Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw ]1] (781-1)
naanak ka-o parabh kirpaa keejai naytar daykheh daras tayraa. ||1||
Please bless Nanak with Your Merciful Grace, O God, that his eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||

koit krn dIjih pRB pRIqm hir gux suxIAih AibnwsI rwm ] (781-1)
kot karan deejeh parabh pareetam har gun sunee-ah abhinaasee raam.
Please bless me, O Beloved God, with millions of ears, with which I may hear the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable Lord.

suix suix iehu mnu inrmlu hovY ktIAY kwl kI PwsI rwm ] (781-2)
sun sun ih man nirmal hovai katee-ai kaal kee faasee raam.
Listening, listening to these, this mind becomes spotless and pure, and the noose of Death is cut.

ktIAY jm PwsI ismir AibnwsI sgl mMgl suigAwnw ] (781-3)
katee-ai jam faasee simar abhinaasee sagal mangal sugi-aanaa.
The noose of Death is cut, meditating on the Imperishable Lord, and all happiness and wisdom are obtained.

hir hir jpu jpIAY idnu rwqI lwgY shij iDAwnw ] (781-3)
har har jap japee-ai din raatee laagai sahj Dhi-aanaa.
Chant, and meditate, day and night, on the Lord, Har, Har. Focus your meditation on the Celestial Lord.

klml duK jwry pRBU icqwry mn kI durmiq nwsI ] (781-4)
kalmal dukh jaaray parabhoo chitaaray man kee durmat naasee.
The painful sins are burnt away, by keeping God in one's thoughts; evil-mindedness is erased.

khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY hir gux suxIAih AivnwsI ]2] (781-4)
kaho naanak parabh kirpaa keejai har gun sunee-ah avinaasee. ||2||
Says Nanak, O God, please be Merciful to me, that I may listen to Your Glorious Praises, O Imperishable Lord. ||2||

kroiV hsq qyrI thl kmwvih crx clih pRB mwrig rwm ] (781-5)
karorh hasat tayree tahal kamaaveh charan chaleh parabh maarag raam.
Please give me millions of hands to serve You, God, and let my feet walk on Your Path.

Bv swgr nwv hir syvw jo cVY iqsu qwrig rwm ] (781-6)
bhav saagar naav har sayvaa jo charhai tis taarag raam.
Service to the Lord is the boat to carry us across the terrifying world-ocean.

Bvjlu qirAw hir hir ismirAw sgl mnorQ pUry ] (781-6)
bhavjal tari-aa har har simri-aa sagal manorath pooray.
So cross over the terrifying world-ocean, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har; all wishes shall be fulfilled.

mhw ibkwr gey suK aupjy bwjy Anhd qUry ] (781-7)
mahaa bikaar ga-ay sukh upjay baajay anhad tooray.
Even the worst corruption is taken away; peace wells up, and the unstruck celestial harmony vibrates and resounds.

mn bWCq Pl pwey sgly kudriq kIm Apwrig ] (781-7)
man baaNchhat fal paa-ay saglay kudrat keem apaarag.
All the fruits of the mind's desires are obtained; His creative power is infinitely valuable.

khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY mnu sdw clY qyrY mwrig ]3] (781-8)
kaho naanak parabh kirpaa keejai man sadaa chalai tayrai maarag. ||3||
Says Nanak, please be Merciful to me, God, that my mind may follow Your Path forever. ||3||

eyho vru eyhw vifAweI iehu Dnu hoie vfBwgw rwm ] (781-8)
ayho var ayhaa vadi-aa-ee ih Dhan ho-ay vadbhaagaa raam.
This opportunity, this glorious greatness, this blessing and wealth, come by great good fortune.

eyho rMgu eyho rs Bogw hir crxI mnu lwgw rwm ] (781-9)
ayho rang ayho ras bhogaa har charnee man laagaa raam.
These pleasures, these delightful enjoyments, come when my mind is attached to the Lord's Feet.

mnu lwgw crxy pRB kI srxy krx kwrx gopwlw ] (781-9)
man laagaa charnay parabh kee sarnay karan kaaran gopaalaa.
My mind is attached to God's Feet; I seek His Sanctuary. He is the Creator, the Cause of causes, the Cherisher of the world.

sBu ikCu qyrw qU pRBu myrw myry Twkur dIn dieAwlw ] (781-10)
sabh kichh tayraa too parabh mayraa mayray thaakur deen da-i-aalaa.
Everything is Yours; You are my God, O my Lord and Master, Merciful to the meek.

moih inrgux pRIqm suK swgr sMqsMig mnu jwgw ] (781-10)
mohi nirgun pareetam sukh saagar satsang man jaagaa.
I am worthless, O my Beloved, ocean of peace. In the Saints' Congregation, my mind is awakened.

khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw kIn@I crx kml mnu lwgw ]4]3]6] (781-11)
kaho naanak parabh kirpaa keenHee charan kamal man laagaa. ||4||3||6||
Says Nanak, God has been Merciful to me; my mind is attached to His Lotus Feet. ||4||3||6||

sUhI mhlw 5 ] (781-12)
soohee mehlaa 5.
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:

hir jpy hir mMdru swijAw sMq Bgq gux gwvih rwm ] (781-12)
har japay har mandar saaji-aa sant bhagat gun gaavahi raam.
Meditating on the Lord, the Lord's Temple has been built; the Saints and devotees sing the Lord's Glorious Praises.

ismir ismir suAwmI pRBu Apnw sgly pwp qjwvih rwm ] (781-12)
simar simar su-aamee parabh apnaa saglay paap tajaaveh raam.
Meditating, meditating in remembrance of God, their Lord and Master, they discard and renounce all their sins.

hir gux gwie prm pdu pwieAw pRB kI aUqm bwxI ] (781-13)
har gun gaa-ay param pad paa-i-aa parabh kee ootam banee.
Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the supreme status is obtained. The Word of God's Bani is sublime and exalted.

shj kQw pRB kI Aiq mITI kQI AkQ khwxI ] (781-14)
sahj kathaa parabh kee at meethee kathee akath kahaanee.
God's Sermon is so very sweet. It brings celestial peace. It is to speak the Unspoken Speech.

Blw sMjogu mUrqu plu swcw Aibcl nIv rKweI ] (781-14)
bhalaa sanjog moorat pal saachaa abichal neev rakhaa-ee.
The time and the moment were auspicious, blessed and true, when the eternal foundation of this Temple was placed.

jn nwnk pRB Bey dieAwlw srb klw bix AweI ]1] (781-15)
jan naanak parabh bha-ay da-i-aalaa sarab kalaa ban aa-ee. ||1||
O servant Nanak, God has been kind and compassionate; with all His powers, He has blessed me. ||1||

Awnµdw vjih inq vwjy pwrbRhmu min vUTw rwm ] (781-15)
aanandaa vajeh nit vaajay paarbarahm man voothaa raam.
The sounds of ecstasy vibrate through me continuously. I have enshrined the Supreme Lord within my mind.

gurmuKy scu krxI swrI ibnsy BRm BY JUTw rwm ] (781-16)
gurmukhay sach karnee saaree binsay bharam bhai jhoothaa raam.
As Gurmukh, my lifestyle is excellent and true; my false hopes and doubts are dispelled.

Anhd bwxI gurmuiK vKwxI jsu suix suix mnu qnu hirAw ] (781-16)
anhad banee gurmukh vakhaanee jas sun sun man tan hari-aa.
The Gurmukh chants the Bani of the unstruck melody; hearing it, listening to it, my mind and body are rejuvenated.

srb suKw iqs hI bix Awey jo pRiB Apnw kirAw ] (781-17)
sarab sukhaa tis hee ban aa-ay jo parabh apnaa kari-aa.
All pleasures are obtained, by that one whom God makes His Own.

Gr mih nv iniD Bry BMfwrw rwm nwim rMgu lwgw ] (781-17)
ghar meh nav niDh bharay bhandaaraa raam naam rang laagaa.
Within the home of the heart are the nine treasures, filled to overflowing. He has fallen in love with the Lord's Name.

nwnk jn pRBu kdy n ivsrY pUrn jw ky Bwgw ]2] (781-18)
naanak jan parabh kaday na visrai pooran jaa kay bhaagaa. ||2||
Servant Nanak shall never forget God; his destiny is perfectly fulfilled. ||2||

CwieAw pRiB CqRpiq kIn@I sglI qpiq ibnwsI rwm ] (781-18)
chhaa-i-aa parabh chhatarpat keenHee saglee tapat binaasee raam.
God, the King, has given me shade under His canopy, and the fire of desire has been totally extinguished.

dUK pwp kw fyrw FwTw kwrju AwieAw rwsI rwm ] (781-19)
dookh paap kaa dayraa dhaathaa kaaraj aa-i-aa raasee raam.
The home of sorrow and sin has been demolished, and all affairs have been resolved.

hir pRiB PurmwieAw imtI blwieAw swcu Drmu puMnu PilAw ] (781-19)
har parabh furmaa-i-aa mitee balaa-i-aa saach Dharam punn fali-aa.
When the Lord God so commands, misfortune is averted; true righteousness, Dharma and charity flourish.