Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pRB swcy kI swcI kwr ] (665-1)
parabh saachay kee saachee kaar.
True is service to the True Lord God.

nwnk nwim svwrxhwr ]4]4] (665-1)
naanak naam savaaranhaar. ||4||4||
O Nanak, the Naam is the Embellisher. ||4||4||

DnwsrI mhlw 3 ] (665-1)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3.
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl:

jo hir syvih iqn bil jwau ] (665-1)
jo har sayveh tin bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to those who serve the Lord.

iqn ihrdY swcu scw muiK nwau ] (665-2)
tin hirdai saach sachaa mukh naa-o.
The Truth is in their hearts, and the True Name is on their lips.

swco swcu smwilhu duKu jwie ] (665-2)
saacho saach samaalihu dukh jaa-ay.
Dwelling upon the Truest of the True, their pains are dispelled.

swcY sbid vsY min Awie ]1] (665-2)
saachai sabad vasai man aa-ay. ||1||
Through the True Word of the Shabad, the Lord comes to dwell in their minds. ||1||

gurbwxI suix mYlu gvwey ] (665-3)
gurbaanee sun mail gavaa-ay.
Listening to the Word of Gurbani, filth is washed off,

shjy hir nwmu mMin vswey ]1] rhwau ] (665-3)
sehjay har naam man vasaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and they naturally enshrine the Lord's Name in their minds. ||1||Pause||

kUVu kusqu iqRsnw Agin buJwey ] (665-4)
koorh kusat tarisnaa agan bujhaa-ay.
One who conquers fraud, deceit and the fire of desire

AMqir sWiq shij suKu pwey ] (665-4)
antar saaNt sahj sukh paa-ay.
finds tranquility, peace and pleasure within.

gur kY BwxY clY qw Awpu jwie ] (665-4)
gur kai bhaanai chalai taa aap jaa-ay.
If one walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, he eliminates his self-conceit.

swcu mhlu pwey hir gux gwie ]2] (665-5)
saach mahal paa-ay har gun gaa-ay. ||2||
He finds the True Mansion of the Lord's Presence, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

n sbdu bUJY n jwxY bwxI ] (665-5)
na sabad boojhai na jaanai banee.
The blind, self-willed manmukh does not understand the Shabad; he does not know the Word of the Guru's Bani,

mnmuiK AMDy duiK ivhwxI ] (665-5)
manmukh anDhay dukh vihaanee.
and so he passes his life in misery.

siqguru Byty qw suKu pwey ] (665-6)
satgur bhaytay taa sukh paa-ay.
But if he meets the True Guru, then he finds peace,

haumY ivchu Twik rhwey ]3] (665-6)
ha-umai vichahu thaak rahaa-ay. ||3||
and the ego within is silenced. ||3||

iks no khIAY dwqw ieku soie ] (665-6)
kis no kahee-ai daataa ik so-ay.
Who else should I speak to? The One Lord is the Giver of all.

ikrpw kry sbid imlwvw hoie ] (665-7)
kirpaa karay sabad milaavaa ho-ay.
When He grants His Grace, then we obtain the Word of the Shabad.

imil pRIqm swcy gux gwvw ] (665-7)
mil pareetam saachay gun gaavaa.
Meeting with my Beloved, I sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.

nwnk swcy swcw Bwvw ]4]5] (665-7)
naanak saachay saachaa bhaavaa. ||4||5||
O Nanak, becoming truthful, I have become pleasing to the True Lord. ||4||5||

DnwsrI mhlw 3 ] (665-8)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3.
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl:

mnu mrY Dwqu mir jwie ] (665-8)
man marai Dhaat mar jaa-ay.
When the mind is conquered, its turbulent wanderings are stopped.

ibnu mn mUey kYsy hir pwie ] (665-8)
bin man moo-ay kaisay har paa-ay.
Without conquering the mind, how can the Lord be found?

iehu mnu mrY dwrU jwxY koie ] (665-8)
ih man marai daaroo jaanai ko-ay.
Rare is the one who knows the medicine to conquer the mind.

mnu sbid mrY bUJY jnu soie ]1] (665-9)
man sabad marai boojhai jan so-ay. ||1||
The mind is conquered through the Word of the Shabad; this is known to the Lord's humble servant. ||1||

ijs no bKsy hir dy vifAweI ] (665-9)
jis no bakhsay har day vadi-aa-ee.
The Lord forgives him, and blesses him with glory.

gur prswid vsY min AweI ] rhwau ] (665-9)
gur parsaad vasai man aa-ee. rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind. ||Pause||

gurmuiK krxI kwr kmwvY ] (665-10)
gurmukh karnee kaar kamaavai.
The Gurmukh does good deeds,

qw iesu mn kI soJI pwvY ] (665-10)
taa is man kee sojhee paavai.
and so, he comes to understand this mind.

mnu mY mqu mYgl imkdwrw ] (665-10)
man mai mat maigal mikdaaraa.
The mind is intoxicated, like the elephant with wine.

guru AMksu mwir jIvwlxhwrw ]2] (665-11)
gur ankas maar jeevaalanhaaraa. ||2||
The Guru places the harness upon it, and rejuvenates it. ||2||

mnu AswDu swDY jnu koeI ] (665-11)
man asaaDh saaDhai jan ko-ee.
The mind is undisciplined; only a rare few can discipline it.

Acru crY qw inrmlu hoeI ] (665-11)
achar charai taa nirmal ho-ee.
If someone eats the uneatable, then he becomes immaculate.

gurmuiK iehu mnu lieAw svwir ] (665-12)
gurmukh ih man la-i-aa savaar.
As Gurmukh, his mind is embellished.

haumY ivchu qjY ivkwr ]3] (665-12)
ha-umai vichahu tajai vikaar. ||3||
Egotism and corruption are eradicated from within. ||3||

jo Duir riKAnu myil imlwie ] (665-12)
jo Dhur rakhi-an mayl milaa-ay.
Those whom the Primal Lord keeps united in His Union,

kdy n ivCuVih sbid smwie ] (665-13)
kaday na vichhurheh sabad samaa-ay.
shall never be separated from Him; they are merged in the Word of the Shabad.

AwpxI klw Awpy pRBu jwxY ] (665-13)
aapnee kalaa aapay parabh jaanai.
Only God Himself knows His own power.

nwnk gurmuiK nwmu pCwxY ]4]6] (665-13)
naanak gurmukh naam pachhaanai. ||4||6||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||6||

DnwsrI mhlw 3 ] (665-14)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3.
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl:

kwcw Dnu sMcih mUrK gwvwr ] (665-14)
kaachaa Dhan saNcheh moorakh gaavaar.
The ignorant fools amass false wealth.

mnmuK BUly AMD gwvwr ] (665-14)
manmukh bhoolay anDh gaavaar.
The blind, foolish, self-willed manmukhs have gone astray.

ibiKAw kY Din sdw duKu hoie ] (665-15)
bikhi-aa kai Dhan sadaa dukh ho-ay.
Poisonous wealth brings constant pain.

nw swiQ jwie n prwpiq hoie ]1] (665-15)
naa saath jaa-ay na paraapat ho-ay. ||1||
It will not go with you, and it will not yield any profit. ||1||

swcw Dnu gurmqI pwey ] (665-15)
saachaa Dhan gurmatee paa-ay.
True wealth is obtained through the Guru's Teachings.

kwcw Dnu Puin AwvY jwey ] rhwau ] (665-16)
kaachaa Dhan fun aavai jaa-ay. rahaa-o.
False wealth continues coming and going. ||Pause||

mnmuiK BUly siB mrih gvwr ] (665-16)
manmukh bhoolay sabh mareh gavaar.
The foolish self-willed manmukhs all go astray and die.

Bvjil fUby n aurvwir n pwir ] (665-16)
bhavjal doobay na urvaar na paar.
They drown in the terrifying world-ocean, and they cannot reach either this shore, or the one beyond.

siqguru Byty pUrY Bwig ] (665-17)
satgur bhaytay poorai bhaag.
But by perfect destiny, they meet the True Guru;

swic rqy Aihinis bYrwig ]2] (665-17)
saach ratay ahinis bairaag. ||2||
imbued with the True Name, day and night, they remain detached from the world. ||2||

chu jug mih AMimRqu swcI bwxI ] (665-17)
chahu jug meh amrit saachee banee.
Throughout the four ages, the True Bani of His Word is Ambrosial Nectar.

pUrY Bwig hir nwim smwxI ] (665-18)
poorai bhaag har naam samaanee.
By perfect destiny, one is absorbed in the True Name.

isD swiDk qrsih siB loie ] (665-18)
siDh saaDhik tarseh sabh lo-ay.
The Siddhas, the seekers and all men long for the Name.

pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoie ]3] (665-18)
poorai bhaag paraapat ho-ay. ||3||
It is obtained only by perfect destiny. ||3||

sBu ikCu swcw swcw hY soie ] (665-19)
sabh kichh saachaa saachaa hai so-ay.
The True Lord is everything; He is True.

aUqm bRhmu pCwxY koie ] (665-19)
ootam barahm pachhaanai ko-ay.
Only a few realize the exalted Lord God.

scu swcw scu Awip idRVwey ] (665-19)
sach saachaa sach aap drirh-aa-ay.
He is the Truest of the True; He Himself implants the True Name within.