Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


idn qy phr phr qy GrIAW Awv GtY qnu CIjY ] (692-1)
din tay pahar pahar tay gharee-aaN aav ghatai tan chheejai.
Day by day, hour by hour, life runs its course, and the body withers away.

kwlu AhyrI iPrY biDk ijau khhu kvn ibiD kIjY ]1] (692-1)
kaal ahayree firai baDhik ji-o kahhu kavan biDh keejai. ||1||
Death, like a hunter, a butcher, is on the prowl; tell me, what can we do? ||1||

so idnu Awvn lwgw ] (692-2)
so din aavan laagaa.
That day is rapidly approaching.

mwq ipqw BweI suq binqw khhu koaU hY kw kw ]1] rhwau ] (692-2)
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banitaa kahhu ko-oo hai kaa kaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse - tell me, who belongs to whom? ||1||Pause||

jb lgu joiq kwieAw mih brqY Awpw psU n bUJY ] (692-3)
jab lag jot kaa-i-aa meh bartai aapaa pasoo na boojhai.
As long as the light remains in the body, the beast does not understand himself.

lwlc krY jIvn pd kwrn locn kCU n sUJY ]2] (692-3)
laalach karai jeevan pad kaaran lochan kachhoo na soojhai. ||2||
He acts in greed to maintain his life and status, and sees nothing with his eyes. ||2||

khq kbIr sunhu ry pRwnI Cofhu mn ky Brmw ] (692-4)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray paraanee chhodahu man kay bharmaa.
Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal: Renounce the doubts of your mind.

kyvl nwmu jphu ry pRwnI prhu eyk kI srnW ]3]2] (692-4)
kayval naam japahu ray paraanee parahu ayk kee sarnaaN. ||3||2||
Chant only the One Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal, and seek the Sanctuary of the One Lord. ||3||2||

jo jnu Bwau Bgiq kCu jwnY qw kau Acrju kwho ] (692-5)
jo jan bhaa-o bhagat kachh jaanai taa ka-o achraj kaaho.
That humble being, who knows even a little about loving devotional worship - what surprises are there for him?

ijau jlu jl mih pYis n inksY iqau Fuir imilE julwho ]1] (692-5)
ji-o jal jal meh pais na niksai ti-o dhur mili-o julaaho. ||1||
Like water, dripping into water, which cannot be separated out again, so is the weaver Kabeer, with softened heart, merged into the Lord. ||1||

hir ky logw mY qau miq kw Borw ] (692-6)
har kay logaa mai ta-o mat kaa bhoraa.
O people of the Lord, I am just a simple-minded fool.

jau qnu kwsI qjih kbIrw rmeIAY khw inhorw ]1] rhwau ] (692-6)
ja-o tan kaasee tajeh kabeeraa rama-ee-ai kahaa nihoraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
If Kabeer were to leave his body at Benares, and so liberate himself, what obligation would he have to the Lord? ||1||Pause||

khqu kbIru sunhu ry loeI Brim n BUlhu koeI ] (692-7)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray lo-ee bharam na bhoolahu ko-ee.
Says Kabeer, listen, O people - do not be deluded by doubt.

ikAw kwsI ikAw aUKru mghru rwmu irdY jau hoeI ]2]3] (692-8)
ki-aa kaasee ki-aa ookhar maghar raam ridai ja-o ho-ee. ||2||3||
What is the difference between Benares and the barren land of Maghar, if the Lord is within one's heart? ||2||3||

ieMdR lok isv lokih jYbo ] (692-8)
indar lok siv lokeh jaibo.
Mortals may go to the Realm of Indra, or the Realm of Shiva,

ECy qp kir bwhuir AYbo ]1] (692-8)
ochhay tap kar baahur aibo. ||1||
but because of their hypocrisy and false prayers, they must leave again. ||1||

ikAw mWgau ikCu iQru nwhI ] (692-9)
ki-aa maaNga-o kichh thir naahee.
What should I ask for? Nothing lasts forever.

rwm nwm rKu mn mwhI ]1] rhwau ] (692-9)
raam naam rakh man maahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Enshrine the Lord's Name within your mind. ||1||Pause||

soBw rwj ibBY bifAweI ] (692-9)
sobhaa raaj bibhai badi-aa-ee.
Fame and glory, power, wealth and glorious greatness

AMiq n kwhU sMg shweI ]2] (692-10)
ant na kaahoo sang sahaa-ee. ||2||
- none of these will go with you or help you in the end. ||2||

puqR klqR lCmI mwieAw ] (692-10)
putar kaltar lachhmee maa-i-aa.
Children, spouse, wealth and Maya

ien qy khu kvnY suKu pwieAw ]3] (692-10)
in tay kaho kavnai sukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
- who has ever obtained peace from these? ||3||

khq kbIr Avr nhI kwmw ] (692-11)
kahat kabeer avar nahee kaamaa.
Says Kabeer, nothing else is of any use.

hmrY mn Dn rwm ko nwmw ]4]4] (692-11)
hamrai man Dhan raam ko naamaa. ||4||4||
Within my mind is the wealth of the Lord's Name. ||4||4||

rwm ismir rwm ismir rwm ismir BweI ] (692-12)
raam simar raam simar raam simar bhaa-ee.
Remember the Lord, remember the Lord, remember the Lord in meditation, O Siblings of Destiny.

rwm nwm ismrn ibnu bUfqy AiDkweI ]1] rhwau ] (692-12)
raam naam simran bin boodtay aDhikaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without remembering the Lord's Name in meditation, a great many are drowned. ||1||Pause||

binqw suq dyh gRyh sMpiq suKdweI ] (692-13)
banitaa sut dayh garayh sampat sukh-daa-ee.
Your spouse, children, body, house and possessions - you think these will give you peace.

ien@ mY kCu nwih qyro kwl AvD AweI ]1] (692-13)
inH mai kachh naahi tayro kaal avaDh aa-ee. ||1||
But none of these shall be yours, when the time of death comes. ||1||

Ajwml gj ginkw piqq krm kIny ] (692-13)
ajaamal gaj ganikaa patit karam keenay.
Ajaamal, the elephant, and the prostitute committed many sins,

qyaU auqir pwir pry rwm nwm lIny ]2] (692-14)
tay-oo utar paar paray raam naam leenay. ||2||
but still, they crossed over the world-ocean, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||2||

sUkr kUkr join BRmy qaU lwj n AweI ] (692-14)
sookar kookar jon bharamay ta-oo laaj na aa-ee.
You have wandered in reincarnation, as pigs and dogs - did you feel no shame?

rwm nwm Cwif AMimRq kwhy ibKu KweI ]3] (692-15)
raam naam chhaad amrit kaahay bikh khaa-ee. ||3||
Forsaking the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, why do you eat poison? ||3||

qij Brm krm ibiD inKyD rwm nwmu lyhI ] (692-15)
taj bharam karam biDh nikhayDh raam naam layhee.
Abandon your doubts about do's and dont's, and take to the Lord's Name.

gur pRswid jn kbIr rwmu kir snyhI ]4]5] (692-16)
gur parsaad jan kabeer raam kar sanayhee. ||4||5||
By Guru's Grace, O servant Kabeer, love the Lord. ||4||5||

DnwsrI bwxI Bgq nwmdyv jI kI (692-17)
Dhanaasree banee bhagat naamdayv jee kee
Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (692-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ghrI kir kY nIv KudweI aUpir mMfp Cwey ] (692-18)
gahree kar kai neev khudaa-ee oopar mandap chhaa-ay.
They dig deep foundations, and build lofty palaces.

mwrkMfy qy ko AiDkweI ijin iqRx Dir mUMf blwey ]1] (692-18)
maarkanday tay ko aDhikaa-ee jin tarin Dhar moond balaa-ay. ||1||
Can anyone live longer than Markanda, who passed his days with only a handful of straw upon his head? ||1||

hmro krqw rwmu snyhI ] (692-19)
hamro kartaa raam sanayhee.
The Creator Lord is our only friend.

kwhy ry nr grbu krq hhu ibnis jwie JUTI dyhI ]1] rhwau ] (692-19)
kaahay ray nar garab karat hahu binas jaa-ay jhoothee dayhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O man, why are you so proud? This body is only temporary - it shall pass away. ||1||Pause||