Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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800 kwieAw ngr mih rwm rsu aUqmu ikau pweIAY aupdysu jn krhu ] (800-1)kaa-i-aa nagar meh raam ras ootam ki-o paa-ee-ai updays jan karahu. Within the body-village is the Lord's supreme, sublime essence. How can I obtain it? Teach me, O humble Saints. siqguru syiv sPl hir drsnu imil AMimRqu hir rsu pIAhu ]2] (800-2)satgur sayv safal har darsan mil amrit har ras pee-ahu. ||2|| Serving the True Guru, you shall obtain the Fruitful Vision of the Lord's Darshan; meeting Him, drink in the ambrosial essence of the Lord's Nectar. ||2|| hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hir mITw hir sMqhu cwiK idKhu ] (800-2)har har naam amrit har meethaa har santahu chaakh dikhahu. The Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is so sweet; O Saints of the Lord, taste it, and see. gurmiq hir rsu mITw lwgw iqn ibsry siB ibK rshu ]3] (800-3)gurmat har ras meethaa laagaa tin bisray sabh bikh rasahu. ||3|| Under Guru's Instruction, the Lord's essence seems so sweet; through it, all corrupt sensual pleasures are forgotten. ||3|| rwm nwmu rsu rwm rswiexu hir syvhu sMq jnhu ] (800-4)raam naam ras raam rasaa-in har sayvhu sant janhu. The Name of the Lord is the medicine to cure all diseases; so serve the Lord, O humble Saints. cwir pdwrQ cwry pwey gurmiq nwnk hir Bjhu ]4]4] (800-4)chaar padaarath chaaray paa-ay gurmat naanak har bhajahu. ||4||4|| The four great blessings are obtained, O Nanak, by vibrating upon the Lord, under Guru's Instruction. ||4||4|| iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (800-5)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu vYsu ko jwpY hir mMqRü jpYnI ] (800-5)khatree baraahman sood vais ko jaapai har mantar japainee. Anyone, from any class - Kh'shaatriya, Brahman, Soodra or Vaishya - can chant, and meditate on the Mantra of the Lord's Name. guru siqguru pwrbRhmu kir pUjhu inq syvhu idnsu sB rYnI ]1] (800-5)gur satgur paarbarahm kar poojahu nit sayvhu dinas sabh rainee. ||1|| Worship the Guru, the True Guru, as the Supreme Lord God; serve Him constantly, all day and night. ||1|| hir jn dyKhu siqguru nYnI ] (800-6)har jan daykhhu satgur nainee. O humble servants of the Lord, behold the True Guru with your eyes. jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu hir bolhu gurmiq bYnI ]1] rhwau ] (800-6)jo ichhahu so-ee fal paavhu har bolhu gurmat bainee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whatever you wish for, you shall receive, chanting the Word of the Lord's Name, under Guru's Instruction. ||1||Pause|| Aink aupwv icqvIAih bhuqyry sw hovY ij bwq hovYnI ] (800-7)anik upaav chitvee-ah bahutayray saa hovai je baat hovainee. People think of many and various efforts, but that alone happens, which is to happen. Apnw Blw sBu koeI bwCY so kry ij myrY iciq n icqYnI ]2] (800-8)apnaa bhalaa sabh ko-ee baachhai so karay je mayrai chit na chitainee. ||2|| All beings seek goodness for themselves, but what the Lord does - that may not be what we think and expect. ||2|| mn kI miq iqAwghu hir jn eyhw bwq kTYnI ] (800-8)man kee mat ti-aagahu har jan ayhaa baat kathainee. So renounce the clever intellect of your mind, O humble servants of the Lord, no matter how hard this may be. Anidnu hir hir nwmu iDAwvhu gur siqgur kI miq lYnI ]3] (800-9)an-din har har naam Dhi-aavahu gur satgur kee mat lainee. ||3|| Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; accept the wisdom of the Guru, the True Guru. ||3|| miq sumiq qyrY vis suAwmI hm jMq qU purKu jMqYnI ] (800-10)mat sumat tayrai vas su-aamee ham jant too purakh jantainee. Wisdom, balanced wisdom is in Your power, O Lord and Master; I am the instrument, and You are the player, O Primal Lord. jn nwnk ky pRB krqy suAwmI ijau BwvY iqvY bulYnI ]4]5] (800-10)jan naanak kay parabh kartay su-aamee ji-o bhaavai tivai bulainee. ||4||5|| O God, O Creator, Lord and Master of servant Nanak, as You wish, so do I speak. ||4||5|| iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (800-11)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: And mUlu iDAwieE purKoqmu Anidnu And Anµdy ] (800-11)anad mool Dhi-aa-i-o purkhotam an-din anad ananday. I meditate on the source of bliss, the Sublime Primal Being; night and day, I am in ecstasy and bliss. Drm rwie kI kwix cukweI siB cUky jm ky CMdy ]1] (800-12)Dharam raa-ay kee kaan chukaa-ee sabh chookay jam kay chhanday. ||1|| The Righteous Judge of Dharma has no power over me; I have cast off all subservience to the Messenger of Death. ||1|| jip mn hir hir nwmu guoibMdy ] (800-12)jap man har har naam gobinday. Meditate, O mind, on the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. vfBwgI guru siqguru pwieAw gux gwey prmwnµdy ]1] rhwau ] (800-13)vadbhaagee gur satgur paa-i-aa gun gaa-ay parmaananday. ||1|| rahaa-o. By great good fortune, I have found the Guru, the True Guru; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of supreme bliss. ||1||Pause|| swkq mUV mwieAw ky biDk ivic mwieAw iPrih iPrMdy ] (800-13)saakat moorh maa-i-aa kay baDhik vich maa-i-aa fireh firanday. The foolish faithless cynics are held captive by Maya; in Maya, they continue wandering, wandering around. iqRsnw jlq ikrq ky bwDy ijau qylI bld BvMdy ]2] (800-14)tarisnaa jalat kirat kay baaDhay ji-o taylee balad bhavanday. ||2|| Burnt by desire, and bound by the karma of their past actions, they go round and round, like the ox at the mill press. ||2|| gurmuiK syv lgy sy auDry vfBwgI syv krMdy ] (800-15)gurmukh sayv lagay say uDhray vadbhaagee sayv karanday. The Gurmukhs, who focus on serving the Guru, are saved; by great good fortune, they perform service. ijn hir jipAw iqn Plu pwieAw siB qUty mwieAw PMdy ]3] (800-15)jin har japi-aa tin fal paa-i-aa sabh tootay maa-i-aa fanday. ||3|| Those who meditate on the Lord obtain the fruits of their rewards, and the bonds of Maya are all broken. ||3|| Awpy Twkuru Awpy syvku sBu Awpy Awip goivMdy ] (800-16)aapay thaakur aapay sayvak sabh aapay aap govinday. He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the servant. The Lord of the Universe Himself is all by Himself. jn nwnk Awpy Awip sBu vrqY ijau rwKY iqvY rhMdy ]4]6] (800-16)jan naanak aapay aap sabh vartai ji-o raakhai tivai rahanday. ||4||6|| O servant Nanak, He Himself is All-pervading; as He keeps us, we remain. ||4||6|| <> siqgur pRswid ] (800-18)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 4 pVqwl Gru 13 ] (800-19)raag bilaaval mehlaa 4 parh-taal ghar 13. Raag Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl, Partaal, Thirteenth House: bolhu BeIAw rwm nwmu piqq pwvno ] (800-19)bolhu bha-ee-aa raam naam patit paavno. O Siblings of Destiny, chant the Name of the Lord, the Purifier of sinners. hir sMq Bgq qwrno ] (800-19)har sant bhagat taarno. The Lord emancipates his Saints and devotees. |
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