Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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799 jip mn rwm nwmu rsnw ] (799-1)jap man raam naam rasnaa. Chant the Name of the Lord with your tongue, O mind. msqik ilKq ilKy guru pwieAw hir ihrdY hir bsnw ]1] rhwau ] (799-1)mastak likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa har hirdai har basnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. According to the pre-ordained destiny written upon my forehead, I have found the Guru, and the Lord abides within my heart. ||1||Pause|| mwieAw igrsiq BRmqu hY pRwnI riK lyvhu jnu Apnw ] (799-2)maa-i-aa girsat bharmat hai paraanee rakh layvhu jan apnaa. Entangled in Maya, the mortal wanders around. Save Your humble servant, O Lord, ijau pRihlwdu hrxwKis gRisE hir rwiKE hir srnw ]2] (799-2)ji-o par-hilaad harnaakhas garsi-o har raakhi-o har sarnaa. ||2|| as you saved Prahlaad from the clutches of Harnaakash; keep him in Your Sanctuary, Lord. ||2|| kvn kvn kI giq imiq khIAY hir kIey piqq pvMnw ] (799-3)kavan kavan kee gat mit kahee-ai har kee-ay patit pavannaa. How can I describe the state and the condition, O Lord, of those many sinners you have purified? Ehu FovY For hwiQ cmu cmry hir auDirE pirE srnw ]3] (799-4)oh dhovai dhor haath cham chamray har uDhaari-o pari-o sarnaa. ||3|| Ravi Daas, the leather-worker, who worked with hides and carried dead animals was saved, by entering the Lord's Sanctuary. ||3|| pRB dIn dieAwl Bgq Bv qwrn hm pwpI rwKu ppnw ] (799-4)parabh deen da-i-aal bhagat bhav taaran ham paapee raakh papnaa. O God, Merciful to the meek, carry Your devotees across the world-ocean; I am a sinner - save me from sin! hir dwsn dws dws hm krIAhu jn nwnk dws dwsMnw ]4]1] (799-5)har daasan daas daas ham karee-ahu jan naanak daas daasannaa. ||4||1|| O Lord, make me the slave of the slave of Your slaves; servant Nanak is the slave of Your slaves. ||4||1|| iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (799-5)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: hm mUrK mugD AigAwn mqI srxwgiq purK Ajnmw ] (799-6)ham moorakh mugaDh agi-aan matee sarnaagat purakh ajnamaa. I am foolish, idiotic and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary, O Primal Being, O Lord beyond birth. kir ikrpw riK lyvhu myry Twkur hm pwQr hIn Akrmw ]1] (799-6)kar kirpaa rakh layvhu mayray thaakur ham paathar heen akarmaa. ||1|| Have Mercy upon me, and save me, O my Lord and Master; I am a lowly stone, with no good karma at all. ||1|| myry mn Bju rwm nwmY rwmw ] (799-7)mayray man bhaj raam naamai raamaa. O my mind, vibrate and meditate on the Lord, the Name of the Lord. gurmiq hir rsu pweIAY hoir iqAwghu inhPl kwmw ]1] rhwau ] (799-7)gurmat har ras paa-ee-ai hor ti-aagahu nihfal kaamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Under Guru's Instructions, obtain the sublime, subtle essence of the Lord; renounce other fruitless actions. ||1||Pause|| hir jn syvk sy hir qwry hm inrgun rwKu aupmw ] (799-8)har jan sayvak say har taaray ham nirgun raakh upmaa. The humble servants of the Lord are saved by the Lord; I am worthless - it is Your glory to save me. quJ ibnu Avru n koeI myry Twkur hir jpIAY vfy krMmw ]2] (799-8)tujh bin avar na ko-ee mayray thaakur har japee-ai vaday karammaa. ||2|| I have no other than You, O my Lord and Master; I meditate on the Lord, by my good karma. ||2|| nwmhIn iDRgu jIvqy iqn vf dUK shMmw ] (799-9)naamheen Dharig jeevtay tin vad dookh sahammaa. Those who lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord, their lives are cursed, and they must endure terrible pain. Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih mMdBwgI mUV Akrmw ]3] (799-10)o-ay fir fir jon bhavaa-ee-ah mand-bhaagee moorh akarmaa. ||3|| They are consigned to reincarnation over and over again; they are the most unfortunate fools, with no good karma at all. ||3|| hir jn nwmu ADwru hY Duir pUrib ilKy vf krmw ] (799-10)har jan naam aDhaar hai Dhur poorab likhay vad karmaa. The Naam is the Support of the Lord's humble servants; their good karma is pre-ordained. guir siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw jn nwnk sPlu jnµmw ]4]2] (799-11)gur satgur naam drirh-aa-i-aa jan naanak safal jannamaa. ||4||2|| The Guru, the True Guru, has implanted the Naam within servant Nanak, and his life is fruitful. ||4||2|| iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (799-11)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: hmrw icqu luBq moih ibiKAw bhu durmiq mYlu Brw ] (799-12)hamraa chit lubhat mohi bikhi-aa baho durmat mail bharaa. My consciousness is lured by emotional attachment and corruption; is is filled with evil-minded filth. qum@rI syvw kir n skh pRB hm ikau kir mugD qrw ]1] (799-12)tumHree sayvaa kar na sakah parabh ham ki-o kar mugaDh taraa. ||1|| I cannot serve You, O God; I am ignorant - how can I cross over? ||1|| myry mn jip nrhr nwmu nrhrw ] (799-13)mayray man jap narhar naam narharaa. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, the Lord, the Lord of man. jn aUpir ikrpw pRiB DwrI imil siqgur pwir prw ]1] rhwau ] (799-13)jan oopar kirpaa parabh Dhaaree mil satgur paar paraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. God has showered His Mercy upon His humble servant; meeting with the True Guru, he is carried across. ||1||Pause|| hmry ipqw Twkur pRB suAwmI hir dyhu mqI jsu krw ] (799-14)hamray pitaa thaakur parabh su-aamee har dayh matee jas karaa. O my Father, my Lord and Master, Lord God, please bless me with such understanding, that I may sing Your Praises. qum@rY sMig lgy sy auDry ijau sMig kwst loh qrw ]2] (799-14)tumHrai sang lagay say uDhray ji-o sang kaasat loh taraa. ||2|| Those who are attached to You are saved, like iron which is carried across with wood. ||2|| swkq nr hoCI miq miDm ijn@ hir hir syv n krw ] (799-15)saakat nar hochhee mat maDhim jinH har har sayv na karaa. The faithless cynics have little or no understanding; they do not serve the Lord, Har, Har. qy nr BwghIn duhcwrI Eie jnim muey iPir mrw ]3] (799-16)tay nar bhaagheen duhchaaree o-ay janam mu-ay fir maraa. ||3|| Those beings are unfortunate and vicious; they die, and are consigned to reincarnation, over and over again. ||3|| ijn kau qum@ hir mylhu suAwmI qy n@wey sMqoK gur srw ] (799-16)jin ka-o tumH har maylhu su-aamee tay nHaa-ay santokh gur saraa. Those whom You unite with Yourself, O Lord and Master, bathe in the Guru's cleansing pool of contentment. durmiq mYlu geI hir BijAw jn nwnk pwir prw ]4]3] (799-17)durmat mail ga-ee har bhaji-aa jan naanak paar paraa. ||4||3|| Vibrating upon the Lord, the filth of their evil-mindedness is washed away; servant Nanak is carried across. ||4||3|| iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (799-17)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir kQw krhu ] (799-18)aavhu sant milhu mayray bhaa-ee mil har har kathaa karahu. Come, O Saints, and join together, O my Siblings of Destiny; let us tell the Stories of the Lord, Har, Har. hir hir nwmu boihQu hY kljuig Kyvtu gur sbid qrhu ]1] (799-18)har har naam bohith hai kaljug khayvat gur sabad tarahu. ||1|| The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga; the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the boatman to ferry us across. ||1|| myry mn hir gux hir aucrhu ] (799-19)mayray man har gun har uchrahu. O my mind, chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord. msqik ilKq ilKy gun gwey imil sMgiq pwir prhu ]1] rhwau ] (799-19)mastak likhat likhay gun gaa-ay mil sangat paar parahu. ||1|| rahaa-o. According to the pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon your forehead, sing the Praises of the Lord; join the Holy Congregation, and cross over the world-ocean. ||1||Pause|| |
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