Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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658 rwj BuieAMg pRsMg jYsy hih Ab kCu mrmu jnwieAw ] (658-1)raaj bhu-i-ang parsang jaisay heh ab kachh maram janaa-i-aa. Like the story of the rope mistaken for a snake, the mystery has now been explained to me. Aink ktk jYsy BUil pry Ab khqy khnu n AwieAw ]3] (658-1)anik katak jaisay bhool paray ab kahtay kahan na aa-i-aa. ||3|| Like the many bracelets, which I mistakenly thought were gold; now, I do not say what I said then. ||3|| srby eyku AnykY suAwmI sB Gt BuogvY soeI ] (658-2)sarbay ayk anaykai su-aamee sabh ghat bhogvai so-ee. The One Lord is pervading the many forms; He enjoys Himself in all hearts. kih rivdws hwQ pY nyrY shjy hoie su hoeI ]4]1] (658-2)kahi ravidaas haath pai nayrai sehjay ho-ay so ho-ee. ||4||1|| Says Ravi Daas, the Lord is nearer than our own hands and feet. Whatever will be, will be. ||4||1|| jau hm bWDy moh Pws hm pRym bDin qum bwDy ] (658-3)ja-o ham baaNDhay moh faas ham paraym baDhan tum baaDhay. If I am bound by the noose of emotional attachment, then I shall bind You, Lord, with the bonds of love. Apny CUtn ko jqnu krhu hm CUty qum AwrwDy ]1] (658-3)apnay chhootan ko jatan karahu ham chhootay tum aaraaDhay. ||1|| Go ahead and try to escape, Lord; I have escaped by worshipping and adoring You. ||1|| mwDvy jwnq hhu jYsI qYsI ] (658-4)maaDhvay jaanat hahu jaisee taisee. O Lord, You know my love for You. Ab khw krhugy AYsI ]1] rhwau ] (658-4)ab kahaa karhugay aisee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Now, what will You do? ||1||Pause|| mInu pkir PWikE Aru kwitE rWiD kIE bhu bwnI ] (658-5)meen pakar faaNki-o ar kaati-o raaNDh kee-o baho baanee. A fish is caught, cut up, and cooked it in many different ways. KMf KMf kir Bojnu kIno qaU n ibsirE pwnI ]2] (658-5)khand khand kar bhojan keeno ta-oo na bisri-o paanee. ||2|| Bit by bit, it is eaten, but still, it does not forget the water. ||2|| Awpn bwpY nwhI iksI ko Bwvn ko hir rwjw ] (658-6)aapan baapai naahee kisee ko bhaavan ko har raajaa. The Lord, our King, is father to no one, except those who love Him. moh ptl sBu jgqu ibAwipE Bgq nhI sMqwpw ]3] (658-6)moh patal sabh jagat bi-aapi-o bhagat nahee santaapaa. ||3|| The veil of emotional attachment has been cast over the entire world, but it does not bother the Lord's devotee. ||3|| kih rivdws Bgiq iek bwFI Ab ieh kw isau khIAY ] (658-7)kahi ravidaas bhagat ik baadhee ab ih kaa si-o kahee-ai. Says Ravi Daas, my devotion to the One Lord is increasing; now, who can I tell this to? jw kwrin hm qum AwrwDy so duKu AjhU shIAY ]4]2] (658-8)jaa kaaran ham tum aaraaDhay so dukh ajhoo sahee-ai. ||4||2|| That which brought me to worship and adore You - I am still suffering that pain. ||4||2|| dulB jnmu puMn Pl pwieE ibrQw jwq AibbykY ] (658-8)dulabh janam punn fal paa-i-o birthaa jaat abibaykai. I obtained this precious human life as a reward for my past actions, but without discriminating wisdom, it is wasted in vain. rwjy ieMdR smsir igRh Awsn ibnu hir Bgiq khhu ikh lyKY ]1] (658-9)raajay indar samsar garih aasan bin har bhagat kahhu kih laykhai. ||1|| Tell me, without devotional worship of the Lord, of what use are mansions and thrones like those of King Indra? ||1|| n bIcwirE rwjw rwm ko rsu ] (658-9)na beechaari-o raajaa raam ko ras. You have not considered the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, our King; ijh rs An rs bIsir jwhI ]1] rhwau ] (658-10)jih ras an ras beesar jaahee. ||1|| rahaa-o. this sublime essence shall cause you to forget all other essences. ||1||Pause|| jwin Ajwn Bey hm bwvr soc Asoc idvs jwhI ] (658-10)jaan ajaan bha-ay ham baavar soch asoch divas jaahee. We do not know what we need to know, and we have become insane. We do not consider what we should consider; our days are passing away. ieMdRI sbl inbl ibbyk buiD prmwrQ prvys nhI ]2] (658-11)indree sabal nibal bibayk buDh parmaarath parvays nahee. ||2|| Our passions are strong, and our discriminating intellect is weak; we have no access to the supreme objective. ||2|| khIAq Awn AcrIAq An kCu smJ n prY Apr mwieAw ] (658-12)kahee-at aan achree-at an kachh samajh na parai apar maa-i-aa. We say one thing, and do something else; entangled in endless Maya, we do not understand anything. kih rivdws audws dws miq prhir kopu krhu jIA dieAw ]3]3] (658-12)kahi ravidaas udaas daas mat parhar kop karahu jee-a da-i-aa. ||3||3|| Says Ravi Daas, Your slave, O Lord, I am disillusioned and detached; please, spare me Your anger, and have mercy on my soul. ||3||3|| suK swgru surqr icMqwmin kwmDynu bis jw ky ] (658-13)sukh saagar surtar chintaaman kaamDhayn bas jaa kay. He is the ocean of peace; the miraculous tree of life, the wish-fulfilling jewel, and the Kaamadhayna, the cow which fulfills all desires, all are in His power. cwir pdwrQ Ast dsw isiD nv iniD kr ql qw ky ]1] (658-13)chaar padaarath asat dasaa siDh nav niDh kar tal taa kay. ||1|| The four great blessings, the eighteen supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, and the nine treasures, are all in the palm of His hand. ||1|| hir hir hir n jpih rsnw ] (658-14)har har har na jaapeh rasnaa. You do not chant with your tongue the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. Avr sB iqAwig bcn rcnw ]1] rhwau ] (658-14)avar sabh ti-aag bachan rachnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Abandon your involvement in all other words. ||1||Pause|| nwnw iKAwn purwn byd ibiD cauqIs AKr mWhI ] (658-15)naanaa khi-aan puraan bayd biDh cha-utees akhar maaNhee. The various Shaastras, Puranaas, and the Vedas of Brahma, are made up of thirty-four letters. ibAws ibcwir kihE prmwrQu rwm nwm sir nwhI ]2] (658-15)bi-aas bichaar kahi-o parmaarath raam naam sar naahee. ||2|| After deep contemplation, Vyaas spoke of the supreme objective; there is nothing equal to the Lord's Name. ||2|| shj smwiD aupwiD rhq Puin bfY Bwig ilv lwgI ] (658-16)sahj samaaDh upaaDh rahat fun badai bhaag liv laagee. Very fortunate are those who are absorbed in celestial bliss, and released from their entanglements; they are lovingly attached to the Lord. kih rivdws pRgwsu irdY Dir jnm mrn BY BwgI ]3]4] (658-17)kahi ravidaas pargaas ridai Dhar janam maran bhai bhaagee. ||3||4|| Says Ravi Daas, enshrine the Lord's Light within your heart, and your fear of birth and death shall run away from you. ||3||4|| jau qum igirvr qau hm morw ] (658-17)ja-o tum girivar ta-o ham moraa. If You are the mountain, Lord, then I am the peacock. jau qum cMd qau hm Bey hY ckorw ]1] (658-18)ja-o tum chand ta-o ham bha-ay hai chakoraa. ||1|| If You are the moon, then I am the partridge in love with it. ||1|| mwDvy qum n qorhu qau hm nhI qorih ] (658-18)maaDhvay tum na torahu ta-o ham nahee toreh. O Lord, if You will not break with me, then I will not break with You. qum isau qoir kvn isau jorih ]1] rhwau ] (658-19)tum si-o tor kavan si-o joreh. ||1|| rahaa-o. For, if I were to break with You, with whom would I then join? ||1||Pause|| jau qum dIvrw qau hm bwqI ] (658-19)ja-o tum deevraa ta-o ham baatee. If You are the lamp, then I am the wick. jau qum qIrQ qau hm jwqI ]2] (658-19)ja-o tum tirath ta-o ham jaatee. ||2|| If You are the sacred place of pilgrimage, then I am the pilgrim. ||2|| |
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