Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ABY pdu dwnu ismrnu suAwmI ko pRB nwnk bMDn Coir ]2]5]9] (702-1)
abhai pad daan simran su-aamee ko parabh naanak banDhan chhor. ||2||5||9||
Bless me with the gifts of the state of fearlessness, and meditative remembrance, Lord and Master; O Nanak, God is the Breaker of bonds. ||2||5||9||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (702-2)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

cwiqRk icqvq brsq myNh ] (702-2)
chaatrik chitvat barsat mayNh.
The rainbird longs for the rain to fall.

ik®pw isMDu kruxw pRB Dwrhu hir pRym Bgiq ko nyNh ]1] rhwau ] (702-2)
kirpaa sinDh karunaa parabh Dhaarahu har paraym bhagat ko nayNh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O God, ocean of mercy, shower Your mercy on me, that I may yearn for loving devotional worship of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Aink sUK ckvI nhI cwhq And pUrn pyiK dyNh ] (702-3)
anik sookh chakvee nahee chaahat anad pooran paykh dayNh.
The chakvi duck does not desire many comforts, but it is filled with bliss upon seeing the dawn.

Awn aupwv n jIvq mInw ibnu jl mrnw qyNh ]1] (702-3)
aan upaav na jeevat meenaa bin jal marnaa tayNh. ||1||
The fish cannot survive any other way - without water, it dies. ||1||

hm AnwQ nwQ hir srxI ApunI ik®pw kryNh ] (702-4)
ham anaath naath har sarnee apunee kirpaa karayNh.
I am a helpless orphan - I seek Your Sanctuary, O My Lord and Master; please bless me with Your mercy.

crx kml nwnku AwrwDY iqsu ibnu Awn n kyNh ]2]6]10] (702-5)
charan kamal naanak aaraaDhai tis bin aan na kayNh. ||2||6||10||
Nanak worships and adores the Lord's lotus feet; without Him, there is no other at all. ||2||6||10||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (702-5)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

min qin bis rhy myry pRwn ] (702-5)
man tan bas rahay mayray paraan.
The Lord, my very breath of life, abides in my mind and body.

kir ikrpw swDU sMig Byty pUrn purK sujwn ]1] rhwau ] (702-6)
kar kirpaa saaDhoo sang bhaytay pooran purakh sujaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bless me with Your mercy, and unite me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O perfect, all-knowing Lord God. ||1||Pause||

pRym TgaurI ijn kau pweI iqn rsu pIAau BwrI ] (702-6)
paraym thag-uree jin ka-o paa-ee tin ras pee-a-o bhaaree.
Those, unto whom You give the intoxicating herb of Your Love, drink in the supreme sublime essence.

qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI kudriq kvn hm@wrI ]1] (702-7)
taa kee keemat kahan na jaa-ee kudrat kavan hamHaaree. ||1||
I cannot describe their value; what power do I have? ||1||

lwie ley liV dws jn Apuny auDry auDrnhwry ] (702-8)
laa-ay la-ay larh daas jan apunay uDhray uDhaaranhaaray.
The Lord attaches His humble servants to the hem of His robe, and they swim across the world-ocean.

pRBu ismir ismir ismir suKu pwieE nwnk srix duAwry ]2]7]11] (702-8)
parabh simar simar simar sukh paa-i-o naanak saran du-aaray. ||2||7||11||
Meditating, meditating, meditating in remembrance on God, peace is obtained; Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of Your Door. ||2||7||11||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (702-9)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

Awey Aink jnm BRim srxI ] (702-9)
aa-ay anik janam bharam sarnee.
After wandering through so many incarnations, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

auDru dyh AMD kUp qy lwvhu ApunI crxI ]1] rhwau ] (702-9)
uDhar dayh anDh koop tay laavhu apunee charnee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Save me - lift my body up out of the deep, dark pit of the world, and attach me to Your feet. ||1||Pause||

igAwnu iDAwnu ikCu krmu n jwnw nwihn inrml krxI ] (702-10)
gi-aan Dhi-aan kichh karam na jaanaa naahin nirmal karnee.
I do not know anything about spiritual wisdom, meditation or karma, and my way of life is not clean and pure.

swDsMgiq kY AMcil lwvhu ibKm ndI jwie qrxI ]1] (702-11)
saaDhsangat kai anchal laavhu bikham nadee jaa-ay tarnee. ||1||
Please attach me to the hem of the robe of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; help me to cross over the terrible river. ||1||

suK sMpiq mwieAw rs mITy ieh nhI mn mih DrxI ] (702-11)
sukh sampat maa-i-aa ras meethay ih nahee man meh Dharnee.
Comforts, riches and the sweet pleasures of Maya - do not implant these within your mind.

hir drsn iqRpiq nwnk dws pwvq hir nwm rMg AwBrxI ]2]8]12] (702-12)
har darsan taripat naanak daas paavat har naam rang aabharnee. ||2||8||12||
Slave Nanak is satisfied and satiated by the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan; his only ornamentation is the love of the Lord's Name. ||2||8||12||

jYqsrI mhlw 5 ] (702-13)
jaitsaree mehlaa 5.
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:

hir jn ismrhu ihrdY rwm ] (702-13)
har jan simrahu hirdai raam.
O humble servants of the Lord, remember the Lord in meditation within your heart.

hir jn kau Apdw inkit n AwvY pUrn dws ky kwm ]1] rhwau ] (702-13)
har jan ka-o apdaa nikat na aavai pooran daas kay kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Misfortune does not even approach the Lord's humble servant; the works of His slave are perfectly fulfilled. ||1||Pause||

koit ibGn ibnsih hir syvw inhclu goivd Dwm ] (702-14)
kot bighan binsahi har sayvaa nihchal govid Dhaam.
Millions of obstacles are removed, by serving the Lord, and one enters into the eternal dwelling of the Lord of the Universe.

BgvMq Bgq kau Bau ikCu nwhI Awdru dyvq jwm ]1] (702-14)
bhagvant bhagat ka-o bha-o kichh naahee aadar dayvat jaam. ||1||
The Lord's devotee is very fortunate; he has absolutely no fear. Even the Messenger of Death pays homage to him. ||1||

qij gopwl Awn jo krxI soeI soeI ibnsq Kwm ] (702-15)
taj gopaal aan jo karnee so-ee so-ee binsat khaam.
Forsaking the Lord of the world, he does other deeds, but these are temporary and transitory.

crn kml ihrdY ghu nwnk suK smUh ibsrwm ]2]9]13] (702-16)
charan kamal hirdai gahu naanak sukh samooh bisraam. ||2||9||13||
Grasp the Lord's lotus feet, and hold them in your heart, O Nanak; you shall obtain absolute peace and bliss. ||2||9||13||

jYqsrI mhlw 9 (702-17)
jaitsaree mehlaa 9
Jaitsree, Ninth Mehl: One Universal Creator God.

<> siqgur pRswid ] (702-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

BUilE mnu mwieAw aurJwieE ] (702-18)
bhooli-o man maa-i-aa urjhaa-i-o.
My mind is deluded, entangled in Maya.

jo jo krm kIE lwlc lig iqh iqh Awpu bMDwieE ]1] rhwau ] (702-18)
jo jo karam kee-o laalach lag tih tih aap banDhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whatever I do, while engaged in greed, only serves to bind me down. ||1||Pause||

smJ n prI ibKY rs ricE jsu hir ko ibsrwieE ] (702-19)
samajh na paree bikhai ras rachi-o jas har ko bisraa-i-o.
I have no understanding at all; I am engrossed in the pleasures of corruption, and I have forgotten the Praises of the Lord.

sMig suAwmI so jwinE nwihn bnu Kojn kau DwieE ]1] (702-19)
sang su-aamee so jaani-o naahin ban khojan ka-o Dhaa-i-o. ||1||
The Lord and Master is with me, but I do not know Him. Instead, I run into the forest, looking for Him. ||1||