, imbued with the Love of the Supreme Lord God. so pRBu sd hI syvIAY pweIAih Pl mMgy rwm ] (848-12)so parabh sad hee sayvee-ai paa-ee-ah fal mangay raam. Serving God forever, you shall obtain the fruitful rewards you desire. nwnk pRB srxwgqI jip Anq qrMgy rwm ]1] (848-12)naanak parabh sarnaagatee jap anat tarangay raam. ||1|| O Nanak, seek the Sanctuary of God; meditate on the Lord, and ride the many waves of the mind. ||1|| ieku iqlu pRBU n vIsrY ijin sBu ikCu dInw rwm ] (848-13)ik til parabhoo na veesrai jin sabh kichh deenaa raam. I shall not forget God, even for an instant; He has blessed me with everything. vfBwgI mylwvVw gurmuiK ipru cIn@w rwm ] (848-14)vadbhaagee maylaavarhaa gurmukh pir cheenHaa raam. By great good fortune, I have met Him; as Gurmukh, I contemplate my Husband Lord. bwh pkiV qm qy kwiFAw kir Apunw lInw rwm ] (848-14)baah pakarh tam tay kaadhi-aa kar apunaa leenaa raam. Holding me by the arm, He has lifted me up and pulled me out of the darkness, and made me His own. nwmu jpq nwnk jIvY sIqlu mnu sInw rwm ]2] (848-15)naam japat naanak jeevai seetal man seenaa raam. ||2|| Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Nanak lives; his mind and heart are cooled and soothed. ||2|| ikAw gux qyry kih skau pRB AMqrjwmI rwm ] (848-15)ki-aa gun tayray kahi saka-o parabh antarjaamee raam. What virtues of Yours can I speak, O God, O Searcher of hearts? ismir ismir nwrwiexY Bey pwrgrwmI rwm ] (848-16)simar simar naaraa-inai bha-ay paargaraamee raam. Meditating, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, I have crossed over to the other shore. gun gwvq goivMd ky sB ieC pujwmI rwm ] (848-16)gun gaavat govind kay sabh ichh pujaamee raam. Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, all my desires are fulfilled. nwnk auDry jip hry sBhU kw suAwmI rwm ]3] (848-17)naanak uDhray jap haray sabhhoo kaa su-aamee raam. ||3|| Nanak is saved, meditating on the Lord, the Lord and Master of all. ||3|| rs iBMinAVy Apuny rwm sMgy sy loiex nIky rwm ] (848-17)ras bhini-arhay apunay raam sangay say lo-in neekay raam. Sublime are those eyes, which are drenched with the Love of the Lord. pRB pyKq ieCw puMnIAw imil swjn jI ky rwm ] (848-18)parabh paykhat ichhaa punnee-aa mil saajan jee kay raam. Gazing upon God, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the Lord, the Friend of my soul. AMimRq rsu hir pwieAw ibiKAw rs PIky rwm ] (848-18)amrit ras har paa-i-aa bikhi-aa ras feekay raam. I have obtained the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Love, and now the taste of corruption is insipid and tasteless to me. nwnk jlu jlih smwieAw joqI joiq mIky rwm ]4]2]5]9] (848-19)naanak jal jaleh samaa-i-aa jotee jot meekay raam. ||4||2||5||9|| O Nanak, as water mingles with water, my light has merged into the Light. ||4||2||5||9|| |
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