Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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691 DnwsrI mhlw 5 CMq (691-1)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5 chhant Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Chhant: <> siqgur pRswid ] (691-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: siqgur dIn dieAwl ijsu sMig hir gwvIAY jIau ] (691-2)satgur deen da-i-aal jis sang har gaavee-ai jee-o. The True Guru is merciful to the meek; in His Presence, the Lord's Praises are sung. AMimRqu hir kw nwmu swDsMig rwvIAY jIau ] (691-2)amrit har kaa naam saaDhsang raavee-ai jee-o. The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is chanted in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Bju sMig swDU ieku ArwDU jnm mrn duK nwsey ] (691-3)bhaj sang saaDhoo ik araaDhoo janam maran dukh naas-ay. Vibrating, and worshipping the One Lord in the Company of the Holy, the pains of birth and death are removed. Duir krmu iliKAw swcu isiKAw ktI jm kI Pwsey ] (691-3)Dhur karam likhi-aa saach sikhi-aa katee jam kee faas-ay. Those who have such karma pre-ordained, study and learn the Truth; the noose of Death is removed from their necks. BY Brm nwTy CutI gwTy jm pMiQ mUil n AwvIAY ] (691-4)bhai bharam naathay chhutee gaathay jam panth mool na aavee-ai. Their fears and doubts are dispelled, the knot of death is untied, and they never have to walk on Death's path. ibnvMiq nwnk Dwir ikrpw sdw hir gux gwvIAY ]1] (691-5)binvant naanak Dhaar kirpaa sadaa har gun gaavee-ai. ||1|| Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord; let me sing Your Glorious Praises forever. ||1|| inDirAw Dr eyku nwmu inrMjno jIau ] (691-5)niDhri-aa Dhar ayk naam niranjano jee-o. The Name of the One, Immaculate Lord is the Support of the unsupported. qU dwqw dwqwru srb duK BMjno jIau ] (691-6)too daataa daataar sarab dukh bhanjno jee-o. You are the Giver, the Great Giver, the Dispeller of all sorrow. duK hrq krqw suKh suAwmI srix swDU AwieAw ] (691-6)dukh harat kartaa sukhah su-aamee saran saaDhoo aa-i-aa. O Destroyer of pain, Creator Lord, Master of peace and bliss, I have come seeking the Sanctuary of the Holy; sMswru swgru mhw ibKVw pl eyk mwih qrwieAw ] (691-6)sansaar saagar mahaa bikh-rhaa pal ayk maahi taraa-i-aa. please, help me to cross over the terrifying and difficult world-ocean in an instant. pUir rihAw srb QweI gur igAwnu nyqRI AMjno ] (691-7)poor rahi-aa sarab thaa-ee gur gi-aan naytree anjno. I saw the Lord pervading and permeating everywhere, when the healing ointment of the Guru's wisdom was applied to my eyes. ibnvMiq nwnk sdw ismrI srb duK BY BMjno ]2] (691-8)binvant naanak sadaa simree sarab dukh bhai bhanjno. ||2|| Prays Nanak, remember Him forever in meditation, the Destroyer of all sorrow and fear. ||2|| Awip lIey liV lwie ikrpw DwrIAw jIau ] (691-8)aap lee-ay larh laa-ay kirpaa Dhaaree-aa jee-o. He Himself has attached me to the hem of His robe; He has showered me with His Mercy. moih inrguxu nIcu AnwQu pRB Agm ApwrIAw jIau ] (691-9)mohi nirgun neech anaath parabh agam aapaaree-aa jee-o. I am worthless, lowly and helpless; God is unfathomable and infinite. dieAwl sdw ik®pwl suAwmI nIc QwpxhwirAw ] (691-9)da-i-aal sadaa kirpaal su-aamee neech thaapanhaari-aa. My Lord and Master is always merciful, kind and compassionate; He uplifts and establishes the lowly. jIA jMq siB vis qyrY sgl qyrI swirAw ] (691-10)jee-a jant sabh vas tayrai sagal tayree saari-aa. All beings and creatures are under Your power; You take care of all. Awip krqw Awip Bugqw Awip sgl bIcwrIAw ] (691-10)aap kartaa aap bhugtaa aap sagal beechaaree-aa. He Himself is the Creator, and He Himself is the Enjoyer; He Himself is the Contemplator of all. ibnvMq nwnk gux gwie jIvw hir jpu jpau bnvwrIAw ]3] (691-11)binvant naanak gun gaa-ay jeevaa har jap japa-o banvaaree-aa. ||3|| Prays Nanak, singing Your Glorious Praises, I live, chanting the Chant of the Lord, the Lord of the world-forest. ||3|| qyrw drsu Apwru nwmu AmoleI jIau ] (691-11)tayraa daras apaar naam amola-ee jee-o. The Blessed Vision of Your Darshan is incomparable; Your Name is utterly priceless. iniq jpih qyry dws purK AqoleI jIau ] (691-12)nit jaapeh tayray daas purakh atola-ee jee-o. O my Incomputable Lord, Your humble servants ever meditate on You. sMq rsn vUTw Awip qUTw hir rsih syeI mwiqAw ] (691-12)sant rasan voothaa aap toothaa har raseh say-ee maati-aa. You dwell on the tongues of the Saints, by Your own pleasure; they are intoxicated with Your sublime essence, O Lord. gur crn lwgy mhw Bwgy sdw Anidnu jwigAw ] (691-13)gur charan laagay mahaa bhaagay sadaa an-din jaagi-aa. Those who are attached to Your feet are very blessed; night and day, they remain always awake and aware. sd sdw isMmRqb´ suAwmI swis swis gux boleI ] (691-13)sad sadaa simartab-y su-aamee saas saas gun bol-ee. Forever and ever, meditate in remembrance on the Lord and Master; with each and every breath, speak His Glorious Praises. ibnvMiq nwnk DUir swDU nwmu pRBU AmoleI ]4]1] (691-14)binvant naanak Dhoor saaDhoo naam parabhoo amola-ee. ||4||1|| Prays Nanak, let me become the dust of the feet of the Saints. God's Name is invaluable. ||4||1|| rwgu DnwsrI bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI (691-15)raag Dhanaasree banee bhagat kabeer jee kee Raag Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (691-15)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: snk snµd mhys smwnW ] syKnwig qyro mrmu n jwnW ]1] (691-16)sanak sanand mahays samaanaaN. saykhnaag tayro maram na jaanaaN. ||1|| Beings like Sanak, Sanand, Shiva and Shaysh-naaga - none of them know Your mystery, Lord. ||1|| sMqsMgiq rwmu irdY bsweI ]1] rhwau ] (691-16)santsangat raam ridai basaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. In the Society of the Saints, the Lord dwells within the heart. ||1||Pause|| hnUmwn sir gruV smwnW ] surpiq nrpiq nhI gun jwnW ]2] (691-17)hanoomaan sar garurh samaanaaN. surpat narpat nahee gun jaanaaN. ||2|| Beings like Hanumaan, Garura, Indra the King of the gods and the rulers of humans - none of them know Your Glories, Lord. ||2|| cwir byd Aru isMimRiq purwnW ] kmlwpiq kvlw nhI jwnW ]3] (691-17)chaar bayd ar simrit puraanaaN. kamlaapat kavlaa nahee jaanaaN. ||3|| The four Vedas, the Simritees and the Puraanas, Vishnu the Lord of Lakshmi and Lakshmi herself - none of them know the Lord. ||3|| kih kbIr so BrmY nwhI ] pg lig rwm rhY srnWhI ]4]1] (691-18)kahi kabeer so bharmai naahee. pag lag raam rahai sarnaaNhee. ||4||1|| Says Kabeer, one who falls at the Lord's feet, and remains in His Sanctuary, does not wander around lost. ||4||1|| |
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