Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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794 ikAw qU soieAw jwgu ieAwnw ] (794-1)ki-aa too so-i-aa jaag i-aanaa. Why are you asleep? Wake up, you ignorant fool! qY jIvnu jig scu kir jwnw ]1] rhwau ] (794-1)tai jeevan jag sach kar jaanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. You believe that your life in the world is true. ||1||Pause|| ijin jIau dIAw su irjku AMbrwvY ] (794-1)jin jee-o dee-aa so rijak ambraavai. The One who gave you life shall also provide you with nourishment. sB Gt BIqir hwtu clwvY ] (794-2)sabh ghat bheetar haat chalaavai. In each and every heart, He runs His shop. kir bMidgI Cwif mY myrw ] (794-2)kar bandigee chhaad mai mayraa. Meditate on the Lord, and renounce your egotism and self-conceit. ihrdY nwmu sm@wir svyrw ]2] (794-2)hirdai naam samHaar savayraa. ||2|| Within your heart, contemplate the Naam, the Name of the Lord, sometime. ||2|| jnmu isrwno pMQu n svwrw ] (794-3)janam siraano panth na savaaraa. Your life has passed away, but you have not arranged your path. sWJ prI dh ids AMiDAwrw ] (794-3)saaNjh paree dah dis anDhi-aaraa. Evening has set in, and soon there will be darkness on all sides. kih rivdws indwin idvwny ] (794-3)kahi ravidaas nidaan divaanay. Says Ravi Daas, O ignorant mad-man, cyqis nwhI dunIAw Pn Kwny ]3]2] (794-4)chaytas naahee dunee-aa fan khaanay. ||3||2|| don't you realize, that this world is the house of death?! ||3||2|| sUhI ] (794-4)soohee. Soohee: aUcy mMdr swl rsoeI ] (794-4)oochay mandar saal raso-ee. You may have lofty mansions, halls and kitchens. eyk GrI Puin rhnu n hoeI ]1] (794-5)ayk gharee fun rahan na ho-ee. ||1|| But you cannot stay in them, even for an instant, after death. ||1|| iehu qnu AYsw jYsy Gws kI twtI ] (794-5)ih tan aisaa jaisay ghaas kee taatee. This body is like a house of straw. jil gieE Gwsu ril gieE mwtI ]1] rhwau ] (794-5)jal ga-i-o ghaas ral ga-i-o maatee. ||1|| rahaa-o. When it is burnt, it mixes with dust. ||1||Pause|| BweI bMD kutMb shyrw ] Eie BI lwgy kwFu svyrw ]2] (794-6)bhaa-ee banDh kutamb sahayraa. o-ay bhee laagay kaadh savayraa. ||2|| Even relatives, family and friends begin to say, "Take his body out, immediately!"||2|| Gr kI nwir aurih qn lwgI ] (794-6)ghar kee naar ureh tan laagee. And the wife of his house, who was so attached to his body and heart, auh qau BUqu BUqu kir BwgI ]3] (794-7)uh ta-o bhoot bhoot kar bhaagee. ||3|| runs away, crying out, "Ghost! Ghost!"||3|| kih rivdws sBY jgu lUitAw ] (794-7)kahi ravidaas sabhai jag looti-aa. Says Ravi Daas, the whole world has been plundered, hm qau eyk rwmu kih CUitAw ]4]3] (794-7)ham ta-o ayk raam kahi chhooti-aa. ||4||3|| but I have escaped, chanting the Name of the One Lord. ||4||3|| <> siqgur pRswid ] (794-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: rwgu sUhI bwxI syK PrId jI kI ] (794-10)raag soohee banee saykh fareed jee kee. Raag Soohee, The Word Of Shaykh Fareed Jee: qip qip luih luih hwQ mrorau ] (794-10)tap tap luhi luhi haath marora-o. Burning and burning, writhing in pain, I wring my hands. bwvil hoeI so shu lorau ] (794-10)baaval ho-ee so saho lora-o. I have gone insane, seeking my Husband Lord. qY sih mn mih kIAw rosu ] (794-11)tai seh man meh kee-aa ros. O my Husband Lord, You are angry with me in Your Mind. muJu Avgn sh nwhI dosu ]1] (794-11)mujh avgan sah naahee dos. ||1|| The fault is with me, and not with my Husband Lord. ||1|| qY swihb kI mY swr n jwnI ] (794-11)tai saahib kee mai saar na jaanee. O my Lord and Master, I do not know Your excellence and worth. jobnu Koie pwCY pCuqwnI ]1] rhwau ] (794-11)joban kho-ay paachhai pachhutaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Having wasted my youth, now I come to regret and repent. ||1||Pause|| kwlI koiel qU ikq gun kwlI ] (794-12)kaalee ko-il too kit gun kaalee. O black bird, what qualities have made you black? Apny pRIqm ky hau ibrhY jwlI ] (794-12)apnay pareetam kay ha-o birhai jaalee. "I have been burnt by separation from my Beloved." iprih ibhUn kqih suKu pwey ] (794-13)pireh bihoon kateh sukh paa-ay. Without her Husband Lord, how can the soul-bride ever find peace? jw hoie ik®pwlu qw pRBU imlwey ]2] (794-13)jaa ho-ay kirpaal taa parabhoo milaa-ay. ||2|| When He becomes merciful, then God unites us with Himself. ||2|| ivDx KUhI muMD iekylI ] (794-13)viDhan khoohee munDh ikaylee. The lonely soul-bride suffers in the pit of the world. nw ko swQI nw ko bylI ] (794-14)naa ko saathee naa ko baylee. She has no companions, and no friends. kir ikrpw pRiB swDsMig mylI ] (794-14)kar kirpaa parabh saaDhsang maylee. In His Mercy, God has united me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. jw iPir dyKw qw myrw Alhu bylI ]3] (794-14)jaa fir daykhaa taa mayraa alhu baylee. ||3|| And when I look again, then I find God as my Helper. ||3|| vwt hmwrI KrI aufIxI ] (794-15)vaat hamaaree kharee udeenee. The path upon which I must walk is very depressing. KMinAhu iqKI bhuqu ipeIxI ] (794-15)khanni-ahu tikhee bahut pi-eenee. It is sharper than a two-edged sword, and very narrow. ausu aUpir hY mwrgu myrw ] (794-15)us oopar hai maarag mayraa. That is where my path lies. syK PrIdw pMQu sm@wir svyrw ]4]1] (794-16)saykh fareedaa panth samHaar savayraa. ||4||1|| O Shaykh Fareed, think of that path early on. ||4||1|| sUhI lilq ] (794-16)soohee lalit. Soohee, Lalit: byVw bMiD n sikE bMDn kI vylw ] (794-16, sUhI lilq)bayrhaa banDh na saki-o banDhan kee vaylaa. You were not able to make yourself a raft when you should have. Bir srvru jb aUClY qb qrxu duhylw ]1] (794-17, sUhI lilq)bhar sarvar jab oochhlai tab taran duhaylaa. ||1|| When the ocean is churning and over-flowing, then it is very difficult to cross over it. ||1|| hQu n lwie ksuMBVY jil jwsI Folw ]1] rhwau ] (794-17, sUhI lilq)hath na laa-ay kasumbh-rhai jal jaasee dholaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Do not touch the safflower with your hands; its color will fade away, my dear. ||1||Pause|| iek AwpIn@Y pqlI sh kyry bolw ] (794-18, sUhI lilq)ik aapeenHai patlee sah kayray bolaa. First, the bride herself is weak, and then, her Husband Lord's Order is hard to bear. duDw QxI n AwveI iPir hoie n mylw ]2] (794-18, sUhI lilq)duDhaa thanee na aavee fir ho-ay na maylaa. ||2|| Milk does not return to the breast; it will not be collected again. ||2|| khY PrIdu shylIho shu AlweysI ] (794-19, sUhI lilq)kahai fareed sahayleeho saho alaa-aysee. Says Fareed, O my companions, when our Husband Lord calls, hMsu clsI fuMmxw Aih qnu FyrI QIsI ]3]2] (794-19, sUhI lilq)hans chalsee dummnaa ah tan dhayree theesee. ||3||2|| the soul departs, sad at heart, and this body returns to dust. ||3||2|| |
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