Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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852 gurmuiK vyKxu bolxw nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw ] (852-1)gurmukh vaykhan bolnaa naam japat sukh paa-i-aa. The Gurmukh beholds and speaks the Naam, the Name of the Lord; chanting the Naam, he finds peace. nwnk gurmuiK igAwnu pRgwisAw iqmr AigAwnu AMDyru cukwieAw ]2] (852-1)naanak gurmukh gi-aan pargaasi-aa timar agi-aan anDhayr chukaa-i-aa. ||2|| O Nanak, the spiritual wisdom of the Gurmukh shines forth; the black darkness of ignorance is dispelled. ||2|| mÚ 3 ] (852-2)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: mnmuK mYly mrih gvwr ] (852-2)manmukh mailay mareh gavaar. The filthy, foolish, self-willed manmukhs die. gurmuiK inrml hir rwiKAw aur Dwir ] (852-3)gurmukh nirmal har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar. The Gurmukhs are immaculate and pure; they keep the Lord enshrined within their hearts. Bniq nwnku suxhu jn BweI ] (852-3)bhanat naanak sunhu jan bhaa-ee. Prays Nanak, listen, O Siblings of Destiny! siqguru syivhu haumY mlu jweI ] (852-3)satgur sayvihu ha-umai mal jaa-ee. Serve the True Guru, and the filth of your ego shall be gone. AMdir sMsw dUKu ivAwpy isir DMDw inq mwr ] (852-4)andar sansaa dookh vi-aapay sir DhanDhaa nit maar. Deep within, the pain of skepticism afflicts them; their heads are constantly assaulted by worldly entanglements. dUjY Bwie sUqy kbhu n jwgih mwieAw moh ipAwr ] (852-4)doojai bhaa-ay sootay kabahu na jaageh maa-i-aa moh pi-aar. Asleep in the love of duality, they never wake up; they are attached to the love of Maya. nwmu n cyqih sbdu n vIcwrih iehu mnmuK kw bIcwr ] (852-5)naam na cheeteh sabad na vichaareh ih manmukh kaa beechaar. They do not remember the Name, and they do not contemplate the Word of the Shabad; this is the view of the self-willed manmukhs. hir nwmu n BwieAw ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw nwnk jmu mwir kry KuAwr ]3] (852-5)har naam na bhaa-i-aa birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa naanak jam maar karay khu-aar. ||3|| They do not love the Lord's Name, and they lose their life uselessly. O Nanak, the Messenger of Death attacks them, and humiliates them. ||3|| pauVI ] (852-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: ijs no hir Bgiq scu bKsIAnu so scw swhu ] (852-6)jis no har bhagat sach bakhsee-an so sachaa saahu. He alone is a true king, whom the Lord blesses with true devotion. iqs kI muhqwjI loku kFdw horqu hit n vQu n vyswhu ] (852-7)tis kee muhtaajee lok kadh-daa horat hat na vath na vaysaahu. People pledge their allegiance to him; no other store stocks this merchandise, nor deals in this trade. Bgq jnw kau snmuKu hovY su hir rwis ley vymuK Bsu pwhu ] (852-7)bhagat janaa ka-o sanmukh hovai so har raas la-ay vaimukh bhas paahu. That humble devotee who turns his face towards the Guru and becomes sunmukh, receives the Lord's wealth; the faithless baymukh, who turns his face away from the Guru, gathers only ashes. hir ky nwm ky vwpwrI hir Bgq hih jmu jwgwqI iqnw nyiV n jwhu ] (852-8)har kay naam kay vaapaaree har bhagat heh jam jaagaatee tinaa nayrh na jaahu. The Lord's devotees are dealers in the Name of the Lord. The Messenger of Death, the tax-collector, does not even approach them. jn nwnik hir nwm Dnu lidAw sdw vyprvwhu ]7] (852-9)jan naanak har naam Dhan ladi-aa sadaa vayparvaahu. ||7|| Servant Nanak has loaded the wealth of the Name of the Lord, who is forever independent and care-free. ||7|| slok mÚ 3 ] (852-9)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: iesu jug mih BgqI hir Dnu KitAw horu sBu jgqu Brim BulwieAw ] (852-9)is jug meh bhagtee har Dhan khati-aa hor sabh jagat bharam bhulaa-i-aa. In this age, the devotee earns the wealth of the Lord; all the rest of the world wanders deluded in doubt. gur prswdI nwmu min visAw Anidnu nwmu iDAwieAw ] (852-10)gur parsaadee naam man vasi-aa an-din naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. By Guru's Grace, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell in his mind; night and day, he meditates on the Naam. ibiKAw mwih audws hY haumY sbid jlwieAw ] (852-11)bikhi-aa maahi udaas hai ha-umai sabad jalaa-i-aa. In the midst of corruption, he remains detached; through the Word of the Shabad, he burns away his ego. Awip qirAw kul auDry DMnu jxydI mwieAw ] (852-11)aap tari-aa kul uDhray Dhan janaydee maa-i-aa. He crosses over, and saves his relatives as well; blessed is the mother who gave birth to him. sdw shju suKu min visAw scy isau ilv lwieAw ] (852-12)sadaa sahj sukh man vasi-aa sachay si-o liv laa-i-aa. Peace and poise fill his mind forever, and he embraces love for the True Lord. bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau qRY gux Buly haumY mohu vDwieAw ] (852-12)barahmaa bisan mahaaday-o tarai gun bhulay ha-umai moh vaDhaa-i-aa. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva wander in the three qualities, while their egotism and desire increase. pMifq piV piV monI Buly dUjY Bwie icqu lwieAw ] (852-13)pandit parh parh monee bhulay doojai bhaa-ay chit laa-i-aa. The Pandits, the religious scholars and the silent sages read and debate in confusion; their consciousness is centered on the love of duality. jogI jMgm sMinAwsI Buly ivxu gur qqu n pwieAw ] (852-14)jogee jangam sani-aasee bhulay vin gur tat na paa-i-aa. The Yogis, wandering pilgrims and Sanyaasees are deluded; without the Guru, they do not find the essence of reality. mnmuK duKIey sdw BRim Buly iqn@I ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ] (852-14)manmukh dukhee-ay sadaa bharam bhulay tinHee birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. The miserable self-willed manmukhs are forever deluded by doubt; they waste away their lives uselessly. nwnk nwim rqy syeI jn smDy ij Awpy bKis imlwieAw ]1] (852-15)naanak naam ratay say-ee jan samDhay je aapay bakhas milaa-i-aa. ||1|| O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam are balanced and poised; forgiving them, the Lord blends them with Himself. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (852-15)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: nwnk so swlwhIAY ijsu vis sBu ikCu hoie ] (852-15)naanak so salaahee-ai jis vas sabh kichh ho-ay. O Nanak, praise Him, who has control over everything. iqsih sryvhu pRwxIho iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] (852-16)tiseh sarayvhu paraaneeho tis bin avar na ko-ay. Remember Him, O mortals - without Him, there is no other at all. gurmuiK AMqir min vsY sdw sdw suKu hoie ]2] (852-16)gurmukh antar man vasai sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||2|| He dwells deep within those who are Gurmukh; forever and ever, they are at peace. ||2|| pauVI ] (852-17)pa-orhee. Pauree: ijnI gurmuiK hir nwm Dnu n KitE sy dyvwlIey jug mwih ] (852-17)jinee gurmukh har naam Dhan na khati-o say dayvaalee-ay jug maahi. Those who do not become Gurmukh and earn the wealth of the Lord's Name, are bankrupt in this age. Eie mMgdy iPrih sB jgq mih koeI muih Quk n iqn kau pwih ] (852-18)o-ay mangday fireh sabh jagat meh ko-ee muhi thuk na tin ka-o paahi. They wander around begging all over the world, but no one even spits in their faces. prweI bKIlI krih AwpxI prqIiq Kovin sgvw BI Awpu lKwih ] (852-18)paraa-ee bakheelee karahi aapnee parteet khovan sagvaa bhee aap lakhaahi. They gossip about others, and lose their credit, and expose themselves as well. ijsu Dn kwrix cuglI krih so Dnu cuglI hiQ n AwvY Eie BwvY iqQY jwih ] (852-19)jis Dhan kaaran chuglee karahi so Dhan chuglee hath na aavai o-ay bhaavai tithai jaahi. That wealth, for which they slander others, does not come into their hands, no matter where they go. |
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