sUhI kbIr jIau lilq ] (793-1)
soohee kabeer jee-o lalit.
Soohee, Kabeer Jee, Lallit:
Qwky nYn sRvn suin Qwky QwkI suMdir kwieAw ] (793-1)
thaakay nain sarvan sun thaakay thaakee sundar kaa-i-aa.
My eyes are exhausted, and my ears are tired of hearing; my beautiful body is exhausted.
jrw hwk dI sB miq QwkI eyk n Qwkis mwieAw ]1] (793-1)
jaraa haak dee sabh mat thaakee ayk na thaakas maa-i-aa. ||1||
Driven forward by old age, all my senses are exhausted; only my attachment to Maya is not exhausted. ||1||
bwvry qY igAwn bIcwru n pwieAw ] (793-2)
baavray tai gi-aan beechaar na paa-i-aa.
O mad man, you have not obtained spiritual wisdom and meditation.
ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (793-2)
birthaa janam gavaa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You have wasted this human life, and lost. ||1||Pause||
qb lgu pRwnI iqsY sryvhu jb lgu Gt mih swsw ] (793-3)
tab lag paraanee tisai sarayvhu jab lag ghat meh saasaa.
O mortal, serve the Lord, as long as the breath of life remains in the body.
jy Gtu jwie q Bwau n jwsI hir ky crn invwsw ]2] (793-3)
jay ghat jaa-ay ta bhaa-o na jaasee har kay charan nivaasaa. ||2||
And even when your body dies, your love for the Lord shall not die; you shall dwell at the Feet of the Lord. ||2||
ijs kau sbdu bswvY AMqir cUkY iqsih ipAwsw ] (793-4)
jis ka-o sabad basaavai antar chookai tiseh pi-aasaa.
When the Word of the Shabad abides deep within, thirst and desire are quenched.
hukmY bUJY caupiV KylY mnu ijix Fwly pwsw ]3] (793-4)
hukmai boojhai cha-uparh khaylai man jin dhaalay paasaa. ||3||
When one understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he plays the game of chess with the Lord; throwing the dice, he conquers his own mind. ||3||
jo jn jwin Bjih Aibgq kau iqn kw kCU n nwsw ] (793-5)
jo jan jaan bhajeh abigat ka-o tin kaa kachhoo na naasaa.
Those humble beings, who know the Imperishable Lord and meditate on Him, are not destroyed at all.
khu kbIr qy jn kbhu n hwrih Fwil ju jwnih pwsw ]4]4] (793-6)
kaho kabeer tay jan kabahu na haareh dhaal jo jaaneh paasaa. ||4||4||
Says Kabeer, those humble beings who know how to throw these dice, never lose the game of life. ||4||4||
sUhI lilq kbIr jIau ] (793-6)
soohee lalit kabeer jee-o.
Soohee, Lalit, Kabeer Jee:
eyku kotu pMc iskdwrw pMcy mwgih hwlw ] (793-6, sUhI lilq)
ayk kot panch sikdaaraa panchay maageh haalaa.
In the one fortress of the body, there are five rulers, and all five demand payment of taxes.
ijmI nwhI mY iksI kI boeI AYsw dynu duKwlw ]1] (793-7, sUhI lilq)
jimee naahee mai kisee kee bo-ee aisaa dayn dukhaalaa. ||1||
I have not farmed anyone's land, so such payment is difficult for me to pay. ||1||
hir ky logw mo kau nIiq fsY ptvwrI ] (793-8, sUhI lilq)
har kay logaa mo ka-o neet dasai patvaaree.
O people of the Lord, the tax-collector is constantly torturing me!
aUpir Bujw kir mY gur pih pukwirAw iqin hau lIAw aubwrI ]1] rhwau ] (793-8, sUhI lilq)
oopar bhujaa kar mai gur peh pukaari-aa tin ha-o lee-aa ubaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Raising my arms up, I complained to my Guru, and He has saved me. ||1||Pause||
nau fwfI ds muMsP Dwvih reIAiq bsn n dyhI ] (793-9, sUhI lilq)
na-o daadee das munsaf Dhaaveh ra-ee-at basan na dayhee.
The nine tax-assessors and the ten magistrates go out; they do not allow their subjects to live in peace.
forI pUrI mwpih nwhI bhu ibstwlw lyhI ]2] (793-9, sUhI lilq)
doree pooree maapeh naahee baho bistaalaa layhee. ||2||
They do not measure with a full tape, and they take huge amounts in bribes. ||2||
bhqir Gr ieku purKu smwieAw auin dIAw nwmu ilKweI ] (793-10, sUhI lilq)
bahtar ghar ik purakh samaa-i-aa un dee-aa naam likhaa-ee.
The One Lord is contained in the seventy-two chambers of the body, and He has written off my account.
Drm rwie kw dPqru soiDAw bwkI irjm n kweI ]3] (793-10, sUhI lilq)
Dharam raa-ay kaa daftar soDhi-aa baakee rijam na kaa-ee. ||3||
The records of the Righteous Judge of Dharma have been searched, and I owe absolutely nothing. ||3||
sMqw kau miq koeI inMdhu sMq rwmu hY eykuo ] (793-11, sUhI lilq)
santaa ka-o mat ko-ee nindahu sant raam hai ayko.
Let no one slander the Saints, because the Saints and the Lord are as one.
khu kbIr mY so guru pwieAw jw kw nwau ibbykuo ]4]5] (793-11, sUhI lilq)
kaho kabeer mai so gur paa-i-aa jaa kaa naa-o bibayko. ||4||5||
Says Kabeer, I have found that Guru, whose Name is Clear Understanding. ||4||5||
rwgu sUhI bwxI sRI rivdws jIau kI (793-13)
raag soohee banee saree ravidaas jee-o kee
Raag Soohee, The Word Of Sree Ravi Daas Jee:
<> siqgur pRswid ] (793-13)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
sh kI swr suhwgin jwnY ] (793-14)
sah kee saar suhaagan jaanai.
The happy soul-bride knows the worth of her Husband Lord.
qij AiBmwnu suK rlIAw mwnY ] (793-14)
taj abhimaan sukh ralee-aa maanai.
Renouncing pride, she enjoys peace and pleasure.
qnu mnu dyie n AMqru rwKY ] (793-14)
tan man day-ay na antar raakhai.
She surrenders her body and mind to Him, and does not remain separate from Him.
Avrw dyiK n sunY ABwKY ]1] (793-14)
avraa daykh na sunai abhaakhai. ||1||
She does not see or hear, or speak to another. ||1||
so kq jwnY pIr prweI ] (793-15)
so kat jaanai peer paraa-ee.
How can anyone know the pain of another,
jw kY AMqir drdu n pweI ]1] rhwau ] (793-15)
jaa kai antar darad na paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
if there is no compassion and sympathy within? ||1||Pause||
duKI duhwgin duie pK hInI ] (793-15)
dukhee duhaagan du-ay pakh heenee.
The discarded bride is miserable, and loses both worlds;
ijin nwh inrMqir Bgiq n kInI ] (793-16)
jin naah nirantar bhagat na keenee.
she does not worship her Husband Lord.
pur slwq kw pMQu duhylw ] (793-16)
pur salaat kaa panth duhaylaa.
The bridge over the fire of hell is difficult and treacherous.
sMig n swQI gvnu iekylw ]2] (793-16)
sang na saathee gavan ikaylaa. ||2||
No one will accompany you there; you will have to go all alone. ||2||
duKIAw drdvMdu dir AwieAw ] (793-17)
dukhee-aa daradvand dar aa-i-aa.
Suffering in pain, I have come to Your Door, O Compassionate Lord.
bhuqu ipAws jbwbu n pwieAw ] (793-17)
bahut pi-aas jabaab na paa-i-aa.
I am so thirsty for You, but You do not answer me.
kih rivdws srin pRB qyrI ] (793-18)
kahi ravidaas saran parabh tayree.
Says Ravi Daas, I seek Your Sanctuary, God;
ijau jwnhu iqau kru giq myrI ]3]1] (793-18)
ji-o jaanhu ti-o kar gat mayree. ||3||1||
as You know me, so will You save me. ||3||1||
sUhI ] (793-18)
jo idn Awvih so idn jwhI ] (793-18)
jo din aavahi so din jaahee.
That day which comes, that day shall go.
krnw kUcu rhnu iQru nwhI ] (793-19)
karnaa kooch rahan thir naahee.
You must march on; nothing remains stable.
sMgu clq hY hm BI clnw ] (793-19)
sang chalat hai ham bhee chalnaa.
Our companions are leaving, and we must leave as well.
dUir gvnu isr aUpir mrnw ]1] (793-19)
door gavan sir oopar marnaa. ||1||
We must go far away. Death is hovering over our heads. ||1||