Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


slok mÚ 1 ] (790-1)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

corw jwrw rMfIAw kutxIAw dIbwxu ] vydInw kI dosqI vydInw kw Kwxu ] (790-1)
choraa jaaraa randee-aa kutnee-aa deebaan. vaydeenaa kee dostee vaydeenaa kaa khaan.
Thieves, adulterers, prostitutes and pimps, make friendships with the unrighteous, and eat with the unrighteous.

isPqI swr n jwxnI sdw vsY sYqwnu ] (790-2)
siftee saar na jaannee sadaa vasai saitaan.
They do not know the value of the Lord's Praises, and Satan is always with them.

gdhu cMdin KaulIAY BI swhU isau pwxu ] (790-2)
gadahu chandan kha-ulee-ai bhee saahoo si-o paan.
If a donkey is anointed with sandalwood paste, he still loves to roll in the dirt.

nwnk kUVY kiqAY kUVw qxIAY qwxu ] (790-3)
naanak koorhai kati-ai koorhaa tanee-ai taan.
O Nanak, by spinning falsehood, a fabric of falsehood is woven.

kUVw kpVu kCIAY kUVw pYnxu mwxu ]1] (790-3)
koorhaa kaparh kachhee-ai koorhaa painan maan. ||1||
False is the cloth and its measurement, and false is pride in such a garment. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (790-4)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

bWgw burgU isM|IAw nwly imlI klwx ] (790-4)
baaNgaa burgoo sinyee-aa naalay milee kalaan.
The callers to prayer, the flute-players, the horn-blowers, and also the singers

ieik dwqy ieik mMgqy nwmu qyrw prvwxu ] (790-4)
ik daatay ik mangtay naam tayraa parvaan.
- some are givers, and some are beggars; they become acceptable only through Your Name, Lord.

nwnk ijn@I suix kY mMinAw hau iqnw ivthu kurbwxu ]2] (790-5)
naanak jinHee sun kai mani-aa ha-o tinaa vitahu kurbaan. ||2||
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those who hear and accept the Name. ||2||

pauVI ] (790-5)

mwieAw mohu sBu kUVu hY kUVo hoie gieAw ] (790-5)
maa-i-aa moh sabh koorh hai koorho ho-ay ga-i-aa.
Attachment to Maya is totally false, and false are those who go that way.

haumY JgVw pwieEnu JgVY jgu muieAw ] (790-6)
ha-umai jhagrhaa paa-i-on jhagrhai jag mu-i-aa.
Through egotism, the world is caught in conflict and strife, and it dies.

gurmuiK JgVu cukwieEnu ieko riv rihAw ] (790-6)
gurmukh jhagarh chukaa-i-on iko rav rahi-aa.
The Gurmukh is free of conflict and strife, and sees the One Lord, pervading everywhere.

sBu Awqm rwmu pCwixAw Baujlu qir gieAw ] (790-7)
sabh aatam raam pachhaani-aa bha-ojal tar ga-i-aa.
Recognizing that the Supreme Soul is everywhere, he crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.

joiq smwxI joiq ivic hir nwim smieAw ]14] (790-7)
jot samaanee jot vich har naam sam-i-aa. ||14||
His light merges into the Light, and he is absorbed into the Lord's Name. ||14||

slok mÚ 1 ] (790-8)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok: First Mehl:

siqgur BIiKAw dyih mY qUM sMmRQu dwqwru ] (790-8)
satgur bheekhi-aa deh mai tooN samrath daataar.
O True Guru, bless me with Your charity; You are the All-powerful Giver.

haumY grbu invwrIAY kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] (790-8)
ha-umai garab nivaaree-ai kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.
May I subdue and quiet my egotism, pride, sexual desire, anger and self-conceit.

lbu loBu prjwlIAY nwmu imlY AwDwru ] (790-9)
lab lobh parjaalee-ai naam milai aaDhaar.
Burn away all my greed, and give me the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

Aihinis nvqn inrmlw mYlw kbhUM n hoie ] (790-9)
ahinis navtan nirmalaa mailaa kabahooN na ho-ay.
Day and night, keep me ever-fresh and new, spotless and pure; let me never be soiled by sin.

nwnk ieh ibiD CutIAY ndir qyrI suKu hoie ]1] (790-10)
naanak ih biDh chhutee-ai nadar tayree sukh ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, in this way I am saved; by Your Grace, I have found peace. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (790-10)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

ieko kMqu sbweIAw ijqI dir KVIAwh ] (790-10)
iko kant sabaa-ee-aa jitee dar kharhee-aah.
There is only the one Husband Lord, for all who stand at His Door.

nwnk kMqY rqIAw puCih bwqVIAwh ]2] (790-11)
naanak kantai ratee-aa puchheh baat-rhee-aah. ||2||
O Nanak, they ask for news of their Husband Lord, from those who are imbued with His Love. ||2||

mÚ 1 ] (790-11)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sBy kMqY rqIAw mY dohwgix ikqu ] (790-11)
sabhay kantai ratee-aa mai dohaagan kit.
All are imbued with love for their Husband Lord; I am a discarded bride - what good am I?

mY qin Avgx eyqVy Ksmu n Pyry icqu ]3] (790-12)
mai tan avgan -ayt-rhay khasam na fayray chit. ||3||
My body is filled with so many faults; my Lord and Master does not even turn His thoughts to me. ||3||

mÚ 1 ] (790-12)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

hau bilhwrI iqn kau isPiq ijnw dY vwiq ] (790-12)
ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o sifat jinaa dai vaat.
I am a sacrifice to those who praise the Lord with their mouths.

siB rwqI sohwgxI iek mY dohwgix rwiq ]4] (790-13)
sabh raatee sohaaganee ik mai dohaagan raat. ||4||
All the nights are for the happy soul-brides; I am a discarded bride - if only I could have even one night with Him! ||4||

pauVI ] (790-13)

dir mMgqu jwcY dwnu hir dIjY ik®pw kir ] (790-13)
dar mangat jaachai daan har deejai kirpaa kar.
I am a beggar at Your Door, begging for charity; O Lord, please grant me Your Mercy, and give to me.

gurmuiK lyhu imlwie jnu pwvY nwmu hir ] (790-14)
gurmukh layho milaa-ay jan paavai naam har.
As Gurmukh, unite me, your humble servant, with You, that I may receive Your Name.

Anhd sbdu vjwie joqI joiq Dir ] (790-14)
anhad sabad vajaa-ay jotee jot Dhar.
Then, the unstruck melody of the Shabad will vibrate and resound, and my light will blend with the Light.

ihrdY hir gux gwie jY jY sbdu hir ] (790-15)
hirdai har gun gaa-ay jai jai sabad har.
Within my heart, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and celebrate the Word of the Lord's Shabad.

jg mih vrqY Awip hir syqI pRIiq kir ]15] (790-15)
jag meh vartai aap har saytee pareet kar. ||15||
The Lord Himself is pervading and permeating the world; so fall in love with Him! ||15||

slok mÚ 1 ] (790-16)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ijnI n pwieE pRym rsu kMq n pwieE swau ] (790-16)
jinee na paa-i-o paraym ras kant na paa-i-o saa-o.
Those who do not obtain the sublime essence, the love and delight of their Husband Lord,

suM\y Gr kw pwhuxw ijau AwieAw iqau jwau ]1] (790-16)
sunjay ghar kaa paahunaa ji-o aa-i-aa ti-o jaa-o. ||1||
are like guests in a deserted house; they leave just as they have come, empty-handed. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (790-17)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sau Elwm@y idnY ky rwqI imlin@ shMs ] (790-17)
sa-o olaamHay dinai kay raatee milniH sahaNs.
He receives hundreds and thousands of reprimands, day and night;

isPiq slwhxu Cif kY krMgI lgw hMsu ] (790-17)
sifat salaahan chhad kai karangee lagaa hans.
the swan-soul has renounced the Lord's Praises, and attached itself to a rotting carcass.

iPtu ievyhw jIivAw ijqu Kwie vDwieAw pytu ] (790-18)
fit ivayhaa jeevi-aa jit khaa-ay vaDhaa-i-aa payt.
Cursed is that life, in which one only eats to fill his belly.

nwnk scy nwm ivxu sBo dusmnu hyqu ]2] (790-18)
naanak sachay naam vin sabho dusman hayt. ||2||
O Nanak, without the True Name, all one's friends turn to enemies. ||2||

pauVI ] (790-19)

FwFI gux gwvY inq jnmu svwirAw ] (790-19)
dhaadhee gun gaavai nit janam savaari-aa.
The minstrel continually sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, to embellish his life.

gurmuiK syiv slwih scw aur DwirAw ] (790-19)
gurmukh sayv salaahi sachaa ur Dhaari-aa.
The Gurmukh serves and praises the True Lord, enshrining Him within his heart.