Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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667 hir hir Agm AgwiD boiD AprMpr purK ApwrI ] (667-1)har har agam agaaDh boDh aprampar purakh apaaree. The Lord, Har, Har, is unapproachable, of unfathomable wisdom, unlimited, all-powerful and infinite. jn kau ik®pw krhu jgjIvn jn nwnk pYj svwrI ]4]1] (667-1)jan ka-o kirpaa karahu jagjeevan jan naanak paij savaaree. ||4||1|| Show Mercy to Your humble servant, O Life of the world, and save the honor of servant Nanak. ||4||1|| DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (667-2)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4. Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl: hir ky sMq jnw hir jipE iqn kw dUKu Brmu Bau BwgI ] (667-2)har kay sant janaa har japi-o tin kaa dookh bharam bha-o bhaagee. The humble Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord; their pain, doubt and fear have run away. ApnI syvw Awip krweI gurmiq AMqir jwgI ]1] (667-3)apnee sayvaa aap karaa-ee gurmat antar jaagee. ||1|| The Lord Himself inspires them to serve Him; they are awakened within to the Guru's Teachings. ||1|| hir kY nwim rqw bYrwgI ] (667-3)har kai naam rataa bairaagee. Imbued with the Lord's Name, they are unattached to the world. hir hir kQw suxI min BweI gurmiq hir ilv lwgI ]1] rhwau ] (667-3)har har kathaa sunee man bhaa-ee gurmat har liv laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Listening to the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, their minds are pleased; through Guru's Instruction, they enshrine love for the Lord. ||1||Pause|| sMq jnw kI jwiq hir suAwmI qum@ Twkur hm sWgI ] (667-4)sant janaa kee jaat har su-aamee tumH thaakur ham saaNgee. God, the Lord and Master, is the caste and social status of His humble Saints. You are the Lord and Master; I am just Your puppet. jYsI miq dyvhu hir suAwmI hm qYsy bulg bulwgI ]2] (667-5)jaisee mat dayvhu har su-aamee ham taisay bulag bulaagee. ||2|| As is the understanding You bless us with, so are the words we speak. ||2|| ikAw hm ikrm nwn@ ink kIry qum@ vf purK vfwgI ] (667-5)ki-aa ham kiram naanH nik keeray tumH vad purakh vadaagee. What are we? Tiny worms, and microscopic germs. You are our great and glorious Lord and Master. qum@rI giq imiq kih n skh pRB hm ikau kir imlh ABwgI ]3] (667-6)tumHree gat mit kahi na sakah parabh ham ki-o kar milah abhaagee. ||3|| I cannot describe Your state and extent. O God, how can we unfortunate ones meet with You? ||3|| hir pRB suAwmI ikrpw Dwrhu hm hir hir syvw lwgI ] (667-7)har parabh su-aamee kirpaa Dhaarahu ham har har sayvaa laagee. O God, my Lord and Master, shower me with Your Mercy, and commit me to Your service. nwnk dwsin dwsu krhu pRB hm hir kQw kQwgI ]4]2] (667-7)naanak daasan daas karahu parabh ham har kathaa kathaagee. ||4||2|| Make Nanak the slave of Your slaves, God; I speak the speech of the Lord's sermon. ||4||2|| DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (667-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4. Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl: hir kw sMqu sqguru sq purKw jo bolY hir hir bwnI ] (667-8)har kaa sant satgur sat purkhaa jo bolai har har baanee. The True Guru is the Lord's Saint, the True Being, who chants the Bani of the Lord, Har, Har. jo jo khY suxY so mukqw hm iqs kY sd kurbwnI ]1] (667-9)jo jo kahai sunai so muktaa ham tis kai sad kurbaanee. ||1|| Whoever chants it, and listens to it, is liberated; I am forever a sacrifice to him. ||1|| hir ky sMq sunhu jsu kwnI ] (667-9)har kay sant sunhu jas kaanee. O Saints of the Lord, listen to the Lord's Praises with your ears. hir hir kQw sunhu iek inmK pl siB iklivK pwp lih jwnI ]1] rhwau ] (667-9)har har kathaa sunhu ik nimakh pal sabh kilvikh paap leh jaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Listen to the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, for a moment, for even an instant, and all your sins and mistakes shall be erased. ||1||Pause|| AYsw sMqu swDu ijn pwieAw qy vf purK vfwnI ] (667-10)aisaa sant saaDh jin paa-i-aa tay vad purakh vadaanee. Those who find such humble, Holy Saints, are the greatest of the great persons. iqn kI DUir mMgh pRB suAwmI hm hir loc lucwnI ]2] (667-11)tin kee Dhoor mangah parabh su-aamee ham har loch luchaanee. ||2|| I beg for the dust of their feet; I long for the longing for God, my Lord and Master. ||2|| hir hir sPilE ibrKu pRB suAwmI ijn jipE sy iqRpqwnI ] (667-11)har har safli-o birakh parabh su-aamee jin japi-o say tariptaanee. The Name of God, the Lord and Master, Har, Har, is the fruit-bearing tree; those who meditate on it are satisfied. hir hir AMimRqu pI iqRpqwsy sB lwQI BUK BuKwnI ]3] (667-12)har har amrit pee tariptaasay sabh laathee bhookh bhukhaanee. ||3|| Drinking in the ambrosia of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I am satisfied; all my hunger and thirst is quenched. ||3|| ijn ky vfy Bwg vf aUcy iqn hir jipE jpwnI ] (667-13)jin kay vaday bhaag vad oochay tin har japi-o japaanee. Those who are blessed with the highest, loftiest destiny, chant and meditate on the Lord. iqn hir sMgiq myil pRB suAwmI jn nwnk dws dswnI ]4]3] (667-13)tin har sangat mayl parabh su-aamee jan naanak daas dasaanee. ||4||3|| Let me join their congregation, O God, my Lord and Master; Nanak is the slave of their slaves. ||4||3|| DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (667-14)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4. Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl: hm AMDuly AMD ibKY ibKu rwqy ikau cwlh gur cwlI ] (667-14)ham anDhulay anDh bikhai bikh raatay ki-o chaalah gur chaalee. I am blind, totally blind, entangled in corruption and poison. How can I walk on the Guru's Path? sqguru dieAw kry suKdwqw hm lwvY Awpn pwlI ]1] (667-15)satgur da-i-aa karay sukh-daata ham laavai aapan paalee. ||1|| If the True Guru, the Giver of peace, shows His kindness, He attaches us to the hem of His robe. ||1|| gurisK mIq clhu gur cwlI ] (667-15)gursikh meet chalhu gur chaalee. O Sikhs of the Guru, O friends, walk on the Guru's Path. jo guru khY soeI Bl mwnhu hir hir kQw inrwlI ]1] rhwau ] (667-16)jo gur kahai so-ee bhal maanhu har har kathaa niraalee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whatever the Guru says, accept that as good; the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, is unique and wonderful. ||1||Pause|| hir ky sMq suxhu jn BweI guru syivhu byig bygwlI ] (667-16)har kay sant sunhu jan bhaa-ee gur sayvihu bayg baygaalee. O Saints of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, listen: serve the Guru, quickly now! sqguru syiv Krcu hir bwDhu mq jwxhu Awju ik kwl@I ]2] (667-17)satgur sayv kharach har baaDhhu mat jaanhu aaj ke kaalHee. ||2|| Let your service to the True Guru be your supplies on the Lord's Path; pack them up, and don't think of today or tomorrow. ||2|| hir ky sMq jphu hir jpxw hir sMqu clY hir nwlI ] (667-18)har kay sant japahu har japnaa har sant chalai har naalee. O Saints of the Lord, chant the chant of the Lord's Name; the Lord's Saints walk with the Lord. ijn hir jipAw sy hir hoey hir imilAw kyl kylwlI ]3] (667-18)jin har japi-aa say har ho-ay har mili-aa kayl kaylaalee. ||3|| Those who meditate on the Lord, become the Lord; the playful, wondrous Lord meets them. ||3|| hir hir jpnu jip loc luocwnI hir ikrpw kir bnvwlI ] (667-19)har har japan jap loch lochaanee har kirpaa kar banvaalee. To chant the chant of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, is the longing I long for; have Mercy upon me, O Lord of the world-forest. jn nwnk sMgiq swD hir mylhu hm swD jnw pg rwlI ]4]4] (667-19)jan naanak sangat saaDh har maylhu ham saaDh janaa pag raalee. ||4||4|| O Lord, unite servant Nanak with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; make me the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||4||4|| |
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