Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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840 AweI pUqw iehu jgu swrw ] (840-1)aa-ee pootaa ih jag saaraa. This whole world is the child of Maya. pRB Awdysu Awid rKvwrw ] (840-1)parabh aadays aad rakhvaaraa. I bow in submission to God, my Protector from the very beginning of time. Awid jugwdI hY BI hogu ] (840-1)aad jugaadee hai bhee hog. He was in the beginning, He has been throughout the ages, He is now, and He shall always be. Ehu AprMpru krxY jogu ]11] (840-2)oh aprampar karnai jog. ||11|| He is unlimited, and capable of doing everything. ||11|| dsmI nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ] (840-2)dasmee naam daan isnaan. The Tenth Day: Meditate on the Naam, give to charity, and purify yourself. Anidnu mjnu scw gux igAwnu ] (840-2)an-din majan sachaa gun gi-aan. Night and day, bathe in spiritual wisdom and the Glorious Virtues of the True Lord. sic mYlu n lwgY BRmu Bau BwgY ] (840-3)sach mail na laagai bharam bha-o bhaagai. Truth cannot be polluted; doubt and fear run away from it. iblmu n qUtis kwcY qwgY ] (840-3)bilam na tootas kaachai taagai. The flimsy thread breaks in an instant. ijau qwgw jgu eyvY jwxhu ] (840-3)ji-o taagaa jag ayvai jaanhu. Know that the world is just like this thread. AsiQru cIqu swic rMgu mwxhu ]12] (840-3)asthir cheet saach rang maanhu. ||12|| Your consciousness shall become steady and stable, enjoying the Love of the True Lord. ||12|| eykwdsI ieku irdY vswvY ] (840-4)aykaadasee ik ridai vasaavai. The Eleventh Day: Enshrine the One Lord within your heart. ihMsw mmqw mohu cukwvY ] (840-4)hinsaa mamtaa moh chukhaavai. Eradicate cruelty, egotism and emotional attachment. Plu pwvY bRqu Awqm cInY ] (840-4)fal paavai barat aatam cheenai. Earn the fruitful rewards, by observing the fast of knowing your own self. pwKMif rwic qqu nhI bInY ] (840-5)pakhand raach tat nahee beenai. One who is engrossed in hypocrisy, does not see the true essence. inrmlu inrwhwru inhkyvlu ] (840-5)nirmal niraahaar nihkayval. The Lord is immaculate, self-sustaining and unattached. sUcY swcy nw lwgY mlu ]13] (840-5)soochai saachay naa laagai mal. ||13|| The Pure, True Lord cannot be polluted. ||13|| jh dyKau qh eyko eykw ] (840-6)jah daykh-a-u tah ayko aykaa. Wherever I look, I see the One Lord there. hoir jIA aupwey vyko vykw ] (840-6)hor jee-a upaa-ay vayko vaykaa. He created the other beings, of many and various kinds. Plohwr kIey Plu jwie ] (840-6)falohaar kee-ay fal jaa-ay. Eating only fruits, one loses the fruits of life. rs ks Kwey swdu gvwie ] (840-6)ras kas khaa-ay saad gavaa-ay. Eating only delicacies of various sorts, one loses the true taste. kUVY lwlic lptY lptwie ] (840-7)koorhai laalach laptai laptaa-ay. In fraud and greed, people are engrossed and entangled. CUtY gurmuiK swcu kmwie ]14] (840-7)chhootai gurmukh saach kamaa-ay. ||14|| The Gurmukh is emancipated, practicing Truth. ||14|| duAwdis mudRw mnu AauDUqw ] (840-7)du-aadas mudraa man a-uDhootaa. The Twelfth Day: One whose mind is not attached to the twelve signs, Aihinis jwgih kbih n sUqw ] (840-8)ahinis jaageh kabeh na sootaa. remains awake day and night, and never sleeps. jwgqu jwig rhY ilv lwie ] (840-8)jaagat jaag rahai liv laa-ay. He remains awake and aware, lovingly centered on the Lord. gur prcY iqsu kwlu n Kwie ] (840-8)gur parchai tis kaal na khaa-ay. With faith in the Guru, he is not consumed by death. AqIq Bey mwry bYrweI ] (840-9)ateet bha-ay maaray bairaa-ee. Those who become detached, and conquer the five enemies pRxviq nwnk qh ilv lweI ]15] (840-9)paranvat naanak tah liv laa-ee. ||15|| - prays Nanak, they are lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||15|| duAwdsI dieAw dwnu kir jwxY ] (840-9)du-aadasee da-i-aa daan kar jaanai. The Twelfth Day: Know, and practice, compassion and charity. bwhir jwqo BIqir AwxY ] (840-10)baahar jaato bheetar aanai. Bring your out-going mind back home. brqI brq rhY inhkwm ] (840-10)bartee barat rahai nihkaam. Observe the fast of remaining free of desire. Ajpw jwpu jpY muiK nwm ] (840-10)ajpaa jaap japai mukh naam. Chant the unchanted Chant of the Naam with your mouth. qIin Bvx mih eyko jwxY ] (840-10)teen bhavan meh ayko jaanai. Know that the One Lord is contained in the three worlds. siB suic sMjm swcu pCwxY ]16] (840-11)sabh such sanjam saach pachhaanai. ||16|| Purity and self-discipline are all contained in knowing the Truth. ||16|| qyris qrvr smud knwrY ] (840-11)tayras tarvar samud kanaarai. The Thirteenth Day: He is like a tree on the sea-shore. AMimRqu mUlu isKir ilv qwrY ] (840-11)amrit mool sikhar liv taarai. But his roots can become immortal, if his mind is attuned to the Lord's Love. fr fir mrY n bUfY koie ] (840-12)dar dar marai na boodai ko-ay. Then, he will not die of fear or anxiety, and he will never drown. infru bUif mrY piq Koie ] (840-12)nidar bood marai pat kho-ay. Without the Fear of God, he drowns and dies, and loses his honor. fr mih Gru Gr mih fru jwxY ] (840-12)dar meh ghar ghar meh dar jaanai. With the Fear of God in his heart, and his heart in the Fear of God, he knows God. qKiq invwsu scu min BwxY ]17] (840-13)takhat nivaas sach man bhaanai. ||17|| He sits on the throne, and becomes pleasing to the Mind of the True Lord. ||17|| caudis cauQy Qwvih lih pwvY ] (840-13)cha-udas cha-uthay thaaveh leh paavai. The Fourteenth Day: One who enters into the fourth state, rwjs qwms sq kwl smwvY ] (840-13)raajas taamas sat kaal samaavai. overcomes time, and the three qualities of raajas, taamas and satva. ssIAr kY Gir sUru smwvY ] (840-14)sasee-ar kai ghar soor samaavai. Then the sun enters into the house of the moon, jog jugiq kI kImiq pwvY ] (840-14)jog jugat kee keemat paavai. and one knows the value of the technology of Yoga. caudis Bvn pwqwl smwey ] KMf bRhmMf rihAw ilv lwey ]18] (840-14)cha-udas bhavan paataal samaa-ay. khand barahmand rahi-aa liv laa-ay. ||18|| He remains lovingly focused on God, who is permeating the fourteen worlds, the nether regions of the underworld, the galaxies and solar systems. ||18|| AmwvisAw cMdu gupqu gYxwir ] (840-15)amaavasi-aa chand gupat gainaar. Amaavas - The Night of the New Moon: The moon is hidden in the sky. bUJhu igAwnI sbdu bIcwir ] (840-15)boojhhu gi-aanee sabad beechaar. O wise one, understand and contemplate the Word of the Shabad. ssIAru ggin joiq iqhu loeI ] (840-16)sasee-ar gagan jot tihu lo-ee. The moon in the sky illuminates the three worlds. kir kir vyKY krqw soeI ] (840-16)kar kar vaykhai kartaa so-ee. Creating the creation, the Creator beholds it. gur qy dIsY so iqs hI mwih ] (840-16)gur tay deesai so tis hee maahi. One who sees, through the Guru, merges into Him. mnmuiK BUly Awvih jwih ]19] (840-17)manmukh bhoolay aavahi jaahi. ||19|| The self-willed manmukhs are deluded, coming and going in reincarnation. ||19|| Gru dru Qwip iQru Qwin suhwvY ] (840-17)ghar dar thaap thir thaan suhaavai. One who establishes his home within his own heart, obtains the most beautiful, permanent place. Awpu pCwxY jw siqguru pwvY ] (840-17)aap pachhaanai jaa satgur paavai. One comes to understand his own self, when he finds the True Guru. jh Awsw qh ibnis ibnwsw ] (840-18)jah aasaa tah binas binaasaa. Wherever there is hope, there is destruction and desolation. PUtY Kpru duibDw mnsw ] (840-18)footai khapar dubiDhaa mansaa. The bowl of duality and selfishness breaks. mmqw jwl qy rhY audwsw ] pRxviq nwnk hm qw ky dwsw ]20]1] (840-18)mamtaa jaal tay rahai udaasaa. paranvat naanak ham taa kay daasaa. ||20||1|| Prays Nanak, I am the slave of that one, who remains detached amidst the traps of attachment. ||20||1|| |
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