Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq (847-1)
bilaaval mehlaa 5 chhant
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (847-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sKI Awau sKI vis Awau sKI AsI ipr kw mMglu gwvh ] (847-2)
sakhee aa-o sakhee vas aa-o sakhee asee pir kaa mangal gaavah.
Come, O my sisters, come, O my companions, and let us remain under the Lord's control. Let's sing the Songs of Bliss of our Husband Lord.

qij mwnu sKI qij mwnu sKI mqu Awpxy pRIqm Bwvh ] (847-2)
taj maan sakhee taj maan sakhee mat aapnay pareetam bhaavah.
Renounce your pride, O my companions, renounce your egotistical pride, O my sisters, so that you may become pleasing to your Beloved.

qij mwnu mohu ibkwru dUjw syiv eyku inrMjno ] (847-3)
taj maan moh bikaar doojaa sayv ayk niranjano.
Renounce pride, emotional attachment, corruption and duality, and serve the One Immaculate Lord.

lgu crx srx dieAwl pRIqm sgl durq ibKMfno ] (847-3)
lag charan saran da-i-aal pareetam sagal durat bikhandno.
Hold tight to the Sanctuary of the Feet of the Merciful Lord, your Beloved, the Destroyer of all sins.

hoie dws dwsI qij audwsI bhuiV ibDI n Dwvw ] (847-4)
ho-ay daas daasee taj udaasee bahurh biDhee na Dhaavaa.
Be the slave of His slaves, forsake sorrow and sadness, and do not bother with other devices.

nwnku pieAMpY krhu ikrpw qwim mMglu gwvw ]1] (847-4)
naanak pa-i-ampai karahu kirpaa taam mangal gaavaa. ||1||
Prays Nanak, O Lord, please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may sing Your songs of bliss. ||1||

AMimRqu ipRA kw nwmu mY AMDuly tohnI ] (847-5)
amrit pari-a kaa naam mai anDhulay tohnee.
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of my Beloved, is like a cane to a blind man.

Eh johY bhu prkwr suMdir mohnI ] (847-5)
oh johai baho parkaar sundar mohnee.
Maya seduces in so many ways, like a beautiful enticing woman.

mohnI mhw biciqR cMcil Aink Bwv idKwvey ] (847-6)
mohnee mahaa bachitar chanchal anik bhaav dikhaava-ay.
This enticer is so incredibly beautiful and clever; she entices with countless suggestive gestures.

hoie FIT mITI mnih lwgY nwmu lYx n Awvey ] (847-6)
ho-ay dheeth meethee maneh laagai naam lain na aav-ay.
Maya is stubborn and persistent; she seems so sweet to the mind, and then he does not chant the Naam.

igRh bnih qIrY brq pUjw bwt GwtY johnI ] (847-7)
garih baneh teerai barat poojaa baat ghaatai johnee.
At home, in the forest, on the banks of sacred rivers, fasting, worshipping, on the roads and on the shore, she is spying.

nwnku pieAMpY dieAw Dwrhu mY nwmu AMDuly tohnI ]2] (847-7)
naanak pa-i-ampai da-i-aa Dhaarahu mai naam anDhulay tohnee. ||2||
Prays Nanak, please bless me with Your Kindness, Lord; I am blind, and Your Name is my cane. ||2||

moih AnwQ ipRA nwQ ijau jwnhu iqau rKhu ] (847-8)
mohi anaath pari-a naath ji-o jaanhu ti-o rakhahu.
I am helpless and masterless; You, O my Beloved, are my Lord and Master. As it pleases You, so do You protect me.

cqurweI moih nwih rIJwvau kih muKhu ] (847-8)
chaturaa-ee mohi naahi reejhaava-o kahi mukhahu.
I have no wisdom or cleverness; what face should I put on to please You?

nh cquir suGir sujwn byqI moih inrguin gunu nhI ] (847-9)
nah chatur sughar sujaan baytee mohi nirgun gun nahee.
I am not clever, skillful or wise; I am worthless, without any virtue at all.

nh rUp DUp n nYx bMky jh BwvY qh rKu quhI ] (847-9)
nah roop Dhoop na nain bankay jah bhaavai tah rakh tuhee.
I have no beauty or pleasing smell, no beautiful eyes. As it pleases You, please preserve me, O Lord.

jY jY jieAMpih sgl jw kau kruxwpiq giq ikin lKhu ] (847-10)
jai jai ja-i-ampeh sagal jaa ka-o karunaapat gat kin lakhahu.
His victory is celebrated by all; how can I know the state of the Lord of Mercy?

nwnku pieAMpY syv syvku ijau jwnhu iqau moih rKhu ]3] (847-10)
naanak pa-i-ampai sayv sayvak ji-o jaanhu ti-o mohi rakhahu. ||3||
Prays Nanak, I am the servant of Your servants; as it pleases You, please preserve me. ||3||

moih mCulI qum nIr quJ ibnu ikau srY ] (847-11)
mohi machhulee tum neer tujh bin ki-o sarai.
I am the fish, and You are the water; without You, what can I do?

moih cwiqRk qum@ bUMd iqRpqau muiK prY ] (847-11)
mohi chaatrik tumH boond taripta-o mukh parai.
I am the rainbird, and You are the rain-drop; when it falls into my mouth, I am satisfied.

muiK prY hrY ipAws myrI jIA hIAw pRwnpqy ] (847-12)
mukh parai harai pi-aas mayree jee-a hee-aa paranpatay.
When it falls into my mouth, my thirst is quenched; You are the Lord of my soul, my heart, my breath of life.

lwifly lwf lfwie sB mih imlu hmwrI hoie gqy ] (847-12)
laadilay laad ladaa-ay sabh meh mil hamaaree ho-ay gatay.
Touch me, and caress me, O Lord, You are in all; let me meet You, so that I may be emancipated.

cIiq icqvau imtu AMDwry ijau Aws ckvI idnu crY ] (847-13)
cheet chitva-o mit anDhaaray ji-o aas chakvee din charai.
In my consciousness I remember You, and the darkness is dispelled, like the chakvi duck, which longs to see the dawn.

nwnku pieAMpY ipRA sMig mylI mCulI nIru n vIsrY ]4] (847-13)
naanak pa-i-ampai pari-a sang maylee machhulee neer na veesrai. ||4||
Prays Nanak, O my Beloved, please unite me with Yourself; the fish never forgets the water. ||4||

Din DMin hmwry Bwg Gir AwieAw ipru myrw ] (847-14)
Dhan Dhan hamaaray bhaag ghar aa-i-aa pir mayraa.
Blessed, blessed is my destiny; my Husband Lord has come into my home.

sohy bMk duAwr sglw bnu hrw ] (847-15)
sohay bank du-aar saglaa ban haraa.
The gate of my mansion is so beautiful, and all my gardens are so green and alive.

hr hrw suAwmI suKh gwmI And mMgl rsu Gxw ] (847-15)
har haraa su-aamee sukhah gaamee anad mangal ras ghanaa.
My peace-giving Lord and Master has rejuvenated me, and blessed me with great joy, bliss and love.

nvl nvqn nwhu bwlw kvn rsnw gun Bxw ] (847-15)
naval navtan naahu baalaa kavan rasnaa gun bhanaa.
My Young Husband Lord is eternally young, and His body is forever youthful; what tongue can I use to chant His Glorious Praises?

myrI syj sohI dyiK mohI sgl shsw duKu hrw ] (847-16)
mayree sayj sohee daykh mohee sagal sahsaa dukh haraa.
My bed is beautiful; gazing upon Him, I am fascinated, and all my doubts and pains are dispelled.

nwnku pieAMpY myrI Aws pUrI imly suAwmI AprMprw ]5]1]3] (847-16)
naanak pa-i-ampai mayree aas pooree milay su-aamee apramparaa. ||5||1||3||
Prays Nanak, my hopes are fulfilled; my Lord and Master is unlimited. ||5||1||3||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq mMgl (847-18)
bilaaval mehlaa 5 chhant mangal
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Chhant, Mangal ~ The Song Of Joy:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (847-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sloku ] (847-18)

suMdr sWiq dieAwl pRB srb suKw iniD pIau ] (847-18)
sundar saaNt da-i-aal parabh sarab sukhaa niDh pee-o.
God is beautiful, tranquil and merciful; He is the treasure of absolute peace, my Husband Lord.