Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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659 swcI pRIiq hm qum isau jorI ] (659-1)saachee pareet ham tum si-o joree. I am joined in true love with You, Lord. qum isau joir Avr sMig qorI ]3] (659-1)tum si-o jor avar sang toree. ||3|| I am joined with You, and I have broken with all others. ||3|| jh jh jwau qhw qyrI syvw ] (659-2)jah jah jaa-o tahaa tayree sayvaa. Wherever I go, there I serve You. qum so Twkuru Aauru n dyvw ]4] (659-2)tum so thaakur a-or na dayvaa. ||4|| There is no other Lord Master than You, O Divine Lord. ||4|| qumry Bjn ktih jm PWsw ] (659-2)tumray bhajan kateh jam faaNsaa. Meditating, vibrating upon You, the noose of death is cut away. Bgiq hyq gwvY rivdwsw ]5]5] (659-3)bhagat hayt gaavai ravidaasaa. ||5||5|| To attain devotional worship, Ravi Daas sings to You, Lord. ||5||5|| jl kI BIiq pvn kw QMBw rkq buMd kw gwrw ] (659-3)jal kee bheet pavan kaa thambhaa rakat bund kaa gaaraa. The body is a wall of water, supported by the pillars of air; the egg and sperm are the mortar. hwf mws nwVˆØI ko ipMjru pMKI bsY ibcwrw ]1] (659-3)haad maas naarheeN ko pinjar pankhee basai bichaaraa. ||1|| The framework is made up of bones, flesh and veins; the poor soul-bird dwells within it. ||1|| pRwnI ikAw myrw ikAw qyrw ] (659-4)paraanee ki-aa mayraa ki-aa tayraa. O mortal, what is mine, and what is yours? jYsy qrvr pMiK bsyrw ]1] rhwau ] (659-4)jaisay tarvar pankh basayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The soul is like a bird perched upon a tree. ||1||Pause|| rwKhu kMD auswrhu nIvW ] (659-5)raakho kanDh usaarahu neevaaN. You lay the foundation and build the walls. swFy qIin hwQ qyrI sIvW ]2] (659-5)saadhay teen haath tayree seevaaN. ||2|| But in the end, three and a half cubits will be your measured space. ||2|| bMky bwl pwg isir fyrI ] (659-5)bankay baal paag sir dayree. You make your hair beautiful, and wear a stylish turban on your head. iehu qnu hoiego Bsm kI FyrI ]3] (659-6)ih tan ho-igo bhasam kee dhayree. ||3|| But in the end, this body shall be reduced to a pile of ashes. ||3|| aUcy mMdr suMdr nwrI ] (659-6)oochay mandar sundar naaree. Your palaces are lofty, and your brides are beautiful. rwm nwm ibnu bwjI hwrI ]4] (659-6)raam naam bin baajee haaree. ||4|| But without the Lord's Name, you shall lose the game entirely. ||4|| myrI jwiq kmInI pWiq kmInI ECw jnmu hmwrw ] (659-6)mayree jaat kameenee paaNt kameenee ochhaa janam hamaaraa. My social status is low, my ancestry is low, and my life is wretched. qum srnwgiq rwjw rwm cMd kih rivdws cmwrw ]5]6] (659-7)tum sarnaagat raajaa raam chand kahi ravidaas chamaaraa. ||5||6|| I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Luminous Lord, my King; so says Ravi Daas, the shoemaker. ||5||6|| cmrtw gWiT n jneI ] (659-8)chamrataa gaaNth na jan-ee. I am a shoemaker, but I do not know how to mend shoes. logu gTwvY pnhI ]1] rhwau ] (659-8)log gathaavai panhee. ||1|| rahaa-o. People come to me to mend their shoes. ||1||Pause|| Awr nhI ijh qopau ] (659-8)aar nahee jih topa-o. I have no awl to stitch them; nhI rWbI Twau ropau ]1] (659-8)nahee raaNbee thaa-o ropa-o. ||1|| I have no knife to patch them. ||1|| logu gMiT gMiT Krw ibgUcw ] (659-9)log ganth ganth kharaa bigoochaa. Mending, mending, people waste their lives and ruin themselves. hau ibnu gWTy jwie phUcw ]2] (659-9)ha-o bin gaaNthay jaa-ay pahoochaa. ||2|| Without wasting my time mending, I have found the Lord. ||2|| rivdwsu jpY rwm nwmw ] (659-9)ravidaas japai raam naamaa. Ravi Daas chants the Lord's Name; moih jm isau nwhI kwmw ]3]7] (659-10)mohi jam si-o naahee kaamaa. ||3||7|| he is not concerned with the Messenger of Death. ||3||7|| rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq BIKn kI (659-11)raag sorath banee bhagat bheekhan kee Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Bheekhan Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (659-11)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: nYnhu nIru bhY qnu KInw Bey kys duD vwnI ] (659-12)nainhu neer bahai tan kheenaa bha-ay kays duDh vaanee. Tears well up in my eyes, my body has become weak, and my hair has become milky-white. rUDw kMTu sbdu nhI aucrY Ab ikAw krih prwnI ]1] (659-12)rooDhaa kanth sabad nahee uchrai ab ki-aa karahi paraanee. ||1|| My throat is tight, and I cannot utter even one word; what can I do now? I am a mere mortal. ||1|| rwm rwie hoih bYd bnvwrI ] (659-13)raam raa-ay hohi baid banvaaree. O Lord, my King, Gardener of the world-garden, be my Physician, Apny sMqh lyhu aubwrI ]1] rhwau ] (659-13)apnay santeh layho ubaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o. and save me, Your Saint. ||1||Pause|| mwQy pIr srIir jlin hY krk kryjy mwhI ] (659-13)maathay peer sareer jalan hai karak karayjay maahee. My head aches, my body is burning, and my heart is filled with anguish. AYsI bydn aupij KrI BeI vw kw AauKDu nwhI ]2] (659-14)aisee baydan upaj kharee bha-ee vaa kaa a-ukhaDh naahee. ||2|| Such is the disease that has struck me; there is no medicine to cure it. ||2|| hir kw nwmu AMimRq jlu inrmlu iehu AauKDu jig swrw ] (659-14)har kaa naam amrit jal nirmal ih a-ukhaDh jag saaraa. The Name of the Lord, the ambrosial, immaculate water, is the best medicine in the world. gur prswid khY jnu BIKnu pwvau moK duAwrw ]3]1] (659-15)gur parsaad kahai jan bheekhan paava-o mokh du-aaraa. ||3||1|| By Guru's Grace, says servant Bheekhan, I have found the Door of Salvation. ||3||1|| AYsw nwmu rqnu inrmolku puMin pdwrQu pwieAw ] (659-16)aisaa naam ratan nirmolak punn padaarath paa-i-aa. Such is the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the invaluable jewel, the most sublime wealth, which I have found through good deeds. Aink jqn kir ihrdY rwiKAw rqnu n CpY CpwieAw ]1] (659-16)anik jatan kar hirdai raakhi-aa ratan na chhapai chhapaa-i-aa. ||1|| By various efforts, I have enshrined it within my heart; this jewel cannot be hidden by hiding it. ||1|| hir gun khqy khnu n jweI ] (659-17)har gun kahtay kahan na jaa-ee. The Glorious Praises of the Lord cannot be spoken by speaking. jYsy gUMgy kI imiTAweI ]1] rhwau ] (659-17)jaisay goongay kee mithi-aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. They are like the sweet candies given to a mute. ||1||Pause|| rsnw rmq sunq suKu sRvnw icq cyqy suKu hoeI ] (659-18)rasnaa ramat sunat sukh sarvanaa chit chaytay sukh ho-ee. The tongue speaks, the ears listen, and the mind contemplates the Lord; they find peace and comfort. khu BIKn duie nYn sMqoKy jh dyKW qh soeI ]2]2] (659-18)kaho bheekhan du-ay nain santokhay jah daykhaaN tah so-ee. ||2||2|| Says Bheekhan, my eyes are content; wherever I look, there I see the Lord. ||2||2|| |
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