Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


khq nwnku scy isau pRIiq lwey cUkY min AiBmwnw ] (798-1)
kahat naanak sachay si-o pareet laa-ay chookai man abhimaanaa.
Says Nanak, loving the True Lord, the mind's egotism and self-conceit is eradicated.

khq suxq sBy suK pwvih mwnq pwih inDwnw ]4]4] (798-1)
kahat sunat sabhay sukh paavahi maanat paahi niDhaanaa. ||4||4||
Those who speak and listen to the Lord's Name, all find peace. Those who believe in it, obtain the supreme treasure. ||4||4||

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (798-2)
bilaaval mehlaa 3.
Bilaaval, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK pRIiq ijs no Awpy lwey ] (798-2)
gurmukh pareet jis no aapay laa-ay.
The Lord Himself attaches the Gurmukh to His Love;

iqqu Gir iblwvlu gur sbid suhwey ] (798-3)
tit ghar bilaaval gur sabad suhaa-ay.
joyful melodies permeate his home, and he is embellished with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

mMglu nwrI gwvih Awey ] (798-3)
mangal naaree gaavahi aa-ay.
The women come and sing the songs of joy.

imil pRIqm sdw suKu pwey ]1] (798-3)
mil pareetam sadaa sukh paa-ay. ||1||
Meeting with their Beloved, lasting peace is obtained. ||1||

hau iqn bilhwrY ijn@ hir mMin vswey ] (798-4)
ha-o tin balihaarai jinH har man vasaa-ay.
I am a sacrifice to those, whose minds are filled with the Lord.

hir jn kau imilAw suKu pweIAY hir gux gwvY shij suBwey ]1] rhwau ] (798-4)
har jan ka-o mili-aa sukh paa-ee-ai har gun gaavai sahj subhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meeting with the humble servant of the Lord, peace is obtained, and one intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

sdw rMig rwqy qyrY cwey ] (798-5)
sadaa rang raatay tayrai chaa-ay.
They are always imbued with Your Joyful Love;

hir jIau Awip vsY min Awey ] (798-5)
har jee-o aap vasai man aa-ay.
O Dear Lord, You Yourself come to dwell in their minds.

Awpy soBw sd hI pwey ] (798-5)
aapay sobhaa sad hee paa-ay.
They obtain eternal glory.

gurmuiK mylY myil imlwey ]2] (798-6)
gurmukh maylai mayl milaa-ay. ||2||
The Gurmukhs are united in the Lord's Union. ||2||

gurmuiK rwqy sbid rMgwey ] (798-6)
gurmukh raatay sabad rangaa-ay.
The Gurmukhs are imbued with the love of the Word of the Shabad.

inj Gir vwsw hir gux gwey ] (798-6)
nij ghar vaasaa har gun gaa-ay.
They abide in the home of their own being, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

rMig clUlY hir ris Bwey ] (798-7)
rang chaloolai har ras bhaa-ay.
They are dyed in the deep crimson color of the Lord's Love; they look so beautiful.

iehu rMgu kdy n auqrY swic smwey ]3] (798-7)
ih rang kaday na utrai saach samaa-ay. ||3||
This dye never fades away; they are absorbed in the True Lord. ||3||

AMqir sbdu imitAw AigAwnu AMDyrw ] (798-7)
antar sabad miti-aa agi-aan anDhayraa.
The Shabad deep within the nucleus of the self dispels the darkness of ignorance.

siqgur igAwnu imilAw pRIqmu myrw ] (798-8)
satgur gi-aan mili-aa pareetam mayraa.
Meeting with my Friend, the True Guru, I have obtained spiritual wisdom.

jo sic rwqy iqn bhuiV n Pyrw ] (798-8)
jo sach raatay tin bahurh na fayraa.
Those who are attuned to the True Lord, do not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation again.

nwnk nwmu idRVwey pUrw guru myrw ]4]5] (798-8)
naanak naam drirh-aa-ay pooraa gur mayraa. ||4||5||
O Nanak, my Perfect Guru implants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, deep within. ||4||5||

iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (798-9)
bilaaval mehlaa 3.
Bilaaval, Third Mehl:

pUry gur qy vifAweI pweI ] (798-9)
pooray gur tay vadi-aa-ee paa-ee.
From the Perfect Guru, I have obtained glorious greatness.

AicMq nwmu visAw min AweI ] (798-9)
achint naam vasi-aa man aa-ee.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, has spontaneously come to abide in my mind.

haumY mwieAw sbid jlweI ] (798-10)
ha-umai maa-i-aa sabad jalaa-ee.
Through the Word of the Shabad, I have burnt away egotism and Maya.

dir swcY gur qy soBw pweI ]1] (798-10)
dar saachai gur tay sobhaa paa-ee. ||1||
Through the Guru, I have obtained honor in the Court of the True Lord. ||1||

jgdIs syvau mY Avru n kwjw ] (798-10)
jagdees sayva-o mai avar na kaajaa.
I serve the Lord of the Universe; I have no other work to do.

Anidnu Andu hovY min myrY gurmuiK mwgau qyrw nwmu invwjw ]1] rhwau ] (798-11)
an-din anad hovai man mayrai gurmukh maaga-o tayraa naam nivaajaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Night and day, my mind is in ecstasy; as Gurmukh, I beg for the bliss-giving Naam. ||1||Pause||

mn kI prqIiq mn qy pweI ] (798-12)
man kee parteet man tay paa-ee.
From the mind itself, mental faith is obtained.

pUry gur qy sbid buJweI ] (798-12)
pooray gur tay sabad bujhaa-ee.
Through the Guru, I have realized the Shabad.

jIvx mrxu ko smsir vyKY ] (798-12)
jeevan maran ko samsar vaykhai.
How rare is that person, who looks upon life and death alike.

bhuiV n mrY nw jmu pyKY ]2] (798-13)
bahurh na marai naa jam paykhai. ||2||
She shall never die again, and shall not have to see the Messenger of Death. ||2||

Gr hI mih siB kot inDwn ] (798-13)
ghar hee meh sabh kot niDhaan.
Within the home of the self are all the millions of treasures.

siqguir idKwey gieAw AiBmwnu ] (798-13)
satgur dikhaa-ay ga-i-aa abhimaan.
The True Guru has revealed them, and my egotistical pride is gone.

sd hI lwgw shij iDAwn ] (798-14)
sad hee laagaa sahj Dhi-aan.
I keep my meditation always focused on the Cosmic Lord.

Anidnu gwvY eyko nwm ]3] (798-14)
an-din gaavai ayko naam. ||3||
Night and day, I sing the One Name. ||3||

iesu jug mih vifAweI pweI ] (798-14)
is jug meh vadi-aa-ee paa-ee.
I have obtained glorious greatness in this age,

pUry gur qy nwmu iDAweI ] (798-15)
pooray gur tay naam Dhi-aa-ee.
from the Perfect Guru, meditating on the Naam.

jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ] (798-15)
jah daykhaa tah rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Wherever I look, I see the Lord permeating and pervading.

sdw suKdwqw kImiq nhI pweI ]4] (798-15)
sadaa sukh-daata keemat nahee paa-ee. ||4||
He is forever the Giver of peace; His worth cannot be estimated. ||4||

pUrY Bwig guru pUrw pwieAw ] (798-16)
poorai bhaag gur pooraa paa-i-aa.
By perfect destiny, I have found the Perfect Guru.

AMqir nwmu inDwnu idKwieAw ] (798-16)
antar naam niDhaan dikhaa-i-aa.
He has revealed to me the treasure of the Naam, deep within the nucleus of my self.

gur kw sbdu Aiq mITw lwieAw ] (798-16)
gur kaa sabad at meethaa laa-i-aa.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is so very sweet.

nwnk iqRsn buJI min qin suKu pwieAw ]5]6]4]6]10] (798-17)
naanak tarisan bujhee man tan sukh paa-i-aa. ||5||6||4||6||10||
O Nanak, my thirst is quenched, and my mind and body have found peace. ||5||6||4||6||10||

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 4 Gru 3 (798-18)
raag bilaaval mehlaa 4 ghar 3
Raag Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (798-18)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

audm miq pRB AMqrjwmI ijau pRyry iqau krnw ] (798-19)
udam mat parabh antarjaamee ji-o parayray ti-o karnaa.
Effort and intelligence come from God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; as He wills, they act.

ijau ntUAw qMqu vjwey qMqI iqau vwjih jMq jnw ]1] (798-19)
ji-o natoo-aa tant vajaa-ay tantee ti-o vaajeh jant janaa. ||1||
As the violinist plays upon the strings of the violin, so does the Lord play the living beings. ||1||