Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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779 hoie ryx swDU pRB ArwDU Awpxy pRB Bwvw ] (779-1)ho-ay rayn saaDhoo parabh araaDhoo aapnay parabh bhaavaa. I am the dust of the feet of the Holy. Worshipping God in adoration, my God is pleased with me. ibnvMiq nwnk dieAw Dwrhu sdw hir gux gwvw ]2] (779-1)binvant naanak da-i-aa Dhaarahu sadaa har gun gaavaa. ||2|| Prays Nanak, please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may sing Your Glorious Praises forever. ||2|| gur imil swgru qirAw ] (779-2)gur mil saagar tari-aa. Meeting with the Guru, I cross over the world-ocean. hir crx jpq insqirAw ] (779-2)har charan japat nistari-aa. Meditating on the Lord's Feet, I am emancipated. hir crx iDAwey siB Pl pwey imty Awvx jwxw ] (779-3)har charan Dhi-aa-ay sabh fal paa-ay mitay aavan jaanaa. Meditating on the Lord's Feet, I have obtained the fruits of all rewards, and my comings and goings have ceased. Bwie Bgiq suBwie hir jip Awpxy pRB Bwvw ] (779-3)bhaa-ay bhagat subhaa-ay har jap aapnay parabh bhaavaa. With loving devotional worship, I meditate intuitively on the Lord, and my God is pleased. jip eyku AlK Apwr pUrn iqsu ibnw nhI koeI ] (779-4)jap ayk alakh apaar pooran tis binaa nahee ko-ee. Meditate on the One, Unseen, Infinite, Perfect Lord; there is no other than Him. ibnvMiq nwnk guir Brmu KoieAw jq dyKw qq soeI ]3] (779-4)binvant naanak gur bharam kho-i-aa jat daykhaa tat so-ee. ||3|| Prays Nanak, the Guru has erased my doubts; wherever I look, there I see Him. ||3|| piqq pwvn hir nwmw ] (779-5)patit paavan har naamaa. The Lord's Name is the Purifier of sinners. pUrn sMq jnw ky kwmw ] (779-5)pooran sant janaa kay kaamaa. It resolves the affairs of the humble Saints. guru sMqu pwieAw pRBu iDAwieAw sgl ieCw puMnIAw ] (779-5)gur sant paa-i-aa parabh Dhi-aa-i-aa sagal ichhaa punnee-aa. I have found the Saintly Guru, meditating on God. All my desires have been fulfilled. hau qwp ibnsy sdw srsy pRB imly icrI ivCuMinAw ] (779-6)ha-o taap binsay sadaa sarsay parabh milay chiree vichhunni-aa. The fever of egotism has been dispelled, and I am always happy. I have met God, from whom I was separated for so long. min swiq AweI vjI vDweI mnhu kdy n vIsrY ] (779-7)man saat aa-ee vajee vaDhaa-ee manhu kaday na veesrai. My mind has found peace and tranquility; congratulations are pouring in. I shall never forget Him from my mind. ibnvMiq nwnk siqguir idRVwieAw sdw Bju jgdIsrY ]4]1]3] (779-7)binvant naanak satgur drirh-aa-i-aa sadaa bhaj jagdeesrai. ||4||1||3|| Prays Nanak, the True Guru has taught me this, to vibrate and meditate forever on the Lord of the Universe. ||4||1||3|| rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 5 Gru 3 (779-9)raag soohee chhant mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Raag Soohee, Chhant, Fifth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (779-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: qU Twkuro bYrwgro mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ] (779-10)too thaakuro bairaagro mai jayhee ghan chayree raam. O my Lord and Master, You are unattached; You have so many hand-maidens like me, Lord. qUM swgro rqnwgro hau swr n jwxw qyrI rwm ] (779-10)tooN saagro ratnaagro ha-o saar na jaanaa tayree raam. You are the ocean, the source of jewels; I do not know Your value, Lord. swr n jwxw qU vf dwxw kir imhrMmiq sWeI ] (779-10)saar na jaanaa too vad daanaa kar mihramat saaN-ee. I do not know Your value; You are the wisest of all; please show Mercy unto me, O Lord. ikrpw kIjY sw miq dIjY AwT phr quDu iDAweI ] (779-11)kirpaa keejai saa mat deejai aath pahar tuDh Dhi-aa-ee. Show Your Mercy, and bless me with such understanding, that I may meditate on You, twenty-four hours a day. grbu n kIjY ryx hovIjY qw giq jIAry qyrI ] (779-11)garab na keejai rayn hoveejai taa gat jee-aray tayree. O soul, don't be so arrogant - become the dust of all, and you shall be saved. sB aUpir nwnk kw Twkuru mY jyhI Gx cyrI rwm ]1] (779-12)sabh oopar naanak kaa thaakur mai jayhee ghan chayree raam. ||1|| Nanak's Lord is the Master of all; He has so many hand-maidens like me. ||1|| qum@ gauhr Aiq gihr gMBIrw qum ipr hm bhurIAw rwm ] (779-12)tumH ga-uhar at gahir gambheeraa tum pir ham bahuree-aa raam. Your depth is profound and utterly unfathomable; You are my Husband Lord, and I am Your bride. qum vfy vfy vf aUcy hau ieqnIk lhurIAw rwm ] (779-13)tum vaday vaday vad oochay ha-o itneek lahuree-aa raam. You are the greatest of the great, exalted and lofty on high; I am infinitesimally small. hau ikCu nwhI eyko qUhY Awpy Awip sujwnw ] (779-14)ha-o kichh naahee ayko toohai aapay aap sujaanaa. I am nothing; You are the One and only. You Yourself are All-knowing. AMimRq idRsit inmK pRB jIvw srb rMg rs mwnw ] (779-14)amrit darisat nimakh parabh jeevaa sarab rang ras maanaa. With just a momentary Glance of Your Grace, God, I live; I enjoy all pleasures and delights. crxh srnI dwsh dwsI min maulY qnu hrIAw ] (779-15)charnah sarnee daasah daasee man ma-ulai tan haree-aa. I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet; I am the slave of Your slaves. My mind has blossomed forth, and my body is rejuvenated. nwnk Twkuru srb smwxw Awpn Bwvn krIAw ]2] (779-15)naanak thaakur sarab samaanaa aapan bhaavan karee-aa. ||2|| O Nanak, the Lord and Master is contained amongst all; He does just as He pleases. ||2|| quJu aUpir myrw hY mwxw qUhY myrw qwxw rwm ] (779-16)tujh oopar mayraa hai maanaa toohai mayraa taanaa raam. I take pride in You; You are my only Strength, Lord. suriq miq cqurweI qyrI qU jwxwieih jwxw rwm ] (779-16)surat mat chaturaa-ee tayree too jaanaa-ihi jaanaa raam. You are my understanding, intellect and knowledge. I know only what You cause me to know, Lord. soeI jwxY soeI pCwxY jw kau ndir isrMdy ] (779-17)so-ee jaanai so-ee pachhaanai jaa ka-o nadar siranday. He alone knows, and he alone understands, upon whom the Creator Lord bestows His Grace. mnmuiK BUlI bhuqI rwhI PwQI mwieAw PMdy ] (779-17)manmukh bhoolee bahutee raahee faathee maa-i-aa fanday. The self-willed manmukh wanders along many paths, and is trapped in the net of Maya. Twkur BwxI sw guxvMqI iqn hI sB rMg mwxw ] (779-18)thaakur bhaanee saa gunvantee tin hee sabh rang maanaa. She alone is virtuous, who is pleasing to her Lord and Master. She alone enjoys all the pleasures. nwnk kI Dr qUhY Twkur qU nwnk kw mwxw ]3] (779-18)naanak kee Dhar toohai thaakur too naanak kaa maanaa. ||3|| You, O Lord, are Nanak's only support. You are Nanak's only pride. ||3|| hau vwrI vM\w GolI vM\w qU prbqu myrw El@w rwm ] (779-19)ha-o vaaree vanjaa gholee vanjaa too parbat mayraa olHaa raam. I am a sacrifice, devoted and dedicated to You; You are my sheltering mountain, Lord. hau bil jweI lK lK lK brIAw ijin BRmu prdw Kol@w rwm ] (779-19)ha-o bal jaa-ee lakh lakh lakh baree-aa jin bharam pardaa kholHaa raam. I am a sacrifice, thousands, hundreds of thousands of times, to the Lord. He has torn away the veil of doubt; |
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