Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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846 swhw Atlu gixAw pUrn sMjogo rwm ] (846-1)saahaa atal gani-aa pooran sanjogo raam. The date for my wedding is set, and cannot be changed; my union with the Lord is perfect. suKh smUh BieAw gieAw ivjogo rwm ] (846-1)sukhah samooh bha-i-aa ga-i-aa vijogo raam. I am totally at peace, and my separation from Him has ended. imil sMq Awey pRB iDAwey bxy Acrj jw\IAW ] (846-2)mil sant aa-ay parabh Dhi-aa-ay banay achraj jaanjee-aaN. The Saints meet and come together, and meditate on God; they form a wondrous wedding party. imil iekqR hoey shij Foey min pRIiq aupjI mw\IAw ] (846-2)mil ikatar ho-ay sahj dho-ay man pareet upjee maanjee-aa. Gathering together, they arrive with poise and grace, and love fills the minds of the bride's family. imil joiq joqI Eiq poqI hir nwmu siB rs Bogo ] (846-3)mil jot jotee ot potee har naam sabh ras bhogo. Her light blends with His Light, through and through, and everyone enjoys the Nectar of the Lord's Name. ibnvMiq nwnk sB sMiq mylI pRBu krx kwrx jogo ]3] (846-3)binvant naanak sabh sant maylee parabh karan kaaran jogo. ||3|| Prays Nanak, the Saints have totally united me with God, the All-powerful Cause of causes. ||3|| Bvnu suhwvVw Driq sBwgI rwm ] (846-4)bhavan suhaavrhaa Dharat sabhaagee raam. Beautiful is my home, and beauteous is the earth. pRBu Gir AwieAVw gur crxI lwgI rwm ] (846-4)parabh ghar aa-i-arhaa gur charnee laagee raam. God has entered the home of my heart; I touch the Guru's feet. gur crx lwgI shij jwgI sgl ieCw puMnIAw ] (846-5)gur charan laagee sahj jaagee sagal ichhaa punnee-aa. Grasping the Guru's feet, I awake in peace and poise. All my desires are fulfilled. myrI Aws pUrI sMq DUrI hir imly kMq ivCuMinAw ] (846-5)mayree aas pooree sant Dhooree har milay kant vichhunni-aa. My hopes are fulfilled, through the dust of the feet of the Saints. After such a long separation, I have met my Husband Lord. Awnµd Anidnu vjih vwjy AhM miq mn kI iqAwgI ] (846-6)aanand an-din vajeh vaajay ahaN mat man kee ti-aagee. Night and day, the sounds of ecstasy resound and resonate; I have forsaken my stubborn-minded intellect. ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI sMqsMig ilv lwgI ]4]1] (846-6)binvant naanak saran su-aamee satsang liv laagee. ||4||1|| Prays Nanak, I seek the Sanctuary of my Lord and Master; in the Society of the Saints, I am lovingly attuned to Him. ||4||1|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (846-7)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: Bwg sulKxw hir kMqu hmwrw rwm ] (846-7)bhaag sulakh-naa har kant hamaaraa raam. By blessed destiny, I have found my Husband Lord. Anhd bwijqRw iqsu Duin drbwrw rwm ] (846-8)anhad baajitraa tis Dhun darbaaraa raam. The unstruck sound current vibrates and resounds in the Court of the Lord. Awnµd Anidnu vjih vwjy idnsu rYix aumwhw ] (846-8)aanand an-din vajeh vaajay dinas rain omaahaa. Night and day, the sounds of ecstasy resound and resonate; day and night, I am enraptured. qh rog sog n dUKu ibAwpY jnm mrxu n qwhw ] (846-8)tah rog sog na dookh bi-aapai janam maran na taahaa. Disease, sorrow and suffering do not afflict anyone there; there is no birth or death there. iriD isiD suDw rsu AMimRqu Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ] (846-9)riDh siDh suDhaa ras amrit bhagat bharay bhandaaraa. There are treasures overflowing there - wealth, miraculous powers, ambrosial nectar and devotional worship. ibnvMiq nwnk bilhwir vM\w pwrbRhm pRwn ADwrw ]1] (846-10)binvant naanak balihaar vanjaa paarbarahm paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| Prays Nanak, I am a sacrifice, devoted to the Supreme Lord God, the Support of the breath of life. ||1|| suix sKIA shylVIho imil mMglu gwvh rwm ] (846-10)sun sakhee-a sahaylrheeho mil mangal gaavah raam. Listen, O my companions, and sister soul-brides, let's join together and sing the songs of joy. min qin pRymu kry iqsu pRB kau rwvh rwm ] (846-11)man tan paraym karay tis parabh ka-o raavah raam. Loving our God with mind and body, let's ravish and enjoy Him. kir pRymu rwvh iqsY Bwvh iek inmK plk n iqAwgIAY ] (846-11)kar paraym raavah tisai bhaavah ik nimakh palak na ti-aagee-ai. Lovingly enjoying Him, we become pleasing to Him; let's not reject Him, for a moment, even for an instant. gih kMiT lweIAY nh ljweIAY crn rj mnu pwgIAY ] (846-12)geh kanth laa-ee-ai nah lajaa-ee-ai charan raj man paagee-ai. Let's hug Him close in our embrace, and not feel shy; let's bathe our minds in the dust of His feet. Bgiq TgaurI pwie mohh Anq kqhU n Dwvh ] (846-12)bhagat thag-uree paa-ay mohah anat kathoo na Dhaavah. With the intoxicating drug of devotional worship, let's entice Him, and not wander anywhere else. ibnvMiq nwnk imil sMig swjn Amr pdvI pwvh ]2] (846-13)binvant naanak mil sang saajan amar padvee paavah. ||2|| Prays Nanak, meeting with our True Friend, we attain the immortal status. ||2|| ibsmn ibsm BeI pyiK gux AibnwsI rwm ] (846-13)bisman bisam bha-ee paykh gun abhinaasee raam. I am wonder-struck and amazed, gazing upon the Glories of my Imperishable Lord. kru gih Bujw ghI kit jm kI PwsI rwm ] (846-14)kar geh bhujaa gahee kat jam kee faasee raam. He took my hand, and held my arm, and cut away the noose of Death. gih Bujw lIn@I dwis kIn@I AMkuir audoqu jxwieAw ] (846-14)geh bhujaa leenHee daas keenHee ankur udot janaa-i-aa. Holding me by the arm, He made me His slave; the branch has sprouted in abundance. mln moh ibkwr nwTy idvs inrml AwieAw ] (846-15)malan moh bikaar naathay divas nirmal aa-i-aa. Pollution, attachment and corruption have run away; the immaculate day has dawned. idRsit DwrI min ipAwrI mhw durmiq nwsI ] (846-16)darisat Dhaaree man pi-aaree mahaa durmat naasee. Casting His Glance of Grace, the Lord loves me with His Mind; my immense evil-mindedness is dispelled. ibnvMiq nwnk BeI inrml pRB imly AibnwsI ]3] (846-16)binvant naanak bha-ee nirmal parabh milay abhinaasee. ||3|| Prays Nanak, I have become immaculate and pure; I have met the Imperishable Lord God. ||3|| sUrj ikrix imly jl kw jlu hUAw rwm ] (846-17)sooraj kiran milay jal kaa jal hoo-aa raam. The rays of light merge with the sun, and water merges with water. joqI joiq rlI sMpUrnu QIAw rwm ] (846-17)jotee jot ralee sampooran thee-aa raam. One's light blends with the Light, and one becomes totally perfect. bRhmu dIsY bRhmu suxIAY eyku eyku vKwxIAY ] (846-17)barahm deesai barahm sunee-ai ayk ayk vakhaanee-ai. I see God, hear God, and speak of the One and only God. Awqm pswrw krxhwrw pRB ibnw nhI jwxIAY ] (846-18)aatam pasaaraa karanhaaraa parabh binaa nahee jaanee-ai. The soul is the Creator of the expanse of creation. Without God, I know no other at all. Awip krqw Awip Bugqw Awip kwrxu kIAw ] (846-18)aap kartaa aap bhugtaa aap kaaran kee-aa. He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer. He created the Creation. ibnvMiq nwnk syeI jwxih ijn@I hir rsu pIAw ]4]2] (846-19)binvant naanak say-ee jaaneh jinHee har ras pee-aa. ||4||2|| Prays Nanak, they alone know this, who drink in the subtle essence of the Lord. ||4||2|| |
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