Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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787 sUhY vyis ipru iknY n pwieE mnmuiK diJ mueI gwvwir ] (787-1)soohai vays pir kinai na paa-i-o manmukh dajh mu-ee gaavaar. By wearing her red dress, no one has found her Husband Lord; the self-willed manmukh is burnt to death. siqguir imilAY sUhw vysu gieAw haumY ivchu mwir ] (787-2)satgur mili-ai soohaa vays ga-i-aa ha-umai vichahu maar. Meeting the True Guru, she discards her red dress, and eradicates egotism from within. mnu qnu rqw lwlu hoAw rsnw rqI gux swir ] (787-2)man tan rataa laal ho-aa rasnaa ratee gun saar. Her mind and body are imbued with the deep red color of His Love, and her tongue is imbued, singing His Praises and excellences. sdw sohwgix sbdu min BY Bwie kry sIgwru ] (787-3)sadaa sohagan sabad man bhai bhaa-ay karay seegaar. She becomes His soul-bride forever, with the Word of the Shabad in her mind; she makes the Fear of God and the Love of God her ornaments and decorations. nwnk krmI mhlu pwieAw ipru rwiKAw aur Dwir ]1] (787-3)naanak karmee mahal paa-i-aa pir raakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||1|| O Nanak, by His Merciful Grace, she obtains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and keeps Him enshrined in her heart. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (787-4)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: muMDy sUhw prhrhu lwlu krhu sIgwru ] (787-4)munDhay soohaa parahrahu laal karahu seegaar. O bride, forsake your red dress, and decorate yourself with the crimson color of His Love. Awvx jwxw vIsrY gur sbdI vIcwru ] (787-4)aavan jaanaa veesrai gur sabdee veechaar. Your comings and goings shall be forgotten, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. muMD suhwvI sohxI ijsu Gir shij Bqwru ] (787-5)munDh suhaavee sohnee jis ghar sahj bhataar. The soul-bride is adorned and beautiful; the Celestial Lord, her Husband, abides in her home. nwnk sw Dn rwvIAY rwvy rwvxhwru ]2] (787-5)naanak saa Dhan raavee-ai raavay ravanhaar. ||2|| O Nanak, the bride ravishes and enjoys Him; and He, the Ravisher, ravishes and enjoys her. ||2|| pauVI ] (787-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: mohu kUVu kutMbu hY mnmuKu mugDu rqw ] (787-6)moh koorh kutamb hai manmukh mugaDh rataa. The foolish, self-willed manmukh is engrossed in false attachment to family. haumY myrw kir muey ikCu swiQ n ilqw ] (787-6)ha-umai mayraa kar mu-ay kichh saath na litaa. Practicing egotism and self-conceit, he dies and departs, taking nothing along with him. isr aupir jmkwlu n suJeI dUjY Brimqw ] (787-6)sir upar jamkaal na sujh-ee doojai bharmitaa. He does not understand that the Messenger of Death is hovering over his head; he is deluded by duality. iPir vylw hiQ n AwveI jmkwil vis ikqw ] (787-7)fir vaylaa hath na aavee jamkaal vas kitaa. This opportunity will not come into his hands again; the Messenger of Death will seize him. jyhw Duir iliK pwieEnu sy krm kimqw ]5] (787-7)jayhaa Dhur likh paa-i-on say karam kamitaa. ||5|| He acts according to his pre-ordained destiny. ||5|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (787-8)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: sqIAw eyih n AwKIAin jo miVAw lig jlµin@ ] (787-8)satee-aa ayhi na aakhee-an jo marhi-aa lag jalaNniH. Do not call them 'satee', who burn themselves along with their husbands' corpses. nwnk sqIAw jwxIAin@ ij ibrhy cot mrMin@ ]1] (787-9)naanak satee-aa jaanee-aniH je birhay chot maraNniH. ||1|| O Nanak, they alone are known as 'satee', who die from the shock of separation. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (787-9)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: BI so sqIAw jwxIAin sIl sMqoiK rhMin@ ] (787-9)bhee so satee-aa jaanee-an seel santokh rahaNniH. They are also known as 'satee', who abide in modesty and contentment. syvin sweI Awpxw inq auiT sMm@wlµin@ ]2] (787-10)sayvan saa-ee aapnaa nit uth samHaalaNniH. ||2|| They serve their Lord, and rise in the early hours to contemplate Him. ||2|| mÚ 3 ] (787-10)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: kMqw nwil mhylIAw syqI Aig jlwih ] (787-10)kantaa naal mahaylee-aa saytee ag jalaahi. The widows burn themselves in the fire, along with their husbands' corpses. jy jwxih ipru Awpxw qw qin duK shwih ] (787-11)jay jaaneh pir aapnaa taa tan dukh sahaahi. If they truly knew their husbands, then they suffer terrible bodily pain. nwnk kMq n jwxnI sy ikau Aig jlwih ] (787-11)naanak kant na jaannee say ki-o ag jalaahi. O Nanak, if they did not truly know their husbands, why should they burn themselves in the fire? BwvY jIvau kY mrau dUrhu hI Bij jwih ]3] (787-12)bhaavai jeeva-o kai mara-o Dhoorahu hee bhaj jaahi. ||3|| Whether their husbands are alive or dead, those wives remain far away from them. ||3|| pauVI ] (787-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: quDu duKu suKu nwil aupwieAw lyKu krqY iliKAw ] (787-12)tuDh dukh sukh naal upaa-i-aa laykh kartai likhi-aa. You created pain along with pleasure; O Creator, such is the writ You have written. nwvY jyvf hor dwiq nwhI iqsu rUpu n iriKAw ] (787-13)naavai jayvad hor daat naahee tis roop na rikhi-aa. There is no other gift as great as the Name; it has no form or sign. nwmu AKutu inDwnu hY gurmuiK min visAw ] (787-13)naam akhut niDhaan hai gurmukh man vasi-aa. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is an inexhaustible treasure; it abides in the mind of the Gurmukh. kir ikrpw nwmu dyvsI iPir lyKu n iliKAw ] (787-14)kar kirpaa naam dayvsee fir laykh na likhi-aa. In His Mercy, He blesses us with the Naam, and then, the writ of pain and pleasure is not written. syvk Bwie sy jn imly ijn hir jpu jipAw ]6] (787-14)sayvak bhaa-ay say jan milay jin har jap japi-aa. ||6|| Those humble servants who serve with love, meet the Lord, chanting the Chant of the Lord. ||6|| sloku mÚ 2 ] (787-15)salok mehlaa 2. Shalok, Second Mehl: ijnI clxu jwixAw sy ikau krih ivQwr ] (787-15)jinee chalan jaani-aa say ki-o karahi vithaar. They know that they will have to depart, so why do they make such ostentatious displays? clx swr n jwxnI kwj svwrxhwr ]1] (787-15)chalan saar na jaannee kaaj savaaranhaar. ||1|| Those who do not know that they will have to depart, continue to arrange their affairs. ||1|| mÚ 2 ] (787-16)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: rwiq kwrix Dnu sMcIAY Blky clxu hoie ] (787-16)raat kaaran Dhan sanchee-ai bhalkay chalan ho-ay. He accumulates wealth during the night of his life, but in the morning, he must depart. nwnk nwil n cleI iPir pCuqwvw hoie ]2] (787-16)naanak naal na chal-ee fir pachhutaavaa ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, it shall not go along with him, and so he regrets. ||2|| mÚ 2 ] (787-17)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: bDw ctI jo Bry nw guxu nw aupkwru ] (787-17)baDhaa chatee jo bharay naa gun naa upkaar. Paying a fine under pressure, does not bring either merit or goodness. syqI KusI svwrIAY nwnk kwrju swru ]3] (787-17)saytee khusee savaaree-ai naanak kaaraj saar. ||3|| That alone is a good deed, O Nanak, which is done by one's own free will. ||3|| mÚ 2 ] (787-18)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: mnhiT qrP n ijpeI jy bhuqw Gwly ] (787-18)manhath taraf na jip-ee jay bahutaa ghaalay. Stubborn-mindedness will not win the Lord to one's side, no matter how much it is tried. qrP ijxY sq Bwau dy jn nwnk sbdu vIcwry ]4] (787-18)taraf jinai sat bhaa-o day jan naanak sabad veechaaray. ||4|| The Lord is won over to your side, by offering Him your true love, O servant Nanak, and contemplating the Word of the Shabad. ||4|| pauVI ] (787-19)pa-orhee. Pauree: krqY kwrxu ijin kIAw so jwxY soeI ] (787-19)kartai kaaran jin kee-aa so jaanai so-ee. The Creator created the world; He alone understands it. Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awpy Puin goeI ] (787-19)aapay sarisat upaa-ee-an aapay fun go-ee. He Himself created the Universe, and He Himself shall destroy it afterwards. |
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