Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


hir Birpury rihAw ] (801-1)
har bharipuray rahi-aa.
The Lord is totally permeating and pervading everywhere;

jil Qly rwm nwmu ] (801-1)
jal thalay raam naam.
the Name of the Lord is pervading the water and the land.

inq gweIAY hir dUK ibswrno ]1] rhwau ] (801-1)
nit gaa-ee-ai har dookh bisaarno. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So sing continuously of the Lord, the Dispeller of pain. ||1||Pause||

hir kIAw hY sPl jnmu hmwrw ] (801-2)
har kee-aa hai safal janam hamaaraa.
The Lord has made my life fruitful and rewarding.

hir jipAw hir dUK ibswrnhwrw ] (801-2)
har japi-aa har dookh bisaaranhaaraa.
I meditate on the Lord, the Dispeller of pain.

guru ByitAw hY mukiq dwqw ] (801-2)
gur bhayti-aa hai mukat daataa.
I have met the Guru, the Giver of liberation.

hir kIeI hmwrI sPl jwqw ] (801-3)
har kee-ee hamaaree safal jaataa.
The Lord has made my life's journey fruitful and rewarding.

imil sMgqI gun gwvno ]1] (801-3)
mil sangtee gun gaavno. ||1||
Joining the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

mn rwm nwm kir Awsw ] (801-3)
man raam naam kar aasaa.
O mortal, place your hopes in the Name of the Lord,

Bwau dUjw ibnis ibnwsw ] (801-3)
bhaa-o doojaa binas binaasaa.
and your love of duality shall simply vanish.

ivic Awsw hoie inrwsI ] (801-4)
vich aasaa ho-ay niraasee.
One who, in hope, remains unattached to hope,

so jnu imilAw hir pwsI ] (801-4)
so jan mili-aa har paasee.
such a humble being meets with his Lord.

koeI rwm nwm gun gwvno ] (801-4)
ko-ee raam naam gun gaavno.
And one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name

jnu nwnku iqsu pig lwvno ]2]1]7]4]6]7]17] (801-5)
jan naanak tis pag laavno. ||2||1||7||4||6||7||17||
- servant Nanak falls at his feet. ||2||1||7||4||6||7||17||

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 (801-6)
raag bilaaval mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 1
Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (801-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ndrI AwvY iqsu isau mohu ] (801-7)
nadree aavai tis si-o moh.
He is attached to what he sees.

ikau imlIAY pRB AibnwsI qoih ] (801-7)
ki-o milee-ai parabh abhinaasee tohi.
How can I meet You, O Imperishable God?

kir ikrpw moih mwrig pwvhu ] (801-7)
kar kirpaa mohi maarag paavhu.
Have Mercy upon me, and place me upon the Path;

swDsMgiq kY AMcil lwvhu ]1] (801-8)
saaDhsangat kai anchal laavhu. ||1||
let me be attached to the hem of the robe of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||

ikau qrIAY ibiKAw sMswru ] (801-8)
ki-o taree-ai bikhi-aa sansaar.
How can I cross over the poisonous world-ocean?

siqguru boihQu pwvY pwir ]1] rhwau ] (801-8)
satgur bohith paavai paar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The True Guru is the boat to carry us across. ||1||Pause||

pvn Julwry mwieAw dyie ] (801-9)
pavan jhulaaray maa-i-aa day-ay.
The wind of Maya blows and shakes us,

hir ky Bgq sdw iQru syie ] (801-9)
har kay bhagat sadaa thir say-ay.
but the Lord's devotees remain ever-stable.

hrK sog qy rhih inrwrw ] (801-9)
harakh sog tay raheh niraaraa.
They remain unaffected by pleasure and pain.

isr aUpir Awip gurU rKvwrw ]2] (801-9)
sir oopar aap guroo rakhvaaraa. ||2||
The Guru Himself is the Savior above their heads. ||2||

pwieAw vyVu mwieAw srb BuieAMgw ] (801-10)
paa-i-aa vayrh maa-i-aa sarab bhu-i-angaa.
Maya, the snake, holds all in her coils.

haumY pcy dIpk dyiK pqMgw ] (801-10)
ha-umai pachay deepak daykh patangaa.
They burn to death in egotism, like the moth lured by seeing the flame.

sgl sIgwr kry nhI pwvY ] (801-11)
sagal seegaar karay nahee paavai.
They make all sorts of decorations, but they do not find the Lord.

jw hoie ik®pwlu qw gurU imlwvY ]3] (801-11)
jaa ho-ay kirpaal taa guroo milaavai. ||3||
When the Guru becomes Merciful, He leads them to meet the Lord. ||3||

hau iPrau audwsI mY ieku rqnu dswieAw ] (801-11)
ha-o fira-o udaasee mai ik ratan dasaa-i-aa.
I wander around, sad and depressed, seeking the jewel of the One Lord.

inrmolku hIrw imlY n aupwieAw ] (801-12)
nirmolak heeraa milai na upaa-i-aa.
This priceless jewel is not obtained by any efforts.

hir kw mMdru iqsu mih lwlu ] (801-12)
har kaa mandar tis meh laal.
That jewel is within the body, the Temple of the Lord.

guir KoilAw pVdw dyiK BeI inhwlu ]4] (801-12)
gur kholi-aa parh-daa daykh bha-ee nihaal. ||4||
The Guru has torn away the veil of illusion, and beholding the jewel, I am delighted. ||4||

ijin cwiKAw iqsu AwieAw swdu ] (801-13)
jin chaakhi-aa tis aa-i-aa saad.
One who has tasted it, comes to know its flavor;

ijau gUMgw mn mih ibsmwdu ] (801-13)
ji-o goongaa man meh bismaad.
he is like the mute, whose mind is filled with wonder.

Awnd rUpu sBu ndrI AwieAw ] (801-14)
aanad roop sabh nadree aa-i-aa.
I see the Lord, the source of bliss, everywhere.

jn nwnk hir gux AwiK smwieAw ]5]1] (801-14)
jan naanak har gun aakh samaa-i-aa. ||5||1||
Servant Nanak speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and merges in Him. ||5||1||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (801-14)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

srb kilAwx kIey gurdyv ] (801-15)
sarab kali-aan kee-ay gurdayv.
The Divine Guru has blessed me with total happiness.

syvku ApnI lwieE syv ] (801-15)
sayvak apnee laa-i-o sayv.
He has linked His servant to His service.

ibGnu n lwgY jip AlK AByv ]1] (801-15)
bighan na laagai jap alakh abhayv. ||1||
No obstacles block my path, meditating on the incomprehensible, inscrutable Lord. ||1||

Driq punIq BeI gun gwey ] (801-16)
Dharat puneet bha-ee gun gaa-ay.
The soil has been sanctified, singing the Glories of His Praises.

durqu gieAw hir nwmu iDAwey ]1] rhwau ] (801-16)
durat ga-i-aa har naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The sins are eradicated, meditating on the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

sBnI QWeI rivAw Awip ] (801-16)
sabhnee thaaN-ee ravi-aa aap.
He Himself is pervading everywhere;

Awid jugwid jw kw vf prqwpu ] (801-17)
aad jugaad jaa kaa vad partaap.
from the very beginning, and throughout the ages, His Glory has been radiantly manifest.

gur prswid n hoie sMqwpu ]2] (801-17)
gur parsaad na ho-ay santaap. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, sorrow does not touch me. ||2||

gur ky crn lgy min mITy ] (801-17)
gur kay charan lagay man meethay.
The Guru's Feet seem so sweet to my mind.

inribGn hoie sB QWeI vUTy ] (801-18)
nirbighan ho-ay sabh thaaN-ee voothay.
He is unobstructed, dwelling everywhere.

siB suK pwey siqgur qUTy ]3] (801-18)
sabh sukh paa-ay satgur toothay. ||3||
I found total peace, when the Guru was pleased. ||3||

pwrbRhm pRB Bey rKvwly ] (801-18)
paarbarahm parabh bha-ay rakhvaalay.
The Supreme Lord God has become my Savior.

ijQY ikQY dIsih nwly ] (801-19)
jithai kithai deeseh naalay.
Wherever I look, I see Him there with me.

nwnk dws Ksim pRiqpwly ]4]2] (801-19)
naanak daas khasam partipaalay. ||4||2||
O Nanak, the Lord and Master protects and cherishes His slaves. ||4||2||

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (801-19)
bilaaval mehlaa 5.
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

suK inDwn pRIqm pRB myry ] (801-19)
sukh niDhaan pareetam parabh mayray.
You are the treasure of peace, O my Beloved God.