Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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789 pauVI ] (789-1)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir swlwhI sdw sdw qnu mnu sauip srIru ] (789-1)har saalaahee sadaa sadaa tan man sa-up sareer. Praise the Lord, forever and ever; dedicate your body and mind to Him. gur sbdI scu pwieAw scw gihr gMBIru ] (789-1)gur sabdee sach paa-i-aa sachaa gahir gambheer. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have found the True, Profound and Unfathomable Lord. min qin ihrdY riv rihAw hir hIrw hIru ] (789-2)man tan hirdai rav rahi-aa har heeraa heer. The Lord, the jewel of jewels, is permeating my mind, body and heart. jnm mrx kw duKu gieAw iPir pvY n PIru ] (789-2)janam maran kaa dukh ga-i-aa fir pavai na feer. The pains of birth and death are gone, and I shall never again be consigned to the cycle of reincarnation. nwnk nwmu slwih qU hir guxI ghIru ]10] (789-3)naanak naam salaahi too har gunee gaheer. ||10|| O Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the ocean of excellence. ||10|| slok mÚ 1 ] (789-3)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: nwnk iehu qnu jwil ijin jilAY nwmu ivswirAw ] (789-3)naanak ih tan jaal jin jali-ai naam visaari-aa. O Nanak, burn this body; this burnt body has forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord. paudI jwie prwil ipCY hQu n AMbVY iqqu invMDY qwil ]1] (789-4)pa-udee jaa-ay paraal pichhai hath na ambrhai tit nivanDhai taal. ||1|| The dirt is piling up, and in the world hereafter, your hand shall not be able to reach down into this stagnant pond to clean it out. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (789-4)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwnk mn ky kMm iPitAw gxq n AwvhI ] (789-5)naanak man kay kamm fiti-aa ganat na aavhee. O Nanak, wicked are the uncountable actions of the mind. ikqI lhw shMm jw bKsy qw Dkw nhI ]2] (789-5)kitee lahaa sahamm jaa bakhsay taa Dhakaa nahee. ||2|| They bring terrible and painful retributions, but if the Lord forgives me, then I will be spared this punishment. ||2|| pauVI ] (789-5)pa-orhee. Pauree: scw Amru clwieEnu kir scu Purmwxu ] (789-6)sachaa amar chalaa-i-on kar sach furmaan. True is the Command He sends forth, and True are the Orders He issues. sdw inhclu riv rihAw so purKu sujwxu ] (789-6)sadaa nihchal rav rahi-aa so purakh sujaan. Forever unmoving and unchanging, permeating and pervading everywhere, He is the All-knowing Primal Lord. gur prswdI syvIAY scu sbid nIswxu ] (789-6)gur parsaadee sayvee-ai sach sabad neesaan. By Guru's Grace, serve Him, through the True Insignia of the Shabad. pUrw Qwtu bxwieAw rMgu gurmiq mwxu ] (789-7)pooraa thaat banaa-i-aa rang gurmat maan. That which He makes is perfect; through the Guru's Teachings, enjoy His Love. Agm Agocru AlKu hY gurmuiK hir jwxu ]11] (789-7)agam agochar alakh hai gurmukh har jaan. ||11|| He is inaccessible, unfathomable and unseen; as Gurmukh, know the Lord. ||11|| slok mÚ 1 ] (789-8)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: nwnk bdrw mwl kw BIqir DirAw Awix ] (789-8)naanak badraa maal kaa bheetar Dhari-aa aan. O Nanak, the bags of coins are brought in Koty Kry prKIAin swihb kY dIbwix ]1] (789-8)khotay kharay parkhee-an saahib kai deebaan. ||1|| and placed in the Court of our Lord and Master, and there, the genuine and the counterfeit are separated. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (789-9)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwvx cly qIrQI min KotY qin cor ] (789-9)naavan chalay teerthee man khotai tan chor. They go and bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, but their minds are still evil, and their bodies are thieves. ieku Bwau lQI nwiqAw duie Bw cVIAsu hor ] (789-9)ik bhaa-o lathee naati-aa du-ay bhaa charhee-as hor. Some of their filth is washed off by these baths, but they only accumulate twice as much. bwhir DoqI qUmVI AMdir ivsu inkor ] (789-10)baahar Dhotee toomrhee andar vis nikor. Like a gourd, they may be washed off on the outside, but on the inside, they are still filled with poison. swD Bly AxnwiqAw cor is corw cor ]2] (789-10)saaDh bhalay annaati-aa chor se choraa chor. ||2|| The holy man is blessed, even without such bathing, while a thief is a thief, no matter how much he bathes. ||2|| pauVI ] (789-11)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awpy hukmu clwiedw jgu DMDY lwieAw ] (789-11)aapay hukam chalaa-idaa jag DhanDhai laa-i-aa. He Himself issues His Commands, and links the people of the world to their tasks. ieik Awpy hI Awip lwieAnu gur qy suKu pwieAw ] (789-11)ik aapay hee aap laa-i-an gur tay sukh paa-i-aa. He Himself joins some to Himself, and through the Guru, they find peace. dh ids iehu mnu Dwvdw guir Twik rhwieAw ] (789-12)dah dis ih man Dhaavdaa gur thaak rahaa-i-aa. The mind runs around in the ten directions; the Guru holds it still. nwvY no sB locdI gurmqI pwieAw ] (789-12)naavai no sabh lochdee gurmatee paa-i-aa. Everyone longs for the Name, but it is only found through the Guru's Teachings. Duir iliKAw myit n skIAY jo hir iliK pwieAw ]12] (789-13)Dhur likhi-aa mayt na sakee-ai jo har likh paa-i-aa. ||12|| Your pre-ordained destiny, written by the Lord in the very beginning, cannot be erased. ||12|| slok mÚ 1 ] (789-13)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: duie dIvy caudh htnwly ] (789-13)du-ay deevay cha-odah hatnaalay. The two lamps light the fourteen markets. jyqy jIA qyqy vxjwry ] (789-14)jaytay jee-a taytay vanjaaray. There are just as many traders as there are living beings. Kul@y ht hoAw vwpwru ] (789-14)khulHay hat ho-aa vaapaar. The shops are open, and trading is going on; jo phucY so clxhwru ] (789-14)jo pahuchai so chalanhaar. whoever comes there, is bound to depart. Drmu dlwlu pwey nIswxu ] (789-14)Dharam dalaal paa-ay neesaan. The Righteous Judge of Dharma is the broker, who gives his sign of approval. nwnk nwmu lwhw prvwxu ] (789-15)naanak naam laahaa parvaan. O Nanak, those who earn the profit of the Naam are accepted and approved. Gir Awey vjI vwDweI ] (789-15)ghar aa-ay vajee vaaDhaa-ee. And when they return home, they are greeted with cheers; sc nwm kI imlI vifAweI ]1] (789-15)sach naam kee milee vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| they obtain the glorious greatness of the True Name. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (789-16)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: rwqI hovin kwlIAw supydw sy vMn ] (789-16)raatee hovan kaalee-aa supaydaa say vann. Even when the night is dark, whatever is white retains its white color. idhu bgw qpY Gxw kwilAw kwly vMn ] (789-16)dihu bagaa tapai ghanaa kaali-aa kaalay vann. And even when the light of day is dazzlingly bright, whatever is black retains its black color. AMDy AklI bwhry mUrK AMD igAwnu ] (789-16)anDhay aklee baahray moorakh anDh gi-aan. The blind fools have no wisdom at all; their understanding is blind. nwnk ndrI bwhry kbih n pwvih mwnu ]2] (789-17)naanak nadree baahray kabeh na paavahi maan. ||2|| O Nanak, without the Lord's Grace, they will never receive honor. ||2|| pauVI ] (789-17)pa-orhee. Pauree: kwieAw kotu rcwieAw hir scY Awpy ] (789-17)kaa-i-aa kot rachaa-i-aa har sachai aapay. The True Lord Himself created the body-fortress. ieik dUjY Bwie KuAwieAnu haumY ivic ivAwpy ] (789-18)ik doojai bhaa-ay khu-aa-i-an ha-umai vich vi-aapay. Some are ruined through the love of duality, engrossed in egotism. iehu mwns jnmu dulµBu sw mnmuK sMqwpy ] (789-18)ih maanas janam dulambh saa manmukh santaapay. This human body is so difficult to obtain; the self-willed manmukhs suffer in pain. ijsu Awip buJwey so buJsI ijsu siqguru Qwpy ] (789-19)jis aap bujhaa-ay so bujhsee jis satgur thaapay. He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself causes to understand; he is blessed by the True Guru. sBu jgu Kylu rcwieEnu sB vrqY Awpy ]13] (789-19)sabh jag khayl rachaa-i-on sabh vartai aapay. ||13|| He created the entire world for His play; He is pervading amongst all. ||13|| |
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