Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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797 Brim Bulwxy is mnmuK khIAih nw aurvwir n pwry ]3] (797-1)bharam bhulaanay se manmukh kahee-ahi naa urvaar na paaray. ||3|| Those who wander around, deluded by doubt, are called manmukhs; they are neither on this side, nor on the other side. ||3|| ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu pwey gur kw sbdu sm@wly ] (797-1)jis no nadar karay so-ee jan paa-ay gur kaa sabad samHaalay. That humble being, who is blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace obtains Him, and contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad. hir jn mwieAw mwih insqwry ] (797-2)har jan maa-i-aa maahi nistaaray. In the midst of Maya, the Lord's servant is emancipated. nwnk Bwgu hovY ijsu msqik kwlih mwir ibdwry ]4]1] (797-2)naanak bhaag hovai jis mastak kaaleh maar bidaaray. ||4||1|| O Nanak, one who has such destiny inscribed upon his forehead, conquers and destroys death. ||4||1|| iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (797-3)bilaaval mehlaa 3. Bilaaval, Third Mehl: Aqulu ikau qoilAw jwie ] (797-3)atul ki-o toli-aa jaa-ay. How can the unweighable be weighed? dUjw hoie q soJI pwie ] (797-3)doojaa ho-ay ta sojhee paa-ay. If there is anyone else as great, then he alone could understand the Lord. iqs qy dUjw nwhI koie ] (797-4)tis tay doojaa naahee ko-ay. There is no other than Him. iqs dI kImiq ikkU hoie ]1] (797-4)tis dee keemat kikoo ho-ay. ||1|| How can His value be estimated? ||1|| gur prswid vsY min Awie ] (797-4)gur parsaad vasai man aa-ay. By Guru's Grace, He comes to dwell in the mind. qw ko jwxY duibDw jwie ]1] rhwau ] (797-5)taa ko jaanai dubiDhaa jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. One comes to know Him, when duality departs. ||1||Pause|| Awip srwPu ksvtI lwey ] (797-5)aap saraaf kasvatee laa-ay. He Himself is the Assayer, applying the touch-stone to test it. Awpy prKy Awip clwey ] (797-5)aapay parkhay aap chalaa-ay. He Himself analyzes the coin, and He Himself approves it as currency. Awpy qoly pUrw hoie ] (797-5)aapay tolay pooraa ho-ay. He Himself weights it perfectly. Awpy jwxY eyko soie ]2] (797-6)aapay jaanai ayko so-ay. ||2|| He alone knows; He is the One and Only Lord. ||2|| mwieAw kw rUpu sBu iqs qy hoie ] (797-6)maa-i-aa kaa roop sabh tis tay ho-ay. All the forms of Maya emanate from Him. ijs no myly su inrmlu hoie ] (797-6)jis no maylay so nirmal ho-ay. He alone becomes pure and immaculate, who is united with the Lord. ijs no lwey lgY iqsu Awie ] (797-7)jis no laa-ay lagai tis aa-ay. He alone is attached, whom the Lord attaches. sBu scu idKwly qw sic smwie ]3] (797-7)sabh sach dikhaalay taa sach samaa-ay. ||3|| All Truth is revealed to him, and then, he merges in the True Lord. ||3|| Awpy ilv Dwqu hY Awpy ] (797-7)aapay liv Dhaat hai aapay. He Himself leads the mortals to focus on Him, and He Himself causes them to chase after Maya. Awip buJwey Awpy jwpy ] (797-8)aap bujhaa-ay aapay jaapay. He Himself imparts understanding, and He reveals Himself. Awpy siqguru sbdu hY Awpy ] (797-8)aapay satgur sabad hai aapay. He Himself is the True Guru, and He Himself is the Word of the Shabad. nwnk AwiK suxwey Awpy ]4]2] (797-8)naanak aakh sunaa-ay aapay. ||4||2|| O Nanak, He Himself speaks and teaches. ||4||2|| iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (797-9)bilaaval mehlaa 3. Bilaaval, Third Mehl: swihb qy syvku syv swihb qy ikAw ko khY bhwnw ] (797-9)saahib tay sayvak sayv saahib tay ki-aa ko kahai bahaanaa. My Lord and Master has made me His servant, and blessed me with His service; how can anyone argue about this? AYsw ieku qyrw Kylu binAw hY sB mih eyku smwnw ]1] (797-9)aisaa ik tayraa khayl bani-aa hai sabh meh ayk samaanaa. ||1|| Such is Your play, One and Only Lord; You are the One, contained among all. ||1|| siqguir prcY hir nwim smwnw ] ijsu krmu hovY so siqguru pwey Anidnu lwgY shj iDAwnw ]1] rhwau ] (797-10)satgur parchai har naam samaanaa. jis karam hovai so satgur paa-ay an-din laagai sahj Dhi-aanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. When the True Guru is pleased and appeased, one is absorbed in the Lord's Name. One who is blessed by the Lord's Mercy, finds the True Guru; night and day, he automatically remains focused on the Lord's meditation. ||1||Pause|| ikAw koeI qyrI syvw kry ikAw ko kry AiBmwnw ] (797-11)ki-aa ko-ee tayree sayvaa karay ki-aa ko karay abhimaanaa. How can I serve You? How can I be proud of this? jb ApunI joiq iKMcih qU suAwmI qb koeI krau idKw viKAwnw ]2] (797-12)jab apunee jot khincheh too su-aamee tab ko-ee kara-o dikhaa vakhi-aanaa. ||2|| When You withdraw Your Light, O Lord and Master, then who can speak and teach? ||2|| Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy Awpy guxI inDwnw ] (797-12)aapay gur chaylaa hai aapay aapay gunee niDhaanaa. You Yourself are the Guru, and You Yourself are the chaylaa, the humble disciple; You Yourself are the treasure of virtue. ijau Awip clwey iqvY koeI cwlY ijau hir BwvY Bgvwnw ]3] (797-13)ji-o aap chalaa-ay tivai ko-ee chaalai ji-o har bhaavai bhagvaanaa. ||3|| As You cause us to move, so do we move, according to the Pleasure of Your Will, O Lord God. ||3|| khq nwnku qU swcw swihbu kauxu jwxY qyry kwmW ] (797-13)kahat naanak too saachaa saahib ka-un jaanai tayray kaamaaN. Says Nanak, You are the True Lord and Master; who can know Your actions? ieknw Gr mih dy vifAweI ieik Brim Bvih AiBmwnw ]4]3] (797-14)iknaa ghar meh day vadi-aa-ee ik bharam bhaveh abhimaanaa. ||4||3|| Some are blessed with glory in their own homes, while others wander in doubt and pride. ||4||3|| iblwvlu mhlw 3 ] (797-15)bilaaval mehlaa 3. Bilaaval, Third Mehl: pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw pUrY vyKhu eyk smwnw ] (797-15)pooraa thaat banaa-i-aa poorai vaykhhu ayk samaanaa. The perfect Lord has fashioned the Perfect Creation. Behold the Lord pervading everywhere. iesu prpMc mih swcy nwm kI vifAweI mqu ko Drhu gumwnw ]1] (797-15)is parpanch meh saachay naam kee vadi-aa-ee mat ko Dharahu gumaanaa. ||1|| In this play of the world, is the glorious greatness of the True Name. No one should take pride in himself. ||1|| siqgur kI ijs no miq AwvY so siqgur mwih smwnw ] (797-16)satgur kee jis no mat aavai so satgur maahi samaanaa. One who accepts the wisdom of the True Guru's Teachings, is absorbed into the True Guru. ieh bwxI jo jIAhu jwxY iqsu AMqir rvY hir nwmw ]1] rhwau ] (797-17)ih banee jo jee-ahu jaanai tis antar ravai har naamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord's Name abides deep within the nucleus of one who realizes the Bani of the Guru's Word within his soul. ||1||Pause|| chu jugw kw huix inbyVw nr mnuKw no eyku inDwnw ] (797-17)chahu jugaa kaa hun nibayrhaa nar manukhaa no ayk niDhaanaa. Now, this is the essence of the teachings of the four ages: for the human race, the Name of the One Lord is the greatest treasure. jqu sMjm qIrQ Enw jugw kw Drmu hY kil mih kIriq hir nwmw ]2] (797-18)jat sanjam tirath onaa jugaa kaa Dharam hai kal meh keerat har naamaa. ||2|| Celibacy, self-discipline and pilgrimages were the essence of Dharma in those past ages; but in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Praise of the Lord's Name is the essence of Dharma. ||2|| juig juig Awpo Awpxw Drmu hY soiD dyKhu byd purwnw ] (797-19)jug jug aapo aapnaa Dharam hai soDh daykhhu bayd puraanaa. Each and every age has its own essence of Dharma; study the Vedas and the Puraanas, and see this as true. gurmuiK ijnI iDAwieAw hir hir jig qy pUry prvwnw ]3] (797-19)gurmukh jinee Dhi-aa-i-aa har har jag tay pooray parvaanaa. ||3|| They are Gurmukh, who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har; in this world, they are perfect and approved. ||3|| |
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