Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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802 Agnq gux Twkur pRB qyry ] (802-1)agnat gun thaakur parabh tayray. Your Glories are uncounted, O God, my Lord and Master. moih AnwQ qumrI srxweI ] (802-1)mohi anaath tumree sarnaa-ee. I am an orphan, entering Your Sanctuary. kir ikrpw hir crn iDAweI ]1] (802-1)kar kirpaa har charan Dhi-aa-ee. ||1|| Have Mercy on me, O Lord, that I may meditate on Your Feet. ||1|| dieAw krhu bshu min Awie ] (802-2)da-i-aa karahu bashu man aa-ay. Take pity upon me, and abide within my mind; moih inrgun lIjY liV lwie ] rhwau ] (802-2)mohi nirgun leejai larh laa-ay. rahaa-o. I am worthless - please let me grasp hold of the hem of Your robe. ||1||Pause|| pRBu iciq AwvY qw kYsI BIV ] (802-2)parabh chit aavai taa kaisee bheerh. When God comes into my consciousness, what misfortune can strike me? hir syvk nwhI jm pIV ] (802-3)har sayvak naahee jam peerh. The Lord's servant does not suffer pain from the Messenger of Death. srb dUK hir ismrq nsy ] (802-3)sarab dookh har simrat nasay. All pains are dispelled, when one remembers the Lord in meditation; jw kY sMig sdw pRBu bsY ]2] (802-3)jaa kai sang sadaa parabh basai. ||2|| God abides with him forever. ||2|| pRB kw nwmu min qin AwDwru ] (802-4)parabh kaa naam man tan aaDhaar. The Name of God is the Support of my mind and body. ibsrq nwmu hovq qnu Cwru ] (802-4)bisrat naam hovat tan chhaar. Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body is reduced to ashes. pRB iciq Awey pUrn sB kwj ] (802-4)parabh chit aa-ay pooran sabh kaaj. When God comes into my consciousness, all my affairs are resolved. hir ibsrq sB kw muhqwj ]3] (802-5)har bisrat sabh kaa muhtaaj. ||3|| Forgetting the Lord, one becomes subservient to all. ||3|| crn kml sMig lwgI pRIiq ] (802-5)charan kamal sang laagee pareet. I am in love with the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ibsir geI sB durmiq rIiq ] (802-5)bisar ga-ee sabh durmat reet. I am rid of all evil-minded ways. mn qn AMqir hir hir mMq ] (802-6)man tan antar har har mant. The Mantra of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, is deep within my mind and body. nwnk Bgqn kY Gir sdw Anµd ]4]3] (802-6)naanak bhagtan kai ghar sadaa anand. ||4||3|| O Nanak, eternal bliss fills the home of the Lord's devotees. ||4||3|| rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 2 XwnVIey kY Gir gwvxw (802-7)raag bilaaval mehlaa 5 ghar 2 yaanrhee-ay kai ghar gaavnaa Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Second House, To Be Sung To The Tune Of Yaan-Ree-Ay: <> siqgur pRswid ] (802-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: mY min qyrI tyk myry ipAwry mY min qyrI tyk ] (802-8)mai man tayree tayk mayray pi-aaray mai man tayree tayk. You are the Support of my mind, O my Beloved, You are the Support of my mind. Avr isAwxpw ibrQIAw ipAwry rwKn kau qum eyk ]1] rhwau ] (802-8)avar si-aanpaa birthee-aa pi-aaray raakhan ka-o tum ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o. All other clever tricks are useless, O Beloved; You alone are my Protector. ||1||Pause|| siqguru pUrw jy imlY ipAwry so jnu hoq inhwlw ] (802-9)satgur pooraa jay milai pi-aaray so jan hot nihaalaa. One who meets with the Perfect True Guru, O Beloved, that humble person is enraptured. gur kI syvw so kry ipAwry ijs no hoie dieAwlw ] (802-9)gur kee sayvaa so karay pi-aaray jis no ho-ay da-i-aalaa. He alone serves the Guru, O Beloved, unto whom the Lord becomes merciful. sPl mUriq gurdyau suAwmI srb klw BrpUry ] (802-10)safal moorat gurday-o su-aamee sarab kalaa bharpooray. Fruitful is the form of the Divine Guru, O Lord and Master; He is overflowing with all powers. nwnk guru pwrbRhmu prmysru sdw sdw hjUry ]1] (802-10)naanak gur paarbarahm parmaysar sadaa sadaa hajooray. ||1|| O Nanak, the Guru is the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord; He is ever-present, forever and ever. ||1|| suix suix jIvw soie iqnw kI ijn@ Apunw pRBu jwqw ] (802-11)sun sun jeevaa so-ay tinaa kee jinH apunaa parabh jaataa. I live by hearing, hearing of those who know their God. hir nwmu ArwDih nwmu vKwxih hir nwmy hI mnu rwqw ] (802-11)har naam araaDheh naam vakaaneh har naamay hee man raataa. They contemplate the Lord's Name, they chant the Lord's Name, and their minds are imbued with the Lord's Name. syvku jn kI syvw mwgY pUrY krim kmwvw ] (802-12)sayvak jan kee sayvaa maagai poorai karam kamaavaa. I am Your servant; I beg to serve Your humble servants. By the karma of perfect destiny, I do this. nwnk kI bynµqI suAwmI qyry jn dyKxu pwvw ]2] (802-13)naanak kee baynantee su-aamee tayray jan daykhan paavaa. ||2|| This is Nanak's prayer: O my Lord and Master, may I obtain the Blessed Vision of Your humble servants. ||2|| vfBwgI sy kwFIAih ipAwry sMqsMgiq ijnw vwso ] (802-13)vadbhaagee say kaadhee-ah pi-aaray santsangat jinaa vaaso. They are said to be very fortunate, O Beloved, who who dwell in the Society of the Saints. AMimRq nwmu ArwDIAY inrmlu mnY hovY prgwso ] (802-14)amrit naam araaDhee-ai nirmal manai hovai pargaaso. They contemplate the Immaculate, Ambrosial Naam, and their minds are illuminated. jnm mrx duKu kwtIAY ipAwry cUkY jm kI kwxy ] (802-14)janam maran dukh kaatee-ai pi-aaray chookai jam kee kaanay. The pains of birth and death are eradicated, O Beloved, and the fear of the Messenger of Death is ended. iqnw prwpiq drsnu nwnk jo pRB Apxy Bwxy ]3] (802-15)tinaa paraapat darsan naanak jo parabh apnay bhaanay. ||3|| They alone obtain the Blessed Vision of this Darshan, O Nanak, who are pleasing to their God. ||3|| aUc Apwr byAMq suAwmI kauxu jwxY gux qyry ] (802-16)ooch apaar bay-ant su-aamee ka-un jaanai gun tayray. O my lofty, incomparable and infinite Lord and Master, who can know Your Glorious Virtues? gwvqy auDrih suxqy auDrih ibnsih pwp Gnyry ] (802-16)gaavtay uDhrahi suntay uDhrahi binsahi paap ghanayray. Those who sing them are saved, and those who listen to them are saved; all their sins are erased. psU pryq mugD kau qwry pwhn pwir auqwrY ] (802-17)pasoo parayt mugaDh ka-o taaray paahan paar utaarai. You save the beasts, demons and fools, and even stones are carried across. nwnk dws qyrI srxweI sdw sdw bilhwrY ]4]1]4] (802-17)naanak daas tayree sarnaa-ee sadaa sadaa balihaarai. ||4||1||4|| Slave Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary; he is forever and ever a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||4|| iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (802-18)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: ibKY bnu PIkw iqAwig rI sKIey nwmu mhw rsu pIE ] (802-18)bikhai ban feekaa ti-aag ree sakhee-ay naam mahaa ras pee-o. Renounce the tasteless water of corruption, O my companion, and drink in the supreme nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ibnu rs cwKy buif geI sglI suKI n hovq jIE ] (802-19)bin ras chaakhay bud ga-ee saglee sukhee na hovat jee-o. Without the taste of this nectar, all have drowned, and their souls have not found happiness. mwnu mhqu n skiq hI kweI swDw dwsI QIE ] (802-19)maan mahat na sakat hee kaa-ee saaDhaa daasee thee-o. You have no honor, glory or power - become the slave of the Holy Saints. |
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