Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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700 jYqsrI mhlw 5 Gru 3 (700-1)jaitsaree mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (700-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: koeI jwnY kvnu eIhw jig mIqu ] (700-2)ko-ee jaanai kavan eehaa jag meet. Does anyone know, who is our friend in this world? ijsu hoie ik®pwlu soeI ibiD bUJY qw kI inrml rIiq ]1] rhwau ] (700-2)jis ho-ay kirpaal so-ee biDh boojhai taa kee nirmal reet. ||1|| rahaa-o. He alone understands this, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. Immaculate and unstained is his way of life. ||1||Pause|| mwq ipqw binqw suq bMDp iest mIq Aru BweI ] pUrb jnm ky imly sMjogI AMqih ko n shweI ]1] (700-3)maat pitaa banitaa sut banDhap isat meet ar bhaa-ee. poorab janam kay milay sanjogee anteh ko na sahaa-ee. ||1|| Mother, father, spouse, children, relatives, lovers, friends and siblings meet, having been associated in previous lives; but none of them will be your companion and support in the end. ||1|| mukiq mwl kink lwl hIrw mn rMjn kI mwieAw ] (700-4)mukat maal kanik laal heeraa man ranjan kee maa-i-aa. Pearl necklaces, gold, rubies and diamonds please the mind, but they are only Maya. hw hw krq ibhwnI AvDih qw mih sMqoKu n pwieAw ]2] (700-4)haa haa karat bihaanee avDhahi taa meh santokh na paa-i-aa. ||2|| Possessing them, one passes his life in agony; he obtains no contentment from them. ||2|| hsiq rQ AsÍ pvn qyj DxI BUmn cqurWgw ] (700-5)hasat rath asav pavan tayj Dhanee bhooman chaturaaNgaa. Elephants, chariots, horses as fast as the wind, wealth, land, and armies of four kinds sMig n cwilE ien mih kCUAY aUiT isDwieE nWgw ]3] (700-5)sang na chaali-o in meh kachhoo-ai ooth siDhaa-i-o naaNgaa. ||3|| - none of these will go with him; he must get up and depart, naked. ||3|| hir ky sMq ipRA pRIqm pRB ky qw kY hir hir gweIAY ] (700-6)har kay sant pari-a pareetam parabh kay taa kai har har gaa-ee-ai. The Lord's Saints are the beloved lovers of God; sing of the Lord, Har, Har, with them. nwnk eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl sMig sMqn kY pweIAY ]4]1] (700-7)naanak eehaa sukh aagai mukh oojal sang santan kai paa-ee-ai. ||4||1|| O Nanak, in the Society of the Saints, you shall obtain peace in this world, and in the next world, your face shall be radiant and bright. ||4||1|| jYqsrI mhlw 5 Gru 3 dupdy (700-8)jaitsaree mehlaa 5 ghar 3 dupday Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Third House, Du-Padas: <> siqgur pRswid ] (700-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: dyhu sMdysro khIAau ipRA khIAau ] (700-9)dayh sandaysaro kahee-a-o pari-a kahee-a-o. Give me a message from my Beloved - tell me, tell me! ibsmu BeI mY bhu ibiD sunqy khhu suhwgin shIAau ]1] rhwau ] (700-9)bisam bha-ee mai baho biDh suntay kahhu suhaagan sahee-a-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am wonder-struck, hearing the many reports of Him; tell them to me, O my happy sister soul-brides. ||1||Pause|| ko khqo sB bwhir bwhir ko khqo sB mhIAau ] (700-10)ko kahto sabh baahar baahar ko kahto sabh mahee-a-o. Some say that He is beyond the world - totally beyond it, while others say that He is totally within it. brnu n dIsY ichnu n lKIAY suhwgin swiq buJhIAau ]1] (700-10)baran na deesai chihan na lakhee-ai suhaagan saat boojhhee-a-o. ||1|| His color cannot be seen, and His pattern cannot be discerned. O happy soul-brides, tell me the truth! ||1|| srb invwsI Git Git vwsI lypu nhI AlphIAau ] (700-11)sarab nivaasee ghat ghat vaasee layp nahee alaphee-a-o. He is pervading everywhere, and He dwells in each and every heart; He is not stained - He is unstained. nwnku khq sunhu ry logw sMq rsn ko bshIAau ]2]1]2] (700-11)naanak kahat sunhu ray logaa sant rasan ko bashee-a-o. ||2||1||2|| Says Nanak, listen, O people: He dwells upon the tongues of the Saints. ||2||1||2|| jYqsrI mÚ 5 ] (700-12)jaitsaree mehlaa 5. Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl: DIrau suin DIrau pRB kau ]1] rhwau ] (700-12)Dheera-o sun Dheera-o parabh ka-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am calmed, calmed and soothed, hearing of God. ||1||Pause|| jIA pRwn mnu qnu sBu Arpau nIrau pyiK pRB kau nIrau ]1] (700-13)jee-a paraan man tan sabh arpa-o neera-o paykh parabh ka-o neera-o. ||1|| I dedicate my soul, my breath of life, my mind, body and everything to Him: I behold God near, very near. ||1|| bysumwr byAMqu bf dwqw mnih ghIrau pyiK pRB kau ]2] (700-13)baysumaar bay-ant bad daataa maneh gaheera-o paykh parabh ka-o. ||2|| Beholding God, the inestimable, infinite and Great Giver, I cherish Him in my mind. ||2|| jo cwhau soeI soeI pwvau Awsw mnsw pUrau jip pRB kau ]3] (700-14)jo chaaha-o so-ee so-ee paava-o aasaa mansaa poora-o jap parabh ka-o. ||3|| Whatever I wish for, I receive; my hopes and desires are fulfilled, meditating on God. ||3|| gur pRswid nwnk min visAw dUiK n kbhU JUrau buiJ pRB kau ]4]2]3] (700-15)gur parsaad naanak man vasi-aa dookh na kabhoo jhoora-o bujh parabh ka-o. ||4||2||3|| By Guru's Grace, God dwells in Nanak's mind; he never suffers or grieves, having realized God. ||4||2||3|| jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (700-15)jaitsaree mehlaa 5. Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl: loVIdVw swjnu myrw ] (700-16)lorheedarhaa saajan mayraa. I seek my Friend the Lord. Gir Gir mMgl gwvhu nIky Git Git iqsih bsyrw ]1] rhwau ] (700-16)ghar ghar mangal gaavhu neekay ghat ghat tiseh basayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. In each and every home, sing the sublime songs of rejoicing; He abides in each and every heart. ||1||Pause|| sUiK ArwDnu dUiK ArwDnu ibsrY n kwhU byrw ] (700-16)sookh araaDhan dookh araaDhan bisrai na kaahoo bayraa. In good times, worship and adore Him; in bad times, worship and adore Him; do not ever forget Him. nwmu jpq koit sUr aujwrw ibnsY Brmu AMDyrw ]1] (700-17)naam japat kot soor ujaaraa binsai bharam anDhayraa. ||1|| Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the light of millions of suns shines forth, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. ||1|| Qwin Qnµqir sBnI jweI jo dIsY so qyrw ] (700-17)thaan thanantar sabhnee jaa-ee jo deesai so tayraa. In all the spaces and interspaces, everywhere, whatever we see is Yours. sMqsMig pwvY jo nwnk iqsu bhuir n hoeI hY Pyrw ]2]3]4] (700-18)satsang paavai jo naanak tis bahur na ho-ee hai fayraa. ||2||3||4|| One who finds the Society of the Saints, O Nanak, is not consigned to reincarnation again. ||2||3||4|| |
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