Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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693 myrI myrI kYrau krqy durjoDn sy BweI ] (693-1)mayree mayree kaira-o kartay durjoDhan say bhaa-ee. The Kaurvas, who had brothers like Duryodhan, used to proclaim, "This is ours! This is ours!" bwrh jojn CqRü clY Qw dyhI igrJn KweI ]2] (693-1)baarah jojan chhatar chalai thaa dayhee girjhan khaa-ee. ||2|| Their royal procession extended over sixty miles, and yet their bodies were eaten by vultures. ||2|| srb suoien kI lµkw hoqI rwvn sy AiDkweI ] (693-1)sarab so-in kee lankaa hotee raavan say aDhikaa-ee. Sri Lanka was totally rich with gold; was anyone greater than its ruler Raavan? khw BieE dir bWDy hwQI iKn mih BeI prweI ]3] (693-2)kahaa bha-i-o dar baaNDhay haathee khin meh bha-ee paraa-ee. ||3|| What happened to the elephants, tethered at his gate? In an instant, it all belonged to someone else. ||3|| durbwsw isau krq TgaurI jwdv ey Pl pwey ] (693-3)durbaasaa si-o karat thag-uree jaadav ay fal paa-ay. The Yaadvas deceived Durbaasaa, and received their rewards. ik®pw krI jn Apuny aUpr nwmdyau hir gun gwey ]4]1] (693-3)kirpaa karee jan apunay oopar naamday-o har gun gaa-ay. ||4||1|| The Lord has shown mercy to His humble servant, and now Naam Dayv sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||1|| ds bYrwgin moih bis kIn@I pMchu kw imt nwvau ] (693-4)das bairaagan mohi bas keenHee panchahu kaa mit naava-o. I have brought the ten sensory organs under my control, and erased every trace of the five thieves. sqir doie Bry AMimRq sir ibKu kau mwir kFwvau ]1] (693-4)satar do-ay bharay amrit sar bikh ka-o maar kadhaava-o. ||1|| I have filled the seventy-two thousand nerve channels with Ambrosial Nectar, and drained out the poison. ||1|| pwCY bhuir n Awvnu pwvau ] (693-5)paachhai bahur na aavan paava-o. I shall not come into the world again. AMimRq bwxI Gt qy aucrau Awqm kau smJwvau ]1] rhwau ] (693-5)amrit banee ghat tay uchara-o aatam ka-o samjhaava-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. I chant the Ambrosial Bani of the Word from the depths of my heart, and I have instructed my soul. ||1||Pause|| bjr kuTwru moih hY CInW kir imMniq lig pwvau ] (693-6)bajar kuthaar mohi hai chheenaaN kar minat lag paava-o. I fell at the Guru's feet and begged of Him; with the mighty axe, I have chopped off emotional attachment. sMqn ky hm aulty syvk Bgqn qy frpwvau ]2] (693-6)santan kay ham ultay sayvak bhagtan tay darpaava-o. ||2|| Turning away from the world, I have become the servant of the Saints; I fear no one except the Lord's devotees. ||2|| ieh sMswr qy qb hI CUtau jau mwieAw nh lptwvau ] (693-7)ih sansaar tay tab hee chhoota-o ja-o maa-i-aa nah laptaava-o. I shall be released from this world, when I stop clinging to Maya. mwieAw nwmu grB join kw iqh qij drsnu pwvau ]3] (693-8)maa-i-aa naam garabh jon kaa tih taj darsan paava-o. ||3|| Maya is the name of the power which causes us to be born; renouncing it, we obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||3|| iequ kir Bgiq krih jo jn iqn Bau sgl cukweIAY ] (693-8)it kar bhagat karahi jo jan tin bha-o sagal chukhaa-ee-ai. That humble being, who performs devotional worship in this way, is rid of all fear. khq nwmdyau bwhir ikAw Brmhu ieh sMjm hir pweIAY ]4]2] (693-9)kahat naamday-o baahar ki-aa bharmahu ih sanjam har paa-ee-ai. ||4||2|| Says Naam Dayv, why are you wandering around out there? This is the way to find the Lord. ||4||2|| mwrvwiV jYsy nIru bwlhw byil bwlhw krhlw ] (693-9)maarvaarh jaisay neer baalhaa bayl baalhaa karhalaa. As water is very precious in the desert, and the creeper weeds are dear to the camel, ijau kurMk inis nwdu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]1] (693-10)ji-o kurank nis naad baalhaa ti-o mayrai man raam-ee-aa. ||1|| and the tune of the hunter's bell at night is enticing to the deer, so is the Lord to my mind. ||1|| qyrw nwmu rUVo rUpu rUVo Aiq rMg rUVo myro rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] (693-11)tayraa naam roorho roop roorho at rang roorho mayro raam-ee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your Name is so beautiful! Your form is so beautiful! Your Love is so very beautiful, O my Lord. ||1||Pause|| ijau DrxI kau ieMdRü bwlhw kusm bwsu jYsy Bvrlw ] (693-11)ji-o Dharnee ka-o indar baalhaa kusam baas jaisay bhavralaa. As rain is dear to the earth, and the flower's fragrance is dear to the bumble bee, ijau koikl kau AMbu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]2] (693-12)ji-o kokil ka-o amb baalhaa ti-o mayrai man raam-ee-aa. ||2|| and the mango is dear to the cuckoo, so is the Lord to my mind. ||2|| ckvI kau jYsy sUru bwlhw mwn srovr hMsulw ] (693-13)chakvee ka-o jaisay soor baalhaa maan sarovar hansulaa. As the sun is dear to the chakvi duck, and the lake of Man Sarovar is dear to the swan, ijau qruxI kau kMqu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]3] (693-13)ji-o tarunee ka-o kant baalhaa ti-o mayrai man raam-ee-aa. ||3|| and the husband is dear to his wife, so is the Lord to my mind. ||3|| bwirk kau jYsy KIru bwlhw cwiqRk muK jYsy jlDrw ] (693-14)baarik ka-o jaisay kheer baalhaa chaatrik mukh jaisay jalDharaa. As milk is dear to the baby, and the raindrop is dear to the mouth of the rainbird, mCulI kau jYsy nIru bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]4] (693-14)machhulee ka-o jaisay neer baalhaa ti-o mayrai man raam-ee-aa. ||4|| and as water is dear to the fish, so is the Lord to my mind. ||4|| swiDk isD sgl muin cwhih ibrly kwhU fITulw ] (693-15)saaDhik siDh sagal mun chaaheh birlay kaahoo deethulaa. All the seekers, Siddhas and silent sages seek Him, but only a rare few behold Him. sgl Bvx qyro nwmu bwlhw iqau nwmy min bITulw ]5]3] (693-15)sagal bhavan tayro naam baalhaa ti-o naamay man beethulaa. ||5||3|| Just as Your Name is dear to all the Universe, so is the Lord dear to Naam Dayv's mind. ||5||3|| pihl purIey puMfrk vnw ] (693-16)pahil puree-ay pundrak vanaa. First of all, the lotuses bloomed in the woods; qw cy hMsw sgly jnW ] (693-16)taa chay hansaa saglay janaaN. from them, all the swan-souls came into being. ik®s˜w qy jwnaU hir hir nwcMqI nwcnw ]1] (693-17)krisnaa tay jaan-oo har har naachantee naachnaa. ||1|| Know that, through Krishna, the Lord, Har, Har, the dance of creation dances. ||1|| pihl purswibrw ] (693-17)pahil pursaabiraa. First of all, there was only the Primal Being. AQon purswdmrw ] (693-17)athon pursaadmaraa. From that Primal Being, Maya was produced. Asgw As ausgw ] (693-18)asgaa as usgaa. All that is, is His. hir kw bwgrw nwcY ipMDI mih swgrw ]1] rhwau ] (693-18)har kaa baagraa naachai pinDhee meh saagraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. In this Garden of the Lord, we all dance, like water in the pots of the Persian wheel. ||1||Pause|| nwcMqI gopI jMnw ] (693-18)naachantee gopee jannaa. Women and men both dance. neIAw qy bYry kMnw ] (693-19)na-ee-aa tay bairay kanna. There is no other than the Lord. qrku n cw ] (693-19)tarak na chaa. Don't dispute this, BRmIAw cw ] (693-19)bharmee-aa chaa. and don't doubt this. kysvw bcaunI AeIey meIey eyk Awn jIau ]2] (693-19)kaysvaa bach-unee a-ee-ay ma-ee-ay ayk aan jee-o. ||2|| The Lord says, "This creation and I are one and the same."||2|| |
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