Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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842 qU suKdwqw lYih imlwie ] (842-1)too sukh-daata laihi milaa-ay. You are the Giver of peace; You merge them into Yourself. eyks qy dUjw nwhI koie ] (842-1)aykas tay doojaa naahee ko-ay. Everything comes from the One and only Lord; there is no other at all. gurmuiK bUJY soJI hoie ]9] (842-1)gurmukh boojhai sojhee ho-ay. ||9|| The Gurmukh realizes this, and understands. ||9|| pMdRh iQqˆØI qY sq vwr ] (842-1)pandreh thiteeN tai sat vaar. The fifteen lunar days, the seven days of the week, mwhw ruqI Awvih vwr vwr ] (842-2)maahaa rutee aavahi vaar vaar. the months, seasons, days and nights, come over and over again; idnsu rYix iqvY sMswru ] (842-2)dinas rain tivai sansaar. so the world goes on. Awvw gauxu kIAw krqwir ] (842-2)aavaa ga-on kee-aa kartaar. Coming and going were created by the Creator Lord. inhclu swcu rihAw kl Dwir ] (842-3)nihchal saach rahi-aa kal Dhaar. The True Lord remains steady and stable, by His almighty power. nwnk gurmuiK bUJY ko sbdu vIcwir ]10]1] (842-3)naanak gurmukh boojhai ko sabad veechaar. ||10||1|| O Nanak, how rare is that Gurmukh who understands, and contemplates the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||1|| iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (842-3)bilaaval mehlaa 3. Bilaaval, Third Mehl: Awid purKu Awpy isRsit swjy ] (842-4)aad purakh aapay sarisat saajay. The Primal Lord Himself formed the Universe. jIA jMq mwieAw moih pwjy ] (842-4)jee-a jant maa-i-aa mohi paajay. The beings and creatures are engrossed in emotional attachment to Maya. dUjY Bwie prpMic lwgy ] (842-4)doojai bhaa-ay parpanch laagay. In the love of duality, they are attached to the illusory material world. Awvih jwvih mrih ABwgy ] (842-5)aavahi jaaveh mareh abhaagay. The unfortunate ones die, and continue to come and go. siqguir ByitAY soJI pwie ] (842-5)satgur bhayti-ai sojhee paa-ay. Meeting with the True Guru, understanding is obtained. prpMcu cUkY sic smwie ]1] (842-5)parpanch chookai sach samaa-ay. ||1|| Then, the illusion of the material world is shattered, and one merges in Truth. ||1|| jw kY msqik iliKAw lyKu ] (842-5)jaa kai mastak likhi-aa laykh. One who has such pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon his forehead qw kY min visAw pRBu eyku ]1] rhwau ] (842-6)taa kai man vasi-aa parabh ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o. - the One God abides within his mind. ||1||Pause|| isRsit aupwie Awpy sBu vyKY ] (842-6)sarisat upaa-ay aapay sabh vaykhai. He created the Universe, and He Himself beholds all. koie n mytY qyrY lyKY ] (842-7)ko-ay na maytai tayrai laykhai. No one can erase Your record, Lord. isD swiDk jy ko khY khwey ] (842-7)siDh saaDhik jay ko kahai kahaa-ay. If someone calls himself a Siddha or a seeker, Brmy BUlw AwvY jwey ] (842-7)bharmay bhoolaa aavai jaa-ay. he is deluded by doubt, and will continue coming and going. siqguru syvY so jnu bUJY ] (842-7)satgur sayvai so jan boojhai. That humble being alone understands, who serves the True Guru. haumY mwry qw dru sUJY ]2] (842-8)ha-umai maaray taa dar soojhai. ||2|| Conquering his ego, he finds the Lord's Door. ||2|| eyksu qy sBu dUjw hUAw ] (842-8)aykas tay sabh doojaa hoo-aa. From the One Lord, all others were formed. eyko vrqY Avru n bIAw ] (842-8)ayko vartai avar na bee-aa. The One Lord is pervading everywhere; there is no other at all. dUjy qy jy eyko jwxY ] (842-8)doojay tay jay ayko jaanai. Renouncing duality, one comes to know the One Lord. gur kY sbid hir dir nIswxY ] (842-9)gur kai sabad har dar neesaanai. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one knows the Lord's Door, and His Banner. siqguru Byty qw eyko pwey ] (842-9)satgur bhaytay taa ayko paa-ay. Meeting the True Guru, one finds the One Lord. ivchu dUjw Twik rhwey ]3] (842-9)vichahu doojaa thaak rahaa-ay. ||3|| Duality is subdued within. ||3|| ijs dw swihbu fwFw hoie ] (842-10)jis daa saahib daadhaa ho-ay. One who belongs to the All-powerful Lord and Master iqs no mwir n swkY koie ] (842-10)tis no maar na saakai ko-ay. - no one can destroy him. swihb kI syvku rhY srxweI ] (842-10)saahib kee sayvak rahai sarnaa-ee. The Lord's servant remains under His protection; Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI ] (842-10)aapay bakhsay day vadi-aa-ee. The Lord Himself forgives him, and blesses him with glorious greatness. iqs qy aUpir nwhI koie ] (842-11)tis tay oopar naahee ko-ay. There is none higher than Him. kauxu frY fru iks kw hoie ]4] (842-11)ka-un darai dar kis kaa ho-ay. ||4|| Why should he be afraid? What should he ever fear? ||4|| gurmqI sWiq vsY srIr ] (842-11)gurmatee saaNt vasai sareer. Through the Guru's Teachings, peace and tranquility abide within the body. sbdu cIin@ iPir lgY n pIr ] (842-12)sabad cheeneh fir lagai na peer. Remember the Word of the Shabad, and you shall never suffer pain. AwvY n jwie nw duKu pwey ] (842-12)aavai na jaa-ay naa dukh paa-ay. You shall not have to come or go, or suffer in sorrow. nwmy rwqy shij smwey ] (842-12)naamay raatay sahj samaa-ay. Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall merge in celestial peace. nwnk gurmuiK vyKY hdUir ] (842-13)naanak gurmukh vaykhai hadoor. O Nanak, the Gurmukh beholds Him ever-present, close at hand. myrw pRBu sd rihAw BrpUir ]5] (842-13)mayraa parabh sad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||5|| My God is always fully pervading everywhere. ||5|| ieik syvk ieik Brim Bulwey ] (842-13)ik sayvak ik bharam bhulaa-ay. Some are selfless servants, while others wander, deluded by doubt. Awpy kry hir Awip krwey ] (842-14)aapay karay har aap karaa-ay. The Lord Himself does, and causes everything to be done. eyko vrqY Avru n koie ] (842-14)ayko vartai avar na ko-ay. The One Lord is all-pervading; there is no other at all. min rosu kIjY jy dUjw hoie ] (842-14)man ros keejai jay doojaa ho-ay. The mortal might complain, if there were any other. siqguru syvy krxI swrI ] (842-14)satgur sayvay karnee saaree. Serve the True Guru; this is the most excellent action. dir swcY swcy vIcwrI ]6] (842-15)dar saachai saachay veechaaree. ||6|| In the Court of the True Lord, you shall be judged true. ||6|| iQqI vwr siB sbid suhwey ] (842-15)thitee vaar sabh sabad suhaa-ay. All the lunar days, and the days of the week are beautiful, when one contemplates the Shabad. siqguru syvy qw Plu pwey ] (842-15)satgur sayvay taa fal paa-ay. If one serves the True Guru, he obtains the fruits of his rewards. iQqI vwr siB Awvih jwih ] (842-16)thitee vaar sabh aavahi jaahi. The omens and days all come and go. gur sbdu inhclu sdw sic smwih ] (842-16)gur sabad nihchal sadaa sach samaahi. But the Word of the Guru's Shabad is eternal and unchanging. Through it, one merges in the True Lord. iQqI vwr qw jw sic rwqy ] (842-16)thitee vaar taa jaa sach raatay. The days are auspicious, when one is imbued with Truth. ibnu nwvY siB Brmih kwcy ]7] (842-17)bin naavai sabh bharmeh kaachay. ||7|| Without the Name, all the false ones wander deluded. ||7|| mnmuK mrih mir ibgqI jwih ] (842-17)manmukh mareh mar bigtee jaahi. The self-willed manmukhs die, and dead, they fall into the most evil state. eyku n cyqih dUjY loBwih ] (842-17)ayk na cheeteh doojai lobhaahi. They do not remember the One Lord; they are deluded by duality. Acyq ipMfI AigAwn AMDwru ] (842-18)achayt pindee agi-aan anDhaar. The human body is unconscious, ignorant and blind. ibnu sbdY ikau pwey pwru ] (842-18)bin sabdai ki-o paa-ay paar. Without the Word of the Shabad, how can anyone cross over? Awip aupwey aupwvxhwru ] (842-18)aap upaa-ay upaavanhaar. The Creator Himself creates. Awpy kIqonu gur vIcwru ]8] (842-19)aapay keeton gur veechaar. ||8|| He Himself contemplates the Guru's Word. ||8|| bhuqy ByK krih ByKDwrI ] (842-19)bahutay bhaykh karahi bhaykh-Dhaaree. The religious fanatics wear all sorts of religious robes. Biv Biv Brmih kwcI swrI ] (842-19)bhav bhav bharmeh kaachee saaree. They roll around and wander around, like the false dice on the board. AYQY suKu n AwgY hoie ] (842-19)aithai sukh na aagai ho-ay. They find no peace, here or hereafter. |
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