Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


jYqsrI mhlw 5 Gru 4 dupdy (701-1)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5 ghar 4 dupday
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (701-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Ab mY suKu pwieE gur Awig´ ] (701-2)
ab mai sukh paa-i-o gur aaga-y.
Now, I have found peace, bowing before the Guru.

qjI isAwnp icMq ivswrI AhM CoifE hY iqAwig´ ]1] rhwau ] (701-2)
tajee si-aanap chint visaaree ahaN chhodi-o hai ti-aaga-y. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have abandoned cleverness, quieted my anxiety, and renounced my egotism. ||1||Pause||

jau dyKau qau sgl moih mohIAau qau srin pirE gur Bwig ] (701-3)
ja-o daykh-a-u ta-o sagal mohi mohee-a-o ta-o saran pari-o gur bhaag.
When I looked, I saw that everyone was enticed by emotional attachment; then, I hurried to the Guru's Sanctuary.

kir ikrpw thl hir lwieE qau jim CofI morI lwig ]1] (701-3)
kar kirpaa tahal har laa-i-o ta-o jam chhodee moree laag. ||1||
In His Grace, the Guru engaged me in the Lord's service, and then, the Messenger of Death gave up pursuing me. ||1||

qirE swgru pwvk ko jau sMq Byty vf Bwig ] (701-4)
tari-o saagar paavak ko ja-o sant bhaytay vad bhaag.
I swam across the ocean of fire, when I met the Saints, through great good fortune.

jn nwnk srb suK pwey moro hir crnI icqu lwig ]2]1]5] (701-4)
jan naanak sarab sukh paa-ay moro har charnee chit laag. ||2||1||5||
O servant Nanak, I have found total peace; my consciousness is attached to the Lord's feet. ||2||1||5||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (701-5)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

mn mih siqgur iDAwnu Drw ] (701-5)
man meh satgur Dhi-aan Dharaa.
Within my mind, I cherish and meditate on the True Guru.

idRiV@E igAwnu mMqRü hir nwmw pRB jIau mieAw krw ]1] rhwau ] (701-6)
darirhhi-o gi-aan mantar har naamaa parabh jee-o ma-i-aa karaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He has implanted within me spiritual wisdom and the Mantra of the Lord's Name; Dear God has shown mercy to me. ||1||Pause||

kwl jwl Aru mhw jMjwlw Cutky jmih frw ] (701-6)
kaal jaal ar mahaa janjaalaa chhutkay jameh daraa.
Death's noose and its mighty entanglements have vanished, along with the fear of death.

AwieE duK hrx srx kruxwpiq gihE crx Awsrw ]1] (701-7)
aa-i-o dukh haran saran karunaapat gahi-o charan aasraa. ||1||
I have come to the Sanctuary of the Merciful Lord, the Destroyer of pain; I am holding tight to the Support of His feet. ||1||

nwv rUp BieE swDsMgu Bv iniD pwir prw ] (701-7)
naav roop bha-i-o saaDhsang bhav niDh paar paraa.
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has assumed the form of a boat, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

Aipau pIE gqu QIE Brmw khu nwnk Ajru jrw ]2]2]6] (701-8)
api-o pee-o gat thee-o bharmaa kaho naanak ajar jaraa. ||2||2||6||
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, and my doubts are shattered; says Nanak, I can bear the unbearable. ||2||2||6||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (701-9)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

jw kau Bey goivMd shweI ] (701-9)
jaa ka-o bha-ay govind sahaa-ee.
One who has the Lord of the Universe as his help and support

sUK shj Awnµd sgl isau vw kau ibAwiD n kweI ]1] rhwau ] (701-9)
sookh sahj aanand sagal si-o vaa ka-o bi-aaDh na kaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
is blessed with all peace, poise and bliss; no afflictions cling to him. ||1||Pause||

dIsih sB sMig rhih Alypw nh ivAwpY aun mweI ] (701-10)
deeseh sabh sang raheh alaypaa nah vi-aapai un maa-ee.
He appears to keep company with everyone, but he remains detached, and Maya does not cling to him.

eykY rMig qq ky byqy siqgur qy buiD pweI ]1] (701-10)
aykai rang tat kay baytay satgur tay buDh paa-ee. ||1||
He is absorbed in love of the One Lord; he understands the essence of reality, and he is blessed with wisdom by the True Guru. ||1||

dieAw mieAw ikrpw Twkur kI syeI sMq suBweI ] (701-11)
da-i-aa ma-i-aa kirpaa thaakur kee say-ee sant subhaa-ee.
Those whom the Lord and Master blesses with His kindness, compassion and mercy are the sublime and sanctified Saints.

iqn kY sMig nwnk insqrIAY ijn ris ris hir gun gweI ]2]3]7] (701-11)
tin kai sang naanak nistaree-ai jin ras ras har gun gaa-ee. ||2||3||7||
Associating with them, Nanak is saved; with love and exuberant joy, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||3||7||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (701-12)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

goibMd jIvn pRwn Dn rUp ] (701-13)
gobind jeevan paraan Dhan roop.
The Lord of the Universe is my existence, my breath of life, wealth and beauty.

AigAwn moh mgn mhw pRwnI AMiDAwry mih dIp ]1] rhwau ] (701-13)
agi-aan moh magan mahaa paraanee anDhi-aaray meh deep. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The ignorant are totally intoxicated with emotional attachment; in this darkness, the Lord is the only lamp. ||1||Pause||

sPl drsnu qumrw pRB pRIqm crn kml AwnUp ] (701-14)
safal darsan tumraa parabh pareetam charan kamal aanoop.
Fruitful is the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Beloved God; Your lotus feet are incomparably beautiful!

Aink bwr krau iqh bMdn mnih crHwvau DUp ]1] (701-14)
anik baar kara-o tih bandan maneh charHaava-o Dhoop. ||1||
So many times, I bow in reverence to Him, offering my mind as incense to Him. ||1||

hwir pirE qum@rY pRB duAwrY idRV@ü kir ghI qum@wrI lUk ] (701-15)
haar pari-o tumHrai parabh du-aarai darirhHu kar gahee tumHaaree look.
Exhausted, I have fallen at Your Door, O God; I am holding tight to Your Support.

kwiF lyhu nwnk Apuny kau sMswr pwvk ky kUp ]2]4]8] (701-15)
kaadh layho naanak apunay ka-o sansaar paavak kay koop. ||2||4||8||
Please, lift Your humble servant Nanak up, out of the pit of fire of the world. ||2||4||8||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (701-16)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

koeI jnu hir isau dyvY joir ] (701-16)
ko-ee jan har si-o dayvai jor.
If only someone would unite me with the Lord!

crn ghau bkau suB rsnw dIjih pRwn Akoir ]1] rhwau ] (701-16)
charan gaha-o baka-o subh rasnaa deejeh paraan akor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I hold tight to His feet, and utter sweet words with my tongue; I make my breath of life an offering to Him. ||1||Pause||

mnu qnu inrml krq ikAwro hir isMcY suDw sMjoir ] (701-17)
man tan nirmal karat ki-aaro har sinchai suDhaa sanjor.
I make my mind and body into pure little gardens, and irrigate them with the sublime essence of the Lord.

ieAw rs mih mgnu hoq ikrpw qy mhw ibiKAw qy qoir ]1] (701-18)
i-aa ras meh magan hot kirpaa tay mahaa bikhi-aa tay tor. ||1||
I am drenched with this sublime essence by His Grace, and the powerful hold of Maya's corruption has been broken. ||1||

AwieE srix dIn duK BMjn icqvau qum@rI Eir ] (701-18)
aa-i-o saran deen dukh bhanjan chitva-o tumHree or.
I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Destroyer of the suffering of the innocent; I keep my consciousness focused on You.