Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mnmuK muey Apxw jnmu Koie ] (843-1)
manmukh mu-ay apnaa janam kho-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs waste away their lives, and die.

siqguru syvy Brmu cukwey ] (843-1)
satgur sayvay bharam chukaa-ay.
Serving the True Guru, doubt is driven away.

Gr hI AMdir scu mhlu pwey ]9] (843-1)
ghar hee andar sach mahal paa-ay. ||9||
Deep within the home of the heart, one finds the Mansion of the True Lord's Presence. ||9||

Awpy pUrw kry su hoie ] (843-2)
aapay pooraa karay so ho-ay.
Whatever the Perfect Lord does, that alone happens.

eyih iQqI vwr dUjw doie ] (843-2)
ayhi thitee vaar doojaa do-ay.
Concern with these omens and days leads only to duality.

siqgur bwJhu AMDu gubwru ] (843-2)
satgur baajhahu anDh gubaar.
Without the True Guru, there is only pitch darkness.

iQqI vwr syvih mugD gvwr ] (843-3)
thitee vaar sayveh mugaDh gavaar.
Only idiots and fools worry about these omens and days.

nwnk gurmuiK bUJY soJI pwie ] (843-3)
naanak gurmukh boojhai sojhee paa-ay.
O Nanak, the Gurmukh obtains understanding and realization;

iekqu nwim sdw rihAw smwie ]10]2] (843-3)
ikat naam sadaa rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||10||2||
he remains forever merged in the Name of the One Lord. ||10||2||

iblwvlu mhlw 1 CMq dKxI (843-5)
bilaaval mehlaa 1 chhant dakh-nee
Bilaaval, First Mehl, Chhant, Dakhnee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (843-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

muMD nvylVIAw goieil AweI rwm ] (843-6, iblwvlu dKxI)
munDh navaylrhee-aa go-il aa-ee raam.
The young, innocent soul-bride has come to the pasture lands of the world.

mtukI fwir DrI hir ilv lweI rwm ] (843-6, iblwvlu dKxI)
matukee daar Dharee har liv laa-ee raam.
Laying aside her pitcher of worldly concern, she lovingly attunes herself to her Lord.

ilv lwie hir isau rhI goieil shij sbid sIgwrIAw ] (843-6, iblwvlu dKxI)
liv laa-ay har si-o rahee go-il sahj sabad seegaaree-aa.
She remains lovingly absorbed in the pasture of the Lord, automatically embellished with the Word of the Shabad.

kr joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI imlhu swic ipAwrIAw ] (843-7, iblwvlu dKxI)
kar jorh gur peh kar binantee milhu saach pi-aaree-aa.
With her palms pressed together, she prays to the Guru, to unite her with her True Beloved Lord.

Dn Bwie BgqI dyiK pRIqm kwm k®oDu invwirAw ] (843-8, iblwvlu dKxI)
Dhan bhaa-ay bhagtee daykh pareetam kaam kroDh nivaari-aa.
Seeing His bride's loving devotion, the Beloved Lord eradicates unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved anger.

nwnk muMD nvyl suMdir dyiK ipru swDwirAw ]1] (843-8, iblwvlu dKxI)
naanak munDh navayl sundar daykh pir saaDhaari-aa. ||1||
O Nanak, the young, innocent bride is so beautiful; seeing her Husband Lord, she is comforted. ||1||

sic nvylVIey jobin bwlI rwm ] (843-9, iblwvlu dKxI)
sach navaylrhee-ay joban baalee raam.
Truthfully, O young soul-bride, your youth keeps you innocent.

Awau n jwau khI Apny sh nwlI rwm ] (843-9, iblwvlu dKxI)
aa-o na jaa-o kahee apnay sah naalee raam.
Do not come and go anywhere; stay with your Husband Lord.

nwh Apny sMig dwsI mY Bgiq hir kI Bwvey ] (843-9, iblwvlu dKxI)
naah apnay sang daasee mai bhagat har kee bhaav-ay.
I will stay with my Husband Lord; I am His hand-maiden. Devotional worship to the Lord is pleasing to me.

AgwiD boiD AkQu kQIAY shij pRB gux gwvey ] (843-10, iblwvlu dKxI)
agaaDh boDh akath kathee-ai sahj parabh gun gaav-ay.
I know the unknowable, and speak the unspoken; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Celestial Lord God.

rwm nwm rswl rsIAw rvY swic ipAwrIAw ] (843-10, iblwvlu dKxI)
raam naam rasaal rasee-aa ravai saach pi-aaree-aa.
She who chants and savors the taste of the Lord's Name is loved by the True Lord.

guir sbdu dIAw dwnu kIAw nwnkw vIcwrIAw ]2] (843-11, iblwvlu dKxI)
gur sabad dee-aa daan kee-aa naankaa veechaaree-aa. ||2||
The Guru grants her the gift of the Shabad; O Nanak, she contemplates and reflects upon it. ||2||

sRIDr moihAVI ipr sMig sUqI rwm ] (843-11, iblwvlu dKxI)
sareeDhar mohi-arhee pir sang sootee raam.
She who is fascinated by the Supreme Lord, sleeps with her Husband Lord.

gur kY Bwie clo swic sMgUqI rwm ] (843-12, iblwvlu dKxI)
gur kai bhaa-ay chalo saach sangootee raam.
She walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, attuned to the Lord.

Dn swic sMgUqI hir sMig sUqI sMig sKI shylIAw ] (843-12, iblwvlu dKxI)
Dhan saach sangootee har sang sootee sang sakhee sahaylee-aa.
The soul-bride is attuned to the Truth, and sleeps with the Lord, along with her companions and sister soul-brides.

iek Bwie iek min nwmu visAw siqgurU hm mylIAw ] (843-13, iblwvlu dKxI)
ik bhaa-ay ik man naam vasi-aa satguroo ham maylee-aa.
Loving the One Lord, with one-pointed mind, the Naam dwells within; I am united with the True Guru.

idnu rYix GVI n csw ivsrY swis swis inrMjno ] (843-13, iblwvlu dKxI)
din rain gharhee na chasaa visrai saas saas niranjano.
Day and night, with each and every breath, I do not forget the Immaculate Lord, for a moment, even for an instant.

sbid joiq jgwie dIpku nwnkw Bau BMjno ]3] (843-14, iblwvlu dKxI)
sabad jot jagaa-ay deepak naankaa bha-o bhanjno. ||3||
So light the lamp of the Shabad, O Nanak, and burn away your fear. ||3||

joiq sbwieVIey iqRBvx swry rwm ] (843-15, iblwvlu dKxI)
jot sabaa-irhee-ay taribhavan saaray raam.
O soul-bride, the Lord's Light pervades all the three worlds.

Git Git riv rihAw AlK Apwry rwm ] (843-15, iblwvlu dKxI)
ghat ghat rav rahi-aa alakh apaaray raam.
He is pervading each and every heart, the Invisible and Infinite Lord.

AlK Apwr Apwru swcw Awpu mwir imlweIAY ] (843-15, iblwvlu dKxI)
alakh apaar apaar saachaa aap maar milaa-ee-ai.
He is Invisible and Infinite, Infinite and True; subduing his self-conceit, one meets Him.

haumY mmqw loBu jwlhu sbid mYlu cukweIAY ] (843-16, iblwvlu dKxI)
ha-umai mamtaa lobh jaalahu sabad mail chukhaa-ee-ai.
So burn away your egotistical pride, attachment and greed, with the Word of the Shabad; wash away your filth.

dir jwie drsnu krI BwxY qwir qwrxhwirAw ] (843-16, iblwvlu dKxI)
dar jaa-ay darsan karee bhaanai taar taaranhaari-aa.
When you go to the Lord's Door, you shall receive the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; by His Will, the Savior will carry you across and save you.

hir nwmu AMimRqu cwiK iqRpqI nwnkw aur DwirAw ]4]1] (843-17, iblwvlu dKxI)
har naam amrit chaakh tariptee naankaa ur Dhaari-aa. ||4||1||
Tasting the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name, the soul-bride is satisfied; O Nanak, she enshrines Him in her heart. ||4||1||

iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] (843-18)
bilaaval mehlaa 1.
Bilaaval, First Mehl:

mY min cwau Gxw swic ivgwsI rwm ] (843-18)
mai man chaa-o ghanaa saach vigaasee raam.
My mind is filled with such a great joy; I have blossomed forth in Truth.

mohI pRym ipry pRiB AibnwsI rwm ] (843-18)
mohee paraym piray parabh abhinaasee raam.
I am enticed by the love of my Husband Lord, the Eternal, Imperishable Lord God.

Aivgqo hir nwQu nwQh iqsY BwvY so QIAY ] (843-19)
avigato har naath naathah tisai bhaavai so thee-ai.
The Lord is everlasting, the Master of masters. Whatever He wills, happens.

ikrpwlu sdw dieAwlu dwqw jIAw AMdir qUM jIAY ] (843-19)
kirpaal sadaa da-i-aal daataa jee-aa andar tooN jee-ai.
O Great Giver, You are always kind and compassionate. You infuse life into all living beings.