Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Kwq Krcq iblCq suKu pwieAw krqy kI dwiq svweI rwm ] (784-1)
khaat kharchat bilchhat sukh paa-i-aa kartay kee daat savaa-ee raam.
Eating, spending and enjoying, I have found peace; the gifts of the Creator Lord continually increase.

dwiq svweI inKuit n jweI AMqrjwmI pwieAw ] (784-1)
daat savaa-ee nikhut na jaa-ee antarjaamee paa-i-aa.
His gifts increase and shall never be exhausted; I have found the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

koit ibGn sgly auiT nwTy dUKu n nyVY AwieAw ] (784-2)
kot bighan saglay uth naathay dookh na nayrhai aa-i-aa.
Millions of obstacles have all been removed, and pain does not even approach me.

sWiq shj Awnµd Gnyry ibnsI BUK sbweI ] (784-2)
saaNt sahj aanand ghanayray binsee bhookh sabaa-ee.
Tranquility, peace, poise and bliss in abundance prevail, and all my hunger is satisfied.

nwnk gux gwvih suAwmI ky Acrju ijsu vifAweI rwm ]2] (784-3)
naanak gun gaavahi su-aamee kay achraj jis vadi-aa-ee raam. ||2||
Nanak sings the Glorious Praises of his Lord and Master, whose Glorious Greatness is wonderful and amazing. ||2||

ijs kw kwrju iqn hI kIAw mwxsu ikAw vycwrw rwm ] (784-4)
jis kaa kaaraj tin hee kee-aa maanas ki-aa vaychaaraa raam.
It was His job, and He has done it; what can the mere mortal being do?

Bgq sohin hir ky gux gwvih sdw krih jYkwrw rwm ] (784-4)
bhagat sohan har kay gun gaavahi sadaa karahi jaikaaraa raam.
The devotees are adorned, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; they proclaim His eternal victory.

gux gwie goibMd And aupjy swDsMgiq sMig bnI ] (784-5)
gun gaa-ay gobind anad upjay saaDhsangat sang banee.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, bliss wells up, and we are friends with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

ijin audmu kIAw qwl kyrw iqs kI aupmw ikAw gnI ] (784-5)
jin udam kee-aa taal kayraa tis kee upmaa ki-aa ganee.
He who made the effort to construct this sacred pool - how can his praises be recounted?

ATsiT qIrQ puMn ikirAw mhw inrml cwrw ] (784-6)
athsath tirath punn kiri-aa mahaa nirmal chaaraa.
The merits of the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, charity, good deeds and immaculate lifestyle, are found in this sacred pool.

piqq pwvnu ibrdu suAwmI nwnk sbd ADwrw ]3] (784-6)
patit paavan birad su-aamee naanak sabad aDhaaraa. ||3||
It is the natural way of the Lord and Master to purify sinners; Nanak takes the Support of the Word of the Shabad. ||3||

gux inDwn myrw pRBu krqw ausqiq kaunu krIjY rwm ] (784-7)
gun niDhaan mayraa parabh kartaa ustat ka-un kareejai raam.
The treasure of virtue is my God, the Creator Lord; what Praises of Yours should I sing, O Lord?

sMqw kI bynµqI suAwmI nwmu mhw rsu dIjY rwm ] (784-8)
santaa kee baynantee su-aamee naam mahaa ras deejai raam.
The prayer of the Saints is, "O Lord and Master, please bless us with the supreme, sublime essence of Your Name."

nwmu dIjY dwnu kIjY ibsru nwhI iek iKno ] (784-8)
naam deejai daan keejai bisar naahee ik khino.
Please, grant us Your Name, grant us this blessing, and do not forget us, even for an instant.

gux gopwl aucru rsnw sdw gweIAY Anidno ] (784-9)
gun gopaal uchar rasnaa sadaa gaa-ee-ai andino.
Chant the Glorious Praises of the World-Lord, O my tongue; sing them forever, night and day.

ijsu pRIiq lwgI nwm syqI mnu qnu AMimRq BIjY ] (784-9)
jis pareet laagee naam saytee man tan amrit bheejai.
One who enshrines love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord, his mind and body are drenched with Ambrosial Nectar.

ibnvMiq nwnk ieC puMnI pyiK drsnu jIjY ]4]7]10] (784-10)
binvant naanak ichh punnee paykh darsan jeejai. ||4||7||10||
Prays Nanak, my desires have been fulfilled; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord, I live. ||4||7||10||

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 CMq (784-11)
raag soohee mehlaa 5 chhant
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Chhant:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (784-11)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

imT bolVw jI hir sjxu suAwmI morw ] (784-12)
mith bolrhaa jee har sajan su-aamee moraa.
My Dear Lord and Master, my Friend, speaks so sweetly.

hau sMmil QkI jI Ehu kdy n bolY kaurw ] (784-12)
ha-o sammal thakee jee oh kaday na bolai ka-uraa.
I have grown weary of testing Him, but still, He never speaks harshly to me.

kauVw boil n jwnY pUrn BgvwnY Aaugxu ko n icqwry ] (784-12)
ka-urhaa bol na jaanai pooran bhagvaanai a-ugan ko na chitaaray.
He does not know any bitter words; the Perfect Lord God does not even consider my faults and demerits.

piqq pwvnu hir ibrdu sdwey ieku iqlu nhI BMnY Gwly ] (784-13)
patit paavan har birad sadaa-ay ik til nahee bhannai ghaalay.
It is the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of service.

Gt Gt vwsI srb invwsI nyrY hI qy nyrw ] (784-14)
ghat ghat vaasee sarab nivaasee nayrai hee tay nayraa.
He dwells in each and every heart, pervading everywhere; He is the nearest of the near.

nwnk dwsu sdw srxwgiq hir AMimRq sjxu myrw ]1] (784-14)
naanak daas sadaa sarnaagat har amrit sajan mayraa. ||1||
Slave Nanak seeks His Sanctuary forever; the Lord is my Ambrosial Friend. ||1||

hau ibsmu BeI jI hir drsnu dyiK Apwrw ] (784-15)
ha-o bisam bha-ee jee har darsan daykh apaaraa.
I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the incomparable Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

myrw suMdru suAwmI jI hau crn kml pg Cwrw ] (784-15)
mayraa sundar su-aamee jee ha-o charan kamal pag chhaaraa.
My Dear Lord and Master is so beautiful; I am the dust of His Lotus Feet.

pRB pyKq jIvw TMFI QIvw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koeI ] (784-16)
parabh paykhat jeevaa thadhee theevaa tis jayvad avar na ko-ee.
Gazing upon God, I live, and I am at peace; no one else is as great as He is.

Awid AMiq miD pRBu rivAw jil Qil mhIAil soeI ] (784-16)
aad ant maDh parabh ravi-aa jal thal mahee-al so-ee.
Present at the beginning, end and middle of time, He pervades the sea, the land and the sky.

crn kml jip swgru qirAw Bvjl auqry pwrw ] (784-17)
charan kamal jap saagar tari-aa bhavjal utray paaraa.
Meditating on His Lotus Feet, I have crossed over the sea, the terrifying world-ocean.

nwnk srix pUrn prmysur qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ]2] (784-17)
naanak saran pooran parmaysur tayraa ant na paaraavaaraa. ||2||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Perfect Transcendent Lord; You have no end or limitation, Lord. ||2||

hau inmK n Cofw jI hir pRIqm pRwn ADwro ] (784-18)
ha-o nimakh na chhodaa jee har pareetam paraan aDhaaro.
I shall not forsake, even for an instant, my Dear Beloved Lord, the Support of the breath of life.

guir siqgur kihAw jI swcw Agm bIcwro ] (784-18)
gur satgur kahi-aa jee saachaa agam beechaaro.
The Guru, the True Guru, has instructed me in the contemplation of the True, Inaccessible Lord.

imil swDU dInw qw nwmu lInw jnm mrx duK nwTy ] (784-19)
mil saaDhoo deenaa taa naam leenaa janam maran dukh naathay.
Meeting with the humble, Holy Saint, I obtained the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the pains of birth and death left me.

shj sUK Awnµd Gnyry haumY ibnTI gwTy ] (784-19)
sahj sookh aanand ghanayray ha-umai binthee gaathay.
I have been blessed with peace, poise and abundant bliss, and the knot of egotism has been untied.