Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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841 iblwvlu mhlw 3 vwr sq Gru 10 (841-1)bilaaval mehlaa 3 vaar sat ghar 10 Bilaaval, Third Mehl, The Seven Days, Tenth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (841-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Awidq vwir Awid purKu hY soeI ] (841-2)aadit vaar aad purakh hai so-ee. Sunday: He, the Lord, is the Primal Being. Awpy vrqY Avru n koeI ] (841-2)aapay vartai avar na ko-ee. He Himself is the Pervading Lord; there is no other at all. Eiq poiq jgu rihAw proeI ] (841-2)ot pot jag rahi-aa paro-ee. Through and through, He is woven into the fabric of the world. Awpy krqw krY su hoeI ] (841-2)aapay kartaa karai so ho-ee. Whatever the Creator Himself does, that alone happens. nwim rqy sdw suKu hoeI ] (841-3)naam ratay sadaa sukh ho-ee. Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one is forever in peace. gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koeI ]1] (841-3)gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ee. ||1|| But how rare is the one, who, as Gurmukh, understands this. ||1|| ihrdY jpnI jpau guxqwsw ] (841-3)hirdai japnee japa-o guntaasaa. Within my heart, I chant the Chant of the Lord, the treasure of virtue. hir Agm Agocru AprMpr suAwmI jn pig lig iDAwvau hoie dwsin dwsw ]1] rhwau ] (841-4)har agam agochar aprampar su-aamee jan pag lag Dhi-aava-o ho-ay daasan daasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord, my Lord and Master, is inaccessible, unfathomable and unlimited. Grasping the feet of the Lord's humble servants, I meditate on Him, and become the slave of His slaves. ||1||Pause|| somvwir sic rihAw smwie ] (841-5)somvaar sach rahi-aa samaa-ay. Monday: The True Lord is permeating and pervading. iqs kI kImiq khI n jwie ] (841-5)tis kee keemat kahee na jaa-ay. His value cannot be described. AwiK AwiK rhy siB ilv lwie ] (841-5)aakh aakh rahay sabh liv laa-ay. Talking and speaking about Him, all keep themselves lovingly focused on Him. ijsu dyvY iqsu plY pwie ] (841-6)jis dayvai tis palai paa-ay. Devotion falls into the laps of those whom He so blesses. Agm Agocru liKAw n jwie ] (841-6)agam agochar lakhi-aa na jaa-ay. He is inaccessible and unfathomable; He cannot be seen. gur kY sbid hir rihAw smwie ]2] (841-6)gur kai sabad har rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2|| Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord is seen to be permeating and pervading everywhere. ||2|| mMgil mwieAw mohu aupwieAw ] (841-7)mangal maa-i-aa moh upaa-i-aa. Tuesday: The Lord created love and attachment to Maya. Awpy isir isir DMDY lwieAw ] (841-7)aapay sir sir DhanDhai laa-i-aa. He Himself has enjoined each and every being to their tasks. Awip buJwey soeI bUJY ] (841-7)aap bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai. He alone understands, whom the Lord causes to understand. gur kY sbid dru Gru sUJY ] (841-8)gur kai sabad dar ghar soojhai. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one understands his heart and home. pRym Bgiq kry ilv lwie ] (841-8)paraym bhagat karay liv laa-ay. He worships the Lord in loving devotion. haumY mmqw sbid jlwie ]3] (841-8)ha-umai mamtaa sabad jalaa-ay. ||3|| His egotism and self-conceit are burnt away by the Shabad. ||3|| buDvwir Awpy buiD swru ] (841-9)buDhvaar aapay buDh saar. Wednesday: He Himself bestows sublime understanding. gurmuiK krxI sbdu vIcwru ] (841-9)gurmukh karnee sabad veechaar. The Gurmukh does good deeds, and contemplates the Word of the Shabad. nwim rqy mnu inrmlu hoie ] (841-9)naam ratay man nirmal ho-ay. Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind become pure and immaculate. hir gux gwvY haumY mlu Koie ] (841-9)har gun gaavai ha-umai mal kho-ay. He sings the Glorious Glorious Praises of the Lord, and washes off the filth of egotism. dir scY sd soBw pwey ] (841-10)dar sachai sad sobhaa paa-ay. In the Court of the True Lord, he obtains lasting glory. nwim rqy gur sbid suhwey ]4] (841-10)naam ratay gur sabad suhaa-ay. ||4|| Imbued with the Naam, he is embellished with the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||4|| lwhw nwmu pwey gur duAwir ] (841-10)laahaa naam paa-ay gur du-aar. The profit of the Naam is obtained through the Door of the Guru. Awpy dyvY dyvxhwru ] (841-11)aapay dayvai dayvanhaar. The Great Giver Himself gives it. jo dyvY iqs kau bil jweIAY ] (841-11)jo dayvai tis ka-o bal jaa-ee-ai. I am a sacrifice to the One who gives it. gur prswdI Awpu gvweIAY ] (841-11)gur parsaadee aap gavaa-ee-ai. By Guru's Grace, self-conceit is eradicated. nwnk nwmu rKhu aur Dwir ] (841-12)naanak naam rakhahu ur Dhaar. O Nanak, enshrine the Naam within your heart. dyvxhwry kau jYkwru ]5] (841-12)dayvanhaaray ka-o jaikaar. ||5|| I celebrate the victory of the Lord, the Great Giver. ||5|| vIrvwir vIr Brim Bulwey ] (841-12)veervaar veer bharam bhulaa-ay. Thursday: The fifty-two warriors were deluded by doubt. pRyq BUq siB dUjY lwey ] (841-12)parayt bhoot sabh doojai laa-ay. All the goblins and demons are attached to duality. Awip aupwey kir vyKY vykw ] (841-13)aap upaa-ay kar vaykhai vaykaa. God Himself created them, and sees each one distinct. sBnw krqy qyrI tykw ] (841-13)sabhnaa kartay tayree taykaa. O Creator Lord, You are the Support of all. jIA jMq qyrI srxweI ] (841-13)jee-a jant tayree sarnaa-ee. The beings and creatures are under Your protection. so imlY ijsu lYih imlweI ]6] (841-13)so milai jis laihi milaa-ee. ||6|| He alone meets You, whom You Yourself meet. ||6|| suk®vwir pRBu rihAw smweI ] (841-14)sukarvaar parabh rahi-aa samaa-ee. Friday: God is permeating and pervading everywhere. Awip aupwie sB kImiq pweI ] (841-14)aap upaa-ay sabh keemat paa-ee. He Himself created all, and appraises the value of all. gurmuiK hovY su krY bIcwru ] (841-15)gurmukh hovai so karai beechaar. One who become Gurmukh, contemplates the Lord. scu sMjmu krxI hY kwr ] (841-15)sach sanjam karnee hai kaar. He practices truth and self-restraint. vrqu nymu inqwpRiq pUjw ] ibnu bUJy sBu Bwau hY dUjw ]7] (841-15)varat naym nitaaparat poojaa. bin boojhay sabh bhaa-o hai doojaa. ||7|| Without genuine understanding, all fasts, religious rituals and daily worship services lead only to the love of duality. ||7|| CinCrvwir saux swsq bIcwru ] (841-16)chhanichharvaar sa-un saasat beechaar. Saturday: Contemplating good omens and the Shaastras, haumY myrw BrmY sMswru ] (841-16)ha-umai mayraa bharmai sansaar. in egotism and self-conceit, the world wanders in delusion. mnmuKu AMDw dUjY Bwie ] (841-16)manmukh anDhaa doojai bhaa-ay. The blind, self-willed manmukh in engrossed in the love of duality. jm dir bwDw cotw Kwie ] (841-17)jam dar baaDhaa chotaa khaa-ay. Bound and gagged at death's door, he is beaten and punished. gur prswdI sdw suKu pwey ] (841-17)gur parsaadee sadaa sukh paa-ay. By Guru's Grace, one finds lasting peace. scu krxI swic ilv lwey ]8] (841-17)sach karnee saach liv laa-ay. ||8|| He practices Truth, and lovingly focuses on the Truth. ||8|| siqguru syvih sy vfBwgI ] (841-18)satgur sayveh say vadbhaagee. Those who serve the True Guru are very fortunate. haumY mwir sic ilv lwgI ] (841-18)ha-umai maar sach liv laagee. Conquering their ego, they embrace love for the True Lord. qyrY rMig rwqy shij suBwie ] (841-18)tayrai rang raatay sahj subhaa-ay. They are automatically imbued with Your Love, O Lord. |
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