Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pyiK drsnu nwnk ibgsy Awip ley imlwey ]4]5]8] (783-1)
paykh darsan naanak bigsay aap la-ay milaa-ay. ||4||5||8||
Beholding the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, Nanak has blossomed forth; the Lord has united him in Union. ||4||5||8||

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (783-1)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

Aibcl ngru goibMd gurU kw nwmu jpq suKu pwieAw rwm ] (783-1)
abichal nagar gobind guroo kaa naam japat sukh paa-i-aa raam.
Eternal and immovable is the City of God and Guru; chanting His Name, I have found peace.

mn ieCy syeI Pl pwey krqY Awip vswieAw rwm ] (783-2)
man ichhay say-ee fal paa-ay kartai aap vasaa-i-aa raam.
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires; the Creator Himself established it.

krqY Awip vswieAw srb suK pwieAw puq BweI isK ibgwsy ] (783-3)
kartai aap vasaa-i-aa sarab sukh paa-i-aa put bhaa-ee sikh bigaasay.
The Creator Himself established it. I have found total peace; my children, siblings and Sikhs have all blossomed forth in bliss.

gux gwvih pUrn prmysur kwrju AwieAw rwsy ] (783-3)
gun gaavahi pooran parmaysur kaaraj aa-i-aa raasay.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Perfect Transcendent Lord, my affairs have come to be resolved.

pRBu Awip suAwmI Awpy rKw Awip ipqw Awip mwieAw ] (783-4)
parabh aap su-aamee aapay rakhaa aap pitaa aap maa-i-aa.
God Himself is my Lord and Master. He Himself is my Saving Grace; He Himself is my father and mother.

khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ijin eyhu Qwnu suhwieAw ]1] (783-4)
kaho naanak satgur balihaaree jin ayhu thaan suhaa-i-aa. ||1||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has embellished and adorned this place. ||1||

Gr mMdr htnwly sohy ijsu ivic nwmu invwsI rwm ] (783-5)
ghar mandar hatnaalay sohay jis vich naam nivaasee raam.
Homes, mansions, stores and markets are beautiful, when the Lord's Name abides within.

sMq Bgq hir nwmu ArwDih ktIAY jm kI PwsI rwm ] (783-5)
sant bhagat har naam araaDheh katee-ai jam kee faasee raam.
The Saints and devotees worship the Lord's Name in adoration, and the noose of Death is cut away.

kwtI jm PwsI pRiB AibnwsI hir hir nwmu iDAwey ] (783-6)
kaatee jam faasee parabh abhinaasee har har naam Dhi-aa-ay.
The noose of Death is cut away, meditating on the Name of the Eternal, Unchanging Lord, Har, Har.

sgl smgRI pUrn hoeI mn ieCy Pl pwey ] (783-7)
sagal samagree pooran ho-ee man ichhay fal paa-ay.
Everything is perfect for them, and they obtain the fruits of their mind's desires.

sMq sjn suiK mwxih rlIAw dUK drd BRm nwsI ] (783-7)
sant sajan sukh maaneh ralee-aa dookh darad bharam naasee.
The Saints and friends enjoy peace and pleasure; their pain, suffering and doubts are dispelled.

sbid svwry siqguir pUrY nwnk sd bil jwsI ]2] (783-8)
sabad savaaray satgur poorai naanak sad bal jaasee. ||2||
The Perfect True Guru has embellished them with the Word of the Shabad; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||2||

dwiq Ksm kI pUrI hoeI inq inq cVY svweI rwm ] (783-8)
daat khasam kee pooree ho-ee nit nit charhai savaa-ee raam.
The gift of our Lord and Master is perfect; it increases day by day.

pwrbRhim Ksmwnw kIAw ijs dI vfI vifAweI rwm ] (783-9)
paarbarahm khasmaanaa kee-aa jis dee vadee vadi-aa-ee raam.
The Supreme Lord God has made me His own; His Glorious Greatness is so great!

Awid jugwid Bgqn kw rwKw so pRBu BieAw dieAwlw ] (783-9)
aad jugaad bhagtan kaa raakhaa so parabh bha-i-aa da-i-aalaa.
From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Protector of His devotees; God has become merciful to me.

jIA jMq siB suKI vswey pRiB Awpy kir pRiqpwlw ] (783-10)
jee-a jant sabh sukhee vasaa-ay parabh aapay kar partipaalaa.
All beings and creatures now dwell in peace; God Himself cherishes and cares for them.

dh ids pUir rihAw jsu suAwmI kImiq khxu n jweI ] (783-11)
dah dis poor rahi-aa jas su-aamee keemat kahan na jaa-ee.
The Praises of the Lord and Master are totally pervading in the ten directions; I cannot express His worth.

khu nwnk siqgur bilhwrI ijin Aibcl nIv rKweI ]3] (783-11)
kaho naanak satgur balihaaree jin abichal neev rakhaa-ee. ||3||
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has laid this eternal foundation. ||3||

igAwn iDAwn pUrn prmysur hir hir kQw inq suxIAY rwm ] (783-12)
gi-aan Dhi-aan pooran parmaysur har har kathaa nit sunee-ai raam.
The spiritual wisdom and meditation of the Perfect Transcendent Lord, and the Sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, are continually heard there.

Anhd coj Bgq Bv BMjn Anhd vwjy DunIAY rwm ] (783-12)
anhad choj bhagat bhav bhanjan anhad vaajay Dhunee-ai raam.
The devotees of the Lord, the Destroyer of fear, play endlessly there, and the unstruck melody resounds and vibrates there.

Anhd Juxkwry qqu bIcwry sMq gosit inq hovY ] (783-13)
anhad jhunkaaray tat beechaaray sant gosat nit hovai.
The unstruck melody resounds and resonates, and the Saints contemplate the essence of reality; this discourse is their daily routine.

hir nwmu ArwDih mYlu sB kwtih iklivK sgly KovY ] (783-14)
har naam araaDheh mail sabh kaateh kilvikh saglay khovai.
They worship the Lord's Name, and all their filth is washed away; they rid themselves of all sins.

qh jnm n mrxw Awvx jwxw bhuiV n pweIAY juonIAY ] (783-14)
tah janam na marnaa aavan jaanaa bahurh na paa-ee-ai jonee-ai.
There is no birth or death there, no coming or going, and no entering into the womb of reincarnation again.

nwnk guru prmysru pwieAw ijsu pRswid ieC punIAY ]4]6]9] (783-15)
naanak gur parmaysar paa-i-aa jis parsaad ichh punee-ai. ||4||6||9||
Nanak has found the Guru, the Transcendent Lord; by His Grace, desires are fulfilled. ||4||6||9||

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (783-15)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

sMqw ky kwrij Awip KloieAw hir kMmu krwvix AwieAw rwm ] (783-16)
santaa kay kaaraj aap khalo-i-aa har kamm karaavan aa-i-aa raam.
The Lord Himself has stood up to resolve the affairs of the Saints; He has come to complete their tasks.

Driq suhwvI qwlu suhwvw ivic AMimRq jlu CwieAw rwm ] (783-16)
Dharat suhaavee taal suhaavaa vich amrit jal chhaa-i-aa raam.
The land is beautiful, and the pool is beautiful; within it is contained the Ambrosial Water.

AMimRq jlu CwieAw pUrn swju krwieAw sgl mnorQ pUry ] (783-17)
amrit jal chhaa-i-aa pooran saaj karaa-i-aa sagal manorath pooray.
The Ambrosial Water is filling it, and my job is perfectly complete; all my desires are fulfilled.

jY jY kwru BieAw jg AMqir lwQy sgl ivsUry ] (783-17)
jai jai kaar bha-i-aa jag antar laathay sagal visooray.
Congratulations are pouring in from all over the world; all my sorrows are eliminated.

pUrn purK Acuq AibnwsI jsu vyd purwxI gwieAw ] (783-18)
pooran purakh achut abhinaasee jas vayd puraanee gaa-i-aa.
The Vedas and the Puraanas sing the Praises of the Perfect, Unchanging, Imperishable Primal Lord.

Apnw ibrdu riKAw prmysir nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw ]1] (783-19)
apnaa birad rakhi-aa parmaysar naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||1||
The Transcendent Lord has kept His promise, and confirmed His nature; Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

nv iniD isiD iriD dIny krqy qoit n AwvY kweI rwm ] (783-19)
nav niDh siDh riDh deenay kartay tot na aavai kaa-ee raam.
The Creator has given me the nine treasures, wealth and spiritual powers, and I do not lack anything.