Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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792 ikau n mrIjY roie jw lgu iciq n AwvhI ]1] (792-1)ki-o na mareejai ro-ay jaa lag chit na aavhee. ||1|| I might as well just die crying, if You will not come into my mind. ||1|| mÚ 2 ] (792-1)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: jW suKu qw shu rwivE duiK BI sMm@wilEie ] (792-1)jaaN sukh taa saho raavi-o dukh bhee sammHaali-o-i. When there is peace and pleasure, that is the time to remember your Husband Lord. In times of suffering and pain, remember Him then as well. nwnku khY isAwxIey ieau kMq imlwvw hoie ]2] (792-2)naanak kahai si-aanee-ay i-o kant milaavaa ho-ay. ||2|| Says Nanak, O wise bride, this is the way to meet your Husband Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (792-2)pa-orhee. Pauree: hau ikAw swlwhI ikrm jMqu vfI qyrI vifAweI ] (792-2)ha-o ki-aa saalaahee kiram jant vadee tayree vadi-aa-ee. I am a worm - how can I praise You, O Lord; Your glorious greatness is so great! qU Agm dieAwlu AgMmu hY Awip lYih imlweI ] (792-3)too agam da-i-aal agamm hai aap laihi milaa-ee. You are inaccessible, merciful and unapproachable; You Yourself unite us with Yourself. mY quJ ibnu bylI ko nhI qU AMiq sKweI ] (792-3)mai tujh bin baylee ko nahee too ant sakhaa-ee. I have no other friend except You; in the end, You alone will be my Companion and Support. jo qyrI srxwgqI iqn lYih CfweI ] (792-4)jo tayree sarnaagatee tin laihi chhadaa-ee. You save those who enter Your Sanctuary. nwnk vyprvwhu hY iqsu iqlu n qmweI ]20]1] (792-4)naanak vayparvaahu hai tis til na tamaa-ee. ||20||1|| O Nanak, He is care-free; He has no greed at all. ||20||1|| rwgu sUhI bwxI sRI kbIr jIau qQw sBnw Bgqw kI ] (792-6)raag soohee banee saree kabeer jee-o tathaa sabhnaa bhagtaa kee. Raag Soohee, The Word Of Kabeer Jee, And Other Devotees. kbIr ky (792-6)kabeer kay Of Kabeer <> siqgur pRswid ] (792-6)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Avqir Awie khw qum kInw ] (792-7)avtar aa-ay kahaa tum keenaa. Since your birth, what have you done? rwm ko nwmu n kbhU lInw ]1] (792-7)raam ko naam na kabhoo leenaa. ||1|| You have never even chanted the Name of the Lord. ||1|| rwm n jphu kvn miq lwgy ] (792-7)raam na japahu kavan mat laagay. You have not meditated on the Lord; what thoughts are you attached to? mir jieby kau ikAw krhu ABwgy ]1] rhwau ] (792-8)mar ja-ibay ka-o ki-aa karahu abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o. What preparations are you making for your death, O unfortunate one? ||1||Pause|| duK suK kir kY kutMbu jIvwieAw ] (792-8)dukh sukh kar kai kutamb jeevaa-i-aa. Through pain and pleasure, you have taken care of your family. mrqI bwr ieksr duKu pwieAw ]2] (792-8)martee baar iksar dukh paa-i-aa. ||2|| But at the time of death, you shall have to endure the agony all alone. ||2|| kMT ghn qb krn pukwrw ] (792-9)kanth gahan tab karan pukaaraa. When you are seized by the neck, then you shall cry out. kih kbIr Awgy qy n sMm@wrw ]3]1] (792-9)kahi kabeer aagay tay na samHaaraa. ||3||1|| Says Kabeer, why didn't you remember the Lord before this? ||3||1|| sUhI kbIr jI ] (792-10)soohee kabeer jee. Soohee, Kabeer Jee: Qrhr kMpY bwlw jIau ] (792-10)tharhar kampai baalaa jee-o. My innocent soul trembles and shakes. nw jwnau ikAw krsI pIau ]1] (792-10)naa jaan-o ki-aa karsee pee-o. ||1|| I do not know how my Husband Lord will deal with me. ||1|| rYin geI mq idnu BI jwie ] (792-10)rain ga-ee mat din bhee jaa-ay. The night of my youth has passed away; will the day of old age also pass away? Bvr gey bg bYTy Awie ]1] rhwau ] (792-11)bhavar ga-ay bag baithay aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. My dark hairs, like bumble bees, have gone away, and grey hairs, like cranes, have settled upon my head. ||1||Pause|| kwcY krvY rhY n pwnI ] (792-11)kaachai karvai rahai na paanee. Water does not remain in the unbaked clay pot; hMsu cilAw kwieAw kumlwnI ]2] (792-11)hans chali-aa kaa-i-aa kumlaanee. ||2|| when the soul-swan departs, the body withers away. ||2|| kuAwr kMinAw jYsy krq sIgwrw ] (792-12)ku-aar kanniaa jaisay karat seegaaraa. I decorate myself like a young virgin; ikau rlIAw mwnY bwJu Bqwrw ]3] (792-12)ki-o ralee-aa maanai baajh bhataaraa. ||3|| but how can I enjoy pleasures, without my Husband Lord? ||3|| kwg aufwvq Bujw iprwnI ] (792-12)kaag udaavat bhujaa piraanee. My arm is tired, driving away the crows. kih kbIr ieh kQw isrwnI ]4]2] (792-13)kahi kabeer ih kathaa siraanee. ||4||2|| Says Kabeer, this is the way the story of my life ends. ||4||2|| sUhI kbIr jIau ] (792-13)soohee kabeer jee-o. Soohee, Kabeer Jee: Amlu isrwno lyKw dynw ] (792-13)amal siraano laykhaa daynaa. Your time of service is at its end, and you will have to give your account. Awey kiTn dUq jm lynw ] (792-14)aa-ay kathin doot jam laynaa. The hard-hearted Messenger of Death has come to take you away. ikAw qY KitAw khw gvwieAw ] (792-14)ki-aa tai khati-aa kahaa gavaa-i-aa. What have you earned, and what have you lost? clhu isqwb dIbwin bulwieAw ]1] (792-14)chalhu sitaab deebaan bulaa-i-aa. ||1|| Come immediately! You are summoned to His Court! ||1|| clu drhwlu dIvwin bulwieAw ] (792-15)chal darhaal deevaan bulaa-i-aa. Get going! Come just as you are! You have been summoned to His Court. hir Purmwnu drgh kw AwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (792-15)har furmaan dargeh kaa aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Order has come from the Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| krau Ardwis gwv ikCu bwkI ] (792-16)kara-o ardaas gaav kichh baakee. I pray to the Messenger of Death: please, I still have some outstanding debts to collect in the village. lyau inbyir Awju kI rwqI ] (792-16)lay-o nibayr aaj kee raatee. I will collect them tonight; ikCu BI Krcu qum@wrw swrau ] (792-16)kichh bhee kharach tumHaaraa saara-o. I will also pay you something for your expenses, subh invwj srwie gujwrau ]2] (792-17)subah nivaaj saraa-ay gujaara-o. ||2|| and I will recite my morning prayers on the way. ||2|| swDsMig jw kau hir rMgu lwgw ] Dnu Dnu so jnu purKu sBwgw ] (792-17)saaDhsang jaa ka-o har rang laagaa. Dhan Dhan so jan purakh sabhaagaa. Blessed, blessed is the most fortunate servant of the Lord, who is imbued with the Lord's Love, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. eIq aUq jn sdw suhyly ] (792-18)eet oot jan sadaa suhaylay. Here and there, the humble servants of the Lord are always happy. jnmu pdwrQu jIiq Amoly ]3] (792-18)janam padaarath jeet amolay. ||3|| They win the priceless treasure of this human life. ||3|| jwgqu soieAw jnmu gvwieAw ] (792-18)jaagat so-i-aa janam gavaa-i-aa. When he is awake, he is sleeping, and so he loses this life. mwlu Dnu joirAw BieAw prwieAw ] (792-19)maal Dhan jori-aa bha-i-aa paraa-i-aa. The property and wealth he has accumulated passes on to someone else. khu kbIr qyeI nr BUly ] (792-19)kaho kabeer tay-ee nar bhoolay. Says Kabeer, those people are deluded, Ksmu ibswir mwtI sMig rUly ]4]3] (792-19)khasam bisaar maatee sang roolay. ||4||3|| who forget their Lord and Master, and roll in the dust. ||4||3|| |
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