Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


quDu Awpy issit isrjIAw Awpy Puin goeI ] (654-1)
tuDh aapay sisat sirjee-aa aapay fun go-ee.
You Yourself created the world, and You Yourself shall destroy it in the end.

sBu ieko sbdu vrqdw jo kry su hoeI ] (654-1)
sabh iko sabad varatdaa jo karay so ho-ee.
The Word of Your Shabad alone is pervading everywhere; whatever You do, comes to pass.

vifAweI gurmuiK dyie pRBu hir pwvY soeI ] (654-2)
vadi-aa-ee gurmukh day-ay parabh har paavai so-ee.
God blesses the Gurmukh with glorious greatness, and then, he finds the Lord.

gurmuiK nwnk AwrwiDAw siB AwKhu DMnu DMnu DMnu guru soeI ]29]1] suDu (654-2)
gurmukh naanak aaraaDhi-aa sabh aakhahu Dhan Dhan Dhan gur so-ee. ||29||1|| suDhu
As Gurmukh, Nanak worships and adores the Lord; let everyone proclaim, "Blessed, blessed, blessed is He, the Guru!"||29||1||Sudh||

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq kbIr jI kI Gru 1 (654-4)
raag sorath banee bhagat kabeer jee kee ghar 1
Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (654-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

buq pUij pUij ihMdU mUey qurk mUey isru nweI ] (654-5)
but pooj pooj hindoo moo-ay turak moo-ay sir naa-ee.
Worshipping their idols, the Hindus die; the Muslims die bowing their heads.

Eie ly jwry Eie ly gwfy qyrI giq duhU n pweI ]1] (654-5)
o-ay lay jaaray o-ay lay gaaday tayree gat duhoo na paa-ee. ||1||
The Hindus cremate their dead, while the Muslims bury theirs; neither finds Your true state, Lord. ||1||

mn ry sMswru AMD ghyrw ] (654-6)
man ray sansaar anDh gahayraa.
O mind, the world is a deep, dark pit.

chu ids psirE hY jm jyvrw ]1] rhwau ] (654-6)
chahu dis pasri-o hai jam jayvraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
On all four sides, Death has spread his net. ||1||Pause||

kibq pVy piV kibqw mUey kpV kydwrY jweI ] (654-6)
kabit parhay parh kabitaa moo-ay kaparh kaydaarai jaa-ee.
Reciting their poems, the poets die; the mystical ascetics die while journeying to Kaydaar Naat'h.

jtw Dwir Dwir jogI mUey qyrI giq ienih n pweI ]2] (654-7)
jataa Dhaar Dhaar jogee moo-ay tayree gat ineh na paa-ee. ||2||
The Yogis die, with their matted hair, but even they do not find Your state, Lord. ||2||

drbu sMic sMic rwjy mUey gif ly kMcn BwrI ] (654-7)
darab sanch sanch raajay moo-ay gad lay kanchan bhaaree.
The kings die, gathering and hoarding their money, burying great quantities of gold.

byd pVy piV pMifq mUey rUpu dyiK dyiK nwrI ]3] (654-8)
bayd parhay parh pandit moo-ay roop daykh daykh naaree. ||3||
The Pandits die, reading and reciting the Vedas; women die, gazing at their own beauty. ||3||

rwm nwm ibnu sBY ibgUqy dyKhu inriK srIrw ] (654-8)
raam naam bin sabhai bigootay daykhhu nirakh sareeraa.
Without the Lord's Name, all come to ruin; behold, and know this, O body.

hir ky nwm ibnu ikin giq pweI kih aupdysu kbIrw ]4]1] (654-9)
har kay naam bin kin gat paa-ee kahi updays kabeeraa. ||4||1||
Without the Name of the Lord, who can find salvation? Kabeer speaks the Teachings. ||4||1||

jb jrIAY qb hoie Bsm qnu rhY ikrm dl KweI ] (654-10)
jab jaree-ai tab ho-ay bhasam tan rahai kiram dal khaa-ee.
When the body is burnt, it turns to ashes; if it is not cremated, then it is eaten by armies of worms.

kwcI gwgir nIru prqu hY ieAw qn kI iehY bfweI ]1] (654-10)
kaachee gaagar neer parat hai i-aa tan kee ihai badaa-ee. ||1||
The unbaked clay pitcher dissolves, when water is poured into it; this is also the nature of the body. ||1||

kwhy BeIAw iPrqO PUilAw PUilAw ] (654-11)
kaahay bha-ee-aa firtou fooli-aa fooli-aa.
Why, O Siblings of Destiny, do you strut around, all puffed up with pride?

jb ds mws aurD muK rhqw so idnu kYsy BUilAw ]1] rhwau ] (654-11)
jab das maas uraDh mukh rahtaa so din kaisay bhooli-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Have you forgotten those days, when you were hanging, face down, for ten months? ||1||Pause||

ijau mDu mwKI iqau sToir rsu joir joir Dnu kIAw ] (654-12)
ji-o maDh maakhee ti-o sathor ras jor jor Dhan kee-aa.
Like the bee which collects honey, the fool eagerly gathers and collects wealth.

mrqI bwr lyhu lyhu krIAY BUqu rhn ikau dIAw ]2] (654-12)
martee baar layho layho karee-ai bhoot rahan ki-o dee-aa. ||2||
At the time of death, they shout, "Take him away, take him away! Why leave a ghost lying around?"||2||

dyhurI lau brI nwir sMig BeI AwgY sjn suhylw ] (654-13)
dayhuree la-o baree naar sang bha-ee aagai sajan suhaylaa.
His wife accompanies him to the threshold, and his friends and companions beyond.

mrGt lau sBu logu kutMbu BieE AwgY hMsu Akylw ]3] (654-14)
marghat la-o sabh log kutamb bha-i-o aagai hans akaylaa. ||3||
All the people and relatives go as far as the cremation grounds, and then, the soul-swan goes on alone. ||3||

khqu kbIr sunhu ry pRwnI pry kwl gRs kUAw ] (654-14)
kahat kabeer sunhu ray paraanee paray kaal garas koo-aa.
Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal being: you have been seized by Death, and you have fallen into the deep, dark pit.

JUTI mwieAw Awpu bMDwieAw ijau nlnI BRim sUAw ]4]2] (654-15)
jhoothee maa-i-aa aap banDhaa-i-aa ji-o nalnee bharam soo-aa. ||4||2||
You have entangled yourself in the false wealth of Maya, like the parrot caught in the trap. ||4||2||

byd purwn sBY mq suin kY krI krm kI Awsw ] (654-15)
bayd puraan sabhai mat sun kai karee karam kee aasaa.
Listening to all the teachings of the Vedas and the Puraanas, I wanted to perform the religious rituals.

kwl gRsq sB log isAwny auiT pMifq pY cly inrwsw ]1] (654-16)
kaal garsat sabh log si-aanay uth pandit pai chalay niraasaa. ||1||
But seeing all the wise men caught by Death, I arose and left the Pandits; now I am free of this desire. ||1||

mn ry sirE n eykY kwjw ] (654-16)
man ray sari-o na aykai kaajaa.
O mind, you have not completed the only task you were given;

BijE n rGupiq rwjw ]1] rhwau ] (654-17)
bhaji-o na raghoopat raajaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
you have not meditated on the Lord, your King. ||1||Pause||

bn KMf jwie jogu qpu kIno kMd mUlu cuin KwieAw ] (654-17)
ban khand jaa-ay jog tap keeno kand mool chun khaa-i-aa.
Going to the forests, they practice Yoga and deep, austere meditation; they live on roots and the fruits they gather.

nwdI bydI sbdI monI jm ky ptY ilKwieAw ]2] (654-18)
naadee baydee sabdee monee jam kay patai likhaa-i-aa. ||2||
The musicians, the Vedic scholars, the chanters of one word and the men of silence, all are listed on the Register of Death. ||2||

Bgiq nwrdI irdY n AweI kwiC kUiC qnu dInw ] (654-18)
bhagat naardee ridai na aa-ee kaachh koochh tan deenaa.
Loving devotional worship does not enter into your heart; pampering and adorning your body, you must still give it up.

rwg rwgnI ifMB hoie bYTw auin hir pih ikAw lInw ]3] (654-19)
raag raagnee dinbh ho-ay baithaa un har peh ki-aa leenaa. ||3||
You sit and play music, but you are still a hypocrite; what do you expect to receive from the Lord? ||3||

pirE kwlu sBY jg aUpr mwih ilKy BRm igAwnI ] (654-19)
pari-o kaal sabhai jag oopar maahi likhay bharam gi-aanee.
Death has fallen on the whole world; the doubting religious scholars are also listed on the Register of Death.