Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


nwnk Awpy vyKY Awpy sic lwey ]4]7] (666-1)
naanak aapay vaykhai aapay sach laa-ay. ||4||7||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself sees all; He Himself links us to the Truth. ||4||7||

DnwsrI mhlw 3 ] (666-1)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3.
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl:

nwvY kI kImiq imiq khI n jwie ] (666-1)
naavai kee keemat mit kahee na jaa-ay.
The value and worth of the Lord's Name cannot be described.

sy jn DMnu ijn iek nwim ilv lwie ] (666-2)
say jan Dhan jin ik naam liv laa-ay.
Blessed are those humble beings, who lovingly focus their minds on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gurmiq swcI swcw vIcwru ] (666-2)
gurmat saachee saachaa veechaar.
True are the Guru's Teachings, and True is contemplative meditation.

Awpy bKsy dy vIcwru ]1] (666-2)
aapay bakhsay day veechaar. ||1||
God Himself forgives, and bestows contemplative meditation. ||1||

hir nwmu Acrju pRBu Awip suxwey ] (666-3)
har naam achraj parabh aap sunaa-ay.
The Lord's Name is wonderful! God Himself imparts it.

klI kwl ivic gurmuiK pwey ]1] rhwau ] (666-3)
kalee kaal vich gurmukh paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Gurmukhs obtain it. ||1||Pause||

hm mUrK mUrK mn mwih ] (666-3)
ham moorakh moorakh man maahi.
We are ignorant; ignorance fills our minds.

haumY ivic sB kwr kmwih ] (666-4)
ha-umai vich sabh kaar kamaahi.
We do all our deeds in ego.

gur prswdI hMaumY jwie ] (666-4)
gur parsaadee haN-umai jaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, egotism is eradicated.

Awpy bKsy ley imlwie ]2] (666-4)
aapay bakhsay la-ay milaa-ay. ||2||
Forgiving us, the Lord blends us with Himself. ||2||

ibiKAw kw Dnu bhuqu AiBmwnu ] (666-5)
bikhi-aa kaa Dhan bahut abhimaan.
Poisonous wealth gives rise to great arrogance.

AhMkwir fUbY n pwvY mwnu ] (666-5)
ahaNkaar doobai na paavai maan.
Drowning in egotism, no one is honored.

Awpu Coif sdw suKu hoeI ] (666-5)
aap chhod sadaa sukh ho-ee.
Forsaking self-conceit, one finds lasting peace.

gurmiq swlwhI scu soeI ]3] (666-6)
gurmat saalaahee sach so-ee. ||3||
Under Guru's Instruction, he praises the True Lord. ||3||

Awpy swjy krqw soie ] (666-6)
aapay saajay kartaa so-ay.
The Creator Lord Himself fashions all.

iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koie ] (666-6)
tis bin doojaa avar na ko-ay.
Without Him, there is no other at all.

ijsu sic lwey soeI lwgY ] (666-6)
jis sach laa-ay so-ee laagai.
He alone is attached to Truth, whom the Lord Himself so attaches.

nwnk nwim sdw suKu AwgY ]4]8] (666-7)
naanak naam sadaa sukh aagai. ||4||8||
O Nanak, through the Naam, lasting peace is attained in the hereafter. ||4||8||

rwgu DnwisrI mhlw 3 Gru 4 (666-8)
raag Dhanaasiree mehlaa 3 ghar 4
Raag Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl, Fourth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (666-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hm BIKk ByKwrI qyry qU inj piq hY dwqw ] (666-9)
ham bheekhak bhaykhaaree tayray too nij pat hai daataa.
I am just a poor beggar of Yours; You are Your Own Lord Master, You are the Great Giver.

hohu dYAwl nwmu dyhu mMgq jn kMau sdw rhau rMig rwqw ]1] (666-9)
hohu dai-aal naam dayh mangat jan kaN-u sadaa raha-o rang raataa. ||1||
Be Merciful, and bless me, a humble beggar, with Your Name, so that I may forever remain imbued with Your Love. ||1||

hMau bilhwrY jwau swcy qyry nwm ivthu ] (666-10)
haN-u balihaarai jaa-o saachay tayray naam vitahu.
I am a sacrifice to Your Name, O True Lord.

krx kwrx sBnw kw eyko Avru n dUjw koeI ]1] rhwau ] (666-10)
karan kaaran sabhnaa kaa ayko avar na doojaa ko-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The One Lord is the Cause of causes; there is no other at all. ||1||Pause||

bhuqy Pyr pey ikrpn kau Ab ikCu ikrpw kIjY ] (666-11)
bahutay fayr pa-ay kirpan ka-o ab kichh kirpaa keejai.
I was wretched; I wandered through so many cycles of reincarnation. Now, Lord, please bless me with Your Grace.

hohu dieAwl drsnu dyhu Apunw AYsI bKs krIjY ]2] (666-11)
hohu da-i-aal darsan dayh apunaa aisee bakhas kareejai. ||2||
Be merciful, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; please grant me such a gift. ||2||

Bniq nwnk Brm pt KUl@y gur prswdI jwinAw ] (666-12)
bhanat naanak bharam pat khoolHay gur parsaadee jaani-aa.
Prays Nanak, the shutters of doubt have been opened wide; by Guru's Grace, I have come to know the Lord.

swcI ilv lwgI hY BIqir siqgur isau mnu mwinAw ]3]1]9] (666-12)
saachee liv laagee hai bheetar satgur si-o man maani-aa. ||3||1||9||
I am filled to overflowing with true love; my mind is pleased and appeased by the True Guru. ||3||1||9||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 Gru 1 caupdy (666-14)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4 ghar 1 cha-upday
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (666-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jo hir syvih sMq Bgq iqn ky siB pwp invwrI ] (666-15)
jo har sayveh sant bhagat tin kay sabh paap nivaaree.
Those Saints and devotees who serve the Lord have all their sins washed away.

hm aUpir ikrpw kir suAwmI rKu sMgiq qum ju ipAwrI ]1] (666-15)
ham oopar kirpaa kar su-aamee rakh sangat tum jo pi-aaree. ||1||
Have Mercy on me, O Lord and Master, and keep me in the Sangat, the Congregation that You love. ||1||

hir gux kih n skau bnvwrI ] (666-16)
har gun kahi na saka-o banvaaree.
I cannot even speak the Praises of the Lord, the Gardener of the world.

hm pwpI pwQr nIir fubq kir ikrpw pwKx hm qwrI ] rhwau ] (666-16)
ham paapee paathar neer dubat kar kirpaa paakhan ham taaree. rahaa-o.
We are sinners, sinking like stones in water; grant Your Grace, and carry us stones across. ||Pause||

jnm jnm ky lwgy ibKu morcw lig sMgiq swD svwrI ] (666-17)
janam janam kay laagay bikh morchaa lag sangat saaDh savaaree.
The rust of poison and corruption from countless incarnations sticks to us; joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, it is cleaned away.

ijau kMcnu bYsMqir qwieE mlu kwtI kitq auqwrI ]2] (666-17)
ji-o kanchan baisantar taa-i-o mal kaatee katit utaaree. ||2||
It is just like gold, which is heated in the fire, to remove the impurities from it. ||2||

hir hir jpnu jpau idnu rwqI jip hir hir hir auir DwrI ] (666-18)
har har japan japa-o din raatee jap har har har ur Dhaaree.
I chant the chant of the Name of the Lord, day and night; I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, and enshrine it within my heart.

hir hir hir AauKDu jig pUrw jip hir hir haumY mwrI ]3] (666-19)
har har har a-ukhaDh jag pooraa jap har har ha-umai maaree. ||3||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, is the most perfect medicine in this world; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have conquered my ego. ||3||