Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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782 so pRBu Apunw sdw iDAweIAY sovq bYsq KilAw ] (782-1)so parabh apunaa sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai sovat baisat khali-aa. Meditate forever on your God, when you sleep and sit and stand. gux inDwn suK swgr suAwmI jil Qil mhIAil soeI ] (782-2)gun niDhaan sukh saagar su-aamee jal thal mahee-al so-ee. The Lord and Master is the treasure of virtue, the ocean of peace; He pervades the water, the land and the sky. jn nwnk pRB kI srxweI iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI ]3] (782-2)jan naanak parabh kee sarnaa-ee tis bin avar na ko-ee. ||3|| Servant Nanak has entered God's Sanctuary; there is no other than Him. ||3|| myrw Gru binAw bnu qwlu binAw pRB prsy hir rwieAw rwm ] (782-3)mayraa ghar bani-aa ban taal bani-aa parabh parsay har raa-i-aa raam. My home is made, the garden and pool are made, and my Sovereign Lord God has met me. myrw mnu soihAw mIq swjn srsy gux mMgl hir gwieAw rwm ] (782-3)mayraa man sohi-aa meet saajan sarsay gun mangal har gaa-i-aa raam. My mind is adorned, and my friends rejoice; I sing the songs of joy, and the Glorious Praises of the Lord. gux gwie pRBU iDAwie swcw sgl ieCw pweIAw ] (782-4)gun gaa-ay parabhoo Dhi-aa-ay saachaa sagal ichhaa paa-ee-aa. Singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord God, all desires are fulfilled. gur crx lwgy sdw jwgy min vjIAw vwDweIAw ] (782-5)gur charan laagay sadaa jaagay man vajee-aa vaaDhaa-ee-aa. Those who are attached to the Guru's Feet are always awake and aware; His Praises resound and resonate through their minds. krI ndir suAwmI suKh gwmI hlqu plqu svwirAw ] (782-5)karee nadar su-aamee sukhah gaamee halat palat savaari-aa. My Lord and Master, the bringer of peace, has blessed me with His Grace; He has arranged this world, and the world hereafter for me. ibnvMiq nwnk inq nwmu jpIAY jIau ipMfu ijin DwirAw ]4]4]7] (782-6)binvant naanak nit naam japee-ai jee-o pind jin Dhaari-aa. ||4||4||7|| Prays Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord forever; He is the Support of the body and soul. ||4||4||7|| sUhI mhlw 5 ] (782-7)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: BY swgro BY swgru qirAw hir hir nwmu iDAwey rwm ] (782-7)bhai saagro bhai saagar tari-aa har har naam Dhi-aa-ay raam. The terrifying world-ocean, the terrifying world-ocean - I have crossed over it, meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. boihQVw hir crx ArwDy imil siqgur pwir lGwey rwm ] (782-7)bohithrhaa har charan araaDhay mil satgur paar laghaa-ay raam. I worship and adore the Lord's Feet, the boat to carry me across. Meeting the True Guru, I am carried over. gur sbdI qrIAY bhuiV n mrIAY cUkY Awvx jwxw ] (782-8)gur sabdee taree-ai bahurh na maree-ai chookai aavan jaanaa. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I cross over, and I shall not die again; my comings and goings are ended. jo ikCu krY soeI Bl mwnau qw mnu shij smwxw ] (782-8)jo kichh karai so-ee bhal maan-o taa man sahj samaanaa. Whatever He does, I accept as good, and my mind merges in celestial peace. dUK n BUK n rogu n ibAwpY suK swgr srxI pwey ] (782-9)dookh na bhookh na rog na bi-aapai sukh saagar sarnee paa-ay. Neither pain, nor hunger, nor disease afflicts me. I have found the Sanctuary of the Lord, the ocean of peace. hir ismir ismir nwnk rMig rwqw mn kI icMq imtwey ]1] (782-10)har simar simar naanak rang raataa man kee chint mitaa-ay. ||1|| Meditating, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Nanak is imbued with His Love; his mind's anxieties are dispelled. ||1|| sMq jnw hir mMqRü idRVwieAw hir swjn vsgiq kIny rwm ] (782-10)sant janaa har mantar drirh-aa-i-aa har saajan vasgat keenay raam. The humble Saints have implanted the Lord's Mantra within me, and the Lord, my Best Friend, has come under my power. AwpnVw mnu AwgY DirAw srbsu Twkuir dIny rwm ] (782-11)aapnarhaa man aagai Dhari-aa sarbas thaakur deenay raam. I have dedicated my mind to my Lord and Master, and offered it to Him, and He has blessed me with everything. kir ApunI dwsI imtI audwsI hir mMdir iQiq pweI ] (782-11)kar apunee daasee mitee udaasee har mandar thit paa-ee. He has made me His hand-maiden and slave; my sadness is dispelled, and in the Lord's Temple, I have found stability. And ibnod ismrhu pRBu swcw ivCuiV kbhU n jweI ] (782-12)anad binod simrahu parabh saachaa vichhurh kabhoo na jaa-ee. My joy and bliss are in meditating on my True God; I shall never be separated from Him again. sw vfBwgix sdw sohwgix rwm nwm gux cIn@y ] (782-12)saa vadbhaagan sadaa sohagan raam naam gun cheenHay. She alone is very fortunate, and a true soul-bride, who contemplates the Glorious Vision of the Lord's Name. khu nwnk rvih rMig rwqy pRym mhw ris BIny ]2] (782-13)kaho naanak raveh rang raatay paraym mahaa ras bheenay. ||2|| Says Nanak, I am imbued with His Love, drenched in the supreme, sublime essence of His Love. ||2|| And ibnod Bey inq sKIey mMgl sdw hmwrY rwm ] (782-14)anad binod bha-ay nit sakhee-ay mangal sadaa hamaarai raam. I am in continual bliss and ecstasy, O my companions; I sing the songs of joy forever. AwpnVY pRiB Awip sIgwrI soBwvMqI nwry rwm ] (782-14)aapnarhai parabh aap seegaaree sobhaavantee naaray raam. God Himself has embellished her, and she has become His virtuous soul-bride. shj suBwie Bey ikrpwlw gux Avgx n bIcwirAw ] (782-15)sahj subhaa-ay bha-ay kirpaalaa gun avgan na beechaari-aa. With natural ease, He has become Merciful to her. He does not consider her merits or demerits. kMiT lgwie lIey jn Apuny rwm nwm auir DwirAw ] (782-15)kanth lagaa-ay lee-ay jan apunay raam naam ur Dhaari-aa. He hugs His humble servants close in His Loving Embrace; they enshrine the Lord's Name in their hearts. mwn moh md sgl ibAwpI kir ikrpw Awip invwry ] (782-16)maan moh mad sagal bi-aapee kar kirpaa aap nivaaray. Everyone is engrossed in arrogant pride, attachment and intoxication; in His Mercy, He has freed me of them. khu nwnk BY swgru qirAw pUrn kwj hmwry ]3] (782-16)kaho naanak bhai saagar tari-aa pooran kaaj hamaaray. ||3|| Says Nanak, I have crossed over the terrifying world-ocean, and all my affairs are perfectly resolved. ||3|| gux gopwl gwvhu inq sKIho sgl mnorQ pwey rwm ] (782-17)gun gopaal gaavhu nit sakheeho sagal manorath paa-ay raam. Continually sing the Glorious Praises of the World-Lord, O my companions; all your wishes shall be granted. sPl jnmu hoAw imil swDU eykMkwru iDAwey rwm ] (782-17)safal janam ho-aa mil saaDhoo aykankaar Dhi-aa-ay raam. Life becomes fruitful, meeting with the Holy Saints, and meditating on the One God, the Creator of the Universe. jip eyk pRBU Anyk rivAw srb mMfil CwieAw ] (782-18)jap ayk parabhoo anayk ravi-aa sarab mandal chhaa-i-aa. Chant, and meditate on the One God, who permeates and pervades the many beings of the whole Universe. bRhmo pswrw bRhmu psirAw sBu bRhmu idRstI AwieAw ] (782-18)barahmo pasaaraa barahm pasri-aa sabh barahm daristee aa-i-aa. God created it, and God spreads through it everywhere. Everywhere I look, I see God. jil Qil mhIAil pUir pUrn iqsu ibnw nhI jwey ] (782-19)jal thal mahee-al poor pooran tis binaa nahee jaa-ay. The Perfect Lord is perfectly pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; there is no place without Him. |
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