Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (668-1)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

hir hir bUMd Bey hir suAwmI hm cwiqRk ibll ibllwqI ] (668-1)
har har boond bha-ay har su-aamee ham chaatrik bilal billaatee.
The Lord, Har, Har, is the rain-drop; I am the song-bird, crying, crying out for it.

hir hir ik®pw krhu pRB ApnI muiK dyvhu hir inmKwqI ]1] (668-2)
har har kirpaa karahu parabh apnee mukh dayvhu har nimkhaatee. ||1||
O Lord God, please bless me with Your Mercy, and pour Your Name into my mouth, even if for only an instant. ||1||

hir ibnu rih n skau iek rwqI ] (668-3)
har bin reh na saka-o ik raatee.
Without the Lord, I cannot live for even a second.

ijau ibnu AmlY AmlI mir jweI hY iqau hir ibnu hm mir jwqI ] rhwau ] (668-3)
ji-o bin amlai amlee mar jaa-ee hai ti-o har bin ham mar jaatee. rahaa-o.
Like the addict who dies without his drug, I die without the Lord. ||Pause||

qum hir srvr Aiq Agwh hm lih n skih AMqu mwqI ] (668-4)
tum har sarvar at agaah ham leh na sakahi ant maatee.
You, Lord, are the deepest, most unfathomable ocean; I cannot find even a trace of Your limits.

qU prY prY AprMpru suAwmI imiq jwnhu Awpn gwqI ]2] (668-5)
too parai parai aprampar su-aamee mit jaanhu aapan gaatee. ||2||
You are the most remote of the remote, limitless and transcendent; O Lord Master, You alone know Your state and extent. ||2||

hir ky sMq jnw hir jipE gur rMig clUlY rwqI ] (668-5)
har kay sant janaa har japi-o gur rang chaloolai raatee.
The Lord's humble Saints meditate on the Lord; they are imbued with the deep crimson color of the Guru's Love.

hir hir Bgiq bnI Aiq soBw hir jipE aUqm pwqI ]3] (668-6)
har har bhagat banee at sobhaa har japi-o ootam paatee. ||3||
Meditating on the Lord, they attain great glory, and the most sublime honor. ||3||

Awpy Twkuru Awpy syvku Awip bnwvY BwqI ] (668-6)
aapay thaakur aapay sayvak aap banaavai bhaatee.
He Himself is the Lord and Master, and He Himself is the servant; He Himself creates His environments.

nwnku jnu qumrI srxweI hir rwKhu lwj BgwqI ]4]5] (668-7)
naanak jan tumree sarnaa-ee har raakho laaj bhagaatee. ||4||5||
Servant Nanak has come to Your Sanctuary, O Lord; protect and preserve the honor of Your devotee. ||4||5||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (668-7)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

kiljug kw Drmu khhu qum BweI ikv CUth hm CutkwkI ] (668-8)
kalijug kaa Dharam kahhu tum bhaa-ee kiv chhootah ham chhutkaakee.
Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?

hir hir jpu byVI hir qulhw hir jipE qrY qrwkI ]1] (668-8)
har har jap bayrhee har tulhaa har japi-o tarai taraakee. ||1||
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||

hir jI lwj rKhu hir jn kI ] (668-9)
har jee laaj rakhahu har jan kee.
O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.

hir hir jpnu jpwvhu Apnw hm mwgI Bgiq iekwkI ] rhwau ] (668-9)
har har japan japaavhu apnaa ham maagee bhagat ikaakee. rahaa-o.
O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||

hir ky syvk sy hir ipAwry ijn jipE hir bcnwkI ] (668-10)
har kay sayvak say har pi-aaray jin japi-o har bachnaakee.
The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.

lyKw icqR gupiq jo iliKAw sB CUtI jm kI bwkI ]2] (668-11)
laykhaa chitar gupat jo likhi-aa sabh chhootee jam kee baakee. ||2||
The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||

hir ky sMq jipE min hir hir lig sMgiq swD jnw kI ] (668-11)
har kay sant japi-o man har har lag sangat saaDh janaa kee.
The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

idnIAru sUru iqRsnw Agin buJwnI isv cirE cMdu cMdwkI ]3] (668-12)
dinee-ar soor tarisnaa agan bujhaanee siv chari-o chand chandaakee. ||3||
The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||

qum vf purK vf Agm Agocr qum Awpy Awip ApwkI ] (668-12)
tum vad purakh vad agam agochar tum aapay aap apaakee.
You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.

jn nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY kir dwsin dws dswkI ]4]6] (668-13)
jan naanak ka-o parabh kirpaa keejai kar daasan daas dasaakee. ||4||6||
O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 Gru 5 dupdy (668-15)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4 ghar 5 dupday
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl, Fifth House, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (668-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

aur Dwir bIcwir murwir rmo rmu mnmohn nwmu jpIny ] (668-16)
ur Dhaar beechaar muraar ramo ram manmohan naam japeenay.
Enshrine the Lord within your heart, and contemplate Him. Dwell upon Him, reflect upon Him, and chant the Name of the Lord, the Enticer of hearts.

AidRstu Agocru AprMpr suAwmI guir pUrY pRgt kir dIny ]1] (668-16)
adrist agochar aprampar su-aamee gur poorai pargat kar deenay. ||1||
The Lord Master is unseen, unfathomable and unreachable; through the Perfect Guru, He is revealed. ||1||

rwm pwrs cMdn hm kwst lost ] (668-17)
raam paaras chandan ham kaasat losat.
The Lord is the philosopher's stone, which transforms lead into gold, and sandalwood, while I am just dry wood and iron.

hir sMig hrI sqsMgu Bey hir kMcnu cMdnu kIny ]1] rhwau ] (668-17)
har sang haree satsang bha-ay har kanchan chandan keenay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Associating with the Lord, and the Sat Sangat, the Lord's True Congregation, the Lord has transformed me into gold and sandalwood. ||1||Pause||

nv iCA Ktu bolih muK Awgr myrw hir pRBu iev n pqIny ] (668-18)
nav chhi-a khat boleh mukh aagar mayraa har parabh iv na pateenay.
One may repeat, verbatim, the nine grammars and the six Shaastras, but my Lord God is not pleased by this.

jn nwnk hir ihrdY sd iDAwvhu ieau hir pRBu myrw BIny ]2]1]7] (668-19)
jan naanak har hirdai sad Dhi-aavahu i-o har parabh mayraa bheenay. ||2||1||7||
O servant Nanak, meditate forever on the Lord in your heart; this is what pleases my Lord God. ||2||1||7||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (668-19)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl: