Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Gru dru pwvY mhlu nwmu ipAwirAw ] (791-1)
ghar dar paavai mahal naam pi-aari-aa.
He obtains his own home and mansion, by loving the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gurmuiK pwieAw nwmu hau gur kau vwirAw ] (791-1)
gurmukh paa-i-aa naam ha-o gur ka-o vaari-aa.
As Gurmukh, I have obtained the Naam; I am a sacrifice to the Guru.

qU Awip svwrih Awip isrjnhwirAw ]16] (791-2)
too aap savaareh aap sirjanhaari-aa. ||16||
You Yourself embellish and adorn us, O Creator Lord. ||16||

slok mÚ 1 ] (791-2)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

dIvw blY AMDyrw jwie ] (791-2)
deevaa balai anDhayraa jaa-ay.
When the lamp is lit, the darkness is dispelled;

byd pwT miq pwpw Kwie ] (791-3)
bayd paath mat paapaa khaa-ay.
reading the Vedas, sinful intellect is destroyed.

augvY sUru n jwpY cMdu ] (791-3)
ugvai soor na jaapai chand.
When the sun rises, the moon is not visible.

jh igAwn pRgwsu AigAwnu imtMqu ] (791-3)
jah gi-aan pargaas agi-aan mitant.
Wherever spiritual wisdom appears, ignorance is dispelled.

byd pwT sMswr kI kwr ] (791-3)
bayd paath sansaar kee kaar.
Reading the Vedas is the world's occupation;

piV@ piV@ pMifq krih bIcwr ] (791-4)
parhH parhH pandit karahi beechaar.
the Pandits read them, study them and contemplate them.

ibnu bUJy sB hoie KuAwr ] (791-4)
bin boojhay sabh ho-ay khu-aar.
Without understanding, all are ruined.

nwnk gurmuiK auqris pwir ]1] (791-4)
naanak gurmukh utras paar. ||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is carried across. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (791-5)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sbdY swdu n AwieE nwim n lgo ipAwru ] (791-5)
sabdai saad na aa-i-o naam na lago pi-aar.
Those who do not savor the Word of the Shabad, do not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

rsnw iPkw bolxw inq inq hoie KuAwru ] (791-5)
rasnaa fikaa bolnaa nit nit ho-ay khu-aar.
They speak insipidly with their tongues, and are continually disgraced.

nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]2] (791-6)
naanak pa-i-ai kirat kamaavanaa ko-ay na maytanhaar. ||2||
O Nanak, they act according to the karma of their past actions, which no one can erase. ||2||

pauVI ] (791-6)

ij pRBu swlwhy Awpxw so soBw pwey ] (791-6)
je parabh saalaahay aapnaa so sobhaa paa-ay.
One who praises his God, receives honor.

haumY ivchu dUir kir scu mMin vswey ] (791-7)
ha-umai vichahu door kar sach man vasaa-ay.
He drives out egotism from within himself, and enshrines the True Name within his mind.

scu bwxI gux aucrY scw suKu pwey ] (791-7)
sach banee gun uchrai sachaa sukh paa-ay.
Through the True Word of the Guru's Bani, he chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and finds true peace.

mylu BieAw icrI ivCuMinAw gur puriK imlwey ] (791-8)
mayl bha-i-aa chiree vichhunni-aa gur purakh milaa-ay.
He is united with the Lord, after being separated for so long; the Guru, the Primal Being, unites him with the Lord.

mnu mYlw iev suDu hY hir nwmu iDAwey ]17] (791-8)
man mailaa iv suDh hai har naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||17||
In this way, his filthy mind is cleansed and purified, and he meditates on the Name of the Lord. ||17||

slok mÚ 1 ] (791-9)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

kwieAw kUml Pul gux nwnk gupis mwl ] (791-9)
kaa-i-aa koomal ful gun naanak gupas maal.
With the fresh leaves of the body, and the flowers of virtue, Nanak has weaved his garland.

eynI PulI rau kry Avr ik cuxIAih fwl ]1] (791-9)
aynee fulee ra-o karay avar ke chunee-ah daal. ||1||
The Lord is pleased with such garlands, so why pick any other flowers? ||1||

mhlw 2 ] (791-10)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

nwnk iqnw bsMqu hY ijn@ Gir visAw kMqu ] (791-10)
naanak tinaa basant hai jinH ghar vasi-aa kant.
O Nanak, it is the spring season for those, within whose homes their Husband Lord abides.

ijn ky kMq idswpurI sy Aihinis iPrih jlµq ]2] (791-10)
jin kay kant disaapuree say ahinis fireh jalant. ||2||
But those, whose Husband Lord is far away in distant lands, continue burning, day and night. ||2||

pauVI ] (791-11)

Awpy bKsy dieAw kir gur siqgur bcnI ] (791-11)
aapay bakhsay da-i-aa kar gur satgur bachnee.
The Merciful Lord Himself forgives those who dwell upon the Word of the Guru, the True Guru.

Anidnu syvI gux rvw mnu scY rcnI ] (791-11)
an-din sayvee gun ravaa man sachai rachnee.
Night and day, I serve the True Lord, and chant His Glorious Praises; my mind merges into Him.

pRBu myrw byAMqu hY AMqu iknY n lKnI ] (791-12)
parabh mayraa bay-ant hai ant kinai na lakhnee.
My God is infinite; no one knows His limit.

siqgur crxI ligAw hir nwmu inq jpnI ] (791-12)
satgur charnee lagi-aa har naam nit japnee.
Grasping hold of the feet of the True Guru, meditate continually on the Lord's Name.

jo ieCY so Plu pwiesI siB GrY ivic jcnI ]18] (791-13)
jo ichhai so fal paa-isee sabh gharai vich jachnee. ||18||
Thus you shall obtain the fruits of your desires, and all wishes shall be fulfilled within your home. ||18||

slok mÚ 1 ] (791-13)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

pihl bsMqY Awgmin pihlw mauilE soie ] (791-13)
pahil basantai aagman pahilaa ma-uli-o so-ay.
Spring brings forth the first blossoms, but the Lord blossoms earlier still.

ijqu mauilAY sB maulIAY iqsih n mauilhu koie ]1] (791-14)
jit ma-uli-ai sabh ma-ulee-ai tiseh na ma-ulihu ko-ay. ||1||
By His blossoming, everything blossoms; no one else causes Him to blossom forth. ||1||

mÚ 2 ] (791-15)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

pihl bsMqY Awgmin iqs kw krhu bIcwru ] (791-15)
pahil basantai aagman tis kaa karahu beechaar.
He blossoms forth even earlier than the spring; reflect upon Him.

nwnk so swlwhIAY ij sBsY dy AwDwru ]2] (791-15)
naanak so salaahee-ai je sabhsai day aaDhaar. ||2||
O Nanak, praise the One who gives Support to all. ||2||

mÚ 2 ] (791-16)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

imilAY imilAw nw imlY imlY imilAw jy hoie ] (791-16)
mili-ai mili-aa naa milai milai mili-aa jay ho-ay.
By uniting, the united one is not united; he unites, only if he is united.

AMqr AwqmY jo imlY imilAw khIAY soie ]3] (791-16)
antar aatmai jo milai mili-aa kahee-ai so-ay. ||3||
But if he unites deep within his soul, then he is said to be united. ||3||

pauVI ] (791-17)

hir hir nwmu slwhIAY scu kwr kmwvY ] (791-17)
har har naam salaahee-ai sach kaar kamaavai.
Praise the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and practice truthful deeds.

dUjI kwrY ligAw iPir jonI pwvY ] (791-17)
doojee kaarai lagi-aa fir jonee paavai.
Attached to other deeds, one is consigned to wander in reincarnation.

nwim riqAw nwmu pweIAY nwmy gux gwvY ] (791-18)
naam rati-aa naam paa-ee-ai naamay gun gaavai.
Attuned to the Name, one obtains the Name, and through the Name, sings the Lord's Praises.

gur kY sbid slwhIAY hir nwim smwvY ] (791-18)
gur kai sabad salaahee-ai har naam samaavai.
Praising the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he merges in the Lord's Name.

siqgur syvw sPl hY syivAY Pl pwvY ]19] (791-19)
satgur sayvaa safal hai sayvi-ai fal paavai. ||19||
Service to the True Guru is fruitful and rewarding; serving Him, the fruits are obtained. ||19||

slok mÚ 2 ] (791-19)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

iks hI koeI koie mM\u inmwxI ieku qU ] (791-19)
kis hee ko-ee ko-ay manj nimaanee ik too.
Some people have others, but I am forlorn and dishonored; I have only You, Lord.