Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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780 imty AMDwry qjy ibkwry Twkur isau mnu mwnw ] (780-1)mitay anDhaaray tajay bikaaray thaakur si-o man maanaa. darkness has been eliminated, and I have renounced corruption and sin. My mind is reconciled with my Lord and Master. pRB jI BwxI BeI inkwxI sPl jnmu prvwnw ] (780-1)parabh jee bhaanee bha-ee nikaanee safal janam parvaanaa. I have become pleasing to my Dear God, and I have become carefree. My life is fulfilled and approved. BeI AmolI Bwrw qolI mukiq jugiq dru Kol@w ] (780-2)bha-ee amolee bhaaraa tolee mukat jugat dar kholHaa. I have become invaluable, of tremendous weight and value. The Door, and the Path of liberation are open to me now. khu nwnk hau inrBau hoeI so pRBu myrw El@w ]4]1]4] (780-2)kaho naanak ha-o nirbha-o ho-ee so parabh mayraa olHaa. ||4||1||4|| Says Nanak, I am fearless; God has become my Shelter and Shield. ||4||1||4|| sUhI mhlw 5 ] (780-3)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: swjnu purKu siqguru myrw pUrw iqsu ibnu Avru n jwxw rwm ] (780-3)saajan purakh satgur mayraa pooraa tis bin avar na jaanaa raam. My Perfect True Guru is my Best Friend, the Primal Being. I do not know any other than Him, Lord. mwq ipqw BweI suq bMDp jIA pRwx min Bwxw rwm ] (780-4)maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banDhap jee-a paraan man bhaanaa raam. He is my mother, father, sibling, child, relative, soul and breath of life. He is so pleasing to my mind, O Lord. jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw dIAw srb guxw BrpUry ] (780-4)jee-o pind sabh tis kaa dee-aa sarab gunaa bharpooray. My body and soul are all His blessings. He is overflowing with every quality of virtue. AMqrjwmI so pRBu myrw srb rihAw BrpUry ] (780-5)antarjaamee so parabh mayraa sarab rahi-aa bharpooray. My God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. He is totally permeating and pervading everywhere. qw kI srix srb suK pwey hoey srb kilAwxw ] (780-5)taa kee saran sarab sukh paa-ay ho-ay sarab kali-aanaa. In His Sanctuary, I receive every comfort and pleasure. I am totally, completely happy. sdw sdw pRB kau bilhwrY nwnk sd kurbwxw ]1] (780-6)sadaa sadaa parabh ka-o balihaarai naanak sad kurbaanaa. ||1|| Forever and ever, Nanak is a sacrifice to God, forever, a devoted sacrifice. ||1|| AYsw guru vfBwgI pweIAY ijqu imilAY pRBu jwpY rwm ] (780-6)aisaa gur vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai jit mili-ai parabh jaapai raam. By great good fortune, one finds such a Guru, meeting whom, the Lord God is known. jnm jnm ky iklivK auqrih hir sMq DUVI inq nwpY rwm ] (780-7)janam janam kay kilvikh utreh har sant Dhoorhee nit naapai raam. The sins of countless lifetimes are erased, bathing continually in the dust of the feet of God's Saints. hir DUVI nweIAY pRBU iDAweIAY bwhuiV join n AweIAY ] (780-8)har Dhoorhee naa-ee-ai parabhoo Dhi-aa-ee-ai baahurh jon na aa-ee-ai. Bathing in the dust of the feet of the Lord, and meditating on God, you shall not have to enter into the womb of reincarnation again. gur crxI lwgy BRm Bau Bwgy min icMidAw Plu pweIAY ] (780-8)gur charnee laagay bharam bha-o bhaagay man chindi-aa fal paa-ee-ai. Grasping hold of the Guru's Feet, doubt and fear are dispelled, and you receive the fruits of your mind's desires. hir gux inq gwey nwmu iDAwey iPir sogu nwhI sMqwpY ] (780-9)har gun nit gaa-ay naam Dhi-aa-ay fir sog naahee santaapai. Continually singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you shall no longer suffer in pain and sorrow. nwnk so pRBu jIA kw dwqw pUrw ijsu prqwpY ]2] (780-10)naanak so parabh jee-a kaa daataa pooraa jis partaapai. ||2|| O Nanak, God is the Giver of all souls; His radiant glory is perfect! ||2|| hir hry hir gux inDy hir sMqn kY vis Awey rwm ] (780-10)har haray har gun niDhay har santan kai vas aa-ay raam. The Lord, Har, Har, is the treasure of virtue; the Lord is under the power of His Saints. sMq crx gur syvw lwgy iqnI prm pd pwey rwm ] (780-11)sant charan gur sayvaa laagay tinee param pad paa-ay raam. Those who are dedicated to the feet of the Saints, and to serving the Guru, obtain the supreme status, O Lord. prm pdu pwieAw Awpu imtwieAw hir pUrn ikrpw DwrI ] (780-11)param pad paa-i-aa aap mitaa-i-aa har pooran kirpaa Dhaaree. They obtain the supreme status, and eradicate self-conceit; the Perfect Lord showers His Grace upon them. sPl jnmu hoAw Bau Bwgw hir ByitAw eyku murwrI ] (780-12)safal janam ho-aa bha-o bhaagaa har bhayti-aa ayk muraaree. Their lives are fruitful, their fears are dispelled, and they meet the One Lord, the Destroyer of ego. ijs kw sw iqn hI myil lIAw joqI joiq smwieAw ] (780-12)jis kaa saa tin hee mayl lee-aa jotee jot samaa-i-aa. He blends into the One, to whom he belongs; his light merges into the Light. nwnk nwmu inrMjn jpIAY imil siqgur suKu pwieAw ]3] (780-13)naanak naam niranjan japee-ai mil satgur sukh paa-i-aa. ||3|| O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Immaculate Lord; meeting the True Guru, peace is obtained. ||3|| gwau mMglo inq hir jnhu puMnI ieC sbweI rwm ] (780-13)gaa-o manglo nit har janhu punnee ichh sabaa-ee raam. Sing continually the songs of joy, O humble beings of the Lord; all your desires shall be fulfilled. rMig rqy Apuny suAwmI syqI mrY n AwvY jweI rwm ] (780-14)rang ratay apunay su-aamee saytee marai na aavai jaa-ee raam. Those who are imbued with the Love of their Lord and Master do not die, or come or go in reincarnation. AibnwsI pwieAw nwmu iDAwieAw sgl mnorQ pwey ] (780-15)abhinaasee paa-i-aa naam Dhi-aa-i-aa sagal manorath paa-ay. The Imperishable Lord is obtained, meditating on the Naam, and all one's wishes are fulfilled. sWiq shj Awnµd Gnyry gur crxI mnu lwey ] (780-15)saaNt sahj aanand ghanayray gur charnee man laa-ay. Peace, poise, and all ecstasy are obtained, attaching one's mind to the Guru's feet. pUir rihAw Git Git AibnwsI Qwn Qnµqir sweI ] (780-16)poor rahi-aa ghat ghat abhinaasee thaan thanantar saa-ee. The Imperishable Lord is permeating and pervading each and every heart; He is in all places and interspaces. khu nwnk kwrj sgly pUry gur crxI mnu lweI ]4]2]5] (780-16)kaho naanak kaaraj saglay pooray gur charnee man laa-ee. ||4||2||5|| Says Nanak, all affairs are perfectly resolved, focusing one's mind on the Guru's Feet. ||4||2||5|| sUhI mhlw 5 ] (780-17)soohee mehlaa 5. Soohee, Fifth Mehl: kir ikrpw myry pRIqm suAwmI nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw rwm ] (780-17)kar kirpaa mayray pareetam su-aamee naytar daykheh daras tayraa raam. Be Merciful, O my Beloved Lord and Master, that I may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan with my eyes. lwK ijhvw dyhu myry ipAwry muKu hir AwrwDy myrw rwm ] (780-18)laakh jihvaa dayh mayray pi-aaray mukh har aaraaDhay mayraa raam. Please bless me, O my Beloved, with thousands of tongues, to worship and adore You with my mouth, O Lord. hir AwrwDy jm pMQu swDy dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ] (780-18)har aaraaDhay jam panth saaDhay dookh na vi-aapai ko-ee. Worshipping the Lord in adoration, the Path of Death is overcome, and no pain or suffering will afflict you. jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI jq dyKw qq soeI ] (780-19)jal thal mahee-al pooran su-aamee jat daykhaa tat so-ee. The Lord and Master is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; wherever I look, there He is. Brm moh ibkwr nwTy pRBu nyr hU qy nyrw ] (780-19)bharam moh bikaar naathay parabh nayr hoo tay nayraa. Doubt, attachment and corruption are gone. God is the nearest of the near. |
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