Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Bgiq vClu hir nwmu hY gurmuiK hir lInw rwm ] (845-1)
bhagat vachhal har naam hai gurmukh har leenaa raam.
The Name of the Lord is the Lover of His devotees; the Gurmukhs attain the Lord.

ibnu hir nwm n jIvdy ijau jl ibnu mInw rwm ] (845-1)
bin har naam na jeevday ji-o jal bin meenaa raam.
Without the Name of the Lord, they cannot even live, like the fish without water.

sPl jnmu hir pwieAw nwnk pRiB kInw rwm ]4]1]3] (845-2)
safal janam har paa-i-aa naanak parabh keenaa raam. ||4||1||3||
Finding the Lord, my life has become fruitful; O Nanak, the Lord God has fulfilled me. ||4||1||3||

iblwvlu mhlw 4 sloku ] (845-2)
bilaaval mehlaa 4 salok.
Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl, Shalok:

hir pRBu sjxu loiV lhu min vsY vfBwgu ] (845-3)
har parabh sajan lorh lahu man vasai vadbhaag.
Seek out the Lord God, your only true Friend. He shall dwell in your mind, by great good fortune.

guir pUrY vyKwilAw nwnk hir ilv lwgu ]1] (845-3)
gur poorai vaykhaali-aa naanak har liv laag. ||1||
The True Guru shall reveal Him to you; O Nanak, lovingly focus yourself on the Lord. ||1||

CMq ] (845-3)

myrw hir pRBu rwvix AweIAw haumY ibKu Jwgy rwm ] (845-4)
mayraa har parabh raavan aa-ee-aa ha-umai bikh jhaagay raam.
The soul-bride has come to ravish and enjoy her Lord God, after eradicating the poison of egotism.

gurmiq Awpu imtwieAw hir hir ilv lwgy rwm ] (845-4)
gurmat aap mitaa-i-aa har har liv laagay raam.
Following the Guru's Teachings, she has eliminated her self-conceit; she is lovingly attuned to her Lord, Har, Har.

AMqir kmlu prgwisAw gur igAwnI jwgy rwm ] (845-5)
antar kamal pargaasi-aa gur gi-aanee jaagay raam.
Her heart-lotus deep within has blossomed forth, and through the Guru, spiritual wisdom has been awakened within her.

jn nwnk hir pRBu pwieAw pUrY vfBwgy rwm ]1] (845-5)
jan naanak har parabh paa-i-aa poorai vadbhaagay raam. ||1||
Servant Nanak has found the Lord God, by perfect, great good fortune. ||1||

hir pRBu hir min BwieAw hir nwim vDweI rwm ] (845-6)
har parabh har man bhaa-i-aa har naam vaDhaa-ee raam.
The Lord, the Lord God, is pleasing to her mind; the Lord's Name resounds within her.

guir pUrY pRBu pwieAw hir hir ilv lweI rwm ] (845-6)
gur poorai parabh paa-i-aa har har liv laa-ee raam.
Through the Perfect Guru, God is obtained; she is lovingly focused on the Lord, Har, Har.

AigAwnu AMDyrw kitAw joiq prgitAweI rwm ] (845-7)
agi-aan anDhayraa kati-aa jot pargati-aa-ee raam.
The darkness of ignorance is dispelled, and the Divine Light radiantly shines forth.

jn nwnk nwmu ADwru hY hir nwim smweI rwm ]2] (845-7)
jan naanak naam aDhaar hai har naam samaa-ee raam. ||2||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is Nanak's only Support; he merges into the Lord's Name. ||2||

Dn hir pRiB ipAwrY rwvIAw jW hir pRB BweI rwm ] (845-8)
Dhan har parabh pi-aarai raavee-aa jaaN har parabh bhaa-ee raam.
The soul-bride is ravished and enjoyed by her Beloved Lord God, when the Lord God is pleased with her.

AKI pRym ksweIAw ijau iblk msweI rwm ] (845-8)
akhee paraym kasaa-ee-aa ji-o bilak masaa-ee raam.
My eyes are drawn to His Love, like the cat to the mouse.

guir pUrY hir myilAw hir ris AwGweI rwm ] (845-9)
gur poorai har mayli-aa har ras aaghaa-ee raam.
The Perfect Guru has united me with the Lord; I am satisfied by the subtle essence of the Lord.

jn nwnk nwim ivgisAw hir hir ilv lweI rwm ]3] (845-9)
jan naanak naam vigsi-aa har har liv laa-ee raam. ||3||
Servant Nanak blossoms forth in the Naam, the Name of the Lord; he is lovingly attuned to the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

hm mUrK mugD imlwieAw hir ikrpw DwrI rwm ] (845-10)
ham moorakh mugaDh milaa-i-aa har kirpaa Dhaaree raam.
I am a fool and an idiot, but the Lord showered me with His Mercy, and united me with Himself.

Dnu DMnu gurU swbwis hY ijin haumY mwrI rwm ] (845-10)
Dhan Dhan guroo saabaas hai jin ha-umai maaree raam.
Blessed, blessed is the most wonderful Guru, who has conquered egotism.

ijn@ vfBwgIAw vfBwgu hY hir hir aur DwrI rwm ] (845-11)
jinH vadbhaagee-aa vadbhaag hai har har ur Dhaaree raam.
Very fortunate, of blessed destiny are those, who enshrine the Lord, Har, Har, in their hearts.

jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU nwmy bilhwrI rwm ]4]2]4] (845-12)
jan naanak naam salaahi too naamay balihaaree raam. ||4||2||4||
O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, and be a sacrifice to the Naam. ||4||2||4||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq (845-13)
bilaaval mehlaa 5 chhant
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (845-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mMgl swju BieAw pRBu Apnw gwieAw rwm ] (845-14)
mangal saaj bha-i-aa parabh apnaa gaa-i-aa raam.
The time of rejoicing has come; I sing of my Lord God.

AibnwsI vru suixAw min aupijAw cwieAw rwm ] (845-14)
abhinaasee var suni-aa man upji-aa chaa-i-aa raam.
I have heard of my Imperishable Husband Lord, and happiness fills my mind.

min pRIiq lwgY vfY BwgY kb imlIAY pUrn pqy ] (845-15)
man pareet laagai vadai bhaagai kab milee-ai pooran patay.
My mind is in love with Him; when shall I realize my great good fortune, and meet with my Perfect Husband?

shjy smweIAY goivMdu pweIAY dyhu sKIey moih mqy ] (845-15)
sehjay samaa-ee-ai govind paa-ee-ai dayh sakhee-ay mohi matay.
If only I could meet the Lord of the Universe, and be automatically absorbed into Him; tell me how, O my companions!

idnu rYix TwFI krau syvw pRBu kvn jugqI pwieAw ] (845-16)
din rain thaadhee kara-o sayvaa parabh kavan jugtee paa-i-aa.
Day and night, I stand and serve my God; how can I attain Him?

ibnvMiq nwnk krhu ikrpw lYhu moih liV lwieAw ]1] (845-16)
binvant naanak karahu kirpaa laihu mohi larh laa-i-aa. ||1||
Prays Nanak, have mercy on me, and attach me to the hem of Your robe, O Lord. ||1||

BieAw smwhVw hir rqnu ivswhw rwm ] (845-17)
bha-i-aa samaahrhaa har ratan visaahaa raam.
Joy has come! I have purchased the jewel of the Lord.

KojI Koij lDw hir sMqn pwhw rwm ] (845-17)
khojee khoj laDhaa har santan paahaa raam.
Searching, the seeker has found the Lord with the Saints.

imly sMq ipAwry dieAw Dwry kQih AkQ bIcwro ] (845-18)
milay sant pi-aaray da-i-aa Dhaaray katheh akath beechaaro.
I have met the Beloved Saints, and they have blessed me with their kindness; I contemplate the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

iek iciq iek min iDAwie suAwmI lwie pRIiq ipAwro ] (845-18)
ik chit ik man Dhi-aa-ay su-aamee laa-ay pareet pi-aaro.
With my consciousness centered, and my mind one-pointed, I meditate on my Lord and Master, with love and affection.

kr joiV pRB pih kir ibnµqI imlY hir jsu lwhw ] (845-19)
kar jorh parabh peh kar binantee milai har jas laahaa.
With my palms pressed together, I pray unto God, to bless me with the profit of the Lord's Praise.

ibnvMiq nwnk dwsu qyrw myrw pRBu Agm AQwhw ]2] (845-19)
binvant naanak daas tayraa mayraa parabh agam athaahaa. ||2||
Prays Nanak, I am Your slave. My God is inaccessible and unfathomable. ||2||