Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jug cwry sB Biv QkI ikin kImiq hoeI ] (788-1)
jug chaaray sabh bhav thakee kin keemat ho-ee.
All have grown weary of wandering throughout the four ages, but none know the Lord's worth.

siqguir eyku ivKwilAw min qin suKu hoeI ] (788-1)
satgur ayk vikhaali-aa man tan sukh ho-ee.
The True Guru has shown me the One Lord, and my mind and body are at peace.

gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY krqw kry su hoeI ]7] (788-2)
gurmukh sadaa salaahee-ai kartaa karay so ho-ee. ||7||
The Gurmukh praises the Lord forever; that alone happens, which the Creator Lord does. ||7||

slok mhlw 2 ] (788-2)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

ijnw Bau iqn@ nwih Bau mucu Bau inBivAwh ] (788-2)
jinaa bha-o tinH naahi bha-o much bha-o nibhvi-aah.
Those who have the Fear of God, have no other fears; those who do not have the Fear of God, are very afraid.

nwnk eyhu ptMqrw iqqu dIbwix gieAwh ]1] (788-3)
naanak ayhu patantaraa tit deebaan ga-i-aah. ||1||
O Nanak, this mystery is revealed at the Court of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 2 ] (788-3)
mehlaa 2.
Second Mehl:

qurdy kau qurdw imlY aufqy kau aufqw ] (788-3)
turday ka-o turdaa milai udtay ka-o udtaa.
That which flows, mingles with that which flows; that which blows, mingles with that which blows.

jIvqy kau jIvqw imlY mUey kau mUAw ] (788-4)
jeevtay ka-o jeevtaa milai moo-ay ka-o moo-aa.
The living mingle with the living, and the dead mingle with the dead.

nwnk so swlwhIAY ijin kwrxu kIAw ]2] (788-4)
naanak so salaahee-ai jin kaaran kee-aa. ||2||
O Nanak, praise the One who created the creation. ||2||

pauVI ] (788-5)

scu iDAwiein sy scy gur sbid vIcwrI ] (788-5)
sach Dhi-aa-in say sachay gur sabad veechaaree.
Those who meditate on the True Lord are true; they contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

haumY mwir mnu inrmlw hir nwmu auir DwrI ] (788-5)
ha-umai maar man nirmalaa har naam ur Dhaaree.
They subdue their ego, purify their minds, and enshrine the Lord's Name within their hearts.

koTy mMfp mwVIAw lig pey gwvwrI ] (788-6)
kothay mandap maarhee-aa lag pa-ay gaavaaree.
The fools are attached to their homes, mansions and balconies.

ijin@ kIey iqsih n jwxnI mnmuiK gubwrI ] (788-6)
jiniH kee-ay tiseh na jaannee manmukh gubaaree.
The self-willed manmukhs are caught in darkness; they do not know the One who created them.

ijsu buJwieih so buJsI sicAw ikAw jMq ivcwrI ]8] (788-7)
jis bujhaa-ihi so bujhsee sachi-aa ki-aa jant vichaaree. ||8||
He alone understands, whom the True Lord causes to understand; what can the helpless creatures do? ||8||

slok mÚ 3 ] (788-7)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

kwmix qau sIgwru kir jw pihlW kMqu mnwie ] (788-7)
kaaman ta-o seegaar kar jaa pahilaaN kant manaa-ay.
O bride, decorate yourself, after you surrender and accept your Husband Lord.

mqu syjY kMqu n AwveI eyvY ibrQw jwie ] (788-8)
mat sayjai kant na aavee ayvai birthaa jaa-ay.
Otherwise, your Husband Lord will not come to your bed, and your ornaments will be useless.

kwmix ipr mnu mwinAw qau bixAw sIgwru ] (788-8)
kaaman pir man maani-aa ta-o bani-aa seegaar.
O bride, your decorations will adorn you, only when your Husband Lord's Mind is pleased.

kIAw qau prvwxu hY jw shu Dry ipAwru ] (788-9)
kee-aa ta-o parvaan hai jaa saho Dharay pi-aar.
Your ornaments will be acceptable and approved, only when your Husband Lord loves you.

Bau sIgwru qbol rsu Bojnu Bwau kryie ] (788-9)
bha-o seegaar tabol ras bhojan bhaa-o karay-i.
So make the Fear of God your ornaments, joy your betel nuts to chew, and love your food.

qnu mnu saupy kMq kau qau nwnk Bogu kryie ]1] (788-10)
tan man sa-upay kant ka-o ta-o naanak bhog karay-i. ||1||
Surrender your body and mind to your Husband Lord, and then, O Nanak, He will enjoy you. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (788-10)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

kwjl PUl qMbol rsu ly Dn kIAw sIgwru ] (788-10)
kaajal fool tambol ras lay Dhan kee-aa seegaar.
The wife takes flowers, and fragrance of betel, and decorates herself.

syjY kMqu n AwieE eyvY BieAw ivkwru ]2] (788-11)
sayjai kant na aa-i-o ayvai bha-i-aa vikaar. ||2||
But her Husband Lord does not come to her bed, and so these efforts are useless. ||2||

mÚ 3 ] (788-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAin bhin iekTy hoie ] (788-11)
Dhan pir ayhi na aakhee-an bahan ikthay ho-ay.
They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together.

eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ]3] (788-12)
ayk jot du-ay moortee Dhan pir kahee-ai so-ay. ||3||
They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies. ||3||

pauVI ] (788-12)

BY ibnu Bgiq n hoveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (788-13)
bhai bin bhagat na hova-ee naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without the Fear of God, there is no devotional worship, and no love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

siqguir imilAY Bau aUpjY BY Bwie rMgu svwir ] (788-13)
satgur mili-ai bha-o oopjai bhai bhaa-ay rang savaar.
Meeting with the True Guru, the Fear of God wells up, and one is embellished with the Fear and the Love of God.

qnu mnu rqw rMg isau haumY iqRsnw mwir ] (788-14)
tan man rataa rang si-o ha-umai tarisnaa maar.
When the body and mind are imbued with the Lord's Love, egotism and desire are conquered and subdued.

mnu qnu inrmlu Aiq sohxw ByitAw ik®sn murwir ] (788-14)
man tan nirmal at sohnaa bhayti-aa krisan muraar.
The mind and body become immaculately pure and very beautiful, when one meets the Lord, the Destroyer of ego.

Bau Bwau sBu iqs dw so scu vrqY sMswir ]9] (788-15)
bha-o bhaa-o sabh tis daa so sach vartai sansaar. ||9||
Fear and love all belong to Him; He is the True Lord, permeating and pervading the Universe. ||9||

slok mÚ 1 ] (788-15)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

vwhu Ksm qU vwhu ijin ric rcnw hm kIey ] (788-15)
vaahu khasam too vaahu jin rach rachnaa ham kee-ay.
Waaho! Waaho! You are wonderful and great, O Lord and Master; You created the creation, and made us.

swgr lhir smuMd sr vyil vrs vrwhu ] (788-16)
saagar lahar samund sar vayl varas varaahu.
You made the waters, waves, oceans, pools, plants, clouds and mountains.

Awip KVovih Awip kir AwpIxY Awpwhu ] (788-16)
aap kharhoveh aap kar aapeenai aapaahu.
You Yourself stand in the midst of what You Yourself created.

gurmuiK syvw Qwie pvY aunmin qqu kmwhu ] (788-17)
gurmukh sayvaa thaa-ay pavai unman tat kamaahu.
The selfless service of the Gurmukhs is approved; in celestial peace, they live the essence of reality.

mskiq lhhu mjUrIAw mMig mMig Ksm drwhu ] (788-17)
maskat lahhu majooree-aa mang mang khasam daraahu.
They receive the wages of their labor, begging at the Door of their Lord and Master.

nwnk pur dr vyprvwh qau dir aUxw nwih ko scw vyprvwhu ]1] (788-18)
naanak pur dar vayparvaah ta-o dar oonaa naahi ko sachaa vayparvaahu. ||1||
O Nanak, the Court of the Lord is overflowing and carefree; O my True Carefree Lord, no one returns empty-handed from Your Court. ||1||

mhlw 1 ] (788-19)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

aujl moqI sohxy rqnw nwil juVMin ] (788-19)
ujal motee sohnay ratnaa naal jurhann.
The teeth are like brilliant, beautiful pearls, and the eyes are like sparkling jewels.

iqn jru vYrI nwnkw ij buFy QIie mrMin ]2] (788-19)
tin jar vairee naankaa je budhay thee-ay marann. ||2||
Old age is their enemy, O Nanak; when they grow old, they waste away. ||2||