Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sB kY miD sB hU qy bwhir rwg doK qy inAwro ] (785-1)
sabh kai maDh sabh hoo tay baahar raag dokh tay ni-aaro.
He is inside all, and outside of all; He is untouched by love or hate.

nwnk dws goibMd srxweI hir pRIqmu mnih sDwro ]3] (785-1)
naanak daas gobind sarnaa-ee har pareetam maneh saDhaaro. ||3||
Slave Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe; the Beloved Lord is the Support of the mind. ||3||

mY Kojq Kojq jI hir inhclu su Gru pwieAw ] (785-2)
mai khojat khojat jee har nihchal so ghar paa-i-aa.
I searched and searched, and found the immovable, unchanging home of the Lord.

siB ADRüv ifTy jIau qw crn kml icqu lwieAw ] (785-2)
sabh aDhruv dithay jee-o taa charan kamal chit laa-i-aa.
I have seen that everything is transitory and perishable, and so I have linked my consciousness to the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

pRBu AibnwsI hau iqs kI dwsI mrY n AwvY jwey ] (785-3)
parabh abhinaasee ha-o tis kee daasee marai na aavai jaa-ay.
God is eternal and unchanging, and I am just His hand-maiden; He does not die, or come and go in reincarnation.

Drm ArQ kwm siB pUrn min icMdI ieC pujwey ] (785-4)
Dharam arath kaam sabh pooran man chindee ichh pujaa-ay.
He is overflowing with Dharmic faith, wealth and success; He fulfills the desires of the mind.

sRüiq isimRiq gun gwvih krqy isD swiDk muin jn iDAwieAw ] (785-4)
sarut simrit gun gaavahi kartay siDh saaDhik mun jan Dhi-aa-i-aa.
The Vedas and the Simritees sing the Praises of the Creator, while the Siddhas, seekers and silent sages meditate on Him.

nwnk srin ik®pw iniD suAwmI vfBwgI hir hir gwieAw ]4]1]11] (785-5)
naanak saran kirpaa niDh su-aamee vadbhaagee har har gaa-i-aa. ||4||1||11||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master, the treasure of mercy; by great good fortune, he sings the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||1||11||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (785-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

vwr sUhI kI slokw nwil mhlw 3 ] (785-6)
vaar soohee kee salokaa naal mehlaa 3.
Vaar Of Soohee, With Shaloks Of The Third Mehl:

sloku mÚ 3 ] (785-6)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

sUhY vyis dohwgxI pr ipru rwvx jwie ] (785-6)
soohai vays duhaaganee par pir raavan jaa-ay.
In her red robes, the discarded bride goes out, seeking enjoyment with another's husband.

ipru CoifAw Gir AwpxY mohI dUjY Bwie ] (785-7)
pir chhodi-aa ghar aapnai mohee doojai bhaa-ay.
She leaves the husband of her own home, enticed by her love of duality.

imTw kir kY KwieAw bhu swdhu viDAw rogu ] (785-7)
mithaa kar kai khaa-i-aa baho saadahu vaDhi-aa rog.
She finds it sweet, and eats it up; her excessive sensuality only makes her disease worse.

suDu Bqwru hir CoifAw iPir lgw jwie ivjogu ] (785-8)
suDh bhataar har chhodi-aa fir lagaa jaa-ay vijog.
She forsakes the Lord, her sublime Husband, and then later, she suffers the pain of separation from Him.

gurmuiK hovY su plitAw hir rwqI swij sIgwir ] (785-8)
gurmukh hovai so palti-aa har raatee saaj seegaar.
But she who becomes Gurmukh, turns away from corruption and adorns herself, attuned to the Love of the Lord.

shij scu ipru rwivAw hir nwmw aur Dwir ] (785-9)
sahj sach pir raavi-aa har naamaa ur Dhaar.
She enjoys her celestial Husband Lord, and enshrines the Lord's Name within her heart.

AwigAwkwrI sdw suohwgix Awip mylI krqwir ] (785-9)
aagi-aakaaree sadaa sohagan aap maylee kartaar.
She is humble and obedient; she is His virtuous bride forever; the Creator unites her with Himself.

nwnk ipru pwieAw hir swcw sdw suohwgix nwir ]1] (785-10)
naanak pir paa-i-aa har saachaa sadaa sohagan naar. ||1||
O Nanak, she who has obtained the True Lord as her husband, is a happy soul-bride forever. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (785-10)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

sUhvIey inmwxIey so shu sdw sm@wil ] (785-10)
soohvee-ay nimaanee-ay so saho sadaa samHaal.
O meek, red-robed bride, keep your Husband Lord always in your thoughts.

nwnk jnmu svwrih Awpxw kulu BI CutI nwil ]2] (785-11)
naanak janam savaareh aapnaa kul bhee chhutee naal. ||2||
O Nanak, your life shall be embellished, and your generations shall be saved along with you. ||2||

pauVI ] (785-11)

Awpy qKqu rcwieEnu Awkws pqwlw ] (785-12)
aapay takhat rachaa-i-on aakaas pataalaa.
He Himself established His throne, in the Akaashic ethers and the nether worlds.

hukmy DrqI swjIAnu scI Drm swlw ] (785-12)
hukmay Dhartee saajee-an sachee Dharam saalaa.
By the Hukam of His Command, He created the earth, the true home of Dharma.

Awip aupwie Kpwiedw scy dIn dieAwlw ] (785-12)
aap upaa-ay khapaa-idaa sachay deen da-i-aalaa.
He Himself created and destroys; He is the True Lord, merciful to the meek.

sBnw irjku sMbwihdw qyrw hukmu inrwlw ] (785-13)
sabhnaa rijak sambaahidaa tayraa hukam niraalaa.
You give sustenance to all; how wonderful and unique is the Hukam of Your Command!

Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy pRiqpwlw ]1] (785-13)
aapay aap varatdaa aapay partipaalaa. ||1||
You Yourself are permeating and pervading; You Yourself are the Cherisher. ||1||

sloku mÚ 3 ] (785-14)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

sUhb qw sohwgxI jw mMin lYih scu nwau ] (785-14)
soohab taa sohaaganee jaa man laihi sach naa-o.
The red-robed woman becomes a happy soul-bride, only when she accepts the True Name.

siqguru Apxw mnwie lY rUpu cVI qw Aglw dUjw nwhI Qwau ] (785-14)
satgur apnaa manaa-ay lai roop charhee taa aglaa doojaa naahee thaa-o.
Become pleasing to your True Guru, and you shall be totally beautified; otherwise, there is no place of rest.

AYsw sIgwru bxwie qU mYlw kdy n hoveI Aihinis lwgY Bwau ] (785-15)
aisaa seegaar banaa-ay too mailaa kaday na hova-ee ahinis laagai bhaa-o.
So decorate yourself with the decorations that will never stain, and love the Lord day and night.

nwnk sohwgix kw ikAw ichnu hY AMdir scu muKu aujlw KsmY mwih smwie ]1] (785-16)
naanak sohagan kaa ki-aa chihan hai andar sach mukh ujlaa khasmai maahi samaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, what is the character of the happy soul-bride? Within her, is Truth; her face is bright and radiant, and she is absorbed in her Lord and Master. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (785-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

lokw vy hau sUhvI sUhw vysu krI ] (785-17)
lokaa vay ha-o soohvee soohaa vays karee.
O people: I am in red, dressed in a red robe.

vysI shu n pweIAY kir kir vys rhI ] (785-17)
vaysee saho na paa-ee-ai kar kar vays rahee.
But my Husband Lord is not obtained by any robes; I have tried and tried, and given up wearing robes.

nwnk iqnI shu pwieAw ijnI gur kI isK suxI ] (785-18)
naanak tinee saho paa-i-aa jinee gur kee sikh sunee.
O Nanak, they alone obtain their Husband Lord, who listen to the Guru's Teachings.

jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY ien ibiD kMq imlI ]2] (785-18)
jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai in biDh kant milee. ||2||
Whatever pleases Him, happens. In this way, the Husband Lord is met. ||2||