Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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657 nwid smwielo ry siqguru Byitly dyvw ]1] rhwau ] (657-1)naad samaa-ilo ray satgur bhaytilay dayvaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meeting the Divine True Guru, I merge into the sound current of the Naad. ||1||Pause|| jh iJil imil kwru idsMqw ] (657-1)jah jhil mil kaar disantaa. Where the dazzling white light is seen, qh Anhd sbd bjMqw ] (657-2)tah anhad sabad bajantaa. there the unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds. joqI joiq smwnI ] (657-2)jotee jot samaanee. One's light merges in the Light; mY gur prswdI jwnI ]2] (657-2)mai gur parsaadee jaanee. ||2|| by Guru's Grace, I know this. ||2|| rqn kml koTrI ] (657-2)ratan kamal kothree. The jewels are in the treasure chamber of the heart-lotus. cmkwr bIjul qhI ] (657-3)chamkaar beejul tahee. They sparkle and glitter like lightning. nyrY nwhI dUir ] (657-3)nayrai naahee door. The Lord is near at hand, not far away. inj AwqmY rihAw BrpUir ]3] (657-3)nij aatmai rahi-aa bharpoor. ||3|| He is totally permeating and pervading in my soul. ||3|| jh Anhq sUr auj´wrw ] (657-3)jah anhat soor uj-yaaraa. Where the light of the undying sun shines, qh dIpk jlY CMCwrw ] (657-4)tah deepak jalai chhanchhaaraa. the light of burning lamps seems insignificant. gur prswdI jwinAw ] (657-4)gur parsaadee jaani-aa. By Guru's Grace, I know this. jnu nwmw shj smwinAw ]4]1] (657-4)jan naamaa sahj samaani-aa. ||4||1|| Servant Naam Dayv is absorbed in the Celestial Lord. ||4||1|| Gru 4 soriT ] (657-5)ghar 4 sorath. Fourth House, Sorat'h: pwV pVosix pUiC ly nwmw kw pih Cwin CvweI ho ] (657-5)paarh parhosan poochh lay naamaa kaa peh chhaan chhavaa-ee ho. The woman next door asked Naam Dayv, "Who built your house? qo pih dugxI mjUrI dYhau mo kau byFI dyhu bqweI ho ]1] (657-5)to peh dugnee majooree daiha-o mo ka-o baydhee dayh bataa-ee ho. ||1|| I shall pay him double wages. Tell me, who is your carpenter?"||1|| rI bweI byFI dynu n jweI ] (657-6)ree baa-ee baydhee dayn na jaa-ee. O sister, I cannot give this carpenter to you. dyKu byFI rihE smweI ] (657-6)daykh baydhee rahi-o samaa-ee. Behold, my carpenter is pervading everywhere. hmwrY byFI pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ] (657-6)hamaarai baydhee paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. My carpenter is the Support of the breath of life. ||1||Pause|| byFI pRIiq mjUrI mWgY jau koaU Cwin CvwvY ho ] (657-7)baydhee pareet majooree maaNgai ja-o ko-oo chhaan chhavaavai ho. This carpenter demands the wages of love, if someone wants Him to build their house. log kutMb sBhu qy qorY qau Awpn byFI AwvY ho ]2] (657-7)log kutamb sabhahu tay torai ta-o aapan baydhee aavai ho. ||2|| When one breaks his ties with all the people and relatives, then the carpenter comes of His own accord. ||2|| AYso byFI brin n swkau sB AMqr sB TWeI ho ] (657-8)aiso baydhee baran na saaka-o sabh antar sabh thaaN-ee ho. I cannot describe such a carpenter, who is contained in everything, everywhere. gUMgY mhw AMimRq rsu cwiKAw pUCy khnu n jweI ho ]3] (657-8)gooNgai mahaa amrit ras chaakhi-aa poochhay kahan na jaa-ee ho. ||3|| The mute tastes the most sublime ambrosial nectar, but if you ask him to describe it, he cannot. ||3|| byFI ky gux suin rI bweI jliD bWiD DR¨ QwipE ho ] (657-9)baydhee kay gun sun ree baa-ee jalaDh baaNDh Dharoo thaapi-o ho. Listen to the virtues of this carpenter, O sister; He stopped the oceans, and established Dhroo as the pole star. nwmy ky suAwmI sIA bhorI lµk BBIKx AwipE ho ]4]2] (657-10)naamay kay su-aamee see-a bahoree lank bhabheekhan aapi-o ho. ||4||2|| Naam Dayv's Lord Master brought Sita back, and gave Sri Lanka to Bhabheekhan. ||4||2|| soriT Gru 3 ] (657-10)sorath ghar 3. Sorat'h, Third House: AxmiVAw mMdlu bwjY ] (657-10)anmarhi-aa mandal baajai. The skinless drum plays. ibnu swvx Gnhru gwjY ] (657-11)bin saavan ghanhar gaajai. Without the rainy season, the clouds shake with thunder. bwdl ibnu brKw hoeI ] (657-11)baadal bin barkhaa ho-ee. Without clouds, the rain falls, jau qqu ibcwrY koeI ]1] (657-11)ja-o tat bichaarai ko-ee. ||1|| if one contemplates the essence of reality. ||1|| mo kau imilE rwmu snyhI ] (657-12)mo ka-o mili-o raam sanayhee. I have met my Beloved Lord. ijh imilAY dyh sudyhI ]1] rhwau ] (657-12)jih mili-ai dayh sudayhee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meeting with Him, my body is made beauteous and sublime. ||1||Pause|| imil pwrs kMcnu hoieAw ] (657-12)mil paaras kanchan ho-i-aa. Touching the philosopher's stone, I have been transformed into gold. muK mnsw rqnu proieAw ] (657-13)mukh mansaa ratan paro-i-aa. I have threaded the jewels into my mouth and mind. inj Bwau BieAw BRmu Bwgw ] (657-13)nij bhaa-o bha-i-aa bharam bhaagaa. I love Him as my own, and my doubt has been dispelled. gur pUCy mnu pqIAwgw ]2] (657-13)gur poochhay man patee-aagaa. ||2|| Seeking the Guru's guidance, my mind is content. ||2|| jl BIqir kuMB smwinAw ] (657-13)jal bheetar kumbh samaani-aa. The water is contained within the pitcher; sB rwmu eyku kir jwinAw ] (657-14)sabh raam ayk kar jaani-aa. I know that the One Lord is contained in all. gur cyly hY mnu mwinAw ] (657-14)gur chaylay hai man maani-aa. The mind of the disciple has faith in the Guru. jn nwmY qqu pCwinAw ]3]3] (657-14)jan naamai tat pachhaani-aa. ||3||3|| Servant Naam Dayv understands the essence of reality. ||3||3|| rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq rivdws jI kI (657-16)raag sorath banee bhagat ravidaas jee kee Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Ravi Daas Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (657-16)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: jb hm hoqy qb qU nwhI Ab qUhI mY nwhI ] (657-17)jab ham hotay tab too naahee ab toohee mai naahee. When I am in my ego, then You are not with me. Now that You are with me, there is no egotism within me. Anl Agm jYsy lhir mie EdiD jl kyvl jl mWhI ]1] (657-17)anal agam jaisay lahar ma-i odaDh jal kayval jal maaNhee. ||1|| The wind may raise up huge waves in the vast ocean, but they are just water in water. ||1|| mwDvy ikAw khIAY BRmu AYsw ] (657-18)maaDhvay ki-aa kahee-ai bharam aisaa. O Lord, what can I say about such an illusion? jYsw mwnIAY hoie n qYsw ]1] rhwau ] (657-18)jaisaa maanee-ai ho-ay na taisaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Things are not as they seem. ||1||Pause|| nrpiq eyku isMGwsin soieAw supny BieAw iBKwrI ] (657-19)narpat ayk singhaasan so-i-aa supnay bha-i-aa bhikhaaree. It is like the king, who falls asleep upon his throne, and dreams that he is a beggar. ACq rwj ibCurq duKu pwieAw so giq BeI hmwrI ]2] (657-19)achhat raaj bichhurat dukh paa-i-aa so gat bha-ee hamaaree. ||2|| His kingdom is intact, but separated from it, he suffers in sorrow. Such is my own condition. ||2|| |
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