Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gun khu hir lhu kir syvw siqgur iev hir hir nwmu iDAweI ] (669-1)
gun kaho har lahu kar sayvaa satgur iv har har naam Dhi-aa-ee.
Chant His Praises, learn of the Lord, and serve the True Guru; in this way, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir drgh Bwvih iPir jnim n Awvih hir hir hir joiq smweI ]1] (669-1)
har dargeh bhaaveh fir janam na aavahi har har har jot samaa-ee. ||1||
In the Court of the Lord, He shall be pleased with you, and you shall not have to enter the cycle of reincarnation again; you shall merge in the Divine Light of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||1||

jip mn nwmu hrI hoih srb suKI ] (669-2)
jap man naam haree hohi sarab sukhee.
Chant the Name of the Lord, O my mind, and you shall be totally at peace.

hir jsu aUc sBnw qy aUpir hir hir hir syiv CfweI ] rhwau ] (669-2)
har jas ooch sabhnaa tay oopar har har har sayv chhadaa-ee. rahaa-o.
The Lord's Praises are the most sublime, the most exalted; serving the Lord, Har, Har, Har, you shall be emancipated. ||Pause||

hir ik®pw iniD kInI guir Bgiq hir dInI qb hir isau pRIiq bin AweI ] (669-3)
har kirpaa niDh keenee gur bhagat har deenee tab har si-o pareet ban aa-ee.
The Lord, the treasure of mercy, blessed me, and so the Guru blessed me with the Lord's devotional worship; I have come to be in love with the Lord.

bhu icMq ivswrI hir nwmu auir DwrI nwnk hir Bey hY sKweI ]2]2]8] (669-4)
baho chint visaaree har naam ur Dhaaree naanak har bha-ay hai sakhaa-ee. ||2||2||8||
I have forgotten my cares and anxieties, and enshrined the Lord's Name in my heart; O Nanak, the Lord has become my friend and companion. ||2||2||8||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (669-5)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

hir pVu hir ilKu hir jip hir gwau hir Baujlu pwir auqwrI ] (669-5)
har parh har likh har jap har gaa-o har bha-ojal paar utaaree.
Read about the Lord, write about the Lord, chant the Lord's Name, and sing the Lord's Praises; the Lord will carry you across the terrifying world-ocean.

min bcin irdY iDAwie hir hoie sMqustu iev Bxu hir nwmu murwrI ]1] (669-6)
man bachan ridai Dhi-aa-ay har ho-ay santusat iv bhan har naam muraaree. ||1||
In your mind, by your words, and within your heart, meditate on the Lord, and He will be pleased. In this way, repeat the Name of the Lord. ||1||

min jpIAY hir jgdIs ] (669-6)
man japee-ai har jagdees.
O mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the World.

imil sMgiq swDU mIq ] (669-7)
mil sangat saaDhoo meet.
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O friend.

sdw Anµdu hovY idnu rwqI hir kIriq kir bnvwrI ] rhwau ] (669-7)
sadaa anand hovai din raatee har keerat kar banvaaree. rahaa-o.
You shall be happy forever, day and night; sing the Praises of the Lord, the Lord of the world-forest. ||Pause||

hir hir krI idRsit qb BieE min audmu hir hir nwmu jipE giq BeI hmwrI ] (669-8)
har har karee darisat tab bha-i-o man udam har har naam japi-o gat bha-ee hamaaree.
When the Lord, Har, Har, casts His Glance of Grace, then I made the effort in my mind; meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have been emancipated.

jn nwnk kI piq rwKu myry suAwmI hir Awie pirE hY srix qumwrI ]2]3]9] (669-8)
jan naanak kee pat raakh mayray su-aamee har aa-ay pari-o hai saran tumaaree. ||2||3||9||
Preserve the honor of servant Nanak, O my Lord and Master; I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. ||2||3||9||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (669-9)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

caurwsIh isD buD qyqIs koit muin jn siB cwhih hir jIau qyro nwau ] (669-10)
cha-oraaseeh siDh buDh taytees kot mun jan sabh chaaheh har jee-o tayro naa-o.
The eighty-four Siddhas, the spiritual masters, the Buddhas, the three hundred thirty million gods and the silent sages, all long for Your Name, O Dear Lord.

gur pRswid ko ivrlw pwvY ijn kau illwit iliKAw Duir Bwau ]1] (669-10)
gur parsaad ko virlaa paavai jin ka-o lilaat likhi-aa Dhur bhaa-o. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, a rare few obtain it; upon their foreheads, the pre-ordained destiny of loving devotion is written. ||1||

jip mn rwmY nwmu hir jsu aUqm kwm ] (669-11)
jap man raamai naam har jas ootam kaam.
O mind, chant the Name of the Lord; singing the Lord's Praises is the most exalted activity.

jo gwvih suxih qyrw jsu suAwmI hau iqn kY sd bilhwrY jwau ] rhwau ] (669-11)
jo gaavahi suneh tayraa jas su-aamee ha-o tin kai sad balihaarai jaa-o. rahaa-o.
I am forever a sacrifice to those who sing, and hear Your Praises, O Lord and Master. ||Pause||

srxwgiq pRiqpwlk hir suAwmI jo qum dyhu soeI hau pwau ] (669-12)
sarnaagat partipaalak har su-aamee jo tum dayh so-ee ha-o paa-o.
I seek Your Sanctuary, O Cherisher God, my Lord and Master; whatever You give me, I accept.

dIn dieAwl ik®pw kir dIjY nwnk hir ismrx kw hY cwau ]2]4]10] (669-13)
deen da-i-aal kirpaa kar deejai naanak har simran kaa hai chaa-o. ||2||4||10||
O Lord, Merciful to the meek, give me this blessing; Nanak longs for the Lord's meditative remembrance. ||2||4||10||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (669-14)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

syvk isK pUjx siB Awvih siB gwvih hir hir aUqm bwnI ] (669-14)
sayvak sikh poojan sabh aavahi sabh gaavahi har har ootam baanee.
All the Sikhs and servants come to worship and adore You; they sing the sublime Bani of the Lord, Har, Har.

gwivAw suixAw iqn kw hir Qwie pwvY ijn siqgur kI AwigAw siq siq kir mwnI ]1] (669-15)
gaavi-aa suni-aa tin kaa har thaa-ay paavai jin satgur kee aagi-aa sat sat kar maanee. ||1||
Their singing and listening is approved by the Lord; they accept the Order of the True Guru as True, totally True. ||1||

bolhu BweI hir kIriq hir Bvjl qIriQ ] (669-16)
bolhu bhaa-ee har keerat har bhavjal tirath.
Chant the Lord's Praises, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage in the terrifying world-ocean.

hir dir iqn kI aUqm bwq hY sMqhu hir kQw ijn jnhu jwnI ] rhwau ] (669-16)
har dar tin kee ootam baat hai santahu har kathaa jin janhu jaanee. rahaa-o.
They alone are praised in the Court of the Lord, O Saints, who know and understand the Lord's sermon. ||Pause||

Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy Awpy hir pRBu coj ivfwnI ] (669-17)
aapay gur chaylaa hai aapay aapay har parabh choj vidaanee.
He Himself is the Guru, and He Himself is the disciple; the Lord God Himself plays His wondrous games.

jn nwnk Awip imlwey soeI hir imlsI Avr sB iqAwig Ehw hir BwnI ]2]5]11] (669-17)
jan naanak aap milaa-ay so-ee har milsee avar sabh ti-aag ohaa har bhaanee. ||2||5||11||
O servant Nanak, he alone merges with the Lord, whom the Lord Himself merges; all the others are forsaken, but the Lord loves him. ||2||5||11||

DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (669-18)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 4.
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:

ieCw pUrku srb suKdwqw hir jw kY vis hY kwmDynw ] (669-19)
ichhaa poorak sarab sukh-daata har jaa kai vas hai kaamDhaynaa.
The Lord is the Fulfiller of desires, the Giver of total peace; the Kaamadhaynaa, the wish-fulfilling cow, is in His power.

so AYsw hir iDAweIAY myry jIAVy qw srb suK pwvih myry mnw ]1] (669-19)
so aisaa har Dhi-aa-ee-ai mayray jee-arhay taa sarab sukh paavahi mayray manaa. ||1||
So meditate on such a Lord, O my soul. Then, you shall obtain total peace, O my mind. ||1||